Wednesday 15 November 2017

Opciones Binarias Si

iFollow Signals

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Advertencia Emptor. Dejar que el comprador tenga cuidado. Palabras valiosas para cualquier persona a tener en cuenta, pero cuidado con qué? A veces hay que tener cuidado con el producto o servicio y, a veces hay que tener cuidado con el proveedor ya veces hay que tener cuidado de ambos. ¿Por qué estoy hablando de esto ahora? Porque hay otro estafador en el suelto que los comerciantes de las opciones binarias necesitan ser conscientes de y tener cuidado de. Se trata de iFollow Signals. com. Este nuevo sitio web es un nuevo proveedor de software de opciones binarias gratuitas que envía señales directamente a usted en una variedad de formas. El sistema utiliza una interfaz propietaria e intuitiva que es capaz de proporcionarle +/- 80% de precisión.

Lo mejor de este nuevo servicio, y una de las primeras cosas que aprenderá al respecto, es que es gratis. Totalmente, 100%, ningún pago requerido, ningunas secuencias atadas libres. Debería haber puesto citas alrededor de la parte "sin restricciones" porque eso es lo que dicen. Sin ataduras. En artículos anteriores he expuesto sobre lo que realmente significa libre, así que no lo haría aquí, pero sólo para tocar la base de muchas definiciones estándar de libre incluir fraseo muy similar a "sin cadenas". Lo único que tienes que hacer es proporcionar una dirección de correo electrónico válida para recibir una clave de licencia para el software. Una vez que se haya confirmado, podrá comenzar a utilizar el software y recibir señales inmediatamente. Sin embargo, no te preocupes, dicen que valoran tu privacidad y sabes que siempre puedes confiar en lo que lees en Internet.

¿Qué es iFollow Signals?

¿Qué es exactamente iFollow Signals? Se trata de un paquete de software que proporciona algoritmos de opciones binarias señales comerciales. Sólo se necesitan tres sencillos pasos para usar, de acuerdo con el sitio web. Simplemente descargue, active y comience a operar. Es así de simple. Las señales llegan a través de su sistema de entrega propietario. Ellos desarrollaron este sistema porque los correos electrónicos pueden ralentizar y causar ineficiencias en el comercio. Su sistema "intergrated" ofrece señales directamente a usted en 40 milisegundos. En cuanto a rendimiento que reclaman una tasa de éxito de + 80%. Esto es bastante bueno y no a una afirmación salvaje para creer, pero al leer en sus reclamaciones encontré mi primera pista y señal de advertencia de que no todo era lo que parecía.

Con el fin de probar sus reclamaciones y tener acceso a lo que son, supuestamente, las revisiones objetivas y las opiniones que obtiene una clave de licencia gratuita como se ha dicho, por sólo 30 días. Esas personas correctas, como yo sospechaba, libremente no son realmente gratis y ciertamente parece haber al menos una cadena adjunta. Esto es preocupante para mí porque claramente dijeron en la primera no había cuerdas. En cuanto a su declaración de misión, el deseo de operar con integridad para proporcionar operaciones transparentes y señales precisas. Las tácticas de cebo y cambio demostradas aquí hacen poco para proporcionar transparencia o evidencia de integridad. En cuanto a la exactitud de sus señales ¿cómo puede incluso empezar a confiar en ellos?

El último golpe para este SSP, el último clavo en el ataúd para ellos por así decirlo, es lo que encontré en el fondo de la página. No sólo es el servicio no es gratuito, no sólo son engañosos comerciantes en su web, sino que también son una estafa de marketing de afiliados! Usted tiene que unirse a través de uno de sus corredores de confianza para obtener sus códigos y activar el servicio. No importa que algunos corredores que recomiendan están bien, si te hacen firmar y financiar una cuenta significa que están haciendo dinero de usted y el servicio es definitivamente no es gratis. Ah, y si ya tienes una cuenta, puedes seguir adelante y comprarla.

Sigo Señal, Sólo No iFollow Señales

Realmente sigo algunas señales pero no voy a usar este proveedor. Las mejores señales, consejos y asesoramiento comercial siempre se pueden encontrar en un foro de opciones binarias como el de BONET. Foros son lugares fantásticos para encontrar a otras personas que en realidad están negociando binario y hacerlo con éxito. Si usted está preocupado de ser estafado a través de un foro don & # 8217; t ser. Lo creas o no, es casi tan fácil de detectar BS a través de una sala de chat, ya que está en persona. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es preguntarte esta pregunta, ¿es la persona que realmente me está ayudando o está tratando de conseguir que deposite, financie o compre algo? La ayuda verdadera será provechosa y won & # 8217; t viene con cualquier secuencia. Encontré una cosa de valor mientras que comprueba hacia fuera este Web site, una cotización de Ben Franklin que es tan verdad ahora como era hace 250 años. "Una inversión en conocimiento paga el mejor dividendo".

Yo sigo

IFollow es la característica más reciente de la plataforma de CherryTrade. IFollow permite a los operadores seguir a los mejores y más experimentados operadores de nuestra plataforma. Los comerciantes principiantes son capaces de obtener ganancias sustanciales simplemente siguiendo a nuestros comerciantes más avanzados, desde el día en que depositan fondos en su cuenta. Todos los comerciantes tienen que hacer es elegir el comerciante que creen que será el más exitoso y automáticamente tienen todos sus oficios duplicados en su cuenta.

Aquí está el proceso de cómo usar iFollow en la plataforma de CherryTrade:

Usted encontrará la herramienta iFollow bajo & ldquo; trade now & rdquo; Una vez que haya iniciado sesión en su cuenta.

Una vez que han elegido al comerciante, deben elegir el tipo de operaciones que prefieren copiar en su cuenta haciendo clic en & ldquo; Comerciante de activos & rdquo ;. El valor predeterminado es & ldquo; Distribuidor de activos cruzados & rdquo; Lo que significa que puede negociar una serie de activos diferentes, o también puede decidir seguir un activo específico.

Una vez que haya elegido el operador que va a seguir y han establecido los parámetros, incluyendo el marco de tiempo que le da, la opción de seguir su operador deseado durante 1 día o un año entero, y también han elegido la cantidad por operación. Los comerciantes pueden hacer clic en el & ldquo; seguidos comerciantes & rdquo; Para ver el proceso de sus operaciones.

¿Está usted preparado para comenzar a beneficiarse hoy con un comerciante experto y experimentado?

Cómo negociar

1 Seleccione el activo en el que desea negociar.

2 Haga clic en "LLAMAR" si cree que el precio subirá por encima de la tarifa actual al momento de la expiración, o haga clic en "PUT" si cree que el precio caerá por debajo de la tarifa actual en el momento de la caducidad.

3 Introduzca la cantidad que le gustaría invertir y haga clic en "Aplicar".

4 Recibir hasta un máximo de 81% de beneficio, para las operaciones que expiran "in-the-money"

1 Elija la opción que cree que aumentará o disminuirá en un período de tiempo determinado.

2 Seleccione la cantidad que desea invertir.

1 Seleccione el activo que desea operar.

2 Seleccione la cantidad que desea invertir.

3 Haga clic en "LLAMAR" si cree que el precio aumentará por encima de la tarifa actual o "PUT" si cree que el precio caerá por debajo de la tarifa actual en ese momento.

LLOYDS Bank 68.975 11:30 22.03 Vodafone 217.175 11:30 22.03 British American T 3972.000 11:30 22.03 Tesco 199.125 11:30 22.03 HSBC L 445.225 11:30 22.03 Barclays 155.900 11:30 22.03 Rio Tinto 1982.500 11:30 22.03 Denver, CO (C °) 14.90 11:30 22.03 ÍNDICE DE LA UE PARA LOS OSCUROS 2250.379 11:30 22.03 ÍNDICE DEL BANCO DE LA UE 35.434 11:30 22.03 ÍNDICE DE VEHÍCULOS DE LA UE 3270.973 11:30 22.03 EUR / AUD 1.47344 11:30 22.03 AUD / USD 0.76051 11: 30 22.03 AUD / JPY 84.944 11:30 22.03 ORO CONTRA ACEITE 30.2284 11:30 22.03 STOXX 50 F VS FTSE F 0.49605 11:30 22.03 ORO CONTRA PLATA 78.4507 11:30 22.03 GBP / JPY 159.460 11:30 22.03 VOLKSWAGEN 131.450 11:30 22.03 SIEMENS AG 92.055 11:30 22.03 BMW 81.220 11:30 22.03 SILVER 15.9560 11:30 22.03 EUR / JPY 125.159 11:30 22.03 EUR / USD 1.12056 11:30 22.03 ORO / EUR 1117.174 11:30 22.03 AUD / CHF 0.73842 11: 30 22.03 GBP / CHF 1.38608 11:30 22.03 EUR / CAD 1.46502 11:30 22.03 FTSE F-JUN16 6096.750 11:30 22.03 SMI F-JUN16 7658.505 11:30 22.03

Registrarse para abrir una cuenta


Seleccione el activo que desea negociar.

Haga clic en "LLAMAR" si cree que el precio subirá por encima de la tarifa actual al momento de la expiración, o haga clic en "PUT" si cree que el precio caerá por debajo de la tarifa actual al momento de la expiración

Ingrese la cantidad que le gustaría invertir y "Aplicar"

El comercio de opciones binarias implica un riesgo significativo. Le aconsejamos que lea nuestros Términos & amp; Condiciones. Aunque el riesgo al negociar opciones binarias se fija para cada comercio individual, las operaciones son en vivo y es posible perder una inversión inicial, sobre todo si un comerciante decide colocar toda su inversión en un solo comercio en vivo. Se recomienda altamente que los comerciantes elijan una estrategia apropiada de la gerencia del dinero que limite las operaciones totales consecutivas o la inversión total excepcional.

LBinary ™ es un proveedor de plataforma de comercio en línea. Somos los corredores de opciones binarias líderes en la industria, ya que ofrecemos a nuestros inversores la posibilidad de negociar activos subyacentes que incluyen: Stocks, Commodities, índices y pares de divisas (FOREX) en una plataforma de negociación de opciones binarias. LBinary ™ recomienda a sus clientes leer nuestros términos y condiciones cuidadosamente antes de abrir posiciones en nuestra plataforma. Las cotizaciones de opciones digitales que se muestran en la plataforma LBinary ™ son tarifas que la empresa está preparada para ofrecer opciones y, como resultado, no necesariamente se corresponden con las cotizaciones exactas del mercado en vivo. Las opciones binarias de negociación contienen riesgos que pueden dar lugar a la pérdida parcial o total de una inversión. Hay riesgos asociados con la utilización de un sistema de comercio basado en Internet incluyendo, pero no limitado a, el fallo de hardware, software y conexión a Internet. La Compañía no es responsable por fallas de comunicación o retrasos al operar a través de Internet. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporcionan como comentario general del mercado y no constituyen consejos de inversión. La Compañía no se responsabiliza de ninguna pérdida o daño, incluyendo y sin limitación a cualquier pérdida de beneficio que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso o confianza en dicha información. Nuestra plataforma de negociación de opciones binarias y el profesionalismo de élite nos separan de los otros corredores de opciones binarias.

Copyright © 2017, LBinary.

Estimado comerciante LBinary,

Todavía tiene que proporcionar algunos o todos los documentos de verificación necesarios para abrir su cuenta.

Estos documentos son necesarios para la prevención del fraude, el lavado de dinero y el robo de identidad. Tenga en cuenta que su información personal se mantendrá con la máxima seguridad, tal como está escrito en nuestros Términos y Condiciones bajo Política de Privacidad. Se requieren los siguientes documentos: Cualquier documento faltante llevará a que un cliente no esté verificado.

NOTA: Esta información es obligatoria por el derecho internacional.

Póngase en contacto con nuestro Asistencia al cliente LBinary (por correo electrónico o chat en vivo) para completar su proceso de verificación.

Para completar su verificación, se le pedirá que nos envíe copias en color de todos los documentos requeridos:

Copia de un documento de identidad válido emitido por el pasaporte / gobierno.

Parte delantera y trasera de la tarjeta de crédito utilizada para la transacción (CVV y todos excepto los últimos 4 dígitos cubiertos).

Declaración bancaria - con su dirección de la lista. La cuenta / declaración no debe tener más de tres meses.

Estos documentos deben ser escaneados en copias claras y enviados al correo electrónico: documents@lbinary. com. Indique su nombre y número de cuenta en la línea de asunto del correo electrónico. Sin embargo, si ya ha enviado estos documentos, póngase en contacto con su administrador de cuentas para verificarlo. La presentación de documentos es un proceso único, a menos que realice cambios en su información personal.

¡Muchas gracias por ayudarnos a servirle mejor!

Estimado comerciante,

El comercio está temporalmente inhabilitado en su cuenta debido a razones de seguridad.

Póngase en contacto con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente (por correo electrónico o chat en vivo) para resolver el problema y reanudar la operación. ¡Muchas gracias por ayudarnos a servirle mejor!


Regístrese para recibir nuestras actualizaciones por correo electrónico para obtener ofertas especiales (como bonos, seminarios en línea de comercio, sesiones de comercio en vivo, actualizaciones de plataforma de negociación y mucho más).

Tenga la seguridad de que LBinary no compartirá ni intercambiará la dirección de correo electrónico que nos proporcione.

Lotz de Botz

Publicado por Lotz de Botz el 21 de diciembre de 2017

Hola, LotzofBotz aquí! Una vez más, volviendo mi atención a los servicios que realmente puede hacer dinero, educar y por lo general le dan una perspectiva comercial real en lugar de revisiones de marketing falsas por estafadores y corredores que sólo están a tomar su dinero! En esta revisión tenemos & # 8220; Señales de Noctámbulo & # 8221; Son una quincenal [& hellip;]

Publicado por Lotz de Botz el 15 de diciembre de 2017

Hola, LotzofBotz de nuevo! Hoy revisamos el mejor y más completo servicio disponible en el & # 8220; Opciones Binarias & # 8221; Espacio para usted. Signal HIVE & # 8221; Está 100% enfocado en proporcionar señales a sus miembros. Tienen dos grupos principales de comerciantes que son los Robots & # 8221; Y luego los seres humanos & # 8221; Por $ 49.99 al mes obtienes los Robots que como [& hellip;]

Publicado por Guest en Jul 10, 2017

Hola a todos, Quería revisar un servicio de señales de opciones binarias que me inscribí recientemente. He intentado BOLS y algunos de los estafadores por ahí y hasta la fecha he perdido & gt; $ 5.000 en el comercio de opciones binarias. Para mí, las salas de comercio son mejores como un comerciante activo y me gusta aprender como [& hellip;]

Publicado por Michael Hodges el jun. 04, 2017

Advertencia Emptor. Dejar que el comprador tenga cuidado. Palabras valiosas para cualquier persona a tener en cuenta, pero cuidado con qué? A veces hay que tener cuidado con el producto o servicio y, a veces hay que tener cuidado con el proveedor ya veces hay que tener cuidado de ambos. ¿Por qué estoy hablando de esto ahora? Porque hay otro estafador [& hellip;]

Publicado por Michael Hodges en mayo. 21, 2017

Comencé con la intención de realmente probar este software, pero una vez que conseguí a través del material que presenta no sólo había ninguna razón. Hay un montón de bots por ahí para elegir y creo que este no es un valor de su tiempo. Lo sé, lo sé, quieres leer un [& hellip;]

Publicado por Michael Hodges el 27 de abril de 2017

Autobinarysignals. com es un nuevo proveedor de servicios de señal haciendo las mismas afirmaciones que el resto. Después de años de infructuosa prueba y error Roger Pierce ha llegado con un secreto TOP, revolucionario, la próxima generación de comercio y servicio de señal que es la prueba de la recesión, prueba de choque y prueba de tonto, que no requiere experiencia. Su sistema toma toda la dificultad [& hellip;]

Publicado por Michael Hodges el 05 de abril de 2017

El Binary-Options-Robot es una descarga de software de trading automático que descubrí el otro día. La plataforma coloca automáticamente operaciones en su cuenta basándose en una combinación de señales y estilos de negociación sobre los que tiene un control limitado. La descarga es gratuita y respaldada por una tasa de ganancia del 83%. Por supuesto, ningún conocimiento previo de [& hellip;]

Publicado por Michael Hodges el 30 de Marzo de 2017

Recientemente he encontrado lo que se veía en primer lugar para ser un esquema de marketing de afiliados elaborado. Es un sitio web de publicidad de un proveedor de servicios de señal con afirmaciones salvajes de las ganancias y altas tasas de éxito. Como regla general no recomiendo ssp & # 8217; s y no estoy recomendando este pero me quedo intrigado por éste. El [& hellip;]

Publicado por Michael Hodges el 25 de marzo de 2017

Hay muchas formas de software de opciones binarias en el mercado hoy en día. Ninguno de ellos afirma ser un sistema perdedor y éste no es diferente. Lo que es diferente es que en realidad puede valer la pena echarle un vistazo, si te apetece gastar los $ 67. Al menos, tienen una opinión muy alta [& hellip;]

Publicado por Michael Hodges el 17 de Marzo de 2017

Esto puede ser lo último en estafas de afiliados porque tengo fe que no es lo último en software binario opciones de comercio. Este sitio web se está poniendo a sí mismo como una herramienta de señal de comercio con absolutamente ningún costo, una garantía de devolución de dinero si lo hizo y el acceso gratuito hoy sin poner en cualquier detalle personal. [& Hellip;]

Publicado en señales ifollow

Viernes 7 de marzo de 2017 por Michael Freeman

ATENCION: Ya no se recomiendan señales IFollow.

Si ha estado negociando opciones binarias y ha intentado seguir un servicio, probablemente entienda lo difícil que es encontrar un servicio o software confiable. Estadísticamente para cada buen servicio, hay 10 servicios de bajo rendimiento que lo convierte en una tarea difícil de encontrar EL UNO proveedor de señales de opciones binarias que puede proporcionar con valor real y alta precisión con su tasa de predicción. Otra verdad desafiante es que estas ofertas, por mucho que nos gustaría que fueran, nunca son gratis y no confunden el término "membresía de prueba gratuita". Con un% 100 puro paseo gratis, porque ninguno de los servicios, software y bots le permitirá usar sus servicios sin algo a cambio y normalmente es un registro de corredor. Usted puede estar seguro de que monetizar su servicio de la mejor manera posible y el precio de su oferta en cualquier lugar entre $ 80 a $ 250 / month.

ATENCION: Ya no se recomiendan señales IFollow.

Mi experiencia de iFollow Signals comenzó hace poco cuando tomé su oferta de prueba gratuita durante 30 días. Como mencioné anteriormente, la versión de prueba gratuita no es totalmente gratis, ya que como miembro nuevo se le requiere que financie una cuenta comercial con uno de los corredores asociados, esto es cierto con cada servicio para opciones binarias. Esto sería ideal para los comerciantes que nunca depositaron con un corredor todavía y tienen una preferencia a uno de los corredores asociados de iFollow Signals. En este caso, puede comenzar con 30 días gratis sin tener que pagar nada para descargar el software.

El software es muy sencillo y fácil de trabajar, cada señal generada por iFollow Signals incluye el tiempo de caducidad en GMT como se muestra en la mayoría de las plataformas de corredores. Si usted es un comerciante de Anyoption, puede resultarle difícil seguir los oficios ya que los tiempos de caducidad son diferentes a los que se muestran en otras plataformas, esto es porque Anyoption se ejecuta en su propia plataforma independiente. En este caso, debe registrarse con un corredor de Spotoption o con una de las marcas recomendadas de iFollow Signals.

Los corredores ofrecidos por iFollow Signals incluyen TitanTrade, Opteck, Interactive Option y OptionFair. El único agente disponible para los comerciantes estadounidenses es TitanTrade. Opteck, Interactive Option y OptionFair están regulados en Europa y ofrecen acceso a todo el mundo.

El costo del software es relativamente alto a $ 195 / mes para una licencia de 30 días, pero personalmente pienso que vale la pena después de operar con iFollow Signals por unas semanas. La mejor manera de comenzar es con una prueba gratuita es que están renuentes a pagar esta prima alta para comprar el software que puedo entender totalmente. Después de todo, $ 195 es más caro que la mayoría de los servicios, pero tenga en cuenta que la mayoría de los servicios bajo rendimiento y muy por debajo de su rendimiento anunciado.

Si tiene su propia experiencia con un servicio de señales o cualquier pregunta con respecto al Software iFollow, no dude en comentar a continuación y gracias por tomarse el tiempo para leer mi reseña de iFollow Signals. Para obtener más información sobre otros proveedores, visite la página Señales de opciones binarias.

$ 20 a $ 100 Corredores de depósito mínimo!

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EE. UU. AVISO DE REGULACIÓN: Tenga en cuenta si usted es de los EE. UU.: algunas empresas de opciones binarias no están regulados en los Estados Unidos. Estas compañías no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras como la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías (CFTC), la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA), la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) o la FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). Advertimos a los ciudadanos estadounidenses de los peligros de comerciar con tales entidades y les aconsejamos encarecidamente que tomen asesoría legal sobre esto en los Estados Unidos.

Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por aquellos contribuyentes y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptions. net.

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FMtrader \ Uso de iFollow para aumentar su potencial de Earing

Utilizar iFollow para aumentar su potencial de Earing

Uso de FMTrader iFollow para aumentar su potencial Earing A veces saltar en el carro, es decir, unirse a otros inversores exitosos, puede ser la estrategia más sabio - especialmente si eres nuevo en el mundo de las inversiones financieras. Los nuevos operadores que todavía no se sienten lo suficientemente seguros como para participar en el comercio independiente pueden beneficiarse en gran medida de la característica iFollow única de FMTrader. Le permite unirse a un comerciante experimentado por emular exactamente sus transacciones y, por lo tanto, hacer el mismo beneficio que hizo. La aplicación es muy fácil de operar. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es 1) Elija el tipo de activo que desea negociar con otro comerciante. 2) Elija un comerciante que desea seguir. 3) Establezca el período de tiempo en el que desea utilizar iFollow 4) Establezca un mínimo y una suma máxima para sus inversiones 5) Haga clic en el botón Seguir y empezar a emular a su operador favorito. En el lado izquierdo de la página, podrás ver el historial de éxito de cada comerciante. Estos datos le permitirán elegir el operador superior para cada activo. Es común limitar el tiempo o la suma de dinero que desea asignar a iFollow. El objetivo general de este servicio es ayudarle a aprender de los mejores comerciantes con el fin de desarrollar eventualmente sus propias habilidades como un comerciante autosuficiente.


NRGbinary introduce iFOLLOW, una nueva herramienta de comercio social

NRGBinary está CERRADO & # 038; ¡FUERA DEL NEGOCIO! . Encontrar mejores brokers de opciones binarias es muy fácil con BinaryOptionsWire. com, todo lo que tienes que hacer es comprobar nuestra tabla de comparación de corredores de opciones binarias que hará más fácil para usted saber cuál es el corredor de opción binaria más adecuado para usted.

En enero de 2017, SpotOption, el principal proveedor de plataformas de operaciones binarias, había desarrollado la primera plataforma de comercio social de Opciones Binarias, que denominó SpotFollow. Desde entonces, esta gran característica se ha dado una transformación y varias mejoras se han hecho a sus funciones, después de que entonces fue renombrado oficialmente iFollow.

NRGbinary. Uno de los corredores de opciones binarias más consolidados apoyados por la plataforma SpotOption está finalmente listo para lanzar esta revolucionaria herramienta comercial y ofrecerla a sus numerosos clientes. Como resultado, los inversores actuales y futuros son capaces de no sólo seguir los movimientos de los principales operadores en varias clases de activos, sino también copiarlos y, en consecuencia, lograr exactamente los mismos resultados comerciales.

El concepto de "Copy Trading" no es un nuevo para la comunidad comercial, ya que había sido adoptado por la industria de comercio de Forex hace muchos años. And as copy trading and social trading continued spreading like wildfire among the forex trading community, that fire has begun to take hold in the binary options trading community as well.

Social Trading with Binary Options - How To Copy Trade

Although Binary Options trading has only been in existence for a few years, this market has recorded a phenomenal growth during the last five years or so, especially among those who are new to online financial trading. Most new investors find Binary options very attractive due to their simplicity, as trading binary options basically merely involves making a guess, though not a blind one, on whether a specific outcome will or will not occur.

Prior to introducing this new and exciting feature, traders had to individually rely on their own personal knowledge and experience in order to make their investment decisions. As a result new traders had a disadvantage as they lacked any real experience in online financial trading. Nowadays however, as soon as you Open an Account. you are able to start following leading traders with the push of a button. Winning portfolios are not something that should be taken for granted, especially when they are offered as a complimentary feature.

Thus, even if you are a new trader into the binary options world with no idea of how to trade, copy trading is now made available to you to enable you overcome this disadvantage. Once you have gained enough valuable experience, you are also given the opportunity to share your acquired knowledge with new traders, helping you further increase your earnings by leveraging on their trading actions.

NRGbinary continues to maintain its reputation amongst the top leading binary option brokers worldwide and offering their clients the chance to utilize copy trading is yet another step towards consolidating and maintaining their leading position in the market. Stay tuned to NRGbinary company’s section for further news and latest feature developments.

EE. UU. AVISO DE REGULACIÓN: Tenga en cuenta si usted es de los EE. UU.: algunas empresas de opciones binarias no están regulados en los Estados Unidos. Estas compañías no están supervisadas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras como la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías (CFTC), la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA), la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) o la FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). Advertimos a los ciudadanos estadounidenses de los peligros de comerciar con tales entidades y les aconsejamos encarecidamente que tomen asesoría legal sobre esto en los Estados Unidos.

Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por aquellos contribuyentes y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptions. net.

Promociones Exclusivas de BinaryOptions. net Marzo: Depósito Mínimo de Sólo $ / € / £ 10 en MarketsWorld

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Use the ifollow now!

The ifollow is an autotrading binary options software, but unlike many other binary signals, you don’t need to download anything! The ifollow is easy to use and it works online. Let’s see what the ifollow is about…

By using top-of-the-line technology and binary signals, the new iFollow allows you to copy the operations made by the most successful investors from all around the world. With the iFollow you’ll be able to copy all the investments you wish.

A great thing about the iFollow is that you can select your investments in two ways: by choosing the asset to copy (there, you must select the asset you wish to trade) and the platform will show you the best traders that are investing in those assets, or on the contrary, you can decide to copy investors, by selecting the trader from the Top traders ranking.

The best thing about the robot is that it’s suitable for every type of trader, especially for those who don’t have too much financial knowledge, everyone can benefit from this intelligent piece of software, without the need of having prior trading experience. In other words, you can make use of the analysis and research made by the experts (by the best!) and you won’t need to analyze the assets one by one or spend long hours in front of your pc, looking for profitable opportunities anymore.

How can I use it?

It’s extremely simple and intuitive. You just need to go to www. empireoption. com and click on the iFollow tab, select FOLLOW on the option that you most prefer and finally confirm your selection.

Use the iFollow, the most advanced trading tool in EmpireOption, and see how your balance starts to grow, letting the most experienced and intelligent investors do the work for you.

Any comment or doubt about binary training will be very welcomed!

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© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Binary Uno Is the Latest Web-Based Binary Options Platform

As soon as you land on Binary Uno’s welcome page, you are greeted with the familiar quick sign-up box and SpotOption trading interface, this time wearing a little blue and black number to match very nicely with the company colours. At the end of the day, it’s a winning formula – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – and besides, Binary Uno were likely amongst the first to try it.

Along with a well-established house style, the site has a few other nice little touches, like a navigation bar that follows you down the page to make navigation less of a chore for your scrolling finger, and pleasing animations as move your cursor over key links. Right at the bottom, we have information on Binary Uno’s account types, and links to get you signed up and ready to trade – more on these later.

In terms of trading, Binary Uno once again fly the tried-and-tested banner, with pairs, long term and sixty-second options, as well as the slightly more exotic ladder option, where additional trades net you additional dough. They do, however, have a very interesting feature that few other brokers have implemented, and frankly, that more should consider implementing – the iFollow social trading system.

The idea is simple – you see a trader who’s doing well for themselves, you think to yourself, I want a piece of their action, and you follow them. Any trades they make, you will automatically mirror – you can also impose limits if you’re not quite as in-the-money as they are to avoid breaking your bank. It’s a neat way for newbies to get a feel for binary options without losing too much cash to bad trades, and if you become a bigshot yourself, people might even decide to follow you.

The account choices range from Micro, for deposits of $1,000 to $2,000, to Elite, for $100,000 and up, with a total of five different tiers. Naturally, the perks scale as your account grows in value, with Binary Uno throwing in risk-free trades and bigger deposit bonuses, and even personal account managers and analysts.

Wrapping things up, Binary Uno are one of the most robust trading brokers out there, and with an excellent range of perks to offer, as well as their innovative iFollow platform, they’re definitely worth a look if you’re after a new broker.

Binary Reviews Online

No1Options Review

No1Options Broker Review

Last review update: 7th December 2017

No1 Options is a premium binary options broker ranking among the best in the industry today. As a brand trading name for Shof Marketing Ltd, headquartered in London, No1options offers trading to both novice and professional traders worldwide. Since their inception in 2017, the team at No1options has been committed to developing an all-inclusive trading experience that meets the needs and preferences of all types of traders worldwide. As a result, traders can find a safe and transparent trading environment under the No1options trading umbrella.

Website Usability

When partnering with a broker, website usability should be a key factor to consider. At No1 options, from the moment you enter the website, you will notice the modern design of their site which caters for ease of use and navigation. Their homepage is well organized and all links are functional enabling a trader to enter the binary options world with ease. Everything needed to trade can be found on the site such as opening an account, the trading platform, a list of available assets to trade, banking information, educational center and much more. Placing a binary options trade with No1options is a four step process which can easily be executed even by new traders. First, select the trade option such as Call/Put, Long Term, Fast Trading, Pairs, Ladder, One Touch, Forex and iFollow (social trading). Second, you select the underlying asset to trade which can either be a commodity, a stock, an index or a currency pair. Thirdly, you can select the expiry time of the trade and No1options offers choices from as short as 30 seconds right up to a few months. Fourth, a trader will insert the amount they wish to invest in the trade and make their prediction regarding the direction that the price of the asset will move, either up (Call) or down (Put). Simple! Added to this, No1options also offers trading convenience and flexibility by providing their traders with a mobile trading platform which functions in the same way as the desktop platform.

No1Options - Trading Platform

Assets and Expiry Durations

When trading with No1options, a trader can select an underlying asset from over 175 assets. Their assets are decisively categorized into four asset classes; currency pairs, commodities, indices and stocks. Depending on one’s preference, you can trade major currencies such as the USD and EUR as well as many other major and minor currencies. Stocks available are derived from global stock exchanges and they include well-known stocks such as Yahoo, Google, and Facebook among many others. In addition, a trader can trade hard and soft commodities – Hard commodities include gold, silver and oil while soft commodities include coffee, cotton and cocoa. At No1options, you can also trade asset pairs where you are predicting which asset will perform better than the other in percentage. With regards to expiry durations, No1options offers traders a wide choice of expiry durations. Those available include short, medium and long term expiry times which appeal to a wide range of trading styles.

Commissions and Maximum Returns

No1options offers competitive payouts for ‘in the money’ or successful trades. A trade can attract a payout of up to 89% while One Touch options can offer payouts as high as 500%.

Good returns with No1Options during our broker test. Their platform is excellent with no withdrawal issues.

Demo Account

No1options does not currently offer demo trading. Instead, the broker does offer a risk free trading program based on the type of trading account opened as well as trading signals which highlight potentially profitable trading opportunities.

Promotions – Prima

No1Options is offering up to 1oo% deposit bonus ( Up to $5000 ) . Limited promotion.

Servicio al cliente

When selecting a broker, customer service is a vital component to consider. In this area, No1options will exceed your expectations. The broker responds quickly to customer queries and the staff is responsive, reliable and professional. The customer support is available 24 hours a day, for the whole week including weekends and holidays. To contact customer support, a trader can use the live chat module available on the broker’s website, send an email or place a phone call to one of the local telephone numbers provided.

Opciones de depósito

Being able to deposit and withdraw funds to and from one’s trading account with ease is a vital component of trading binary options. No1options offers several secure banking options which traders can use in order to remit their payments or withdraw their winnings. Payment methods offered include credit cards, debit cards, wire transfer as well as a choice of eWallets such as Skrill, Neteller, Ukash and more. The broker’s minimum deposit requirement is currently at $100. Every transaction at No1options is secure since they use the latest encryption technologies.

No1options Broker Review: Summary

No1options is a revolutionary broker headquartered in London. Although they are not yet regulated, this broker takes the security of their trader’s personal and financial information very seriously. With an intuitive trading platform, a selection of assets and trade options, a comprehensive choice of educational trading tools such as one-on-one training, an exclusive eBook series, everything you need to succeed while trading binary options can be found with No1options.

Customer Reviews on No1 Options

Aviso de información financiera

La información contenida en No1BinaryOptions. com sólo se proporciona como comentario general del mercado, y es para información general y propósitos educativos solamente, y no tiene la intención de proporcionar asesoramiento financiero, y al acceder y usar este Sitio usted acepta mantenernos 100% inofensivos para Cualquier problema o pérdida si se registra y se negocia con un corredor. Leer la Cláusula de Exención Completa

Advertencia de riesgo

Opciones Binarias Trading siempre tiene un elemento de riesgo y no es recomendable para todos los inversores o comerciantes. Leer la Cláusula de Exención Completa

EU & Cláusula de exención de responsabilidad

Some of binary options brokers or trading platforms listed on our site are not regulated within European Union and United Kingdom with any of the regulatory agencies such CySEC/ MIFID ( Cyprus, European Union ) or Financial Conduct Authority ( United Kingdom ). Comercio bajo su propio riesgo. Leer la exención de responsabilidad completa de EU & US Regulation

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No1 Options Broker Review

No1 Options Broker Review,

Good morning! Next up in my broker review series I am taking a look at No1 Options. The front page for this broker is a nice, modern design. I like it. They have an image slider dominating the front page which is very in fashion right now. It is clear and clean. It also has a live ticker of all the major indices and commodities running along the bottom.

No1 Options quote themselves to be one of the world’s first and largest trading platforms. They offer 24/7 service and mobile trading. It all runs direct through the site – there’s no need to download anything, unless you want the mobile app for your phone of course.

They pride themselves in being the leading trading platform. It definitely looks good that’s for sure. They have a quick and easy deposit withdrawal and placement. The very interesting thing about No1Options is that their minimum deposit is just 100€ were as with most brokers it is 250€. This is a very significant factor for new traders starting out.

No1 Options terms and conditions seem to be straight forward. No surprises there. No1 Options has two certificates one for best binary options website in 2017 and another for best broker 2017 – high awards to have in the broker trade.

The site can be in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese. That is a wide range of languages, which is a big plus in the international trading market.

Account types

No1 Options has 5 different types of accounts. Let’s take a look at them to see their differences. They all have:

-No fees or commissions

-risk management tools

-E-book starter pack

This is a very rounded No1 Options starter account that they recommend for students. It has everything you need to get started. The initial deposit for this type of account is 250€. Remember the 100€ deposit does not get you all these services but it will get you access to the trading platform and the tutorial videos

The Silver account:

This account has a 2500€ initial deposit and apart from the above services it offers an account manager and trading signals once a week. This No1 Option account has a little more services – it is their standard account.

The Gold Account :

Said to be best for beginners. Requires an initial deposit of 5000$, as well as having all the other services No1 Options offer account manager twice a week, trading signals twice a week and risk free for 1 month.

Personal Broker Account

This one is highlighted as their most popular account. They offer the same as above but this time the account manager and trading signals are daily, you get a trading mentor and 2 months risk free! It’s their most recommended account they say. For 10 000€ initial deposit, I bet it is!

This one is 50 000 $ initial deposit. The account manager is 24/6. You have a personal analyst and risk free for 3 months! That’s as well as all the other services.

So reading this, I am guessing these are minimum deposits for the accounts, but as I am not sure I want to clarify, as it clearly states no fees and commissions. I wait patiently for a reply from their 24/7 support team while I carry on looking around. FAQ doesn’t have any answer with regards to account types and terms and conditions just states withdrawal minimums for the different accounts. Which are all 100 $ by the way in case you were wondering.

I was a little confused with the amounts at the top of the accounts, were these initial deposits or trading volumes? So I sent a live chat message as they said they were online, but then they were not online so I am still waiting for the reply. As these are rather large sums of money I would like to know it they are the initial deposits or what? It is not clear. And whilst searching the page I found no answers.

I received a prompt reply from the support staff that were very helpful and said that the amounts are indeed initial deposits. Meaning first deposit gives you the account type, then you can deposit whatever you like afterward. Good to know.

I want to clarify the bonus systems a little as they seem like a great offer but you need to be aware that conditions almost always apply to these bonuses, and they can vary with every broker. Ok so looking through the No1 Options site I have found that in the terms and conditions it states that to withdraw your bonus you must first trade at least 40 times each 1$ bonus. In the FAQ however they state this must be done 30 times for every 1$. So before committing to any bonus offer be sure you know which conditions apply.

So let us take a look at the trading tab on No1 Options. This takes us into the trading platform, which is easy to use and very responsive. In here we have the following options;

Binary Options, long term, fast trading, pairs, ladder, one touch, forex and Ifollow.

It is all laid out nice and clear. This is a typical trading platform and I find simple to use. You can adjust the parameters the trade amounts etc. This is all very straight forward and explained in any of their many tutorials. There is a little financial news clip slider to the right that shows latest important news.

The Education Centre.

This section is filled with tutorial videos for every type of trading Nº1 Options offers. You can snoop around here without registering but some videos are only available to members. From Beginners to advanced, from emotions to platforms. Anything you need to help you along on your journey to making money.

When I clicked on market analysis there was no entries for today. Even though it is Monday, I was logged into my basic account whilst checking this so this is not because it is a member only feature. It is just a blank feature for now at least. I found the same when I clicked on Legal Information in the about us section.

They have little badges for the various protections No1 options website provides like McAfee and secure credit card use etc. But I have not found anywhere saying that they are a regulated broker. In the Binary Options write up it states that binary options are regulated in Europe by CySEC since 2012 but it doesn’t actually say that No1 Options is regulated.


So even though the platform No1 Options use is highly responsive and they seem to have all the tools at your disposal, some questions do arise as with any company or product. Having tested their support team I am satisfied they are quick responding.

Being able to deposit just 100€ to start with/or at any point makes No1 Options is a very good option for a broker for trading - be it in Binary Options or Forex. Whatever market you choose they do offer pretty much everything there is around the world leaving you able to trade almost 24/7 on the various markets.

If you would like to have a look at the No1 Options site for yourself and maybe even register click just click on this link No1 Options.

I hope you have enjoyed this No1 Options review. Please leave any comments below and subscribe to my news later for all the latest reviews and updates. Don’t forget my YouTube Channel for all my video reviews and please help spread the word by like, share, +1 pin or tweeting this review. Thank you from Louis at Trusted Binary Reviews.

Archivo de opciones binarias

Acerca de Forex

Las divisas, comúnmente conocido como "Forex" o "FX", es el intercambio de una moneda por otra en un intercambio acordado En el mercado de venta libre (OTC). Forex es el mercado más negociado del mundo, con una facturación media de más de US $ 4 billones por día. Para los comerciantes el mercado Forex es más emoción que la montaña rusa más alta y más rápida. ¿Está usted en?

Acerca de las opciones binarias

El comercio de opciones binarias es el último y más rentable instrumento financiero. En finanzas, una opción binaria es un tipo de opción en la que la recompensa puede tomar sólo dos posibles resultados, ya sea una cantidad fija monetaria de algún activo o nada en absoluto (en contraste con las opciones financieras ordinarias que suelen tener un espectro continuo de pago) . Los dos tipos principales de opciones binarias son la opción binaria de efectivo o nada y la opción binaria de activo o nada. Las opciones binarias son una forma sencilla de negociar fluctuaciones de precios en múltiples mercados globales, pero un comerciante necesita entender los riesgos y las recompensas de estos instrumentos a menudo mal entendidos.

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August 24, 2017 • Sin comentarios

No1options Review


No1Options was launched by SO Marketing in 2012 and has quickly carved out a niche for itself within the binary options brokerage arena as a reputable and reliable online broker.

No1Options is powered by SpotOption’s latest and intuitive trading platform which enables traders to trade binary options with ease from anywhere and at any time.

The broker offers a variety of trade options including Call/Put, Pairs and One Touch, in addition to Fast Trading, iFollow as well as Forex trading. Traders who choose to join the No1Options trading family are able to trade a wide range of assets such as currency pairs, stocks, indices and commodities and can earn returns as high as 89% on winning trades.

While No1Options is well-known globally, it is especially popular among traders in Hong Kong, Australia, Germany, Norway, Poland and New Zealand. Because of its rising popularity worldwide, the broker’s website is multilingual, with English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese and Russian versions available.

In this review, we will review the key features and services that No1Options offers to traders worldwide and explain how everything required in order to trade binary options successfully can be found under the No1Options trading umbrella.

No1options Home Page


No1Options runs on the latest edition of the popular SpotOption trading platform which offers reliability, ease of use and simplified navigation. Since the entire platform is web based, traders can get started right away without having to download or install any software on their computers.

The main trading window on the trading platform displays multiple trades simultaneously and allows the trader to access various viewing modes enabling one to customize the trading platform to meet their trading preferences.

In addition, the trading interface offers eight different types of options: traditional options, fast trading, long term options, one touch options, iFollow, ladder, forex and pairs. These options all offer a choice of expiry times enabling No1Options to cater to both short and long term traders.

In addition, the broker also offers mobile trading providing traders with the convenience and flexibility to trade at any time. Thus, potentially profitable trading opportunities are never missed.

No1options Trading Platform


No1Options has an attractive rewards scheme for both existing and new traders on its platform. Some of the promotions that traders using this broker enjoy include one-time trading credits, risk free trading as well as bonuses. The broker has also created a customer-friendly policy that makes it easy for traders to take advantage of the attractive bonuses on offer.

The welcome bonus that No1Options offers means that traders are able to capitalize on improved winning odds. There is also less stress if they have large trading accounts and access to longer sessions when trading. To withdraw their bonuses, traders need a trading volume that adds up to a minimum of 30x for each $1 of the bonus offered.

No1options 100% Bonus



No1Options has a motto that is used to sum up the broker’s view on trader education – Knowledge is money! The Education Center is a rich resource of trading information that is accessible by all traders who are registered with No1Options.

The trading Academy has a wide range of exclusive features, with some of the main resources including:

iFollow – Social trading platform

Advanced in-depth trading courses

Platform tutorials

Trading Signals

Binary trading eBooks

Platform tutorial eBook

Introduction videos

Economics videos


Despite being one of the newer brokers, No1Options has made a mark for itself through innovation. One of the latest and most impressive features available on the broker’s website is Super Trader TV. Super Trader TV is a video stream of daily live TV broadcasts produced exclusively for No1Options traders.

It is hosted by expert investors and analysts who discuss various aspects of trading and offer valuable tips and insights into the various markets. This feature is a vital resource that benefits day to day traders.

This multimedia offering has six other key features offered through its video interface:


Trading tips

Asset index

Tactics and analysis

Practical trading


Economic Calendar


No1Options has five account types on offer, with the initial deposit determining the account a trader is signed up to. With the selection of account types, No1Options is able to cater to a wide range of trading types and needs.

No1options Account Types


The minimum deposit required to open a Basic trading account at No1Options is $250. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Unless a trader is transacting via wire transfer, there are no fees charged when making deposits or withdrawals.

Wire transfer transactions attract a fee of only $25, which is lower than what most other brokers charge. No1Options also offers a wide choice of safe and convenient banking options and their withdrawal process is simple and seamless.


The broker offers traders a choice of customer support options, including a personal account manager. Traders will appreciate the helpful and well-informed personnel, whose knowledge and experience in trading and the SpotOption platform is invaluable. Customer support is offered via live web chat, email and phone. There are support numbers available for the US, UK, Australia and France.

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NRGbinary Review

NRGbinary Review

Long withdrawal time

No regulation

General Information:

Founded in: 2012 Headquarters: London, UK Maximum Investment: $5000 Maximum payout: 74% Minimum Deposit: $350 Web Languages: French, Arabic, Turkish. Russian, Italian, Japanese, German and English.

The homepage of the NRGbinary website opens to a moving video which continues for a few seconds and shows how the trading platform at NRGbinary works and how to open an account. The video can be viewed over again at the trader’s inititative. There are various graphs on the first page with drop down options for different expiry times and the choice of currency or asset. Each graph offers the trader a choice of direction and the maximum bonus he may receive. To place a trade, a client must first log in. Then he must simply choose the asset class he wishes to invest in, click on the “up” button if he thinks the price will rise or the “put” button if he thinks the price will drop. Once the trade is placed, traders can chart changes on live feed while waiting for the expiry time to arrive.

With over 70 different assets from a variety of different financial markets, traders can trade binary options on stocks, commodities, currency pairs and indices 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

The first thing I always check when doing a review is the “about us” section which usually reveals the broker’s history as well as their mission. I was surprised to find that there was nothing to this effect in the “about us” section of NRGbinary. Instead, I found information about withdrawals and deposits, a legal disclaimer and bios of the top analysts at the firm.


There are three different accounts to choose from at NRGbinary. The Mini account requires a minimum deposit of $350 and traders receive a welcome bonus of 50% on their money. The Standard account which is the recommended account has a minimum requirement of at least $1000 and the welcome bonus is up to 75%. $3000 is necessary for the Deluxe account which then provides a hefty 100% welcome bonus.

There is no mention of either an Islamic account or a demo account.

NRGbinary Platform

The NRGbinary trading platform offers some features to assist clients in managing risk. NRGbinary provides investors with returns up to 70 - 85% if the option is in-the-money and 10% refund on out-of-the-money positions. It claims to have returns of up to 500%, the highest in the industry, but this is only available on the One Touch platform, and does come with risk, of course. One Touch options can be purchased in units at $50.

The Option Builder allows you to customize your own option by choosing the asset, investment amount, expiry time, and your risk/profit ratio. 60 second binary options last exactly one minute and you can make up to 85% returns on your money.

Newly introduced is the iFollow social trading feature where you can follow the leaders in each asset category, track their opened positions and hope for equal success. Features

The running breaking news clips provide reports on a variety of financial topics. Customer support at NRGbinary is provided in Dutch, English, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Italian and French and response through email, chat, phone and even Skype. There are, in fact, two choices for online customer service. One enables you to pose a question which I did. However I received an automatic respose to write an email to the support team. This screen does not automatically shut itself off and reappeared throughout my review, which was somewhat bothersome. The chat screen opens when I tried to place a trade.

Deposits can be made via credit card or wire transfer and can be done in Euros, British Pounds and US Dollars. Withdrawals can be made the same way. The standard withdrawal takes 48 hours but is usually transacted faster; money is credited to the client’s account in two to seven days depending on the mode of payment chosen.

Some error message

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

EmpireOption Review

Empire Option Broker Review

[Total: 19 Average: 5/5]

EmpireOption is one of the pioneer brokers in the Binary Options industry. Launched in 2011, it is regarded as one of the best platforms in the niche, due in part to its clean and simple usability, and because it is one of the few platforms of its kind to be available for US clients. Apart from this, it is the Nº1 binary option’s broker in Latam, being the only one with headquarters located in the region. Empire Option is based in Uruguay and it is regulated and allowed to operate in a world wide wave-length, marking a difference from competirors that are located in tax haven territories.

EmpireOption Review | Why it is the best broker in Latam

Empire Option is the only binary options platform in the market that has native support in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. It offers the most complete array of local payment-withdrawal methods in Latam, making it the most reputed broker in Latam. Besides this three languages, the platform is available in French and German, making it very popular in the European market.

EmpireOption Review | Services

EmpireOption clients can get in touch with the native support team via email, chat or toll free telephone numbers. This is not just a company looking to enrich itself, but a real structure of professional executives that aim to set the highest profit in their clients’ portfolios.

EmpireOption Review | Señales

This is why they also provide market signals that inform about the trend in a preferred financial asset, being it a stock, a currency pair, commodity, index, etc. Adding to this, EmpireOption offers interactive webinars every week, in three langagues, providing the knowledge and tools for traders to become pros in this field.

And if you wish to be updated with the latest financial news, their NewsCenter section offers minute by minute news, the most thorough economic calendar and specialized economy columns by market analysts. Every time you want to check how the price of Google, Apple, Gold, Oil or else, just visit this section.

EmpireOption Review | How to operate in the platform

The minimum deposit in EmpireOption to start trading is 200 Usd (or Eur). In each operation you can get an earning rate of 80%. This is one of the best platforms in the industry in terms of user-friendly interface, with graphics showing the assets’ behavior in the previous hours. The user can choose among different type of operations, such as traditional options, short term, long term, One Touch options and the iFollow tool.

EmpireOption Review | Empire Option iFollow

iFollow is an exclusive EmpireOption tool that is the favorite of many traders with little experience in financial markets. This feature allows the user to copy the strategy of the most seasoned and successful traders.

In the iFollow tab within the trading section, you can see the percentage of successful operations of the best traders in the platfrom. You can select the number of traders you wish to follow, as well as the period and investment with which to follow them. Once you activate it, iFollow will copy the operations of your selected traders with your chosen time frame and amount.

iFollow also shows you the number of users that are following each experienced trader, as well as the amount of successful operations and earnings they have. These are all important factors to take into account when you select traders to follow their strategy.

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CherryTrade Review


Pagos altos

Multiple Trading Types

Several Trading Materials

Trade on-the-go


Few Languages

No Demo

Fee on Wire Transfers (Withdrawals)

No 24/7 Support

No Support Email

Revision completa


CherryTrade is a binary options brand owned and operated by Redtulips Consultants Ltd. The company was founded in 2010, but began offering services in March 2017. Its headquarters are located at 1A, Arcade House Temple Fortune, London NW11 7TL.

CherryTrade is one of the few binary options brokers that U. S binary options traders can turn to. The company’s binary options trading platform is 100% web-based, which means no need for software installation.

Bonuses and Offers

CherryTrade does reward its new and regular clients with various forms of promotion including bonuses and one-time trading credits on occasional basis.

Clients cannot withdraw their bonuses unless they reach a trading volume equivalent to 30 times the size of the bonus. So if your bonus is $100, then you will be required to reach a trading volume of $3,000 in order to withdraw the $100 bonus.

In addition, clients cannot make any withdrawal of funds from their account before the above requirement is met. Failure to comply would result in the cancellation of the bonus amount, thereby deducting your account balance.

Tipos de cuenta

CherryTrade has five classifications on trading accounts ranked by the level of deposit amount.

Basic: This type of account is composed of trades with deposits not exceeding $1,000. It has no promotions, which means no opening bonus.

Professional: This account represents traders with deposits capped at $5,000 and qualifies for promotions.

Expert: In order to have an Expert account, traders are required to deposit more than $5,000 and less than $10,000. It also qualifies for promotions.

VIP: This type of account attracts deposits that are more than $10,000 all the way to $25,000. Promotions are active.

Corporate: Any account with deposits exceeding $25,000 is ranked as corporate.

Trade Types

CherryTrade has nearly all types of binary options available for trading on its platform. Whether you are looking for the long-term type or the minute by minute options, CherryTrade has got you covered.

Call/Put Binary Options: Trade the classical call/put binary options and stand a chance to win up to 81% in payout.

Pairs: Compare two related assets in terms of performance and make you pick by predicting the one you think will outperform the other by the time the option expires. (Currently Unavailable)

Long Term: Some traders prefer trading in long term by timing major market events. These binary options provide you with that opportunity with expiry periods ranging from one day, 7 days as well as monthly.

Sixty Seconds: The opposite of long term is super short term. Traders can turn in profits by the minute by trading the 60 seconds binary options. With these they can invest as little as $5 per trade.

One Touch: Now, if you are the type that prefers limited trading with maximum payouts, the “One Touch” is ideal, as this type of binary options provides traders with the opportunity to make up to 500% in payouts. All you have to do is predict whether the price of the underlying security will reach a certain level at least once within a week.

Ladder: With Ladder options, traders have another opportunity to make massive profits. Here the payout increases as the price of the underlying security continues to drift towards your predicted direction. The broker has identified levels that are marked. Payout up to 500%.

IFollow: This is more like copy trading. Here traders can invest an amount $100 and set it to follow a certain trader (normally the very successful ones) for one week. At the end of the week, the rate of return of the trader you choose to follow will be your rate of return on your investment.

Asset Index


Stocks: IBM, Microsoft, Apple, BAE Systems (London), BP plc, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Gazprom (Russia), HSBC Holdings (London), Lukoil (Russia), Nike, Nissan Motor, Reuters (US), Rolls Royce, SBERBANK (Russia), TATA Motors (India), TESCO, TEVA. TA, TURKCELL (Turkey)

Commodities: Coffee, Gold, Crude Oil, Platinum, Sugar, Silver, Wheat

Indices: Bombay SE, CAC 40, DAX, Dow, Dubai Financial Market General Index, FTSE 100, Hand Seng, ISE 30 (Istanbul Stock Exchange), KL Future, Kuwait General Index, MICEX 10 (Moscow), MSM 30 (Oman), NASDAQ, Nikkei 225, RTS (Moscow), S&P 500, SSE 180 (Shanghai), TADAWUL (Saudi Stock Exchange), Tel Aviv 25, TOPIX

Herramientas de Trading

CherryTrade has taken a big step towards making sure that its clients are well informed whenever they make that prediction of where the price of the underlying asset is likely head.

The company’s binary options trading platform has prepared trading materials such as guides on binary options as well as the usage and navigation across the platform.

CherryTrade has also created several videos with various lessons about binary options trading with some focusing on the basic stuff while others are typically made for advanced traders. Therefore, even those with knowledge about binary options can still learn something from CherryTrade’s trading videos.

The company has also written an eBook which can be used as reference point by binary options traders, both beginners and advanced when doing trading, or better still in sharpening their trading skills.

CherryTrade has launched iOS and Android apps for traders to download from the App store and Google Play respectively, thereby enabling trading on-the-go, a key feature in today’s financial markets.

Depósitos y Retiros


At CherryTrade, traders can deposit funds in their account via three methods which include bank wire transfer, Credit/Debit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Diners, Maestro, Maestro UK (Switch), Solo, Delta and Master Card) or the various electronic payment methods e. g CashU, eWallet, among others.

The minimum deposit is $200 or EUR200, GBP200 AUD200 and CAD200. The maximum deposit via credit card is $5,000, while for wire transfers there is no limit. The minimum deposit via wire transfer is $500, any deposit less than $500 attracts $25 fee charge.


Traders can withdraw a minimum of $100. All withdrawals via Credit/debit card are done free, while wire transfers attract a $30 charge per withdrawal.

Withdrawals to a credit card can only be done to the same credit card used to deposit the money. Also the total amount withdrawn cannot surpass the total amount invested. All additional funds are withdrawn via bank transfer.

Withdrawal processing takes 5-7 days, and after that it depends on the withdrawal method and location of the trader’s bank.


Traders can contact CherryTrade support via three avenues which include telephone, contact form and live support.

Live Support: This is available from 6:00 to 21:00 GMT Sunday through Friday

Contact Form: Filled online

Telephone: US +1-91-7775-0354

BinaryOptions. com - El sitio de opciones binarias más informado, conocedor y educativo

LBinary Review

LBinary are a relatively new on the binary options market, but the fact that they use the high-ranking SpotOption platform to deliver trading services to customers from all corners of the world, including the USA, has acquired them a great deal of credibility. The distinctive perks offered by the LBinary brokerage are: payouts made within 72 hours, 3 insured trades for newcomers, the Option Builder binary option and the iFollow feature.

Herramientas de Trading

The web-based LBinary platform is universally accessible at any time of day to anyone with an internet connection. SpotOption’s platform is completely secure, the transaction information is encrypted and the technology is CySec regulated. LBinary also provide mobile trading via the android and iOS mobile app, which has the same functionality as the browser version and enables instant remote access and account management.

The website is available in the following languages: English, Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Russian.

As data is provided by Thomson Reuters, traders have continuous, accurate and real-time data streams.

Educational Material

LBinary declare that they value educating their traders above all other services. A wide range of training resources is available on their website, including a binary e-book, video trading courses, beginner and advanced courses, and platform functionality courses.


With LBinary, payout rates will go as high as 85 per cent, depending on the type of asset traded and account held, but with the One Touch option, they have been known to reach 720 per cent. Minimum trade is $10 and the maximum trade amount is $50,000. The minimum account deposit is $250, which is just low enough to avoid considerable initial losses for the inexperienced traders.


Accounts are denominated in USD, EUR, GBP, CAD and AUD.

Deposits areaccepted by LBinaryinstantly fromusing all major credit and debit cards or via bank wire transfers. Withdrawals take a few days to clear.

Tradable Assets

All LBinary accounts provide access to a wide selection of trading assets. This extensive list of assets includes 30 stocks (among which Apple, BP, HSBC and Microsoft), 26 indices (like FTSE and NASDAQ), 7 commodities (silver, sugar, coffee, gold, oil, platinum, and wheat), and 29 currency pairs.

Trading Types

As one would expect of a SpotOption trading package provider, LBinary. com features High/Low, One Touch and standard Binary Options, but it also features an exclusive element entitled ‘Options Builder’.

Binary Options are standard Call/Put options with 60 Second expiry times, Roll Over and Double Up features, allowing users to maximise their rewards.

High/Low options enable traders to choose between target rates that will either be higher or lower than the current price at the time the contract expires.

With the One Touch binary option, traders decide whether assets will reach a pre-determined threshold before the expiry time.

The last feature, Binary Options, enables traders to select their assets, the investment amounts, expiry times and profit to risk ratios.

Additionally, LBinary’s iFollow trading tool allows users to trade socially. Social trading simply involves following the recent activity of top traders.

Expiry Intervals

Depending on the type of binary option, they offer are 60 seconds, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours, end-of-week and end-of-month expiry intervals.

Demo Account

LBinary state that their policy is customer-centric and they have the highest interest in educating their website users, however they do not currently feature a demo account. The instructional material available on their website is considered sufficient.

Account Packages, Deposits and Bonuses

LBinary offer generous welcome bonuses of 100 per cent for deposits up to $3,000, but not much else in terms of rewards from then on.

There are five types of accounts, or in LBinary terminology, investment plans: Micro, Silver, Gold, Expert and Platinum. As expected, online registration is free and once the deposit is processed, trading can begin immediately.

The minimum requirement for a Micro account is a deposit of $250 and it comes with e-mail support and a personal account manager. The Silver account features all the above-mentioned perks plus 60-minute lessons. The Gold account comes with all that and trading strategy discussions with qualified brokers, on top, as well as quick money transfers. The Expert account holder will benefit from all the bonuses that a Gold member receives, plus one-on-one trading consultations with a broker. Finally, the Platinum customer will reap all those benefits, and a VIP phone line, to boot.

About the Company

LBinary is owned by Targaryen Holdings Limited and based in suite 41/42, Victoria House, 26 Main St. Gibraltar GX11 1AA.

To reach LBinary simply use the Live Chat feature, the e-mail form on their website, or one of the telephone numbers available to customers from Europe, North America, Africa, Australia, Asia or Australia. Customers can therefore call a number in Bahrain, Cyprus, Australia, USA, UK, Italy, Qatar, Japan or South Africa, according to their location.


With a CySec certified platform, an innovative Option Builder function, insured trades, fast payouts, one-on-one trading sessions, VIP phone lines, trading strategy discussions and an extensive range of instructional material, LBinary is a higher-calibre binary options broker than most. However, traders looking for demo accounts and substantial bonuses would be better off looking for other brokers.

Compare Binary Options Brokers Here


Binary options trading is easy enough for anyone to do. But the more you understand the basic principles of binary options and the various trading methods that are available, the more profitable it will be for you. This is the page where you can learn different trading and risk strategies, as well as ways to read various market indicators and sentiment.

The most successful traders know how to accurately project which direction the markets are going to move in the coming minutes, hours, days and even weeks. How do they do it? By using fundamental analysis to understand how external forces, such as current events and the weather will affect their assets, and by using technical analysis, which enables them to accurately read market indicators. With these tools, successful traders can make educated predictions on what their assets will do next.

Our video library, courses and eBook below are the perfect way for you to gain the tools and to learn the strategies and market indicators that you need to see your binary options investments turn into serious profits!

In addition you can receive one on one strategy lessons with an expert trader – for more information contact your account manager today!

Introduction to Binary Options Trading

New traders and seasoned veterans alike can either learn the basics of binary options trading, or refresh their memory with any of these four videos.

Binary Options – An Introduction

¿Qué son las opciones binarias? What tools can you use and why does the market change?

The Psychology of Binary Options Trading

How to keep your wits about when you are trading – both when you win and when you lose.

Managing Your Finances

For the best long-term profits, it is important to manage your money intelligently.

Analyzing the Market

Learn what fundamental analysis and technical analysis are and how you can use them to increase your earnings and minimize your risk.

Binary Options Trading Courses

Choose your level – Beginner or Advanced, then use our course to bring your knowledge to the next level of binary options trading

Intro class

This video explains the importance of binary options trading and gives you a sneak peak into the rest of the topics in the course.

Global trading

An overview of the binary options market and financial instruments. Learn what affects markets and how you can utilize these to maximize your profit potential.

The Advantages of Binary Options

Exactly as the title sounds – why should you get involved in binary options trading? Why is it better for you as apposed to say forex or vanilla options?

The Art of Trading

What do you need to know to be a successful binary options trader?

Taking risks and chances

Binary Options Trading is not an exact science. Understand the role that probability plays in your investments and what are good risks to take.

Trading on Emotion

Emotions can play a role in your trading – sometimes good sometimes bad. Learn what is the best state of mind to have when binary options trading.

Risk Management

Learn how to minimize the risks that are inherent in binary options trading.

Redwood Options Review

Redwood Options have carved a niche as they’re a step ahead from the other brokers in the realm, they merely turned experiences into strong points to capitalize on. Based in The Valley, Anguilla, Redwood Options is a fresh contender among the binary brokers to join the industry in March 2017, owned and operated by Platinum Dome Investments Ltd being. Redwood Options is present day’s foremost binary options broker - offering a towering payout of 81%.

Redwood Options Trading Platform

The platform is 100% web-based, software downloads aren’t necessary! One Touch, Ladder, Pairs, Long Term, Binary Options, iFollow and 60 Seconds are the exquisite trading platforms. No prior trading experience essential! The platform’s trading modules are top-of-the-line. State-of-the-art technologies ensure consumer satisfaction. The platform has user-friendly interface. The platform is secure for financial transactions, sensitive account details aren’t exploited unscrupulously.

Returns on Investments

With Redwood Options, returns are 81% despite the type of asset being traded. An offer of a high payout makes trading experience worthwhile. 10% of the invested sum is returned to the traders – if any option has expired below the strike price.

Special Features

A range of 20 Stocks, 7 Commodities, 12 Currency pairs and 22 Indices are offered with a minimum trade amount of $10. Redwood Options Follow Feature facilitates users to follow the actions of principal traders and emulate them. Redwood Options has implemented the Forex Feature. Ladder Options is a great new addition. With Refer a Friend system, users can refer friends, once they make deposits, both obtain a $50 bonus. Free eBook on binary options, video academy, courses and live daily webinars are available.

Redwood Options Reputation

Redwood Options is a reputed broker that remains at the forefront as a leader. Binary options trading is always obtainable while the asset of preference is being traded in the particular market. They offer precise data streams from their data provider – Thomson Reuters. Platform is user-friendly. Registration process is clear-cut. High payouts and multiple trading platforms assists traders of every skill level.

Tipos de cuenta

Redwood Options offers a demo account for new traders. And for the real-trade accounts, there are 3 options. Redwood Options Mini, deposit $200 – $999, 30% bonus, daily market reviews. Redwood Options Executive, deposit $1000 – $4999, 70% bonus, accelerated withdrawals, account manager, single risk free trade. Redwood Options Gold, deposit $5000 – $10,000, 100% bonus, a senior account manager, same day withdrawals, money management, advanced portfolio, 5 risk free trades.

Redwood Options Deposit

Redwood Options permits deposits by any method – be it debit card, credit card, wire transfer, WebMoney – safely and swiftly. The credit/debit cards accepted are: VISA, MASTERCARD or MAESTRO, VISA ELECTRON. The least deposit amount is 200 USD, 200 EUR, 200 AUD, 200 CAD, 200 GBP, 20,000 JPY. Maximum amount for credit card – 5,000 USD and wire – unlimited.

Redwood Options Withdrawal

The minimum amount of withdrawal is 100 EUR/100 USD depending on trading account currency. Withdrawals are received shortly after withdrawal request. While withdrawal request is processed, trader can still cancel withdrawal and return the fund to the account. A contact by phone or email is needed.

Atención al cliente

Redwood has a 24/5 phone and email support available. This binary broker also has Live Chat, which is exceptionally valuable in actual trade scenarios. Queries about opening trade accounts, using the trading platform, deposits and withdrawals, or access to account are swiftly resolved by a proficient customer support team.

Is Redwood Options a Scam?

Is Redwood legitimate or are they a scam for the traders? Redwood Options have surely been the finest among the emerging binary brokers since 2017 and one of the greatest ever seen. The service traders have obtained has been brilliant. So with no grievances and an excellent experience so far, we’re feeling great about this broker.

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Binary Uno Review


Binary Uno launched their binary options platform in 2017 and is owned and operated by Titan Trade Capital Ltd. The platform itself is provided by SpotOption, which is well-known for offering platforms which are loaded with trade options and highly user-friendly. The platform is provided in several different languages, but is currently not offered in mobile app format. This broker is in the process of receiving their license from CySec, and as such does not accept U. S. traders at this time. Binary Uno asks for a minimum deposit in the amount of $250.


The platform layout is quite simple, with the available instruments displayed along the top, and additional selections available underneath. There are four different platform views to choose from, including signal trade and multi trade options. Each window provides a price chart, along with a Traders Choice bar which shows the percentage of traders who are taking each side of the trade. Live streaming news is shown to the side of the platform, with this information coming directly from Reuters.

Trading Instruments

Binary Uno provides several different instruments, including: Binary Options, Pairs, Long Term, Sixty Seconds, One Touch, Ladder, and IFollow. Along with these, traders will find several expiry times to choose from. The shortest provided expiry time is 60 seconds, with the longest being several months away. The lowest accepted trade size is $5, with most calling for a minimum investment of $25. The offered return rates average from 71-77%, and refund rates of up to 10% are offered on select losing trades.

Variety Of Assets





Platform Features

IFollow is listed as an instrument, but it is certainly one of the more appealing features offered by this binary options broker. When used, this feature will allow traders to copy the trades of successful traders, with the system itself executing the trades (limits can be set in advance). Rollover is also offered and will allow traders to extend the expiry time of select trade types. This feature must be used before the expiry time reaches 10-minutes remaining.

Education and Trading Tools

A full interactive academy is provided, along with a binary options eBook and videos. Free webinars, daily asset reviews, an economic calendar, and trade signals are also provided. The overall number of extras that are provided (such as signals) will be based on account type, but all traders will have access to the academic tools, economic calendar, and other basics.

Bonificaciones y Promociones

Binary Uno offers deposit bonuses of up to 150% on first-time deposits. The bonus amount is directly linked to the amount of deposit. A trade volume of 30x the bonus amount will need to be completed before the bonus can be withdrawn. This broker does not have any contests in place, but does offer a refer-a-friend promotion which offers to pay traders $50 for each friend who creates an account and submits at least the minimum deposit with this broker.

Tipos de cuenta

Micro, Standard, Premium, VIP, and Elite account types are offered. Each of these comes with a variety of extras such as binary options signals, risk-free trades, advanced training, access to a senior account manager, premium withdrawals, and more. The minimum deposit for a Micro account is $1,000. From there, the deposit requirement for different account types range from $2,000 to $100,000.

Banking methods include Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Diners credit cards, bank wire transfers, and CashU. The minimum transaction size for wire transfers is $250, but there is no minimum withdrawal amount in place for the other banking methods. A withdrawal fee of $35 is charged, regardless of payment type. Withdrawals take 2-3 days to process, with additional waiting time of 5-7 days for funds to actually transfer.


Top-notch SpotOption platform

Soon to be regulated

Large bonuses

Above average education section

Plenty of trade variety

Nice selection of assets

Low per-trade minimums

Refund rates are offered


Withdrawal fees are unavoidable

Top return rate is slightly below average

Binary Uno Review Conclusion

Overall, Binary Uno is similar to many other brokers in that they provide a SpotOption platform and all of the basics needed for a trader to be successful. However, they do go above and beyond by offering extras such as IFollow and the soon to be offered, Forex trading. This is one binary options broker that is prepared to meet the needs of many global traders.

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RedwoodOptions Review

October 23, 2017, by Chris Morton

RedwoodOptions. com is a binary options broker based out of Gibraltar and managed by Bluesky Solutions ltd that we approve = it is not a scam broker. It offers 29 currency pairs with a good selection of exotic pairs such as USDZAR, Gold/Euro and USDRUB, over 70 different stocks from across the globe, 8 commodities and 37 global indices. RedWoodOptions is one of the few binary options brokers that accepts traders from the US.

RedwoodOptions. com boasts of some very unique binary options trading features that are not available with any other broker. The typical payouts vary from 81% along with a few binary options offering an insured amount which varies up to 10% of the invested amount.

RedWoodOptions. com – Types of Binary Options

RedWoodOptions. com offers a wide choice of binary options contracts to trade with as mentioned below.

Classic Binary Options offers regular payouts of up to 81%. This type of Binary Options contracts offers a wide selection of assets to trade with along with different expiry times to choose from. The minimum investment amount for trading the classic binary options starts from $10

Pairs Options trading offers a collection of stock and commodity pairs to trade with such as Gold v/s Silver or Facebook v/s LinkedIn. This innovative binary options contract pays out up to 70% with the trader being able to choose the different expiry times. The minimum amount of investment for pairs option trading starts from $10.

Long term options offers weekly, monthly and yearly expiring options offered for almost all types of assets. The payouts are approximately 75%- 77%. The minimum investment amount is $10 for trading the long term options

Short term options offers 60, 90, 120 seconds as well as 3 and 5 minute expiring options. The payouts for trading the short term expiring options are up to 70% with the minimum investment amount of $5

Ladder options are a unique type of binary options which pays out depending on the levels being traded. The potential profits that one can make trading these types of options can vary on the options as well as the pricing. Typical payouts are in the region of 25% and upwards

RedWoodOptions. com – Trading Platform

The binary options trading platform from RedWoodOptions offers a simple and elegant interface. The charts for the assets selected can be customized in terms of the chart intervals. Traders can choose from 30 minutes up to 12 hour chart intervals. The platform also features the trader sentiment as well as the current price displayed on the chart.

Besides the web based interface, traders can also access RedWoodOptions via Android and iOS trading apps, which offers a mobile binary options trading experience. Traders can trade directly from the mobile devices including navigating between the different binary options contracts as well as the ability to select the assets that they want to trade.

RedWoodOptions. com – iFollow Feature

RedWoodOptions. com offers a unique feature referred to as IFollow which is an automatic copy trading service. Using this feature, traders at RedWoodOptions. com can automatically copy the trades of the most successful binary options traders. The IFollow feature is flexible and traders can customize their trade settings including following trades for a particular period of time as well as setting limits on the amounts that can be automatically traded on your behalf.

RedWoodOptions. com – Banking & Servicio al cliente

To open a live trading account, a minimum deposit of $200 or its equivalent must be made. Accounts can be opened in USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD and RUB currencies. A base currency once selected for the account cannot be changed later, which traders need to bear in mind. Deposits to RedWoodOptions. com can be made using Credit/Debit cards, Bank WIRE transfers and Webmoney. Before making a deposit, traders are required to provide proof of id and address in order to be able to make deposits and withdrawals.

Customer service can be contacted via Live Chat, Email and local phones. US, Canadian and UK traders can contact RedWoodOptions. com customer service via Toll-free numbers.

RedWoodOptions. com Review

RedWoodOptions boasts of some innovative trading products such as the IFollow feature which is a first for binary options. There is a good selection of assets as well as a wide choice of binary options contracts to choose from. Traders from the US can also deposit and trade with RedWoodOptions. com. The simplistic interface along with the option to trade from Android and iOS smartphones makes Redwoodoptions. com a preferred choice for binary options traders.

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No1Options Review

Byadmin on March 17, 2017


No1Options is a leading binary options broker and is well-known in the industry for their professionalism and reliability. Both pro and novice traders can find everything they need to trade binary options effectively under the No1Options trading umbrella. This includes a cutting edge trading platform that is easy to use and to navigate, a wealth of educational trading tools as well as top notch customer service and support.

No1Options is headquartered in London and they also offers traders a wide choice of assets to trade in as well a vast selection of trade options which caters to both short term and long term traders. To enhance trading convenience and flexibility, No1Options also offers a mobile version of their trading platform. Compatible with all Android and iOS devices, traders can trade at any time and from anywhere.

In recognition of their superior service and website, No1Options was awarded the Best Website Award in 2017 as well as the Best Broker Award. To cater for global traders, the No1Options website is available in 8 languages including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish. The broker has also dedicated their time and experience in developing a comprehensive education center which offers traders access to vital trading information and training including market reviews, an Economic Calendar, eBooks, training videos, platform tutorials, articles and much more. If you are a new trader to the online trading world or a seasoned pro, No1Options provides a safe and transparent trading environment to enhance trading accuracy and success.

Primary Features & Incentives

Intuitive and state-of-the-art 100% web-based trading platform

Available in 8 languages – English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish

Simple and free registration

Choice of 5 different trading accounts with added features and services including VIP trading account

Welcome Bonus – Up to 200% deposit match on your funds

Trading signals highlighting potentially profitable trading opportunities

Risk Free Trade Program – Up to 3 Months Risk Free trading

Payouts up to 89%

Variety of trade options – Call/Put, Long Term, Fast Trading, Pairs, One Touch, Forex, iFollow

Over 100 Global Assets – Stocks, Indices, Currency Pairs (Forex) and Commodities

Choice of safe and secure banking options – Deposits and Withdrawals

Wealth of educational resources

Professional and dedicated customer support – Contactable via email, telephone and Live Chat

User-friendly mobile trading

Easy to use trading platform – Desktop and mobile

Safe and secure trading experience

Competitive payouts

Access to Risk management tools such as Rollover, Double Up and Early Closure

iFollow – Social trading

Access to over 100 global assets – Stocks, commodities, currency pairs and indices

Dedicated and reliable customer service and support

Free educational trading tools and services

Risk Free Trading Program

Access to trading signals and one-on-one training

Dedicated personal account manager available

Relatively new to the industry

Assets Offered

The core success of binary options is having access to trade a wide variety of global assets and No1Options offers their traders a wide choice of over 100 assets to trade in. Trading is also available on weekends enabling traders to trade 7 days a week. No1Options offers a competitive rate of return on successful trades and on some of the trade options such as One Touch, traders can earn up to 500% return on a single trade. Trading with No1Options is simple and anyone can do it. Once you have entered the trading platform, select the asset you wish to trade, the expiry time, enter the investment amount and then select ‘Call’ if you predict the price of the asset will increase by the expiry of the trade or ‘Put’ if you predict the price of the asset will decrease. It really is this simple! An added advantage is that No1Options clearly marks the payout percentage on each trade option and so a trader knows even before they make an investment what they stand to win or lose. A detailed Asset Index can also be found on the website which provides information on each asset, the trading hours, the expiry rule and the Reuters code. Here are some of the most popular assets offered by No1Options:

Stocks – Google, Coca Cola, BP, Nissan Motor

Indices – S&P 500, Dow Jones, FTSE 100

Currencies – EUR/USD, USD/GBP, USD/JPY

Commodities – Silver, Gold, Oil, Platinum, Wheat

Customer Support & Educación

No1Options is dedicated to providing traders with all the tools to succeed. For this reason, they offer a wide range of trading tools and services such as daily market reviews, eBooks, trading videos, access to a Fibonacci calculator and an Economic Calendar and much more. All trading tools are directed at both new traders to the industry as well as seasoned professionals. Video courses are also provided for beginners and advanced traders. To boost trading accuracy, No1Options also offers trading signals as well as risk free trading. The No1Options customer support team can be contacted with ease via the Live Chat system on their site as well as via email and telephone. The staff offer support in a variety of languages and they are professional and experienced when it comes to binary options trading.

UK Contact – +44-203-150-2784



LBinary Review

LBinary is a very reputable broker that was established in 2017. This broker has many great advantages that are in demand with traders and is available to the US market as well as globally. LBinary features the industry’s highest yield for One Touch options with a maximum payout of 720%. The platform also incorporates their revolutionary iFollow social trading feature and has one of the best mobile apps offered by any binary options broker.

LBinary Features

iFollow Social Trading

In January of 2017 SpotOption introduced a social trading feature to their platform called SpotFollow. LBinary is the first SpotOption broker to implement it and have renamed it iFollow in their product offering. We should point out that this has nothing to do with iFollow Signals which is a scam signal service. LBinary as well as being an innovator has become an industry leader in binary options social trading. The iFollow feature enables you to filter out the best perfoming traders, examine their past performance and open positions. These top traders are ranked by their success rate and the number of followers they currently have. After you have identified the traders whose performance and trading style are to your liking, you can opt to automatically copy their trades. You may follow any number of traders and also decide whether you want to focus on specific assets or not. You can also decide on the trade size and total amount to invest for each followed trader. How long you want to follow a trader for, anywhere from 1 week to 1 year is also a parameter. Whilst past performance is not necessarily a guarantee of future returns, it can be beneficial for new traders to piggy-back for free on the skills of their more experienced counterparts. Lbinary traders may decide whether they wish to be a part of the iFollow social network or not. Unlike with forex social trading, the successful traders who are followed are not remunerated for the service they provide to their fellow traders but avail there trading info to others out of a spirit of community.

Mobile Trading

Lbinary offers a free downloadable mobile app for both iOS and Android mobile/tablet. There is also a mobile version of the website but the app offers a better experience. Lbinary’s mobile support is far superior compared to many other brokers.

General Features

Lbinary offers standard High/Low, Short-term, Pairs and Option Builder. Their features also include double up, roll over and sell early. One feature that stands out is their One Touch, which offers pay-outs of up to 720%! This is the highest offered payout offered by any binary options broker. Over 60 assets are offered including bitcoin.

LBinary Support & Seguridad

Friendly and responsive customer support is available around the clock via email, live chat and telephone. Telephone support is toll free in 8 countries. Support is provided in 7 languages: English, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian. Lbinary’s platform is fully encrypted and secured by SSL so you can be assured that your private personal information such as credit card details will be safe.

Lbinary’s Reputation

There have been a few complaints regarding LBinary in some binary options forums. However, these appear to be related to traders accepting bonuses or “risk free trades” which of course automatically result in accounts being barred from withdrawal. We, as has been stated before, strongly discourage traders from accepting any form of bonus or insured trades from any binary options broker. Doing so will automatically prevent you from making withdrawals until you have turned over a high required trading volume, which is normally very difficult to achieve.

Overall, LBinary has a good online reputation. In 2017 LBinary received the Best Execution Award from DailyForex. com. LBinary has also been endorsed by many other high profile binary options and forex websites.

Lbinary Deposits & Retiros

Deposits can be done via wire transfer or using most debit or credit cards. You will need to deposit a minimum of $250 to open a trading account with LBinary. Withdrawals are normally executed within 3 to 5 business days. Only amounts equalling deposits can be withdrawn to credit/debit cards. Profits made must be withdrawn via wire transfer. There is a $25 fee charged for wire transfers. There is no limit on withdrawals and credit card withdrawals are free.

Lbinary Education

LBinary customers receive market news updates on a daily basis as well a free ebook and exclusive One on One live trading instruction sessions on request.


LBinary offers an overall nice trading experience. The platform is clean and easy to navigate with a decent selection of assets. With their mobile trading, social trading, high payouts on One Touch, speedy withdrawals and friendly customer support they offer a very attractive package. On top of this, because of their global-wide availability. they make an excellent choice for US based traders but also have many clients from the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Binary Broker Reviews: CherryTrade

Overall Score 8.5/10


Owned and managed by Redtulips Consultants LTD, CherryTrade is a relatively new broker founded in 2017. Many people who just start out and are brand new to trading will often open an account with CherryTrade. Although CherryTrade isn’t a regulated broker, traders can still feel safe because one of their priorities is making the platform efficient and safe as can possibly be. CherryTrade has one of the lowest minimum deposits and lowest minimum trading sizes available out of any other binary options broker. This makes it very attractive to new traders because it yields as an excellent option for building up to a large account size from a fairly small one.

CherryTrade’s Trading Platform:

SpotOption 2.0

CherryTrade works using a SpotOption 2.0 based platform, giving traders a pleasurable and easy trading experience. SpotOption is single handedly one of the most popular and most used trading platforms available. SpotOption is known as a white-label platform, meaning that this platform is offered to many brokers. Since SpotOption is used by so many brokers, SpotOption wanted to up its game and came out with SpotOption 2.0, which has some major improvements. Those improvements include the use of visuals, graphs, trade speed, and new trading features.

Mobile Trading

Traders can now trade from any mobile device, any time, and anywhere. SpotOption 2.0, CherryTrade’s preferred trading platform, provides a phenomenal mobile trading service. Traders can track their trades, see their history, pick favorite assets and so much more. Mobile trading makes it easier for traders everywhere so they don’t have to miss a single trade.

Special Features:

There are now features that allow traders to manage their trade after it’s already placed. Traders can Sell Their Position, Double Up, Roll Over, or Enlarge The Graph.

Tipos de operaciones:

Binary Options (High/Low)


Long Term

Sixty Seconds

One Touch (Payouts up to 1500%)


CherryTrade offers over 100 assets to trade.

Account Types:

CherryTrade offers 5 different account types:

When choosing an account, it is also encouraged to ask customer service for help according to your certain trading needs.

Vip: $5,000.00 USD

Corporate: $ 10,000.00 USD

When making a deposit, a trader can deposit as much money as he/she would like. A trader doesn’t have to just deposit the minimum amount of money and is actually encouraged to deposit a bit more for a better trading experience.

Demo Account

CherryTrade is currently not offering demo accounts.

Depositing/Withdrawing Funds

Before carrying out any transactions within CherryTrade, a proof of identity will be required. Withdrawals can be carried out through the same method of deposit and are usually looked at within 3 business days. Depending on the bank, it will then be processed and deposited in the account. CherryTrade accepts:

Customer Service/Support

CherryTrade provides many ways to reach. CherryTrade can be reached through live chat, phone, contact form, or email . With live chat, on weekdays, it is expected to receive a response in about 45 seconds.

CherryTrade’s in house features

CherryTrade’s “Ifollow”

IFollow is a new feature of CherryOption’s. It is set up to be an “automatic trader” in a social aspect. Traders now have the opportunity to follow some of the top traders. This is great, especially if one is new to trading. This is a completely free feature that comes with opening an account. Ifollow is also fully customizable to fit the trader’s needs. Scan out some of the most successful traders and set your trading account on autopilot for the amount of time chosen. This can also help a trader get a break from the market while still earning a profit.

CherryTrade Extras

Site Tutorial: Lean how CherryTrade works.

Introduction Video Library: This is an interactive trading course that cover fundamental topics.

Video Trading Courses: Offers to educate traders of all types.

Advanced Course: Offers advanced tactics and strategies.

Trading e-book: Learn the benefits of trading.

Quick Review:


Depósito mínimo bajo

Demo Account

SpotOption 2.0 Platform

Pagos altos

Free Auto-Trading Service

Cons (complaints):

Doesn’t accept Us Traders

No Demo Accounts

Contact Information:

Support Number: +917 775 0324

Support email: support@cherrytrade. com

Address: 1A, Arcade House Temple Fortune, London NW11 7TL


CherryTrade is a 100% trusted broker. Although CherryTrade isn’t regulated, it follows financial regulation standards. After extensive research, it is concluded that CherryTrade is a great choice when it comes to picking a binary options broker.

My Personal Review/Advice:

In my personal opinion, I think CherryTrade is a great choice of a broker, especially if you are limited on funds. It doesn’t require a large sum of money to get started with. One can EASILY, with the right methods and strategies, turn $200.00 USD into thousands. CherryTrade is compatible with many great signal services and offers many tips and “how to’s”. Anyone that isn’t sure about trading or is just getting into it, this is an awesome choice. It does offer a demo account after deposit to trade paper money (fake money) with, just in case an individual finds that CherryTrade isn’t for them, they can withdraw their money and walk away without losing a single cent.

Feel free to leave a comment and thanks for checking out this review of Finpari.

Redwood Options Review


Revision completa


Redwood Options is a binary options trading broker owned and operated by Red Tulips Consultants Ltd. The company was founded in 2017 and its headquarters are located at 1A, Arcade House Temple Fortune, London NW11 7TL, UK.

Redwood Options is one of the leading brokers in terms of the number of tradable options available on its platform, with a total of seven, which gives traders a wide variety of choices.

Bonuses and Offers

Redwood Options offers up to 100% in signup bonus, and also has several other methods that existing traders can use to make alternative gains to their trading profits. These include refer a friend and binary option affiliate programs.

Trade Types

Redwood Options has got you covered in a variety of ways so whether you are a short-term/long-term, or a sophisticated binary options trader, you are most likely to find a way to get yourself involved via their platform.

Binary Options: the classical call/put binary options with up to 81% in payouts.

Pairs: compare two assets and predict the one that is likely to come out top by the time the option expires. Get it right, and you are due for a massive payout.

Long Term: this one is for the binary options traders who like to factor in a number of items when trading like upcoming news events and other fundamental analysis.

Sixty Seconds: This is for the technical trader who is not concerned about the fundamental views. Traders can turn profits by the minute, up to 81% in payout as well.

One Touch: The broker identifies a certain level that binary options traders can predict whether or not the price of the underlying asset will reach with a week’s time. Get it right (price reaches the level at least once during that week), and you receive up to 500% in payout.

Ladder: This is somewhat similar to One Touch. The only difference is that instead of one level per trade, there are several set by the broker. The level of payout increases with the increase in distance from the prevailing market price towards the trader’s predicted direction. Traders can close their position once a certain level is reached

IFollow: This is more like Copy Trading. You can choose an amount and place it to copy the gain in percentage of a particular trader within a certain period, normally a week. If they make 70%, then you make 70% on your investment.

Asset Index


Indices: VIX, TZA-Short X3, TSX 60, TNA-Long X3, STRAITS Times, S&P Future, OMX C20, Nikkei Future, NASDAQ Future, Nifty Future, IBEX Future, IBEX, FTSE Future, France 40 Future, France 40, FAZ-Short Banks, Dow, Dollar Index Future, DAX Future, BOVESPA Future, ASX Future, TOPIX, Tel Aviv 25, TADAWUL, S&P 500, RTS, Nikkei 225, NASDAQ, MICEX 10, KL Future, ISE 30, Hang Seng, FTSE 100, Dubai

Stocks: Wynn Resorts, Volvo, Vivendi SA, Twitter, Vodafone, Total SA, Telefonica, TATA Steel, Starbucks, Salesforce, S. Bank India, Rio-AU, Rio Tinto, Renault, Publicis Group, Pfizer, Petrobras, Orange S. A, Netflix, McDonald’s, MasterCard, Louis Perfumes, LinkedIn, Las Vegas Sands, JPMorgan Chase, Groupon, Google, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, Freeport McMoran, FIAT, Facebook, F5 Networks, Exxon Mobil, eBay, Disney, Deutsche Telekom, Deutche Bank, Danone SA, Daimler AG, Citigroup, Caterpillar, Boeing, BNP Bank, BMW, Barclays, Bank of America, Baidu, AXIS Bank, ANZ Bank, Amazon, Allianz SE, AIG, 3M, TEVA TA, Tesco, TATA Motors, SBERBANK, Nissan, Lukoil HSBC Holdings (London), Gazprom (RU), Coca Cola, BP, Apple, IBM, Microsoft

Commodities: Corn, Wheat, Sugar, Silver, Platinum, Crude Oil, Gold, Coffee

Herramientas de Trading

Redwood options platform is equipped with several trading guides including eBooks, guides and glossaries.

The trading videos present traders with an opportunity to learn about the company’s trading platform, as well as, insights on how to lock profits in binary options.

The trading eBook is a resourceful guide to traders and is available free for download on the company’s trading platform.

The company has also established an academy where traders can take various trading courses to further their binary options trading skills, across all levels of expertise from beginner to advanced binary options trading. The glossary of terms is also very crucial in discussing some of the terminologies used in binary options trading.

Redwood Options has recently launched mobile applications for iOS and android devices to enable on-the-go trading a key feature in today’s markets.

Depósitos y Retiros


Redwood Options has three major methods that traders can use for deposits and withdrawals which include wire transfer, credit/debit cards and electronic payments.

Traders can open accounts in either of the following currencies: USD, EUR, CAD, GBP, AUD and JPY.

The minimum deposit is EUR/USD/GBP/AUD/CAD 200 for electronic payments and credit cards, while wire transfer requires a minimum deposit of $500.

The maximum deposit via electronic payment or credit card $5,000 while there is no limit for wire transfers.

Traders are required to verify their identity/physical address depending on the method of funding used.


Traders can withdraw money via two main methods, credit/debit card or wire transfer. Redwood Options accepts credit/debit cards from MasterCard, Visa, Solo, Diners Club, Delta and American Express.

The minimum withdrawal amount is $100 and traders are required to verify their identities/physical address by submitting various documents on their first withdrawal.


Redwood has a dedicated support that can be accessed via three main avenues which include telephone, email and live chat.

Live Chat: 24/5 Live Support

Telephone . South Africa: 27213008042

Saudi Arabia: 9668111124854

Redwood Options Review

High Payouts, Mobile Trading, Education Center, Innovative Platform, Several Trade Types


Not Clear On Regulation, No Multiple Languages

Revision completa


Redwood Options is a binary options brand owned and operated by Red Tulips Consultants Ltd.

The company was founded in 2017 and has grown to become one of the top brokers in the binary options market. Its headquarters are located at 1A, Arcade House Temple Fortune, London NW11 7TL, UK.

Bonuses and Offers

Redwood Options is one of the best in terms of welcome bonus offering up to 100% on initial deposit. Traders can also participate in various promotional programs such as refer a friend and affiliate partnerships.

Trade Types

Again, it is at Redwood options that you get to find nearly all types of options available for trading on the same platform. The company offers its clients up to 8 tradable option types with various yield levels and trading strategies .

Binary Options: This is the traditional call/put or high/low binary options with up to 81% in payouts.

Pairs: Here traders are required to compare the performances of two assets and pick out the one they think would come out as winner when the option expires.

Long Term: Some traders do not fancy the short-term fluctuations that require high level of technical analysis and hence prefer the long term binary options where they can make predictions based on market events and fundamental analysis.

Sixty Seconds: On the contrary, there are those who prefer the short-term type of options where they can literally scalp their way to profits. At Redwood Options, these have payouts of up to 81% and expiry periods begin at 60 seconds.

One Touch: Traders predict whether or not the price of the underlying asset will touch a given level identified by the broker at least once in the coming week for a potential 500% worth of payout.

Ladder: With ladder options, traders can capitalize on several payout levels, which increase with the increase in the difference between the current price and the target level. Payouts go as high as 600% or even much higher, but they can also be as low as 0%.

IFollow: This is typically designed for those who luck the expertise or simply do not have the time to track market events. Traders capitalize by copying trades of successful traders. For instance, invest $100 against a trader who makes on average 80% and after a certain period i. e a week, or a day, his average return is what you get as return on your investment.

Asset Index


Indices: VIX, TZA-Short X3, TSX 60, TNA-Long X3, STRAITS Times, S&P Future, OMX C20, Nikkei Future, NASDAQ Future, Nifty Future, IBEX Future, IBEX, FTSE Future, France 40 Future, France 40, FAZ-Short Banks, Dow, Dollar Index Future, DAX Future, BOVESPA Future, ASX Future, TOPIX, Tel Aviv 25, TADAWUL, S&P 500, RTS, Nikkei 225, NASDAQ, MICEX 10, KL Future, ISE 30, Hang Seng, FTSE 100, Dubai

Stocks: Wynn Resorts, Volvo, Vivendi SA, Twitter, Vodafone, Total SA, Telefonica, TATA Steel, Starbucks, Salesforce, S. Bank India, Rio-AU, Rio Tinto, Renault, Publicis Group, Pfizer, Petrobras, Orange S. A, Netflix, McDonald’s, MasterCard, Louis Perfumes, LinkedIn, Las Vegas Sands, JPMorgan Chase, Groupon, Google, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, Freeport McMoran, FIAT, Facebook, F5 Networks, Exxon Mobil, eBay, Disney, Deutsche Telekom, Deutche Bank, Danone SA, Daimler AG, Citigroup, Caterpillar, Boeing, BNP Bank, BMW, Barclays, Bank of America, Baidu, AXIS Bank, ANZ Bank, Amazon, Allianz SE, AIG, 3M, TEVA TA, Tesco, TATA Motors, SBERBANK, Nissan, Lukoil HSBC Holdings (London), Gazprom (RU), Coca Cola, BP, Apple, IBM, Microsoft

Commodities: Corn, Wheat, Sugar, Silver, Platinum, Crude Oil, Gold, Coffee

Herramientas de Trading

At Redwood Options, traders can make great use of the several trading tools and resources at their disposal for improved win-rate levels. For instance, traders can use a series of e-books to learn more about binary options as well as, an education center where they can literally sharpen their trading skills.

Redwood options clients can also capitalize on the company’s trading videos and tutorials as well as webinars.

Trading is now becoming a part and parcel of every trader and this means trading on the go is essential. Therefore, Redwood Options has made sure that its traders do not get left behind by launching mobile apps for iOS and android devices.

Depósitos y Retiros


Traders at Redwood Options can fund their trading accounts via credit/debit card, Wire Transfer or various forms of electronic payments.

The main account currencies are USD, EUR, CAD, GBP, AUD and JPY, for other currency types traders need to conduct support for more enquiries.

The minimum deposit at Redwood Options is EUR/USD/GBP/AUD/CAD 200 for electronic payments and credit cards, while wire transfer requires a minimum deposit of $500.

Electronic payments and credit/debit card has a maximum deposit of $5,000. One the other hand, there is no limit for wire transfers.


Withdrawals can be made using the deposit method used, but identity and/or physical address verification is required. Traders can withdraw as little as $100.


Traders can contact Redwood Options via telephone, email or live chat.

Live Chat: 24/5 Live Support

Telephone . UK Toll Free: 0-800-520-0936

Binary Uno Review

Based in the Seychelles, Binary Uno is a fairly new binary options broker which was formed in early 2017. Whilst, unfortunately for Americans, Binary Uno is another brand which can’t accept traders from the USA, they do accept traders from anywhere else in the world. Binary Uno are another broker using the massive SpotOption trading platform which means that anybody who has traded binary options before will know exactly how to use Binary Uno. First-time traders should have no problems picking it up quickly, thanks to the platforms intuitive UI.


Trades can be made on the great variety of stocks, currencies, commodities and indices using a range of trading methods, including Call/Put, Pairs, Long Term, One Touch, 60 Second and Ladder. The broker also boasts a favourite feature amongst binary options traders which is iFollow. This allows you to copy the most successful traders on the site so you can stand to make the same profits.

There are 5 account types available when depositing with the broker. If you deposit between $250 and $1000, you are not assigned an account type as such. Titled accounts start with a deposit of $1000 to $2000 with which you will be given a Micro account, entitling you to a 35% deposit bonus, basic training, an account manager, 10 daily signals and daily financial market updates. To qualify for a Standard account, you need to deposit between $2000 and $5000. With this, you will get up to a 50% deposit bonus, advanced training, 20 daily signals, a personal account manager and 2 risk free trades. Deposits between $5000 and $10,000 will give you a Premium account, which includes up to a 75% bonus on your deposit, a basic e-learning trading course diploma, 30 daily signals, a senior account manager and 5 risk-free trades. A VIP account is attained with a deposit of between $10,000 and $100,000, attached to this will be up to a 100% deposit bonus, premium deposit and withdrawal processing, all daily signals, a personal analyst and 10 risk free trades. Finally, if you deposit $100,000 or more, you will receive an Elite account, allowing you up to 150% deposit bonus, a personal senior analyst and 20 risk-free trades. Obviously all account types also include the bonus features of the one before it.

Why Binary Uno

All SpotOption brands are worth trading with due to the platforms massive popularity. Binary Uno is set aside from the rest by its great bonus features included with each account type, the team’s extensive trading knowledge which they feed into the broker’s training material and their support and account management. Ok, so many traders won’t have the money to throw at the big account types but that’s why they are staggered like this. As is true with all binary brokers, the more you deposit, the more they will help you to succeed. Languages supported by the broker are English and Arabic and deposit methods are VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Wire Transfers and APM. Traders can hold accounts in US Dollars and Euros but the team assure me that Pound Sterling is soon to be added to this list so watch out for that.

My Summary

After spending some time speaking to the team at Binary Uno, I would recommend the broker on their support alone. They have been ever so helpful and no question I have asked has been too much trouble. With their attractive bonuses and great training material, they surely have to be worth a try.

So click the link below to find out for yourself what Binary Uno have to offer you!

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Deel dit verhaal, kies je platform!

TradeThunder is one of the fastest growing approved brokers that most binary options traders have started trading with. Though still in their early stages of establishment, they have been able to create an unbeatable record of being the first binary options broker on a Leverate’s BX8 platform.

The Leverate is a built-in Forex platform to trade binary options allowing trader to choose commodities, indices, stock or forex currency pair. Right on the platform you can see what assets are currently trading, with different expiration times, choice of CALL (bullish) or PUT options (bearish). An interesting aspect of trading with TradeThunder is their iFollow option which gives you the ability to follow experienced binary options traders and make fast cash without learning the rope.

Types Of Account Offer At TradeThunder

Opening an account is free and you can deposit as little as $20 with up to 90% payout. TradeThunder allow minimum $1 to place trades with. We have not seen any other brokers offering that. We also recommend that you try their platform with a demo account to test the water. They are one of the few reputed brokers that also accept US traders besides Europe and Asia. Trade Thunder. com offer five types of account to suite all our traders’ choices, they are as follows:

Basic plan – with an investment between $1 – $1,000, you can start your trading right away

Professional plan with the minimum of$5,000

Expert account start with minimum of $10,000

VIP plan requires a minimum of $25,000

While the Cooperate account has no minimum amount to open with.

How to sign up with TradeThunder?

( CTRL+SHIFT+DEL ) Clear your cookies and cache to protect your data.

Watch the broker video.

Enter email address.

En la página de miembros, elija una contraseña. Haga clic en Registrar.

Minimum deposit needed is $20 while the promotion lasts.

Withdraw money by broker’s guidelines.

How to Make Deposit and Withdrawal From Your Account

TradeThunder makes it very convenient for traders to easily deposit and withdraw cash from their account. After signing up, login to your account then click on the DEPOSIT button at the top right corner of the page. Currently they accept payment via Visa/Master Card, wire transfer, and eWallet and adding other deposit options every update. You have access to make unlimited withdrawal from your account hence you use a credit card. This you can’t get from any other platform.

Assets TradeThunder Deals With

You have access to wide range of assets to choose from.

Stocks like Apple, Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Google.

Forex currency pairs like EUR/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CHF.

Commodities like Gold, Silver, Oil, Platinum and Bitcoin/USD.

Indices like Nasdaq, S&P 500 (US) and many more, to widen your profit range.

Educational Training

This broker offers various educational videos, courses and tutorials to help every new and seasonal trader. They believe that the primary key is for traders to be fully equipped with the know-how in winning the game. These training and tools will take you by the hands especially if you are new to binary options. Their outstanding 24/7 customer support via email or phone, chat with their rep online for instant respond to any questions you might have.

Upto 90% return

It all comes down to broker payouts in binary options trading. Tradethunder is one of the top brokers we see offering high payouts. The payout depends on the expiration and the type of asset you are trading. They range anywhere from 71% to 90%

Bonus program

Welcome bonus range from 40% all the way upto 100% to match the deposit amount depending on the account type. Make sure to inquire about the Terms and Conditions before accepting the bonus.


Registered in the United Kingdom by Thunderstruck Investments Limited and currently located in four countries United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and Australia and spreading to other counties in the nearest future.

We would like to hear from you any feedback, your experience with this trader.

Califique este servicio

Redwood Options Review

Redwood is an exquisite trading platform that caters to users from around the world by offering them the best binary options and assets that are only capable of increasing the trading potential. With an increasing value of products in the current selection, the broker will be enabling new proposals on constant occasions, whether it be some sort of market revival or the popular demand on the market items that go by different names still.

Presented in a highly unique manner makes the website all the more attractive to viewers, giving them just the appropriate means for trading and a magnitude of choices to make after logging into the service.

There will be still plenty more of the productions that will become the very source of user related potential, keeping them occupied with the very notion of future profits and a whole lot of great things to achieve during the active research.

On Depositing $1000-4999

30x trading volume

100% Match Bonus

On depositing $5000-10000

30x trading volume

redwood web trader

Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Currencies


Binary Options, Pairs, Long Term, Sixty Seconds, One Touch, Ladder, iFollow

Investment Range (Min-Max)

The website holds plenty of valuable assets to behold and even more of the attractions to gather while being on the verge of discovering such highly profitable opportunities to make substantial benefits along the way. There will be Binary Options, Pairs, Long Term, Sixty Seconds, One Touch, Ladder and iFollow to trade within, coming along the complexity of common updates and a vast array of other things to attain as well.

The collection of assets will include Currencies, Commodities, Indices, Stocks and even more of the valuable items, opening a whole lot of possibilities to trade and become more aware of the customizable features on the go. The service will also support popular methods of payment, involving Neteller, JCB, cashU and similar alternatives, where they mostly apply and pose an initial choice to make. More info will be provisioned at the very source of the site, where all the tings presented apply further on.

Redwood Options Review was last modified: April 26th, 2017 by Mu1Ra2

CherryTrade Review

Mobile Trading

Several Option Types

Pagos altos

Multiple Account Types


Not Clear on Regulation

Few Languages

Revision completa


CherryTrade is a binary options trading platform owned and operated by Redtulips Consultants Ltd. The company was established in 2010, but began offering binary options brokerage services in 2017.

The company’s headquarters are located at 1A, Arcade House Temple Fortune, London NW11 7TL. US-based binary options traders are allowed to trade via CherryTrade binary options trading platform.

Account Types and Bonuses

CherryTrade offers traders a diverse selection of account types from which they can use to trade binary options. The account types are typically determined based on the level of deposit.

Basic: This is the simplest account type at CherryTrade and attracts deposit ranging from $250 to $1,000. The account type has no notable promotions which excludes it from qualification for the welcome bonus.

Professional: This is account types is tailor-made for professional traders and comes loaded with various promotions including a 50% welcome bonus. It requires a minimum deposit of $1,000 up to $5,000.

Expert: Here traders must deposit more than $5,000 in their account upwards to $10,000. The account comes loaded with several promotions including the welcome bonus.

VIP: Any deposit amount more than $10,000 up to $25,000 qualifies from a VIP account, which ideally is one of the most senior account at CherryTrade. It comes bundled with several benefits.

Corporate: Traders depositing more than $25,000 qualify for a corporate account which requires special attention from CherryTrade’s corporate division.

Trade Types

CherryTrade has cherry-picked some of the most common types of binary options to make sure that all levels/types of binary options traders are covered.

Binary Options: Simply predict the direction of the price for a potential payout of up to 81%.

Pairs: Compare the performances of two assets and select the one that’s likely to come out tops at expiry.

Long Term: This option type gives traders an opportunity to trade on assets with longer expiry periods ranging from 2 days to 7 days, or even months.

Sixty Seconds: This is a direct opposite to long term options and has expiry periods ranging from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

One Touch: Traders predict whether or not the price of the underlying asset will touch a predetermined price level at least once over a given period for a possible payout of up to 500%.

Ladder: Here traders can earn different levels of payouts based on predetermined price levels. All they need to do is predict whether the price of the underlying asset will reach a certain level over a given time.

IFollow: This is typical of copy trading. Traders choose an expert with a given win-rate to follow for a given period. They then invest a given sum, say $100 over that period for a return equivalent to what the expert averages over the same period.

Asset Index

CherryTrade has carefully selected come of the best assets from around the world in terms of popularity, liquidity and brand including currencies, stocks, commodities and indices.


Stocks: IBM, Microsoft, Apple, BAE Systems (London), BP plc, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Gazprom (Russia), HSBC Holdings (London), Lukoil (Russia), Nike, Nissan Motor, Reuters (US), Rolls Royce, SBERBANK (Russia), TATA Motors (India), TESCO, TEVA. TA, TURKCELL (Turkey)

Commodities: Coffee, Gold, Crude Oil, Platinum, Sugar, Silver, Wheat

Indices: Bombay SE, CAC 40, DAX, Dow, Dubai Financial Market General Index, FTSE 100, Hand Seng, ISE 30 (Istanbul Stock Exchange), KL Future, Kuwait General Index, MICEX 10 (Moscow), MSM 30 (Oman), NASDAQ, Nikkei 225, RTS (Moscow), S&P 500, SSE 180 (Shanghai), TADAWUL (Saudi Stock Exchange), Tel Aviv 25, TOPIX

Herramientas de Trading

At CherryTrade traders do not need to look elsewhere in terms of trading tools and resources. The broker has made sure of it by developing several trading materials including trading videos, eBooks, tutorials, glossary of terms and an academy.

There is also a section where traders can access daily and weekly market reviews as well as an economic calendar and breaking news feed.

Trading on the go is the next big thing in online trading and CherryTrade has ensured that its traders do not get left behind by launching mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices.

Depósitos y Retiros

Traders at CherryTrade can deposit and withdraw funds in their account via Wire Transfer, Credit/Debit card, Diners, Maestro, Maestro UK (Switch), Solo, Delta and various electronic payment methods such as Skrill and CashU among others.

The minimum deposit amount is USD200, EUR200, GBP200 AUD200 or CAD200, depending on account currency. The maximum deposit via credit card is set at $5,000, while there is no limit for wire transfers. However, the minimum deposit via wire transfer is $500, and any deposit less than $500 attracts $25 charge.

The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. All withdrawals via Credit/debit card or electronic payments are done free, while wire transfers attract a $30 charge per withdrawal.

All withdrawals are subject to the compliance with identity and physical address verification policy as well as the cash bonus policy, which requires traders to achieve 30x the value of the bonus in trading volume.


Traders at Cherry Trade can contact support via Telephone, Contact Form and Live Chat.

Live Support: Live Chat

Contact Form: Available via the “Contact Us ” page

Telephone: US +1-91-7775-0354, HQ +917-775-0324 plus several others as per the satellite offices.

Binary Option Robot Info Do Not Weep, Make Money While You Sleep!

No1Options is a quite fresh broker site founded on 2011 and linked together with SpotOption platform. It provides full package of tools and derivatives in order to obtain maximal yields for investors. They offer almost all latest and most useful features in their platform. They keep customers funds in a separate accounts, which is great example of good practice and transparency, but is that enough to gain trusted broker status and differ themselves from the scams?

No1Options in a Nutshell:

Broker: No1options

Platform: SpotOption

Founded: 2011

Bonus: Up to 100%

Return/Refund: Up to 90%

Number of Assets: Over 200

Education Center: Ebooks & Videos

Demo Account: Yes

Mobile Trading: Yes

Minimun Deposit: $200

Minimun investment: $5

Maximum investment: $5000

Us Traders: Not Accepted

Expiry times: 60 sec, 5 min, 15 min, hour, daily, weekly, end of the month, end of the year

Deposit: Multiple Credit cards, Visa, Mastercard, Bank Wire, Skrill Moneybookers, Visa Electron

Bonuses and account types

No1Options have 5 account types in their selection starting from the student account which requires £250 initial deposit, all teh way up to VIP account which requires £50,000 initial deposit. In between there are several account types which are also listed below. Each type includes all the features from the previous one and some added features.

Investors have five account types to choose from

Student Account: Deposit £250-£2,499

With student account you get first deposit bonus up to 25%. And in addition trader gets risk management tools, e-book started pack, e-video library and 24/7 support from customer service. If you’re not chasing the bonuses, and just want start investing with little sum of money, this account type might be sufficient, you still get all the basic tools.

Silver Account: Deposit $2,500-$4,999

Silver account increases the maximum bonus up to 50% and in addition you get weekly account manager consultation. It also enables multi platform trading and you get trading signal service for once a week. This is my recommendation for traders who are serious about trading.

Gold Account: Deposit $5,000-$9,999

Gold account level increases the first deposit bonus up to 100%. Trader also get twice a week consultation with account manager, in addition you get E-book intermediate package, trading signals twice a week and risk free month. if you have losing month No1options cover your losses once.

Personal Broker Account: Deposit $10,000-$49,999

With this account level, you get up to 125% first deposit bonus, daily consultation with account manager, two risk free months of trading. This account type is my recommendation for trader who wants to be professional at some point.

VIP Account: Deposit + $50,000

To get an access to No1Options VIP account, the initial deposit must be at leat £50,000. With VIP account level, trader gets up to 150% first deposit bonus, account manager on hold 24/6 ( every day excluding Sundays), advanced Ebook material, personal analyst and 3 risk free months. These features do not convince me in that sense that it would be best choice to invest 50,000 right at the beginning. Of course if you want to make maximum profits the more is better but trading can be also started with some of the lower account levels.

Demo Account

No1Option do have a demo account to begin with. I found it very helpful and straight forward copy of the real trading platform. It is excellent way to get comfortable with trading before depositing real money. Demo account is always considered a great plus. It is totally risk free method to start with. We recommend starting with the demo account and then moving to the real money trading.

Is No1Options a scam or a proper broker?

No1Options is not regulated broker, but it does not automatically mean it would be a scam. Their fund management with segregated customer accounts and excellent customer service were great first signs when assessing trustworthiness. Another good sign is that they use SpotOption trading platform which is most trusted binary option trading platform there is. At this point, when i haven’t notice any false play on the contrary, as they have showed great signs of trustworthiness, I can be almost certain that they are not scamming customers in any way.

Trading platform view

Features of the Broker site

The most useful features that No1Options offer in addition to the basic options are Ladder, One Touch, Forex and IFollow. Forex and IFollow are not available in the majority of sites. IFollow gives trader a chance to follow the best traders on the site and copy their trades. Forex trading is the most popular method of currency trading. Ladder is a option type where is several steps or lines that you have climb to get better and better profits. Overall, ladder and one touch options offer the best payout percentages.

Other option types are the basic binary options. long term options, fast trading, which is same as 60 seconds or turbo options (30-300 seconds) in many other broker sites. Also pair options are in the selection. The platform itself is very user-friendly and is well suited for both new and experienced investors.

Like some other brokers, No1Options also offer economic calendar for customers. It gathers all the important events and deadlines on the global markets that might and will affect to prices of different asset types. This helps a lot to prepare investment plans for upcoming events and to predict the price changes of the markets. After all that is what binary options and all investments are to, market speculation and taking advantage of price changes.

The signals which were mentioned earlier, are useful indicators how professional traders and can help you a lot in the decision making. Signals are provided with different frequency depending on the account type(once a week, twice a week, or daily).

IFollow feature where to follow other traders

Cómo negociar

No1Options offers over 200 tradable assets on their trading platform. Indices, stocks, currencies and commodities are all in the selection. With this amount No1Options climb to the upper end of the scale when compared to the other broker sites. The actual trading features are pretty much the same what other brokers are offering, added with the Ifollow feature that was mentioned earlier.

These option types together with the different expiration times will give almost endless possibilities to trade. risk management is easy with diverse expiration times and by investing to different asset types and markets all over the world.

Expiration times differ from 60 seconds to 300 seconds in the fast trading section, and from 15 minutes to end of the day in regular options. Longterm options offer expirations from weeks to end of the year and everything between.

Forex products also allows to use leverage in the trading. That can dramatically increase risk and also the potential profits of the investment. Leverage can be set from 1:25 as high as 1:500 in each trade.

Forex option allows leverage up to 1:500 ratio

With these option types and wide asset selection, trader is able to build an investment portfolio as he wants. Diversification possibilities are endless and risks are easy to divide to several individual trades. Minimum trade is $5 and maximum is $5,000 which is enough for almost all traders.

Educational material and tools

No1Options call their education related section as Education Center and it provides materials and tools for advanced trading. They have answers to frequently asked questions and glossary but what really makes them to stand out from other brokers is that, besides having the economic calendar, they have Pivot calculator and Fibonacci calculator. Those tools can help to determine whether to make bull or bear, up or down investments.

They also have articles and market reviews where you can check the latest trends on the markets and in economics.

If all the material feels a little bit too much at the beginning, I recommend to start trading with binary option robot. Best robots today are the real robot and binary hedge fund. Now you can get both of these for free through us. If you have not tried automated trading before, you definitely should now. You can easily reduce significantly your workload and make trading more profitable and fun. Redeem your free robot by clicking the button below .

Servicio al cliente

The site itself is translated in 8 languages (including English, Russian, Spanish, German, Portuguese and French) If your English is not that good you may find some other language that suits you better. The actual customer service can be reached through phone with three local numbers located in United Kindom, France and Australia. Live chat and email contact form are also provided. Account managers are also there to help traders as needed with their best abilities. In our own test, especially account manager help is what stands out, they were great assistance in some problematic situations which we created.


Deposit and withdrawals are easy to make with secured transfers, supported methods are wire transfer, several credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and any of following net payment services such as Skrill, Neteller Ukash and some others. We recommend using the net payment services but credit cards works also easily. All transfers are secured through SSL, highest secure systems used to secure websites. Traders can safely deposit and withdraw their fund without worries. Fund are directed to separate customer accounts.

No1Options promises 100% safe and secure banking

Guide to trading platform

Mobile trading

Mobile trading is extremely useful for a trader who wants to follow the markets when on the move. SpotOption platform makes this very easy with their great mobile application which is fully compatible with android phones and Apples products. Mobile version is accessible through the App Store and Google Play and requires only the login information which must be done before.

The educational material is extremely wide and covers all the important aspects.


No1Options has wide range of tradable assets (over 200) and couple of interesting features in their site (e. g. IFollow) and wider education center than most broker. Even though they are not regulated or licensed we dare to say that it is not a scam broker but a trustworthy and well manageged broker site. We recommend their services warmly to all traders.

Ov erall review we will give No1Options 4,7 stars out of 5 as binary options broker site.

Open an account and start trading by clicking the button below

No1Options Review reviewed by Michael Allen on 07/10/2017 rated 4.7 of 5

TradeThunder is one of the fastest growing approved brokers that most binary options traders have started trading with. Though still in their early stages of establishment, they have been able to create an unbeatable record of being the first binary options broker on a Leverate’s BX8 platform.

The Leverate is a built-in Forex platform to trade binary options allowing trader to choose commodities, indices, stock or forex currency pair. Right on the platform you can see what assets are currently trading, with different expiration times, choice of CALL (bullish) or PUT options (bearish). An interesting aspect of trading with TradeThunder is their iFollow option which gives you the ability to follow experienced binary options traders and make fast cash without learning the rope.

Types Of Account Offer At TradeThunder

Opening an account is free and you can deposit as little as $20 with up to 90% payout. TradeThunder allow minimum $1 to place trades with. We have not seen any other brokers offering that. We also recommend that you try their platform with a demo account to test the water. They are one of the few reputed brokers that also accept US traders besides Europe and Asia. Trade Thunder. com offer five types of account to suite all our traders’ choices, they are as follows:

Basic plan – with an investment between $1 – $1,000, you can start your trading right away

Professional plan with the minimum of$5,000

Expert account start with minimum of $10,000

VIP plan requires a minimum of $25,000

While the Cooperate account has no minimum amount to open with.

How to sign up with TradeThunder?

( CTRL+SHIFT+DEL ) Clear your cookies and cache to protect your data.

Watch the broker video.

Enter email address.

En la página de miembros, elija una contraseña. Haga clic en Registrar.

Minimum deposit needed is $20 while the promotion lasts.

Withdraw money by broker’s guidelines.

How to Make Deposit and Withdrawal From Your Account

TradeThunder makes it very convenient for traders to easily deposit and withdraw cash from their account. After signing up, login to your account then click on the DEPOSIT button at the top right corner of the page. Currently they accept payment via Visa/Master Card, wire transfer, and eWallet and adding other deposit options every update. You have access to make unlimited withdrawal from your account hence you use a credit card. This you can’t get from any other platform.

Assets TradeThunder Deals With

You have access to wide range of assets to choose from.

Stocks like Apple, Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Google.

Forex currency pairs like EUR/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/JPY, USD/CHF.

Commodities like Gold, Silver, Oil, Platinum and Bitcoin/USD.

Indices like Nasdaq, S&P 500 (US) and many more, to widen your profit range.

Educational Training

This broker offers various educational videos, courses and tutorials to help every new and seasonal trader. They believe that the primary key is for traders to be fully equipped with the know-how in winning the game. These training and tools will take you by the hands especially if you are new to binary options. Their outstanding 24/7 customer support via email or phone, chat with their rep online for instant respond to any questions you might have.

Upto 90% return

It all comes down to broker payouts in binary options trading. Tradethunder is one of the top brokers we see offering high payouts. The payout depends on the expiration and the type of asset you are trading. They range anywhere from 71% to 90%

Bonus program

Welcome bonus range from 40% all the way upto 100% to match the deposit amount depending on the account type. Make sure to inquire about the Terms and Conditions before accepting the bonus.


Registered in the United Kingdom by Thunderstruck Investments Limited and currently located in four countries United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and Australia and spreading to other counties in the nearest future.

We would like to hear from you any feedback, your experience with this trader.

Califique este servicio

UltraTrade: The Brand New Binary Options Broker

UltraTrade offers investors of all types convenient trading tools, including 60-Second Binary Options trades, Long-Term trades and Currency Pair trading (Forex Trading)

Headquartered in London, England and licensed and regulated in Belize, UltraTrade is growing. Founded in late 2017 with a staff of 30, and now at the time of the brand’s launch having grown to 70 employees worldwide, we asked UltraTrade’s Director, Rebecca Saunders what the idea behind the company was, and why she began it.

“Working on Wall Street before the crash, I was lucky enough to be able to put my financial education to work and actually test out strategies. Once trading opened up to more people, moving online and no longer having a need for a large amount to get started investing, I realized I could help people be successful by giving them a safe place to trade and access to expert analysts, trading strategies, tools and education. Most of all we offer our clients support, and our goal is to treat all our traders like VIPs.”

UltraTrade: Trading the Right Way

“I came up with the slogan “Trading the Right Way” after I looked at the other Binary Options companies and what they were offering. I noticed that finding a good broker to trade safely with could be difficult, and wanted to let client’s know what UltraTrade was really all about, so they could find a secure online trading community with access to education and experienced analysts and account managers to help them find their feet.”

“UltraTrade was developed to provide a clear, easy to understand Binary Options Broker alternative in an industry laced with less than stellar Online Trading Providers. Being a licensed broker, we are the choice for investors who want to trade the right way, in a safe, secure and regulated trading platform”.

UltraTrade offers investors of all types convenient trading tools, including 60-Second Binary Options trades, Long-Term trades and Currency Pair trading (Forex Trading). The innovative trading tool, iFollow, which allows traders to ease into successful trading is also on offer on the platform and there is full access to an educational library too. iFollow allows new traders to copy more experienced traders trades, opening the same positions and profiting when they do.

There is a range of trading accounts offered when opening an UltraTrade account, ranging from Silver, Gold all the way through to their prestigious UltraTrader account.

For anyone looking to start investing in the online world of Binary Options, you can find out more about registering for an account with UltraTrade here: www. ultratrade. com

open free account

Rio Tinto 1982.500 11:30 22.03 Tesco 199.125 11:30 22.03 HSBC L 445.225 11:30 22.03 Vodafone 217.175 11:30 22.03 British American T 3972.000 11:30 22.03 Barclays 155.900 11:30 22.03 LLOYDS Bank 68.975 11:30 22.03 SO E. U BEAR INDEX 2250.379 11:30 22.03 SO E. U BANK INDEX 35.434 11:30 22.03 SO E. U CAR INDEX 3270.973 11:30 22.03 GOLD VS OIL 30.2284 11:30 22.03 STOXX 50 F VS FTSE F 0.49605 11:30 22.03 BMW 81.220 11:30 22.03 VOLKSWAGEN 131.450 11:30 22.03 SIEMENS AG 92.055 11:30 22.03 DEUTSCHE BANK 16.620 11:30 22.03 DAIMLER AG 66.675 11:30 22.03 BAYER AG 102.850 11:30 22.03 ALLIANZ SE 144.475 11:30 22.03 AUD/CAD 0.99425 11:30 22.03 ROSNEFT' 314.900 11:30 22.03 GOLD VS SILVER 78.4507 11:30 22.03 IBEX F-APR16 8929.000 11:30 22.03 CHF/JPY 115.059 11:30 22.03 VOLVO 86.625 11:30 22.03

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Binary options trading involves significant risk. Le aconsejamos que lea nuestros Términos & amp; Condiciones. Aunque el riesgo al negociar opciones binarias se fija para cada comercio individual, las operaciones son en vivo y es posible perder una inversión inicial, sobre todo si un comerciante decide colocar toda su inversión en un solo comercio en vivo. Se recomienda altamente que los comerciantes elijan una estrategia apropiada de la gerencia del dinero que limite las operaciones totales consecutivas o la inversión total excepcional.

iFollow. Club

First to Review

Claims to provide social trading for binary options. However, once you open an account with Interative Option (in Cyprus) and make the required deposit, there is no follow-up. Interactive Option account manager Michael K. never once mentioned iFollow. Club or social trading. When I asked him about those, he stopped communicating.

Deposits made with a credit card cannot apparently be disputed and reversed by talking to your credit card company, so I had to pressure Interactive Option to provide a full refund of my deposit (still pending).

2017-Aug-18 iFollow spam disguised as Yahoo

recruitment spam mail

iFollow. club describing how to make money with them -- no mention of possible loss of money due to unsuccessful trades

CherryTrade Features

CherryTrade is one of the best binary options dealers in the business sector and can offer you some assistance with making a considerable measure of cash.


Binary sorts

CherryTrade offers five sorts of binary options for you to put resources into. Those are:

High/low options: Predict whether an advantage will rise or fall over a given timeframe.

One touch options: Predict whether an advantage will achieve a predefined target cost in a given timeframe.

60 seconds: A unique form of high/low options with a short close time of just 60 seconds.

Ladder options: Ladder options permit you to continue putting resources into a choice that has functioned admirably for you, consequently expanding your arrival.

iFollow: iFollow is an extraordinary choice for newcomers. With iFollow, you consequently copy a specialist merchant’s exchanges into your record. With this choice sort, you can even profit with no learning.

This rundown of binary sorts is top edge. The vast majority of CherryTrade’s rivals offer fewer options sorts, for instance missing such new binary options as step options and iFollow options. Each exchange needs to choose for himself whether these choice sorts merit exchanging. CherryTrade is perfect for those dealers that think of them as important.

Training Center

To offer its clients some assistance with becoming effective binary merchants, CherryTrade offers an instruction focus that can show you the nuts and bolts of options exchanging. By utilizing a video library or a digital book, you can figure out how to handle CherryTrade’s exchanging stage and how to settle on speculation choices with binary options.

Record sorts

CherryTrade offers five distinctive record sorts. Contingent upon the amount of cash you store with CherryTrade, you will get diverse conditions. The more cash you store, the better conditions you get.

The most critical steps are the $5,000 mark, which gets you the expert record. The expert record is the second most reduced record, just undercut by the fundamental record. In any case, the expert record gets you CherryTrade’s appreciated reward, which is a precious help to a broker’s prosperity.


CherryTrade offers an extensive determination of benefits, to some degree like the rundown of advantages Redwood Options, CherryTrade’s rival, is putting forth.

Lists from everywhere throughout the world

Wherever you live, you can likely exchange your nearby stock file with CherryTrade. CherryTrade offers huge lists, for example, the Dow Jones, the S&P 500, or the FTSE 100, additionally littler files, for example, the ISE 30 (Istanbul), the MSM 30 (Oman), or the Tel Aviv 25. With most other binary expedites, these littler indices are elusive.


Opening a record with CherryTrade is free. You should do nothing more than tap on the enormous signs you can discover on each page of their site and round out the structure with fundamental individual data – name, email, and so on, same as in TropicalTrade. CherryTrade just takes the data they require, they don’t hoard information.

The most vital thing to get right amid that phase of the enrollment procedure is selecting the right money. After you presented the structure, you can no more change the currency.

Admin Guide 54 comments

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Magnum Options Review

Hampshire Capital Ventures Ltd. Cavell House Stannard Place, Crispins Rd, Norwich, NR3 1YE, UK Tel. USA/Canada (toll) 1-800-986-6891 UK (toll) 0-800-680-0683 Email: support@magnumoptions. eu Live chat, Web-form

Magnum Options Review - Binary Trading

To always be ahead of your competitors, you need a special set of benefits. This provider precisely offers this kit: a fully online trading platform, user-friendly interface, easy and quick replenishment of the deposit and withdrawal of money, round the clock support and gain up to 81% per trade.

By using the most up-to-date technologies trading is reliable and easy to perform. All of the data is directly streamed from the Thomson Reuters, unlike many other brokerages, who in the small print admit to changing the prices at their own will. Though being opened just in 2017, this provider has gathered a large following of faithful investors, who see this firm as a trading heaven.

Upon sign-up you will be immediately reached by a dedicated account manager to aid you in setting up your trading account. This seasoned professional's goal is to help you choose the proper account suitable to your needs and financial dedication, as well as explaining you about all available promotions and usability features of company's trading platform.

Also you will receive access to daily and weekly market reviews and assistance in finding the best digital options feature fro trading with: either short or long term or by employing Ladder option or IFollow, the choice is yours. And with contracts starting at $5 for 60 Seconds trades and $20 for other trades you do not need to commit a huge amount from the very start and build up your portfolio over time.

Magnum Options Demo Account

Continuing our Magnum Options review . we would like to add that this company provides Magnum Options demo account . which is quite often requested feature in binary trading. It is a great service, which allows traders learning quickly ant to try their skills and knowledge. As well it gives an opportunity to learn provider's platform on how to use it effectively. There are several steps in order to get Magnum Options demo account . First you need to register, in case you want to be able to start trading, you need to deposit. However, to get the demo account you need to speak with your account manager, who is automatically assigned to you when you get registered.

Magnum Options Withdrawal

In this Magnum Options review we want to admit that this provider has an outstanding range of packages on offer to suit any and every customer with a range of deposits from $200 for a chance to make trades with a no-name account. Account holders, who receive a lot of benefits can start with $1 000 and up to $100 000 for a Presidential package.

Accounts start with Mini Package and a deposit of $1 000. You are offered a webinar, during which you will receive an in-depth walk-through broker's trading platform. Included in the package are as well an introduction to technical analysis, educational tools developed by firm's own specialists, daily market reviews access and 50% bonus on your initial deposit.

The Gold Package provide investors with three trading strategies, especially developed to suit your trading style, services of Senior Account Manager, trading signals, expedited withdrawals, 60% bonus as well as three risk-free trades, one guaranteed profitable trade valued at $5 000.

With Platinum Package you need to deposit a minimum of $10 000. As a valued customer you get five trading strategies, direct phone line with your top-executive manager, access to trading groups to use the collective mind, 100% deposit bonus and five risk-free trades, as well as two guaranteed profitable investments of $10 000.

With Diamond Package and Magnum Options minimum deposit of $25 000 all your perks are just starting, as all of your trades are 2% more profitable, five guaranteed trades that will win amounting to $25 000, 150% bonus with 8 risk-free trades, same day withdrawals and advanced trading signals and indicators.

Corporate package is suitable for companies willing to diversify their financial portfolio with a minimum $50 000 investment. Through access to VIP academy education, corporate floor manager advice, $40 000 in guaranteed trades and 3% higher payouts your firm's financial standing is sure to improve.

The top of the line Presidential Package with a substantial deposit of $100 000 provides all the above-mentioned benefits with addition of $50 000 guaranteed profit trades and 5% higher payouts. And the decision lies with you in which account to invest. As for me, the last ones were the most appealing, as I can hardly imagine how you cannot win with such prime features and bonuses.

Magnum Options App

In a case you forget your password or need yo update personal details customer support of Magnum Options is there to help you. You can do that by reaching a personal manager or customer support representative via phone, email, live chat or web-form 24/7. Services are provided primarily in English, but if you speak any other language better you will be helped, because supporting its customer with the highest standard is the primary goal of this brokerage company. Finally, please advise the FAQ section for the answers to the most basic issues.

This broker also offers its Magnum Options app for mobile trading, which you can find on the broker's home page. Magnum Options app is available in the Google Play and AppStore, and is very convenient for all types of trading digital options.

Magnum Options Scam

The first thing that catches the eye in the study of the broker is the presence or absence of a license from the organizations that regulate financial activities. Unfortunately, the provider may not boast the benefits of licensing.

But at the same time, while searching information about Magnum Options scam . we have found only few negative feed backs on withdrawal process. They refer to the fact that according to the broker's rules it is required to make a trading volume of 30-50 times of the bonus amount in order to fulfill it. But, nevertheless, we should note in our Magnum Options review that such rules are similar with other brokers terms and do not prove the fact of Magnum Options scam . Otherwise, we have found many positive reviews from satisfied users, who claim that there is no place for Magnum Options scam .



TR Binary Options Broker Review

TR Binary Options Broker review

Traderush was rebranded as TR Binary Options. This review has been updated to reflect this fact.

TR Binary Options has made it very easy to trade binary options. As a new customer you quickly realize that you do not need any previous experience in binary options to begin trading. TR (Traderush) review revealed a very user friendly platform. Their support is swift as lightning. Find out more by reading our TR Binary Options/TradeRush review.

TR Binary Options Special features

When you have signed up you will be offered five different bonus offers. If you do not wish to receive any bonus and thereby be subject to some minimum wager requirements simply skip this by clicking on the deposit tab in the top right corner.

TR Mini account

minimum $500 deposit

up to 25% Bonus

starter webinar

video on demand education

libro electronico

TR Starter Account

minimum $1000 deposit

up to 30% Bonus

starter webinar

video on demand education

libro electronico

analyst phone consultation

email market reviews spotting opportunities

TR Silver Account

minimum $5000 deposit

up to 50% Bonus or 1 risk-free trade

starter webinar

video on demand education

libro electronico

analyst phone consultation

email market reviews spotting opportunities

Gerente de cuentas

One Academy session

TR Gold Account

minimum deposit $10,000

up to 75% Bonus or 3 risk-free trade or 1 guaranteed profit trade

starter webinar

video on demand education

libro electronico

analyst phone consultation

email market reviews spotting opportunities

Gerente de cuentas

2 Academy sessions

webinar on signals

TR Platinum Account

up to 100% Bonus or 5 risk-free trade or 3 guaranteed profit trade

starter webinar

video on demand education

libro electronico

analyst phone consultation

email market reviews spotting opportunities

Gerente de cuentas

2 Academy sessions

webinar on signals

direct broker contact

fast withdrawal processing

email signals

Risk free trade or guaranteed trade can be placed up to 50% of the deposit. You can trade as little as $5 on the 60 seconds options, which is lower than the industry standard. We had the pleasant experience of making a small profit with 60 seconds when researching for our TradeRush review.

TR Binary Options Trading software

TradeRush is using the SpotOption platform, which is outstanding and user-friendly. It only takes a few minutes to learn how to buy options in the markets of your expertise. Traderush review also showed us that there are many options to become an expert with this broker.

TradeRush offers binary options types such as

TradeRush / TR Binary Options review showed us they offer to trade binary options in all of the four major markets: currencies, stocks, commodities and indices and have more than 85 different trade assets.

TR Binary Options Support information

The support at TR Binary Options is brilliant. You can get a hold of the support 24/7 via mail and live chat. We never had to wait more than 42 seconds for a live support agent and all our questions were answered promptly during the TradeRush review.

Upon your first deposit a senior market analyst will e-mail you and ask for a convenient time to schedule a phone call. We also got a call during the Traderush review. It is a service to help you getting started at TR Binary Options and accommodate your needs.

TR Binary Options Banking and company information

In the TR Binary Options review, we revealed It is a simple task to deposit and it only takes a few minutes before you can begin trading. TR Binary Options do not charge any fees on deposits and you can withdraw once a month free of charge. If you withdraw more than that there will be a $30 service charge.

The minimum withdrawal is $100 with bank wire and credit cards. Moneybookers has no minimum withdrawal limit despite what the FAQ says, we tested it in the Traderush review.

TradeRush only requires scanned photo-ID proving your identity and home address. This is to comply with Americas Patriot Act from 26 October 2001 .

If you make a deposit with the credit card you need to scan these too but for safety reasons we recommend you cross out four of the 12 digits so it appears like this 1234 – 1234 – xxxx – 1234.

All in all the TradeRush review is very positive and we can warmly recommend this broker to all our members and visitors here on FairBinaryOptions. com

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Binary Uno Broker Review

Binary Uno Broker Review – Why this Broker

Hello, and welcome back to Binary Options Product Review. com, It’s Seb here, and today we will be doing a review on the brokerage firm, Binary Uno. Binary Uno, is a very interesting broker firm, as they have a fantastic layout and a lovely and beautiful design. Professional, but also User friendly. Binary Uno are known for there fantastic Customer support and account management. There premium education packages and webinars are available to any and all clients. Binary Uno are unique in the fact that they offer, many different assets. Which I will explain later on in the review.

The Design – First Glance

The design itself is a good one. It has a good color scheme, and also does not contain mixed information. Instead all the information is neatly organised into sections. Binary Uno sticks with the Blue and Black color scheme, which i think is good because it stands out and shout up at you. Also along the side, constantly following you is the “Live Chat”, “Call Back” (Which is a unique feature that works) and also the “Contact Us”, which comes in handy in-case you need help or assistance quickly. There is also an App in the Google Play for Android and App Store for iPhone.

The Features – What make’s Binary Uno Unique

Well, that is an interesting question. Because they do have alot, from unique Education packages, to assets that you do not see in alot of brokers. The Trading the platform is what we will talk about first. So, which do they use. The SpotOption platform, which is the most conman, which i think is the most easiest to use. What I do like about Binary Uno’s trading platform, is that they assist you with Trends, which you can follow, or investigate yourself. Very simple to use, Simply choose an asset, an expiry and then a trade amount. If you are new to Binary Options Trading, i would recommend contacting me so I may assist you in the first steps of trading.

The Education Feature – Binary Uno Education

Now let us talk about the Education side of things. The education area is very important. Binary Uno have –

Interactive Academy . Binary Uno’s Interactive Academy attributes their market depth and knowledge to years of acquired experience, on the trading floors of many banking institutions. Binary Uno’s Interactive Academy’s Trading Central is registered with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as an Investment Adviser.

Webinars . Binary Uno have Live Webinars designed for clients based on trading tools and opportunities. Discover how to control your financial future. Binary Uno’s Trading Essentials webinars aim to equip you with the knowledge and information to become the best trader you can be.

Daily Asset Review . Binary Uno offers clients a daily technical analysis of foreign exchange currencies and commodities. With these analysis you can make logical investments and follow stock markets with the view of a professional expert. Daily Asset Review not only brings you the view of the professional expert, it also educates you about this market and what is going on it.

Economic Calendar . Perhaps one of the most effective trading tools out there, the Economic Calendar allows you to fine-tune your strategy by plotting your activity based on future events.

Señales. In our system you will find a wide variety of trading signals for any type of investment appetite and risk profile. Choose a signal you are interested in and subscribe to it in just a few clicks. All deals are copied automatically without you having to do much work. Monitored accounts are provided with detailed statistics and trading history.

Assets and Products Feature – Binary Uno Products

Now it is time to talk about the assets and products that Binary Uno has to offer.

Binary Options: Binary Options, or Digital Options, or sometimes Fixed Return Options, have consistently been on the market since 2008. Traders of all levels find binary options easy to understand. Basically, Binary Options are based on a trader’s prediction about the direction of an asset such Oil, Gold, EUR/USD or any other Forex, commodity, stock or index. When purchasing a binary option you are actually predicting the asset’s direction. It can go up or down. You profit when your prediction is right.

60 second . Binary Uno have the 60 second method. You can earn up to %70 profit returns on your investments. While it is not recommended to use this platform all the time many traders have been able to earn significant profits with 30/60/120 seconds when used appropriately. Asset prices are constantly changing, and our 60 Seconds trade platform gives you the opportunity to quickly profit from these changes. With this lucrative platform, you can make unlimited trades that expire in just one minute. All you have to do is choose an asset and predict if its price will go up or down. Our 60 Seconds platform is available Monday through Friday, 24/5. The minimum trade amount is 5 USD which is very handy for small traders

LongTerm: Binary Uno have access to the high payout method Long term trading. Long-Term platform offers you a chance to make trades in an environment closer to that of the stock market. The expiry times for Long-Term trades are no shorter than three days from the time of your investment. This platform offers more range and leniency when choosing your expiry times, as opposed to Binary Options, which have always been shorter term trades with a lower risk level and high payouts. Long-Term trades still offer high payouts, but they allow you to use your knowledge and experience in the market to predict how an asset will perform in the slightly more distant future. Once you have entered the option, you will be able to keep track of it by looking at your open trades.

One Touch: One Touch trading is that you do not need to wait for the expiry time. As soon as you make a trade, the asset’s rate just needs to reach the target price or fall below it, and you will receive your payout. These options offer enormous returns of 150% to 500% as well as being sold at a fixed price and not the current market price. They are purchased at unit prices of 50 in your currency choice. (Not Recommend for new traders)

Ladder: Binary Uno have the Ladder Feature. Ladder binary trading is a kind of binary options trading, where the trader receives several price levels, which are located at an equal distance from each other in the likeness of the ladder. Simply put, binary options ladder indicates the level to which the price of an asset should change for a certain period until the option is active.

iFollow: With iFollow – traders (i. e. Followers) can track the activity of other leading (i. e. Leaders) and imitate their actions. iFollow is a unique trading-strategy tool that supports all standard Binary Option positions.

Strategy Adviser: The Strategy Adviser Calculator is a new trading tool used for regular binary options trading that allows you, the trader, to choose from three well known data analytic strategies that can assist by giving you further insight into the behavior of an asset.

Forex: YES! You can Trade Forex here too! Binary Uno even have a forex feature. Forex is the nickname which refers to the foreign exchange market. This market is also known as the FX or currency market. Forex is a global, decentralized market, designed for the trading of currencies. It is considered to be the largest market in the world, and is also considered to facilitate an asset being sold with limited price reduction faster than any other market.

Account Types – Minimum Deposit is 250€/$/ £

My Conclusion – Withdrawals and Payment Methods.

Very nice broker, fast responses, loads of assets and products to help you with. Education center is a big thumbs up. Now the withdrawal process is a normal one, a 3-5 Business day wait is needed, which is average. (Do your withdraws on a Monday, not a Friday). You can deposit via Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Bank Wire(Will take time) and APM. All in all, not a bad broker to work with in my opinion.

Here at Binary Options Product Review, We take pride into every Review and Investigation. If you would like to learn more about the best practices to follow when choosing a broker, signing up, depositing and trading, please feel free to email us at info@binaryoptionsproductreview. com or leave a comment below our Binary Uno Review. Also, do not forget to LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE FOR UPDATES .

If you wish to try out this Broker (Binary Uno) – Please feel free to get access via the link below. We wish you all the best and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thankyou and Trade Safe.

ACCESS LINK – Binary Uno


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The Redwood Binary Options will definitely prove as a quite the place for online trading, managing to bring the most expensive of assets from the market in abundance and allow the traders to approach them on their own terms. Whether these are Forex, Stock, Commodities or Indices, the website has them all and accounted for at that.

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Publicaciones recientes de Christian Landmark: Christian Landmark

CherryTrade Review


CherryTrade started to provide binary options to traders in 2017. This broker is headquartered in Gibraltar, meaning that U. S. and Canadian traders are free to use the provided platform. The provided platform is the SpotOption 2.0. A platform that is both user-friendly and loaded with profit potential. Requesting only a $200 minimum deposit, this broker makes it easy for traders to start trading and earning quickly and easily.


The platform is extremely easy to use. Although there are many different options to choose from, trade setup is very simple. There are multiple platform views to choose from, and the provided price chart shows asset price movement up to 12-hours prior. A “Trader’s Choice” bar is also included. This bar shows the percentage of traders who have bought into either side of the trade. The interface is available for use on mobile devices.

Trading Instruments

The available instruments include Binary Options, Pairs, Long Term, Sixty Seconds, One Touch, Ladder, and iFollow. Returns of up to 81% are offered on most winning positions, with One Touch and Ladder options offering substantially more than this. Refund rates are not offered on losing positions. Expiry times of as short as 30 seconds are offered, allowing for some of the fastest trading possible within the industry today.

Variety Of Assets





Platform Features

The same as most SpotOption binary options platforms, this one includes options for selling positions early, extending trades, and doubling up open positions. The most interesting feature, however, is iFollow. This tool allows traders to follow successful traders who trade with CherryTrade, replicating the trades that these individuals take. Specific members can be followed and limits can be set to ensure that your money management plan is easily adhered to.

Education and Trading Tools

CherryTrade offers a complete video library complete that includes training courses. These, along with the provided trading eBook will prove quite beneficial to new traders. For experienced traders, an advanced course is offered. This includes more complex trading methods and strategies. Market news, a glossary, FAQ, and “How To Trade” section are included as well. Advanced technical charts are not provided, but the standard live price chart can be accessed within the platform.

Bonificaciones y Promociones

Bonuses of up to 100% of the deposit amount are offered. A trade volume requirement of 30x the bonus amount will need to be completed before any bonus funds can be withdrawn. Refer-A-Friend bonuses of $50 per referred friend (or family member) are also available. These bonuses are also subject to a trade volume requirement of 30x the bonus amount. Should you wish to decline the bonus, contact an account manager prior to opening a new account.

Tipos de cuenta

Basic, Professional, Expert, VIP, and Corporate are the available account types. The minimum deposit is set at $200 (or currency equivalent). The available banking methods include eWallet options, CashU, Wire Transfer, Maestro and Credit Card. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Credit card withdrawals cost nothing, but bank wire withdrawals cost $30 each. All withdrawal requests are processed within 3 days, with another 5-7 days of wait time for the funds to show up in the designated account.


Depósito mínimo bajo

Easy to use trading platform

Reliable (although unregulated) broker

Up to 100% bonus

Educational tools are provided

Returns up to 81%


Withdrawal fees on wire transfers

Refund rates are not provided

CherryTrade Review Conclusion

CherryTrade has been a huge hit with traders from the United States and Canada, two locations in which it can be tough to find a reliable binary options broker. It is easy to see why so many like trading with CT. The platform is well-designed, banking is easy, and plenty of attractive tools and extra features are provided. The one drawback would be withdrawal fees, which if you trade well, will have to be incurred because credit card withdrawals cannot exceed the inital investment amount. Aside from this, traders are likely to be quite pleased with what this broker has to offer.

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CherryTrade Preview:

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No 1 Options REVIEW


No1options is a leading binary options broker and is well-known in the industry for their professionalism and reliability. Both pro and novice traders can find everything they need to trade binary options effectively under the No1options trading umbrella. This includes a cutting edge trading platform that is easy to use and to navigate, a wealth of educational trading tools as well as top notch customer service and support. No1options is headquartered in London and they also offers traders a wide choice of assets to trade in as well a vast selection of trade options which caters to both short term and long term traders. To enhance trading convenience and flexibility, No1options also offers a mobile version of their trading platform. Compatible with all Android and iOS devices, traders can trade at any time and from anywhere. In recognition of their superior service and website, No1options was awarded the Best Website Award in 2017 as well as the Best Broker Award. To cater for global traders, the No1options website is available in 8 languages including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish. The broker has also dedicated their time and experience in developing a comprehensive education center which offers traders access to vital trading information and training including market reviews, an Economic Calendar, eBooks, training videos, platform tutorials, articles and much more. If you are a new trader to the online trading world or a seasoned pro, No1options provides a safe and transparent trading environment to enhance trading accuracy and success.

Primary Features & Incentives:

Intuitive and state-of-the-art 100% web-based trading platform

Available in 8 languages - English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish

Simple and free registration

Choice of 5 different trading accounts with added features and services including VIP trading account

Welcome Bonus – Up to 200% deposit match on your funds

Trading signals highlighting potentially profitable trading opportunities

Risk Free Trade Program – Up to 3 Months Risk Free trading

Payouts up to 89%

Variety of trade options – Call/Put, Long Term, Fast Trading, Pairs, One Touch, Forex, iFollow

Over 100 Global Assets – Stocks, Indices, Currency Pairs (Forex) and Commodities

Choice of safe and secure banking options – Deposits and Withdrawals

Wealth of educational resources

Professional and dedicated customer support – Contactable via email, telephone and Live Chat

User-friendly mobile trading


Easy to use trading platform – Desktop and mobile

Safe and secure trading experience

Competitive payouts

Access to Risk management tools such as Rollover, Double Up and Early Closure

iFollow – Social trading

Access to over 100 global assets – Stocks, commodities, currency pairs and indices

Dedicated and reliable customer service and support

Free educational trading tools and services

Risk Free Trading Program

Access to trading signals and one-on-one training

Dedicated personal account manager available


No demo account currently provided

Relatively new to the industry

Assets Offered

The core success of binary options is having access to trade a wide variety of global assets and No1options offers their traders a wide choice of over 100 assets to trade in. Trading is also available on weekends enabling traders to trade 7 days a week. No1options offers a competitive rate of return on successful trades and on some of the trade options such as One Touch, traders can earn up to 500% return on a single trade. Trading with No1options is simple and anyone can do it. Once you have entered the trading platform, select the asset you wish to trade, the expiry time, enter the investment amount and then select ‘Call’ if you predict the price of the asset will increase by the expiry of the trade or ‘Put’ if you predict the price of the asset will decrease. It really is this simple! An added advantage is that No1options clearly marks the payout percentage on each trade option and so a trader knows even before they make an investment what they stand to win or lose. A detailed Asset Index can also be found on the website which provides information on each asset, the trading hours, the expiry rule and the Reuters code. Here are some of the most popular assets offered by No1options:

Stocks – Google, Coca Cola, BP, Nissan Motor

Indices – S&P 500, Dow Jones, FTSE 100

Currencies – EUR/USD, USD/GBP, USD/JPY

Commodities – Silver, Gold, Oil, Platinum, Wheat

Customer Support & Educación

No1options is dedicated to providing traders with all the tools to succeed. For this reason, they offer a wide range of trading tools and services such as daily market reviews, eBooks, trading videos, access to a Fibonacci calculator and an Economic Calendar and much more. All trading tools are directed at both new traders to the industry as well as seasoned professionals. Video courses are also provided for beginners and advanced traders. To boost trading accuracy, No1options also offers trading signals as well as risk free trading. The No1options customer support team can be contacted with ease via the Live Chat system on their site as well as via email and telephone. The staff offer support in a variety of languages and they are professional and experienced when it comes to binary options trading. UK Contact - +44-203-150-2784


Payouts Features Asset Selection Platform Interface Customer Service Calculated Sum

No 1 Options Features

Min Deposit $100 Cash Back 1 Bonus 200% Max Bonus 200% Max Payout 89% Returns 89% Currencies USD, EUR Languages English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish Tradable Assets 100+ Min Trade $10 Max Trade $2,500 Per Trade Bonus Terms Terms and Conditions, must perform trading volume of at least 40 times for each $1 bonus if bonus money is accepted Regulated no

Top 5 Binary Brokers

No1options Review

Revision completa

Headquartered in London, No1options offers an all-inclusive trading experience in binary options. From the moment you enter the No1options website, you will notice that everything you need in order to trade binary options effectively and profitably can be found in one place. To top it off, the broker’s website is easy to use and to navigate and traders can easily access the vital elements of trading including their intuitive trading platform, the wealth of educational trading tools, the customer support center and much more.


The core of trading binary options is the trading platform and this is where No1options takes center stage. Trading with this broker is easy to do and convenient. Added to this, new traders can easily learn the ropes as all the tools and features are provided by the broker. No1options also offers competitive payout rates on winning trades up to 86% and they also offer a rebate up to 15% on trades that end out of the money. Traders are also provided access to a wide range of assets to trade in including global stocks, indices, commodities and currencies. Details of each asset and their trading hours can be found in the Asset Index which is available on the broker’s website.


Any trader will tell you that trading on a complicated trading platform is a waste of time. In binary options trading, decisions need to be made quickly as markets fluctuate all the time. For this reason, it is vital to have access to a powerful and intuitive trading platform that is easy to use and to navigate. The No1options trading platform offers traders all these features and more. Traders also have the option of customizing the trading interface with regards to how the trades are displayed on the screen.

Everything that is needed in order to execute a trade is clearly marked including the expiry times, assets, Call and Put buttons as well as the payout rate. In this way, a trader knows exactly what they stand to win or lose even before they make a trade. No1options also offers a wide selection of trade options which include the standard Call/Put option, Long Term, Fast Trading, Pairs, One Touch and Forex.

The broker also offers the IFollow option which allows for social trading where a trader can observe and copy other successful traders. All trade options are also paired with a vast choice of expiry times as short as 60 seconds right up to a year. Traders can also access a selection of risk management tools including the Rollover, Double Up and Sell features.

In order to provide their traders with convenience and flexibility, No1options also offers a mobile version of their trading platform.


Let’s face it; no two traders are the same and for this reason, No1options offers a choice of five trading accounts each with their own benefits and features. The accounts include the Micro account, Silver account, Gold account, Personal Broker account as well as the VIP account. Each account type requires an initial minimum deposit in order to qualify and the smallest deposit requirement is only $100. Benefits that are offered through the various account types include access to one-on-one training, trading signals, risk free trades, a personal account manager, a welcome bonus, access to the No1options exclusive eBook series and eVideos and much more.

Bonus Offers

Each trading account type on the No1options website offers a welcome bonus to new traders. For example, the Micro account offers a welcome bonus of 25% whereas VIP account holders get to enjoy a welcome bonus of 200%. For traders who have qualified for the Silver account, a 50% bonus will be provided by the broker while the Gold account offers a 100% welcome bonus. The Personal Broker account offers a 150% welcome bonus on the initial deposit made with the broker.

Mobile App

We live in a fast paced world and most people are always on the move. For this reason, No1options offers a mobile trading platform. This platform is easy to use and there is a limited learning curve which means that traders can move between the desktop and mobile platforms seamlessly. Compatible with iOS and Android devices, traders can simply download the trading app and trade while on the go. In this way, no trading opportunities will be missed.

Educational Resources

When it comes to educational tools, No1options will exceed ones expectations. The broker has combined its experience and knowledge to develop a comprehensive education center that offers traders a wealth of information. This includes trading signals, an exclusive eBook series, eVideos, an Economic Calendar, a Fibonacci calculator, a Pivot calculator and much more. The broker’s Risk Free Trading program is also an excellent way to master the binary options market. Depending on the type of account opened, traders are able to trade risk free. The broker also offers one-on-one training as well as an analyst’s input on their trading signals.

Customer Care

Being able to contact your broker when you need them is vital for trading success. At No1options the customer support staff is professional and responsive and they can easily be contacted via Live Chat, email or telephonically via one of the local numbers provided on the website. Response times are fast and the staff is knowledgeable and able to address any questions or queries. To top it off, the No1options website and support is available in a wide range of languages including English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese.


While No1options has not been operating for very long, they have achieved excellence in a very short period of time. For this reason, it is understandable why so many traders have joined the No1options trading family and are succeeding in the world of binary options trading

Featured Brokers

Binary Option Robot Info Do Not Weep, Make Money While You Sleep!

Magnum Options try and succeeds to be slightly different broker than most. Usually the differences between brokers are, so small that those make no difference to the trader and trading experience with binary options. Success of Magnum Options comes from the transparency and honesty towards their customers. They are doing their best in every aspect that can be measured. Magnum Options is not licensed broker by CySEC or any other regulatory body like Malta Gaming Authority. but it does not mean that they are not a trustworthy site. Magnum options no longer accepts US traders, in case you are from US we recommend you to check following brokers: CTOption, GOptions. Porter Finance and Bloombex. Best way to get everything out of this article, is to first open a free account to Magnum Options by clicking the button below. After that you are able to test the features at the same time you you are reading this review.

Introduction Video

Magnum Options in a Nutshell:

Broker: Magnum Options

Platform: SpotOption

Founded: 2017

Bonus: Up to 100%

Return/Refund: 70-85%/1-10%

Number of Assets: Around 200

Minimun Deposit: $200

US Traders: Not Accepted

Expiry times: 60 sec, 5 min, 15 min, hour, daily, weekly, end of the month, end of the year

Deposit: Multiple Credit cards, Visa, Mastercard, Bank Wire, Skrill, Moneybookers

Magnum Options Slogan


Magnum options offer new traders bonuses ranging from 10% all the way to 100%. Maximum bonus will be $10 000. The larger the deposit amount is the higher is the bonus percentage will be.

Demo Account

Magnum Options unfortunately has no demo account option at this point. Nevertheless, the minimum trading amount in a single trade is 5$ and therefore the money involved in a single trade is not that much. It is good way of learning to trade by investing to several small trades and see how those go. It is also called dividing the risk which is important aspect of trading and (not to put all eggs in the same basket as they say). We recommend to take the small steps at the beginning and doing those minimum trades until trading comes more natural and you have some idea what to do.

Features of the Broker site

Tradable assets:

The list of assets in Magnum Options platform is massive. There are around 100 different stocks, 30 currencies, 8 commodities, 50 indices and 15 pairs. Stocks are naturally picked from the biggest global companies.

Currency pairs cover the most used currencies of world capital markets such as USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, GBP. AUD and more, and also for extra feature there is possibility to trade with Bitcoin crypto currency.

Commodities list is quite typical in the industry and offers 8 commodities to trading. Those are coffee, corn, gold, oil, platinum, silver, sugar and wheat.

List of indices cover the most important stock markets around the world and gathers the most liquid indices to this list. Those indices represent several markets and industries and traders will find their favorite ones easily.

Magnum Options Ifollow where you can follow your favorite traders and copy them

The list of pair options covers some extraordinary pairs which success is compared against each other. Those pairs are for example, Apple vs Amazon, Apple vs Google, gold vs silver, gold vs EUR.

What comes to the payout and profits offered by the Magnum Options is that their average return is around 80% and maximum will be 85% which is good overall. What makes it more attractive is their refund which can be up to 10% from the traded amount. This refund is given to trader after making a losing trade. This will increase the total amount of profits in the long run because some of the lost trades are refunded back to traders.

How to trade with Magnum Options

SpotOption, as Magnum Options operative platform, gives wide range of trading possibilities what comes to the assets as above mentioned but also what comes to expires.

Expiry times vary between 30-300 second in the “sixty second” category. In a long term options, expiry times are from week to more than 15 months. Those are very different type of investments and both have their own special features

Other useful feature is the Ifollow where traders can see, follow and copy other successful traders and their individual trades. The Ifollow gathers the top traders and ranks them in order. This is definitely one way to lift up your own success rate.

One Touch Options are high payout options.

The actual trading is very straight forward. Trader needs to choose the asset, duration, and will it go up or down in the chosen time frame. SpotOptions platform is clear and well designed for that.

SpotOption is one of the most reliable platform provider in the binary options industry. Their platform is clear and easy to trade with. Magnum Options offers following option types in it:

Ladder options are the ones that have the highest profits available. By reaching the certain limits in the valuet, profits can arise over 1000%. One Touch option is also high payout option that will be profitable if the certain lower or higher pre-set limit will be reached within the duration of the trade. Those are definitely worth trying if you are not risk averse but more of a risk lover.

Ladder options offer even over 1000% payouts.

It is important to have risk adjusted portfolio in trading, and therefore all the features of short and long term options are important to have in the selection. Magnum Options offers wide range of products and tradable assets that traders can have a portfolio that they feel comfortable with.

These features allow traders to build risk adjusted portfolio and divide total risk to multiple assets, markets and time frames. It will lead to best possible outcome instead of putting all the eggs in one basket.

Minimum trade is $5 and maximum is $5,500 for regular options which is quite enough.

Educational material and tools

Magnum Options provides many trading video courses in their trading academy. There are 5 courses to beginners, 8 for advanced trading, 5 for binary options and 3 for in - depth courses.

Beginner courses are about importance of learning, global trading, advantages of binary options, trading and becoming successful at it, change and risk, emotions in trading and distribution of risk.

Course selections is wide and there is a lot of useful information available.

Advanced courses handles the issues such as passive trading, aggressive trading, market analysis, trend, support and resistance, shooting star and Harami patterns, pattern identification, and breakaway for pattern features and characteristics. In depth courses are about winning tactics, basic and advanced technical analysis.

In addition to that, Magnum Options offers an eBook to its traders which will cover these issues and much more.

If all the learning and reading through the materials feels too much to handle there is a solution which might be just for you: Fully automated binary option robot which can help to trade better. The Real Robot will do automatic trading according to pre-determined parameters. This helps to trade more prfitably even when you cannot access to computer or do not have time to make trades manually. It is the best binary option robot available, helps you to trade and actually trades on your behalf using highly sophisticated signals system. The Real Robot is fully automated options trading software, which will help you to earn more money with less work. Now you can get this auto trader completely free by clicking the button below.

Mobile trading

SpotOption software makes possible to trade with mobile application when you’re on the go and not even near computer. The mobile version of the platform allows to make all the same trades and actions that the full version does.

With mobile version you have access to your trades and make new ones from anywhere. Mobile version is accessible through the App Store and Google Play, and requires only the login information which must be done before using.

You can trade on the go with Magnum Options mobile app.

Is Magnum Options a scam or a proper broker?

Magnum Options has been around for over 2 years and their excellence is apparent. Their trading platform is properly build and designed to make the best trading experience in the industry. Is it the best? That we don’t know but extremely close that at least. Trading with Magnum Options is straight forward and intensive. We have not found any indication of scamming at this point of the and firmly believe that there is not any.

Servicio al cliente

Magnum Options offers toll free international phone line number. Live chat serves on the site in real time and support can be contacted also via email and a contact form. Chat replies quite fast and in our test helped with our problem, that we simulated, without delay. Advices that we got were proper and helped us for real. Our experience is that they really want to help their customers with their best ability.


There are several deposit and withdrawal options including multiple credit cards (Credit / Debit Card: Visa, Delta, MasterCard, Diners, Visa Electron, Maestro, Maestro UK (Switch) and Solo) and wire transfer. Wire transfer have some additional fees and therefore we recommend using the credit card as primary method. Notice that the bonus money have to be circulated according to the terms before it can be withdrawed.

There are numerous banking options available.


As this review comes to an end, we will conclude that Magnum Options is not a scam broker. Their range of assets is comprehensive and everything related to actual trading is exceptionally clear and straight forward. Educational material is wide and even amateurs can trade successfully when they understand the messages of the video courses. Magnum Options customer service replies fast and accurately straight if there is some concerning issues. We recommend their broker services to all traders in every level from beginners to professionals.

Ov erall review we will give Magnum options 4,7 stars out of 5 as a binary options broker site.

Open an account and start trading with Magnum Options by clicking the button below!

If You Liked This Article, Read Also Our Other Reviews:

Redwood Options Review

Redwood Options is a London-based binary options broker, registered under Redtulips Consultants, Ltd. (also known as Swiftriver Capital, Ltd.) Redtulips/Swiftriver may also be associated with a new company, Flowingstream Capital, Ltd. All three companies appear to be rotating ownership of at least three binary options companies including: Redwood Options, Magnum Options, and Cherry Trade. Despite Redwood Options’ confusing (and fishy) ownership history, customers seem to be satisfied.

Redwood Options is a London-based binary options broker, registered under Redtulips Consultants, Ltd. (also known as Swiftriver Capital, Ltd.). Redtulips/Swiftriver may also be associated with a new company, Flowingstream Capital, Ltd. All three companies appear to be rotating ownership of at least three binary options companies including: Redwood Options, Magnum Options. and Cherry Trade. Despite Redwood Options’ confusing (and fishy) ownership history, customers seem to be satisfied. Moreover, their SpotOption platform is clean and simple—offering great new features: strategy advisor, ifollow, and ladder options—and their education selection of videos and reading material, while rudimentary, are helpful and ascertainable.

Scam Report

Redwood Options is not regulated by CySEC, SEC, CFTC, FSA, FCA, or any other financial authority. However, no fraud or scam complaints have been found.

Deposit Information

In order for a deposit (or withdrawal) to be successfully activated with Redwood Options, identifying information must be provided to the company’s accounting department. The minimum deposit is 200 EUR, 200 USD, 200 CAD, 200 AUD, 200 GBP, or 20,000 JPY via credit card, debit card, wire transfer, or WebMoney. For a wire transfer, the amount must be over 500 USD (50000 JPY), with applicable commissions. And finally, there is a maximum deposit of 20,000 USD if using a credit card.

Bonus Information

Redwood Options offers a $50 bonus for referring a friend who deposits $200. Additional bonuses are offered at the discretion of an account manager. All bonuses come with terms and conditions for withdrawal.

Trade Options and Payouts

Redwood Options generally offers payouts between 70%-85%, but their One Touch options payout up to 550%. Redwood Options also credit out-of-the-money trades up to 10% of a losing trade depending on the option purchased. Minimum and maximum trades depend on the option: $5 minimum (60 second), $10 minimum (regular binary options, pairs, long term), $25 minimum (Ladder), $50 minimum (One Touch, iFollow), $500 maximum (60 second, One Touch, Ladder), $3000 maximum (iFollow), $5,000 maximum (regular binary option, pairs, long term).


Redwood Options is best suited for a newbie trader who wants a simple interface and introductory learning materials.

Phone Number . UK Toll Free: 0.800.520.0936, USA/Canada: 1.800.986.6750

Restrictions . USA traders

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And then he told me about the life changing story which perhaps might sound silly but it was really inspirational for me. The story started 10 year ago when he was working as free lancer CPA. He was giving his best to help his clients. And it was tax season he was workingon account of one of his client QuickBooks account. And all of the sudden QuickBooks got crashed completely. It was surprise moment for him he mention. Then he side “Because I have been working with this software from a very long time and I thought I know everything about this software, but I was wrong”.It was critical situation for me and I was not able to do anything because I have knowledge about accounting but as far as technical part is concern I had no clue about it. Since my Client had to file tax so I couldn’t afford to put things in jeopardy so I thought i have to do something. 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Welcome to Roy's Master List of the top-rated binary options trading bots and his list of good and bad brokers. Redwood Options. GMT 26 May. Start Trading Now! Afghanistan. Binary Options, Pairs, Long Term, Sixty Seconds, One Touch, ladder, iFOLLOW. Nov 5, 2012. However, people that are not familiar with binary options can easily lose all the money that they've invested, if none of the trades go in their.

Risk Warning Binary Options Trading is risky and you may lose all of your investment. Binary Options, Pairs, Long Term, Short Term, One Touch, ladder. Binary Options trading is one of the fastest growing segments of the Financial Industry for active traders around the world. Core Liquidity Markets utilizes a. Easy to start investing! Minimum deposit just $10; Perfect your trading strategy on a totally free Demo account. 24/7 trading on turbo and binary options.

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Cherry Trade Signals

The Cherry Trade network offers a wide variety of trading tools, just accurate signals that will certainly help the users focus on the most significant features empowered by the binary market. Through all the available options and interesting assets from every industry sector, the information will prove always important whenever the actual element of trading proves to be involved in the overall activity.

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Cherry Trade

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Founded in 2017, Cherry Trade is fast becoming one of the leading binary options brokers in the world. Redtulips Consultants LTD owns the company with offices in London and its headquarters in Gibraltar.

Cherry Trade Review

Cherry Trade offers a secure, easy to use platform for newbies and experienced investors, with returns of up to 81%, some of the highest in the binary options trading industry.

Redtulips Consultants LTD



Cherry Trade uses the SpotOption V2 platform. which is the licensed under CySec regulations . The platform is entirely web based and does not require traders to download any software, therefore allowing you to trade from anywhere. The user-friendly platform offers traders an easy way to pick assets they want to trade, sell trades before expiration, choose different types of trades and access comprehensive learning materials.

While it is possible to trade using any device, you need to download the app to your smartphone or tablet to start trading on the move, from anywhere and anytime as long as you have an internet connection.


Cherry Trade offers a wide range of account types for new, experienced and professional traders. Traders receive 100% welcome bonus on all types of accounts except for the basic account .

Basic - The basic account is suitable for novice traders as it comes with a low initial investment requirement. A maximum of $1000 can be invested.

Professional - The professional account is suitable for practiced traders who are looking for more challenges and to trade a greater investment. A maximum of $5,000 can be invested.

Expert - The expert account is just that—for expert traders who are looking for more advanced trades and greater risks that bring in more rewards. A maximum of $10,000 can be invested.

VIP - The VIP account is suitable for the advanced expert trader who is looking to put in more investment to reap even greater rewards. A maximum of $25,000 can be invested.

Corporate - The corporate account is designed for companies looking to invest in binary options.


Cherry Trade offers a wide array of assets from which to choose. Éstas incluyen:

Stocks - Trade some of the most-in demand stocks including Coca-Cola, Apple, Citi, Tesco, Amazon, Nike and so many more.

Commodities – Trade well-known commodities including wheat, sugar, silver, oil and so many more.

Currencies - Trade some of the best currency pairs including EUR/GBP, EUR/JYP, GBP/USD, USD/ZAR and many more.

Indexes - Trade some of the top indexes in the world including S&P 500, Bombay SE, SSE 180, NASDAQ, Nikkei 225 and more.

Cherry Trade offers different, challenging trade types to suit your trading preferences . Available trade types include:

One Touch - One touch gives you a chance to gain up to 550% on your investment. Here, you simply predict whether the price of an asset will get to a predetermined level. One Touch options are more challenging than standard binary options requiring you to select both the price and direction of the underlying asset.

Ladder - Ladder is a new trade type that let you earn up to 1500% profit in less than 30 minutes. This type of options mixes both classic and the call/put method and offers 5 opportunities to predict the degree of movement of an asset across the five price points.

60 Seconds - With 60 seconds options, you can start making profits in as short as 60 seconds. Simply predict whether the price of the underlying asset will go up or down within the expiry period of 60 seconds.


Cherry Trade offers diverse, safe and trustworthy methods of depositing funds into your account. A minimum deposit of $200 is required to start trading on the platform. Available deposit methods include:

Credit Card: Use credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron or Diners to deposit funds into your account safely.

Maestro (Switch) and Solo: Deposit cash into your account using Maestro Switch and Solo. All online deposits need to be authenticated with the MasterCard Secure Code. Before depositing, you will need to register for a 3D code with your bank.

Wire Transfer: Send money directly from your bank account to your Cherry Trade account. This is a suitable option if you are looking for a way to make large deposits safely.

Timeframe - 48 business hours


CheryTrade allows you to withdraw funds from your account using the same methods you used to deposit funds. A minimum of USD or EUR 100 can be withdrawn at any given time.


On the Cherry Trade platform, you can access several features and tools that make trading simpler and exciting . Éstas incluyen:

iFollow - The iFollow feature allows traders to socialize, follow and learn from other traders on the platform. Newbie traders can improve their profit levels by learning and copying from advanced traders as soon as you deposit finds into your account and start trading. Simply select your preferred trader and all their trades will be used in executing your own trades.

One-on-one training - Cherry Trade is committed to increasing the chances of success for all traders. Access to one-on-one training offers trainers the much - needed guidance needed to trade and excel on the platform.

Free e-books - In addition to their one-on-one training program, CherryTrade offers access to a wide array of educational resource including videos, articles and free e-books that not only introduce you to the site, but also show you how to make the most of the trading platform to maximize your returns.


Traders can access the customer support and technical team from 6.00-21.00GMT Sunday to Friday through email, online chat or phone.

Contact numbers: United States - 1-917-775-0324 Europe Austria-43-720115948 Denmark -45-89882866 Finland - 358-942451113 France - 33-182883163 Italy-39-0699337566 Luxembourg - 352-20332509 Netherlands-31-857440788 Norway-47-81503079 Spain-34-932201720 Sweden - 46-840839938 Switzerland - 41-615083203 UK - 44-2035192136 Asia Bahrain-973-16198515 Hong Kong-852-580814997 Japan - 81-345790767 Africa South Africa - 27-213002886 Oceania Australia - 61-285992813 New Zealand - 64-98011095



March 09, 2017, by Chris Morton

About No1Options

No1Options is the binary options brokerage operated by Shof Marketing LTD, a company based out of London. No1Options offers a wide choice of binary options contracts along with bonuses and seasonal promotions. Traders from the US can also open an account and trade with No1Options.

No1Options Minimum Deposit

The minimum amount to deposit and trade with No1Options starts from 500 currency units. Deposits can be made in USD, EUR or GBP currencies. Higher the deposit amount, the more benefits a trader gets at No1Options. The account levels are categorized into Micro, Silver, Gold, Personal broker and VIP accounts. The bonus terms as well as other additional features also vary depending on the account type a trade is categorized into.

No1Options Demo Account

No1Options offers a wide choice of trading contracts. The very short term expiries range from 30 or 60 seconds including 5, 10 and 15 minute expiring contracts. Traders can also trade longer term binary options contracts with hourly or end of day, end of week expiring contracts.

No1Options Expiry Times

CLM Binary options offer a limited choice of short term expiring options that start from 60 seconds including 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes and 1 hour expiring options being the longest. The binary options contracts are however limited to the traditional Call/Put options and offers no further flexibility.

No1Options Software Platform

No1Options makes use of the SpotOption’s trading platform. The binary options software from No1Options includes additional binary options contracts such as pairs trading, Ladder options, One touch, forex and the social trading iFollow. Navigation is simple to understand even for first time traders and those familiar with the SpotOption binary options trading platform will be familiar with the No1Option’s trading platform.

No1Options Signals

No1Options offers trading signals based on the account level a trader is classified into. Refer to the minimum deposit section above to see the different account levels. For Silver accounts, No1Options offers trade signals once a week. Gold accounts get binary options trading signals sent twice a week while Personal broker accounts get trade signals delivered daily and the VIP accounts, in additional to daily signals also get access to specialist analyst recommendations.

No1Options Android & iPhone App

No1Options offers mobile trading for Android as well as iOS devices. The mobile binary options trading platform allows for traders to trade directly from their smartphones as well as access their trade history.

No1Options Bonus Terms & Condiciones

No1Options offers trading bonuses which vary on the account level, which is based on the initial deposits made. Bonuses typically vary from 25% for Micro accounts while VIP accounts get as high as 200% bonuses. When traders claim bonuses, they are subject to the bonus terms and conditions. Generally, No1Options requires traders to trade 40 times the bonus amount in trading turnover before they can withdraw the bonus.

No1Options Withdrawal Terms & Condiciones

Withdrawals are subject to waiting times depending on the account type a trader is classified under. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 units of currency. For Silver accounts, withdrawals require 7 days of processing, while Gold accounts take 5 working days, Personal Broker accounts take 3 working days and VIP accounts have instant withdrawals. Withdrawals can be made via Credit/Debit cards, Bank WIRE’s or eWallets that include Skrill, Neteller and UKash.

Spain’s CNMV warns on EmpireOption binary options broker

Spain’s regulatory body, the Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) published a warning on the binary options broker EmpireOption.

The Commission warns that the broker has no authorization to provide investment services and advice on financial instruments, including transactions of foreign currency.

On its website EmpireOption boasts that it offers the most secure and advanced binary options trading platform. Its clients can trade in forex, stocks, commodities and indices and two platforms for social trading: iFollow and ZuluTrade.

The broker’s portfolio includes short and long-term binary options and one-touch trading. It offers five types of trading accounts – Micro, Classic, Empire Plus, Preferential, and Empire VIP. The minimum required deposit is $200 (for the Micro account).

EmpireOption also offers training materials such as videos, seminars, tradebooks, simulators, trading signals, etc.

Even though it explicitly says it does not offer its services to clients from the US, EmpireOption has a customer telephone number in the country, as well as in France, Venezuela, Spain, Mexico, Chile, Columbia, Peru and Brazil. There is no information on where and if the broker is regulated.

Redwood Options Review


User Friendly Site

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Free Market Reviews

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Not Regulated

No Demo Account

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Revision completa

Looking briefly at the review, it is clear that the Redwood Options promise outstanding trading options and flawless service. We figured that design and layout seem really up-to-the-minute and brilliant in our review of Redwood Options. All that exists is straight forward binary options trading and no such thing as “noise”. Our Redwood Options review below contains more information about the “ FBO Best US Broker ” in 2017. We have continuously been updating the Redwood Options review to show that US customers are not accepted by this broker.

Special Features

You are offered three distinct bonuses at the time of deposit. However, it is not something everybody goes for as it imposes limitations to your account. You become subject to a minimum wager requirement due to the bonus money you receive. It is significant to understand that real money bonuses require wagering whilst developing a Redwood Options Review.

Redwood Options Mini: Deposit $200 – $999 = 30% bonus, free phone and live chat support with daily market reviews.

Redwood Options Executive: Deposit $1,000 – $4,999 = 70% bonus, expedited withdrawals, with one account manager and a risk-free trade!

Redwood Options Gold: Deposit $5,000 – $10,000 = 100% bonus, a senior account manager, same day withdrawals, money management training, trading strategies and advanced portfolio structure with five risk-free trades!

The amount you trade can be as low as $5 on the “ 60 Seconds ” options which lead to a downfall in the industry standards. If requested, you may also get a free e-book so you can learn all about binary options trading.

One of the greatest features in our Redwood Options review is that the Redwood Options offer 10% cash back on all lost trades!

Redwood Options YouTube Video Review

Redwood Trading Software & Assets

The entire trading process in the Redwood Options platform is a hundred percent online and no downloads are required. Redwood Options uses the well-known Spot Option software which is user-friendly and does not require any trading experience at all. Whilst trading with regular binary options, you can choose from either call or put (up or down). Besides, there are two extra features namely “ Rollover ” and “ Double Up ”.

The “double up” feature helps you entirely re-do an investment, just in case anything with your current investment goes wrong. You receive a substitute trade that possesses similar conditions and prices. This will help you double up your potential profits and your investment.

It would be best to use the rollover tool in case you don’t wish to have a lot of exposure in the start of your Redwood Options review and trading. If you believe things are not going as planned, you could extend the time frame at any time for an additional 30% of the investment. Therefore, if you are making a binary trade of $100, you could roll over to an extended expiry time for $30 more.

This is something that cannot be done with the End of Day Options Trading. We saw that with the help of Option Builder at Redwood Options trading platform, it becomes possible to buy options at 10%/80% which means if you predict the correct trend, you earn 10% while if wrong, you earn 80%, which together becomes 90%! It is obvious that you would reverse the plans and invest contrary to what you actually want to happen.

Redwood Options Support and Services

Redwood Options possesses an excellent Live-Chat feature. It may not be the fastest in the industry but it does exist and with only a few minutes of waiting, you get the help you require. You are sure to experience a top quality service at Redwood Options, given the pace at which it has been improving over the years.

You get a personal account manager once you complete your registration process with Redwood Options. He gives you a call and gives you an idea of how depositing and trading work with Redwood.

We would suggest you, James Briggs, as he seems like a really friendly account manager, something we witnessed in our Redwood Options review of the business and platform in general.

Redwood Options Deposits and Withdrawals

Currently, Redwood Options do not possess the Moneybookers feature (April 2017). Alternatives to deposit would be to use the bank wire or the credit card feature. Deposits made through credit cards are free but you will be charged $25 upon withdrawals if you go for bank wire.

The Redwood Options ask for a utility bill and a scanned ID with the photo for identification purposes. This is to make sure everything goes in compliance with the international banking laws from 2001 to avoid money laundering or frauds.

You will need to scan this in case you go for the credit card deposit on Redwood Options, however, for security reasons, you are recommended to cross out 4 out of the 12 digits this way: 1234 – 1234 – xxxx – 1234.

¿Qué son las opciones binarias?

Las opciones binarias son un tipo de opción que proporciona un plazo fijo para la expiración con un pago fijo. Es una apuesta sí o no.

La apuesta es sobre si un precio predeterminado de un mercado subyacente será en, por encima o por debajo de una barrera de strike objetivo, por un tiempo futuro definido. Si usted sigue las noticias financieras y desea beneficiarse de su conocimiento sobre una base diaria las opciones binarias son perfectas para usted. Es también una manera buena y barata de comenzar a negociar antes de conseguir en la compra de las existencias o de las mercancías usted mismo.

Las opciones binarias son una manera de negociar con sólo dos posibles resultados. En toda su sencillez el comercio es una apuesta en la dirección de un mercado a finales del mes, semana, día, hora o minuto.

Si tiene razón, su pago es de $ 100 por lote. Si usted está equivocado, el pago es de $ 0. Una posición de sí o no. Usted puede comenzar a comerciar con tan poco como $ 100. Sugerimos solo el depósito con corredores recomendados en nuestro sitio

[Destacado feattitle = & # 8217; Corredor del Mes & # 8217; Site = & # 8217; Opciones binarias ETX & # 8217; ] ETX Binary es una plataforma de comercio acelerada y excitante ofrecida por ETX Capital, una compañía FCA-Regulated con sede en el Reino Unido [/ featured]

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TR Binary Options Review

TRBinaryOptions. com, once known primarily as TradeRush, has rebranded itself a little . and many people are wondering if this is still the top binary options broker that it once was. The short answer is yes, but let’s go into some detail and see how the site is different, and how it has stayed the same.

TR Binary Options offers a wide array of stocks, indices, commodities, and currency pairs. They have over 100 different assets at the current moment . but not all are available 24 hours per day thanks to the different time zones. Still, there’s a good chance that no matter where you are or what time of day you want to trade at, you will find something to focus on.

This broker is based out of London and their original platform was launched in 2011. The platform has stayed pretty much the same and it has retained its user friendly, fast learning curve, style.

Trading with TR Binary Options

The normal trade at this site offers up to 81 percent returns per trade . They offer a variety of types of trades though, ranging from the normal call/put options, to short term (60 seconds). to long term (up to a year in the future), to one touch trades, ladders, and pairs. These each have slightly different rates of return. For example, looking at the EUR/USD pair a year from now will give you a 76 percent return. A one touch trade can return 120 percent for a normal trade, to up to 600 percent for a high yield trade.

For traders that are more interested in something highly speculative, you can use their IFollow option . This shows some of the results of active traders and allows you to predict how they will do on their current open positions. For example, you can see that a trader has 7 open positions and a success rate of 81.14 percent on their trading session. You can also see if they have any other followers before you join them and try to ride on the coattails of their success.

They definitely cater to newer traders, but that’s just a normal part of the business. This is also a great broker for experienced traders. They have a pretty good educational section which is designed for traders of all abilities to refine their skills in. The TR Binary Options Academy has two different courses . one for beginners and one for advanced traders. They have an eBook as well. The highlight of the academy is their instructional video section. Right now, there are 15 different videos included here, all of which offer great detail on the best ways to use binary options to grow your income each month. Even if you’ve been trading binaries for a while, these are valuable tools. At the very least, they will help traders to better familiarize themselves with the software associated with the site and learn how to trade more efficiently.

TR Binary Options Demo Account

If you are new to binaries or this particular platform, you may want to test out the waters . If you are looking for a demo account, you’ll have to set up an account first. Be ready to trade with a deposit made into the account. You can then request a separate demo account. This practice account could save you a lot of money down the line.

Creating an Account

If you wish to create an account, the process is pretty simple. You will need to give your name, address, email address, country, and currency of choice before you finalize things. Note that you cannot change your trading currency once you have registered for an account . Currencies that can be used for trading include the USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, RUB, SEK, CAD, and JPY.

There is no fee to create an account, but to trade with real money you will need to make a deposit. Deposits can be made by Visa or MasterCard, bank wires, or from online wallets, like CashU. There are no fees on your first withdrawal each month . and then a $30 fee for each subsequent one in the month.

You will need to prove your identity, residence, and if you deposit with a credit card, you will need to scan a copy of your card, too. This helps TR Binary Options to reduce the potential for fraud and it helps protect you when it’s time to withdraw your earnings. You can use a copy of your government issued photo ID and a utility bill that shows your address to prove these things.

If you have any questions about the process or do run into difficulty for some reason, you can always contact their customer service department. They make it really easy to get in touch with someone. They have an 800 number . a live chat setup, or you can use email if the situation isn’t too urgent.

If you are awarded a welcome bonus on your deposit, you will be required to unlock it before you can withdraw it. The unlock threshold begins at 30 times your bonus amount . For every $1 in bonus cash you have, for example, you must make $30 worth of trades. This is right in keeping with the industry standard.

What Kind of Security

TR Binary uses SSL encryption to protect your personal credit card information. They will send you an alert if your web browser doesn’t support SSL methods so that you can be assured that your financial information is safe. They recommend that you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as your browser for maximum safety. When this is paired with the security measures detailed above with your personal information, you can see that this is a secure site. They’ve been around since 2011 when the original platform was launched, which also adds to their solid reputation.

TradeRush Re-Branded To TR Binary Options

As of 20 December 2017, the online options trading world has undergone a significant change. One of the better binary options brokers, TradeRush, has rebranded to become TR Binary Options. With the new name come several improvements as described below.

What Difference Does This Make?

Aside from a new name, TR Binary Options comes with technology improvements that will improve the trading experience offered by this broker. TR Binary Options has enhanced state-of-the-art technology with a better design than before, making their system even easier to use. The new platform is faster than the previous one, which is particularly helpful in online options trading for those wishing to trade short-term binary options such as 30 or 60 second options.

New Trading Tools

TR Binary Options have additional online options trading tools that weren’t available with TradeRush. With this broker you can now trade using ladder options as well as an i-Follow feature. There is also a new “refer a friend” offer as well as a strategy advisor. Read on for an explanation as to how these new features work.

What Are Ladder Options?

Ladder options is a great online options trading strategy that is generally used by more experienced traders. As opposed to simple binary options, where you just have to decide if you think the option will go up or down in price within a set time period, with ladder options you have more than one prediction to make.

Ladder options allow you to predict numerous strike points that you think an option may hit. If you think the option price will increase and so you want to place a call option, there are several price levels you can trade on while the trade moves towards its ultimate strike price. This means you can earn more money as the value of the option increases, instead of just being rewarded when it reaches the final target.

What is iFollow?

I love this new online options trading feature offered by TR Binary Options. With binary options there is no need to reinvent the wheel. The fastest way to succeed is to learn from and follow people who are highly skilled with a great track record. This is the theory behind the iFollow feature.

With the iFollow feature, it’s a simple 3 step process:

Step 1

Choose which traders you want to follow from a list of the most successful traders.

Step 2

Set your parameters, such as how long you wish to follow them, how many investments you wish to make, and your maximum investment limit.

Step 3

Watch your trading account grow as your trades rack up more wins.

Strategy Advisor

This is a new binary options trading tool that you may find useful. It can help you gain more insight into how different assets behave by using three different strategies for technical analysis. The three strategies available are:

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

Moving Average

Bandas de Bollinger

The best part of this feature is that it analyzes chart data for you, and then recommends either a call or put option depending on previous performance of the asset.

Refer A Friend

Another new feature that differentiates TR Binary Options from TradeRush is that they now offer cash incentives to formally thank you for referring family or friends to their platform. It’s easy to refer them to other people through a link and email on their new site. Once you do so, and if/when your friend deposits $200, you and your friend will each soon find a $50 bonus deposited into your accounts.

You can refer as many people as you like. The amount of bonuses you receive is limited only by the amount of new traders you refer to TR Binary Options.

Why Choose TR Binary Options?

If you’re looking for a binary options broker to trade with, you’ll be taking into consideration each broker’s online options trading platform, the trading strategies and asset range offered, the payouts, bonuses, training and education provided, and good old customer service.

With the rebranding of TradeRush to TR Binary Options, this broker has improved on an already competent offering in an attempt to improve their business and provide more value to their customers. The proof is in the pudding of course, but it’s certainly worth looking at TR Binary Options as a very viable broker to help enhance your binary options trading hobby or career.

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CherryTrade Review


Launched in 2017, CherryTrade is a relatively new player in the fast-growing binary options industry. However, this young start-up benefits from the many years of experience and the endless knowledge of the field’s top traders.

CherryTrade is entirely web-based, using the Spot Options platform software, and is one of the most trusted binary options platforms on the market. Downloads or installation of additional software is not required. The site is accessible through a classic browser search. You will be registered in a few clicks and the trading can start right away.


Traders newly acquainted with the world of binary options will learn all about it in a rapid and enjoyable manner, while experienced traders will appreciate its many innovative features and improve their strategic skills through the various tools and trading methods available.

This includes the classic Call/Put instrument, One Touch, Ladder and the latest addition: the iFollow feature, which allows a user to copy the actions of our top traders and generate similar profits. One Touch options are available during the weekends and offer payouts up to 550%, while the Ladder feature can make your profits jump by 1500%! Your experience can take a different form by choosing a different expiry time with the Short-term option that allows you to select a closing time from 30s to 300s.

CherryTrade Unique Features



Its platform’s design and methods of trading are extremely intuitive and highly engaging. Over 60 assets are tradable, including commodities, currencies, indices and stocks. Do not limit your trading experience.

CherryTrade’s platform is available via PCs, SmartPhones and Tablets through the Android store. No matter where you are, you will be able to trade with as much ease and pleasure as on the web-based version. The site is accessible through a simple browser search and does not require the download or installation of any additional software. All future traders need to do is register in a few clicks and their personal account will be opened. From then on, the trading can begin!

CherryTrade Trading Platform



Ensuring the security of your funds and private information is CherryTrade’s absolute priority that is why the broker is committed to improve its system regularly and update all of its protocols whenever new technologies hit the market.

Deposits can be made in USD, EUR, AUD, CAD and GBP via credit card or wire transfer. The minimum amount for initial deposit is only 200 of the client’s chosen currency and the minimum withdrawal is 100.


CherryTrade offers five different account types allowing traders to choose what kind of support and features they need. CherryTrade review revealed that the broker approaches clients through dedicated service offering trainings, advice and friendly support.

Each of these five accounts comes with a series of features. Each subsequent account includes features of the previous account and some additional ones that make it perfect.

& Gt; Basic: up to $1000 investment > Professional: up to $5000 investment > Expert: up to $10,000 investment > VIP: up to $25,000 investment > Corporate: above $25,000 investment

In addition to all the features, all accounts also include signals, free alerts on breaking trades, weekly technical analysis sessions and a personal account manager.

CherryTrade Types of Account



Although trading in binary options is a very simple concept to understand, but the more knowledge and experience a trader has the more profits he can make. CherryTrade ensures the most success for its traders by offering a highest level of education and numerous tools. They provide traders with a complete binary options eBook that contains basic and advance guide on binary options trading, and a full glossary of terminology. The broker also has an excellent video section with lots of educational videos.

All these training tools will enhance your skills and experience to be confident enough to make smart and successful trades. Traders with more experience can benefit from these advanced courses at the same time as beginners can learn all the basics terms of binary options.


CherryTrade places the highest importance on protecting your private information and banking details. Therefore, they have invested enough in adopting some of the top security protocols available on the internet. The company also offers more than a few methods for funds deposits and withdrawals. Of course, they strive to make sure that every transaction is an easy and secure transfer. Your accounts can be denominated in any of the following: AUD, CAD, GBP, EUR and USD.

It is worth mentioning that, you must provide proof of identity to the CherryTrade Accounting Department and get verified you account in order to carry out any transactions to preventing money laundering and upholding identity regulations.

CherryTrade iFollow Platform


Choosing CherryTrade is the obvious conclusion. Its reputation and reliability are unquestionable and every trader will find what he needs to satisfy his expectations. This fast-growing start-up has quickly become popular due to the quality of the services it offers, its ability to answer the demands of its users and the rules of ethics that guide its professional line of conduct, which are a basis for its impeccable reputation.

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CherryTrade Review

CherryTrade has been launched in 2017 and has established itself as one of the most trusted brokers in the industry. The quality of the services provided by the platform and the company’s agents is unequaled and will satisfy all of the website’s users.

Our review of the platform and its features have found that they are entirely web-based and do not require the user to download or purchase any additional software. The website is available in English and Arabic from anywhere in the world via PC, tablet and smartphone.

The list of assets that can be traded on the CherryTrade platform includes a large number of currencies, commodities, stocks and indices. Among the many trading methods featured on the site, the Call/Put remains an all-time favorite because of its simple and straightforward nature. CherryTrade also offers more innovative and unique modes of trading, such as Ladder, Touch and iFollow, which allows novices to emulate the actions of the site’s top traders by getting access to their trades and having the possibility to copy them and get the same profits!

More experienced traders will have the opportunity to enjoy pair and short-term trading. The average payout on the platform is 81%, however for certain features payouts can go as high as 1500% and offer users an incredible chance to maximize their investments.

To get to a more experienced level, beginners will have access to CherryTrade prestigious Academy. The services offered by the company’s team of financial experts include one-on-one training sessions which will enable traders to learn how to analyze market trends and how to make profits from them. Signals will also provide information regarding market events and will allow traders to get access to trading opportunities and to make successful investments, while daily updates of market news will give users the knowledge they need to make informed decision before placing a trade.

A wide range of online tutorials is also put at the disposal of the CherryTrade customers through its educational center and present a very dynamic and stimulating way to learn everything there is to know about binary options.

The minimum deposit amount is 200 euro or dollar. Transactions can be conducted through credit card or wire transfers with a maximum deposit of $20,000 for the credit card, while there are no limitation for the bank wire transfers. Withdrawal can be initiated directly from the client’s account on the platform and the minimum amount is 100 of the currency selected to credit the account. The company values its client’s privacy and safety and employs all the precautions necessary to make every transaction completely secure.

CherryTrade has a support team of highly committed and professional agents who will be available to answer any of your questions 24/6 in English and Arabic by phone, email and live chat directly through the platform.

CherryTrade has created a platform that will make your trading experience unique, dynamic and profitable, so don’t waste a second and start enjoying it now!

CherryTrade Review was last modified: February 19th, 2017 by [email protected]


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A Review of Binary Uno

A Review of Binary Uno

Binary Uno is a binary options broker formed in 2011. This broker is known for support, account management and education to consumers offering various webinars and guides. Binary Uno uses an extremely easy to use platform that traders of all experience levels can use. The design is simple and has a good color scheme with all information in organized into easy-to-find sections.

With its intuitive nature, a user can easily just perform any trade from a mobile device, using either the Android or the iOS app, and not have to worry about heading to a computer, thus making life easy for someone who travels extensively. Binary Uno’s webinars are designed for clients to learn about the various trading tools available along with the trading process to become as educated as possible. Economic calendars allow the users to maximize strategies by plotting activity based on past performance and calculating pivot points.

There is a vast library available to help educate customers on the best investment strategy and provide them insight into an economic environment with trends and analysis. One touch trading allows users to trade immediately without having to wait for the expiration time.

Along with trading, there is a special feature called iFollow. This allows users to copy the most successful traders to increase their profit potential. It’s never been easier to learn about trading than to watch from those who have been successful. It also supports all standard binary option positions. Users sort by top traders per asset to see success rates, their volume and how much was traded. Simply log into the trading account and access the iFollow page. There is no software to download and no experience necessary to use it.

Trading Features Available:

-Forex (foreign exchange market for trading of currencies)

-Binary Options or Digital Options




-Bitcoin Options

This broker is very responsive and provides a large amount of education, assets and products to help you maximize your investments. The education center is extremely impressive. The webpage contains various methods to get help including a chat option, phone number or email.


CherryTrade a leading binary options broker owned and operated by Website Promotions, Ltd. of London, U. K.

While CherryTrade is a relatively newcomer (approximately two years) in the world of online binary options trading, it conducts itself with the experience and professionalism of a seasoned veteran. There are several signal providers and online income advisors who refer clients to CherryTrade as one of the best, and most user-friendly binary options trading platforms available.

CherryTrade is not able to accept options traders form the United States.

New clients receive welcome bonuses when signing up for any account type, with the exception of the Basic account ($200-1,000 deposit).

The minimum deposit with CherryTrade is $200, and the minimum trades range from $5 (Sixty Second trades), $25 (Binary Options, Pairs, Long-Term and Ladder trades) to $50 (One Touch trades).

CherryTrade uses the very user-friendly SpotOption platform, offers over 150 currency pairs, commodities, indices and stocks to trade from, and the excellent iFollow feature, which enables traders to automatically duplicate the trades of selected “Top Traders” on the site.

One of CherryTrade’s most outstanding features is its online Education Academy. This educational center includes training videos for novices and veteran traders alike, e-books webinars and even one-on-one training sessions with one of CherryTrade’s expert trading analysts.

TR Binary Options Review

TR Binary Options is a binary options broker, established in 2011 and for few years now, they provide quality trading services to traders worldwide. This broker accepts all nationalities, excluding US traders.

Below in our TR Binary Options review, you can gather more information on how to trade with TR Binary Options and what features are provided for successful binary options trading.

It is possible to use a wide range of currencies for transactions to be made and they are: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, AUD and SEK. Once chosen currency cannot be changed after registration. Minimum deposit amount is $200 and maximum bonus to get $10000. With TR Binary Options. traders can receive maximum return of 81%. Minimum investment is $10 and maximum with $5000.

TR Binary Options Platform and Features

For few years now, TR Binary Options offers top notch services for binary trading process. To be able to provide traders with the quality platform, they use SpotOption as a trading software. This software is excellent because traders of all knowledge levels can use TR Binary Options platform while trading binary options.

Platform offers traders several trade options to choose from, such as High/Low, One Touch, Option Builder and Meta Charts. With these trade options it is possible to close early. Available expiry times range from short term like 60 seconds, 5 minutes, 15 minutes to the 30 minutes, 1 hr and 24 hr + trading.

Following novelties we discovered during TR Binary Options review are: Ladder and iFollow. Traders can also use Candlestick charts and Strategy Advisory. They can also earn money from Refer-a-Friend bonus, which is now available.

With TR Binary Options, traders can trade with more than 100 different assets. It is possible to trade with stocks, currencies, commodities and indices. There are several trading services TR Binary Options offers to their registered traders, and one of these services is mobile trading.

Mobile trading is widespread among traders in binary options industry because it enables them to trade from anywhere. Besides laptops or computers, traders can use smartphones and ipad also. It is possible to get TR Binary Options mobile app from Apple or Android Store and afterwards, continue trading binary options.

In this segment of our TR Binary Options review, we’ll explain little closely what are available trading features on TR Binary Options platform. One of these features is Buy-Me-Out, which means that traders are given a possibility to use stop/loss trading strategies by selling the trade for a fixed price.

This option is due at least one hour before expiration. Success of Buy-Me-Out depends on the fact how far traders are from the strike price and away from the asset’s expiry time.

Unlike Buy-Me-Out, feature Double Up is one that enables traders to double its trade when you think you are going to win and you are close to expiry time. This way, a new trade will be created with the same conditions as previous one. With Double Up feature, traders can increase their investment return and make double profit on the same underlying asset.

A third often used trading feature is Rollover, a trading strategy that allows traders to postpone expiry time of the chosen asset. It is intended to use it when market doesn’t agree with you and prediction is most likely be different, than traders can activate this feature and close in the money.

By doing so, traders can achieve 30% higher returns when options expires in the money for added 30% investment and turn possible loss into money gain. Rollover is possible to use up to 10 minutes before expiration time.

TR Binary Options Account Types

TR Binary Options offers traders 5 different account types, for them to choose a preferred one and start their binary options journey. Depending on minimum deposit amount and available tools, account types are: Mini, Standard, Executive, Gold and Platinum Account. More about account characteristics, read below in TR Binary Options review.

TR Binary Options Mini Account

min. deposit $250-499

20% bonus

daily and weekly market reviews

libro electronico

TR Binary Options Standard Account

min. deposit $500-999

30% bonus

daily and weekly market reviews

libro electronico

advanced Candlestick training

TR Binary Options Executive Account

min. deposit $1000-4999

40% bonus

daily and weekly market reviews

libro electronico

Money Management training

contact with Account Manager

1 risk free trade

1 trading strategy

Academy membership

TR Binary Options Gold Account

min. deposit $5000-9999

50% bonus

withdrawal on the same day

personal Account Manager

daily and weekly market reviews

libro electronico

Money Management training

contact with Account Manager

5 risk free trade

3 trading strategy

professional trading sessions

VIP Academy membership

TR Binary Options Platinum Account

min. deposit $10000+

75% bonus

complete Gold account package

6 trading strategy

complimentary iPad

TR Binary Options Customer Support

Traders worldwide can contact TR Binary Options through live chat, telephone and email 24/7. On live chat, agents are present in just few seconds. Via email, traders can get general assistance on support@traderush. com and technical assistance on tech@traderush. com.

TR Binary Options has trading platform that is available on eight languages: English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Swedish, Portuguese and Japanese. By having such a multilingual platform, traders across the world are able to use TR Binary Options platform on familiar language, because this list of languages covers many speaking countries worldwide.

TR Binary Options Banking and Company

TR Binary Options is a reliable binary broker, who uses SpotOption software, which is SSL secured (Secure Socket Layer). It encrypts all card payment made over Internet so it is considered a high security level in online business.

For traders to be able to deposit with TR Binary Options. they first have to submit several documents to authentical trading account (copy of ID, proof of address and if using credit card, a copy of card, but with hidden digits). Documents should be scanned and sent on accounting@traderush. com.

Available deposit methods for binary options trading with TR Binary Options are card payment (Maestro, Mastercard, Visa and Visa Electron), bank wire transfer and e-wallets (Skrill Moneybookers, CashU, iDeal, Neteller and BitCoin).

Minimum withdrawal amount is set to $100. TR Binary Options needs 2 business days to process a request and then additional 5 to 7 business until funds are visible on trader’s account. To withdraw funds, traders should send copy of ID card and proof of address to prove the identity.

First withdrawal per month is free and each additional withdrawal in the same month will be charged $30. In case if traders want to cancel a withdrawal, they can do it even if the request is already in process and then funds will be returned back to TR Binary Options account.

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Sign up for binary options, pricing american vs european options.

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