Tuesday 31 October 2017

Opciones Binarias Fm

Opción. FM Review

[Total: 22 Promedio: 4.7 / 5]

Option. FM fue lanzado en marzo de 2017 y el número de comerciantes que decidieron abrir una cuenta con este corredor ha estado aumentando continuamente desde entonces. La compañía se enorgullece de su enfoque individual para cada uno de los clientes, una política que es posible gracias a un gran equipo de soporte formado por personas con mucha experiencia en todas las formas de negociación. Estábamos intrigados por esto y decidimos ver qué exactamente este corredor tiene que ofrecer porque, usted tiene que admitir, esto suena bastante tentador. A través de esta revisión de Option. FM, queremos presentarle la oferta de la empresa, para que tenga una idea clara de lo que le espera si decide abrir una cuenta con ellos.

Revisión de Option. FM | Cuentas

Cuentas será el primer tema de nuestra revisión Option. FM y aquí tenemos que señalar de inmediato que un comerciante puede elegir entre cuatro diferentes Tipos de Cuenta Option. FM cuando él o ella comienza el proceso de inscribirse con el corredor. El proceso en sí es extremadamente simple porque todo lo que tienes que hacer es llenar un breve formulario que contiene sólo la información personal más básica. Esto sólo tomará un par de minutos y una vez que haya terminado con eso, usted será capaz de acceder a todas las características de la oferta del corredor. Cada una de las cuentas ofrece algunas ventajas muy útiles, tales como el análisis diario del mercado o el hecho de que no hay absolutamente ningún costo involucrado. Todas las cuentas, excepto la de nivel más bajo, le ofrecerán un impulso significativo en forma de 100% b onus. Por lo que efectivamente puede doblar su dinero tan pronto como haga un depósito. También tiene la opción de usar una cuenta de prueba gratuita Option. FM para explorar cada rincón de esta plataforma sin arriesgar un solo centavo en el proceso.

Tipos de cuentas de Option. FM

Revisión de Option. FM | plataforma de trading

La siguiente parte de nuestra revisión Option. FM se centrará en la plataforma de negociación del corredor y todo lo que tiene que ofrecer. Este es el núcleo de la oferta de cada corredor, todos sus servicios provienen de aquí, por lo que es lógico que examinar a fondo. El número de activos es bastante satisfactorio, con aproximadamente 90 diferentes activos disponibles para negociar, como se indica en nuestra Opción. FM Review 2017. Se dividen en cuatro categorías diferentes (acciones, índices, monedas y materias primas), pero también hay una separada Categoría para los activos más populares, por lo que debería ser capaz de encontrar todo lo que necesita con sólo unos pocos clics. Aparte de eso, los comerciantes pueden elegir entre tres diferentes modos comerciales (opciones binarias, a largo plazo y 60 segundos), lo que se suma al número de posibilidades y mantiene a los comerciantes interesados. Algunas características interesantes también están a su disposición aquí, ya que puede utilizar un análisis interactivo o vista de candelero para aumentar la cantidad de información que recibe del mercado y, al hacerlo, aumentar sus posibilidades de una inversión exitosa. La calidad de esta plataforma debería ser obvia tan pronto como mencionamos que se basa en el conocido software SpotOption. Los precios son perfectamente exactos, fechas de vencimiento función impecable y, en definitiva, esto es realmente una gran experiencia comercial.

Opción FM Trading Platform Clásico

Revisión de Option. FM | Transferencias y seguridad

Los métodos de transferencia también son una parte importante de la oferta de cualquier corredor, por lo que merecen ser mencionados en esta revisión Option. FM. Tarjetas de crédito, tarjetas de débito y sus transferencias bancarias regulares pueden ser utilizados para depositar dinero en su cuenta siempre que lo necesite y los mismos métodos se utilizan para los retiros, también. La buena noticia aquí es que el corredor no le cobra ningún cargo por esto - lo que deposite (retirar) es exactamente lo que obtiene con Option. FM. En cuanto al aspecto de seguridad de hacer negocios con este intermediario, un sistema de cifrado SSL de 128 bits protegerá toda su información personal y de cuenta mientras esté en el sitio web de la compañía. Incluso podrá ver las fechas exactas y las fechas de sus visitas, gracias a una función de seguridad especial denominada Secured sessions. Por lo tanto, la posibilidad de cualquier sorpresa desagradable con respecto a su seguridad realmente no existe, como se evidenció en nuestra Opción. Para que pueda relajarse completamente y centrarse en hacer algo de dinero serio.

Revisión de Option. FM | Apoyo

Terminaremos la parte principal de esta revisión de Option. FM con un par de palabras sobre el apoyo que este corredor proporciona. Como ya hemos dicho en la introducción, todos los miembros del equipo de apoyo son excepcionalmente bien informados en todas las formas de comercio y siempre será capaz de darle algunos consejos valiosos. Pueden ser contactados por correo electrónico o teléfono, de los cuales hay siete números diferentes para siete países diferentes, pero el sitio web también tiene la dirección del corredor, en caso de que alguna vez lo necesite. Los países mencionados son Nueva Zelanda, Canadá, Francia, Sudáfrica, Alemania, Australia y el Reino Unido, así que no importa dónde se encuentre en el mundo, siempre puede ponerse en contacto con estas personas para cualquier tipo de asesoramiento financiero. Option. FM ofrece todo lo que necesitará en términos de soporte y no hay duda en nuestra mente que usted estará muy satisfecho con el rendimiento del equipo de apoyo.

Revisión de Option. FM | Conclusión

Al final, esperamos que esta revisión Option. FM ha arrojado algo de luz sobre este corredor y que ahora son más conscientes de todas las oportunidades de apertura de una cuenta con este corredor trae. Esta es una empresa muy profesional y muy confiable con algunas personas muy bien entrenadas que trabajan allí, por lo que no debería tener problemas para conseguir un buen comienzo con ellos. La plataforma de negociación es tan fiable como vienen, retiro y métodos de depósito son abundantes y los cuatro tipos de cuenta ofrecen todo lo que necesitará en sus empresas comerciales. En resumen, creemos que no queda nada que hacer, pero para abrir una cuenta con este corredor ahora y disfrutar de todas las características interesantes que tiene para ofrecer.

Revisión de Option. FM | Vista previa del sitio web en vivo

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¿Por qué opciones binarias?

Trading Made Simple

También conocidas como opciones de devolución fija, opciones de todo o nada o opciones digitales, la forma binaria de negociación es la última innovación del sector financiero.

Con nuestra plataforma de alta tecnología, los comerciantes de todo el mundo están facultados para beneficiarse de la volatilidad de los mercados si el precio de un activo va hacia arriba o hacia abajo. En un comercio dado, el cliente debe predecir si el valor de un activo será mayor o menor después de un cierto período de tiempo.

Con 200 activos para elegir, que van desde las materias primas a las acciones, a los índices o monedas, Option. FM está demostrando ser una alternativa asequible y rentable para aquellos que desean unirse a la revolución comercial.

Aquí están los diversos elementos del comercio binario que lo ha hecho tan popular.

La primera ventaja de binario es el alto potencial de beneficios. Los comerciantes pueden hacer hasta el 91% en un comercio dado. Con expiries que son tan cortas como 60 segundos, hay potencial para una cuenta para crecer rápidamente en cuestión de minutos.

Los beneficios potenciales se fijan por adelantado para cada activo dado. Esto significa que los clientes entienden exactamente cuánto pueden ganar o perder de cualquier comercio dado.

Comercio en cualquier momento. En cualquier sitio.

Al integrar nuestra plataforma de negociación directamente en el sitio web Option. FM, los comerciantes tienen la libertad de comerciar las tendencias del mercado literalmente en cualquier lugar que tenga una conexión a Internet. Los clientes son invitados a webinars alojados por nuestros expertos financieros que informan a los comerciantes de próximos eventos comerciales, como Non-Farm Payrolls, y otros lanzamientos de datos que tienen efectos instantáneos ripple en nuestros activos negociables.

Amplia gama de activos

Entendemos que los mercados financieros son cada vez más diversos. Mientras que algunos comerciantes vienen a nosotros con conocimiento de los mercados de los productos básicos, como el maíz o el oro, otros comerciantes desean negociar acciones, como Apple o Facebook. Hemos hecho nuestra misión desde el principio para permitir que las operaciones para beneficiarse de su conocimiento personal del mercado.

Una cartera diversificada nunca ha sido más asequible. Nos enorgullecemos de permitir a los comerciantes comerciar con los mercados sin ningún cargo en las operaciones individuales. Creemos que todo el mundo debería tener la oportunidad de comerciar, y seguirá sirviendo como las puertas de oro para el comercio financiero.

Option. FM Broker de opciones binarias

Vista previa del sitio web

Como un corredor en línea con la popularidad en todo el mundo, Option. FM definitivamente necesita una revisión detallada. Option. FM tiene empleados que han avanzado experiencia en el comercio de análisis correctamente las diferentes tendencias del mercado en el mercado. El corredor en línea era lo suficientemente inteligente como para utilizar este beneficio para ayudar a sus clientes en la recepción de los mejores tipos de servicio de comercio posible.

A pesar de que no es largo en los negocios como algunos otros corredores, el Option. FM también fue capaz de aprovechar e implementar modernas opciones binarias software comercial para mejorar las posibilidades de beneficios de los clientes. La principal misión de este destacado agente es introducir una nueva y segura forma de negociar opciones binarias. Esta es la razón por la cual muchos comerciantes nuevos y avanzados ahora están eligiendo Option. FM como su principal corredor en línea para comerciar y ganar dinero con.

Hay diferentes tipos de cuentas disponibles y cada una consiste en diferentes características. La asistencia al cliente es una de las características más importantes de Option. FM. Todo el personal de atención al cliente es muy amable y algunos de ellos han estado en el mundo comercial durante años. La contestación a la investigación se recibe generalmente en el plazo de 48-72 horas pero usted nunca sabe, pero hay una gran ocasión de recibirla más temprano.

A pesar de que Option. FM es un agente excepcional, hay un aspecto extraño de la página web, que es que no hay una sección de preguntas frecuentes en absoluto. Realmente esperamos que una sección de preguntas frecuentes se agregará pronto porque esto es donde muchas personas van a cuando quieren respuestas rápidas o simples a cualquier pregunta que pudieran tener. Hay otras maneras de ponerse en contacto con el soporte al cliente, como por chat en vivo e incluso a través de números de teléfono. A pesar de que no hay ningún contacto de correo electrónico, el chat en vivo definitivamente compensa.

Plataforma de negociación

La plataforma de negociación está bien diseñada e incluye todas las características diferentes que los comerciantes necesitan para tener éxito en el mundo comercial. Lo que lo hace aún más interesante es que los comerciantes van a ser capaces de seleccionar entre diversos diseños para personalizar su plataforma, todo en función de sus preferencias. Hay diferentes tipos de activos que se proporcionan en la plataforma de negociación, tales como alto / bajo, escalera, e incluso sesenta segundos.

Los comerciantes técnicos y los que dependen de comercio dinámico van a descubrir que todo lo que necesitan está disponible. Una ventana de negociación va a adaptarse tanto a los motores lentos y los que prefieren el análisis detallado. También hay modos de cuadrícula que ayudarán a aquellos que buscan más emoción y el control de varios oficios simultáneos.

Aplicación móvil porque la plataforma es muy modular y se puede utilizar de varios dispositivos. No hay un límite específico o límite a donde los comerciantes pueden acceder a sus cuentas y utilizar diferentes tipos de señales y eventos de mercado. Esta es una de las características que son altamente valoradas con Option. FM.

El índice de activos no se presenta en absoluto, pero desde el menú de opciones en la plataforma, hay varios activos que se pueden negociar. Los operadores pueden pedir una cuenta demo de Option. FM si lo desean. Esta cuenta les permite practicar y familiarizarse con el mundo comercial, términos diferentes y plataformas de negociación, antes de que realmente inviertan su dinero. Esta es definitivamente una gran opción para las personas que buscan un corredor en línea confiable.

Introducción a Option. FM Broker

Al igual que cualquier otro corredor de opciones binarias, Option. FM tiene un requisito de depósito mínimo que los comerciantes deben ser conscientes de. Un monto mínimo de depósito es una cantidad específica que debe depositar en su cuenta de opciones binarias para que pueda comenzar a operar oficialmente. El depósito mínimo actual requerido ahora es de $ 200, pero esto difiere de una cuenta a otra. La cantidad de tiempo que tarda el dinero en llegar a su cuenta suele depender del método de pago que elija. Por ejemplo, algunos métodos tomarán 2-3 días mientras que otros métodos pueden tardar más.

El depósito mínimo que realice también depende del tipo de cuenta que elija. Hay diferentes tipos de cuentas disponibles que usted puede elegir y usted debe tomar su tiempo en la lectura sobre ellos y la comprensión de cada uno antes de tomar su decisión. Leyendo cuidadosamente lo que cada cuenta incluye va a permitir que usted tome la decisión correcta. Actualmente hay cuatro tipos de cuentas disponibles y son actuales, oro, plata y platino. El mini es actualmente la cuenta que requiere el depósito más pequeño mientras que el platino incluye el requisito más alto del depósito. Cuanto más dinero deposite y cuanto más alto sea el nivel de la cuenta, más características recibirá.

Registrarse oficialmente antes de comenzar a cotizar y depositar dinero. El proceso de registro no toma tiempo y normalmente tomará un par de minutos. Se requiere información como correo electrónico, nombre y dirección, así como la prueba de identificación. La razón por la que esto es importante es prevenir el fraude o cualquier problema de seguridad que tenga lugar. Tenga en cuenta que tener un ambiente seguro es muy importante.

Cuenta demo de Option. FM

Antes de tener una idea acerca de la cuenta demo, es importante entender primero los diferentes tipos de cuentas disponibles. Hay diferentes tipos de cuentas que son proporcionados por Option. FM. Cada cuenta difiere dependiendo de las características incluidas y la cantidad invertida en el principiante. El corredor adaptó todos estos tipos diferentes de cuentas para asegurarse de que todos los comerciantes encontrarán algo que es conveniente para ellos. Esto incluye los cuatro tipos principales de comerciantes que son principiantes, corporaciones, comerciantes experimentados, y finalmente profesionales. Para obtener más información sobre los tipos de cuentas, consulte nuestra revisión de Option. FM.

El primer tipo de cuenta proporcionada es la cuenta de prueba Option. FM con un depósito mínimo de $ 250. La razón principal de esta cuenta fue creado para ayudar a los principiantes que no tienen experiencia y en primer lugar desea comprobar la plataforma de negociación. Recibirán acceso al análisis de las tendencias del mercado y de la plataforma de negociación.

El único inconveniente de esta cuenta es que no hay asistencia al cliente. Esto es algo comprensible, ya que tal vez el corredor en línea quiere que los principiantes dependan de sus propios en el principio.

El segundo tipo de cuenta es la cuenta Boutique que requiere un depósito mínimo de $ 1000. Esto se compone de más características como la formación personal y herramientas de información adicionales como libros electrónicos y videos. También incluye un bono de $ 100. El tercer tipo de cuenta es la cuenta ejecutiva que incluye un depósito mínimo que vale $ 500. Incluye las mismas características que la cuenta anterior, pero en mayores cantidades.

También incluye una suscripción a una revista financiera popular y actualizaciones de todas las tendencias del mercado significativo. El tipo final de cuenta es la cuenta Imperial que requiere un depósito mínimo de $ 25,000. Los comerciantes van a recibir las mismas características que la cuenta anterior, junto con características tales como contacto directo con el asistente personal de comercio, programas de información VIP, opciones de viaje, e incluso el seguro de inversión.

Option. FM Mobile Trading

Option. FM aplicación móvil da facilidad a los usuarios para obtener acceso a sus cuentas y monitorear subir o bajar en los valores de los activos. Option. FM recientemente entró en el negocio de comercio, por lo tanto muchos aspectos todavía están en proceso y se pondrá en marcha pronto. La plataforma móvil sigue el estándar de comercio de opciones binarias.

Diferentes dispositivos como iPhone, Android, iPad y Tablet están en acceso para obtener el inicio de sesión. Cuando los comerciantes obtener el inicio de sesión por primera vez, se les preguntó acerca de nombre de usuario, dirección de correo electrónico y número de contacto. Después de abrir una cuenta, el procedimiento posterior es verificar la cuenta y el depósito mínimo de transferencia. Para la verificación, las pruebas se proporcionan en forma de fotocopias escaneadas de facturas de servicios públicos, tarjeta de identidad y permiso de conducir, etc.

El depósito mínimo para principiantes es de $ 250. Las monedas disponibles para negociar son EUR, GBP y USD. Hay cuatro tipos de cuentas de comercio de acuerdo con la situación económica de los comerciantes. La primera cuenta se conoce como prueba donde el rango de depósito más bajo es $ 250. Por otro lado, el tipo de cuenta avanzada se conoce como Cuenta Imperial con depósito mínimo de $ 25.000. Es notable que esta plataforma tiene la gama más baja del retiro en comparación con otras plataformas. Los comerciantes pueden retirar tan bajo como $ 80 siguiendo un procedimiento de retiro justo y rápido. Antes de retirar una cantidad, complete el procedimiento de verificación y obtenga su cantidad en sólo 24 horas. Broker está dando servicios confiables y un alto nivel de seguridad a los comerciantes. La plataforma está registrada y las reglas estándar diseñadas por AMLs están siendo seguidas para hacer el proceso de depósito y retiro seguro.

La industria financiera observa lo que está sucediendo en el mundo de la tecnología, por lo tanto, las últimas aplicaciones y gadgets se introducen para hacer la experiencia de comercio simple y práctico. En el pasado, el comercio de opciones binarias era posible sólo a través de ordenadores personales. Option. FM es muy consciente del requisito de los comerciantes y se preocupa por proporcionarles la posibilidad de comerciar a través de teléfonos móviles.

Los principiantes que nunca han experimentado el comercio a través de Smartphone, se sorprenderá de lo simple que es la plataforma. Sin quedarse atascado en la PC, permite depositar dinero, invertir fondos, hacer un seguimiento de operaciones cerradas, obtener bonos y retirarse fácilmente. Máximo retorno de un comercio exitoso es superior al 91 por ciento, mientras que los términos comerciales 20x son necesarios para retirar bonos.

Option. FM móvil ofrece cuenta de demostración de instalaciones para minimizar el riesgo de pérdida. Es una forma ideal de entender las estrategias de negociación y la oportunidad de negociar a través de diferentes opciones de negociación (One Touch, High / Low, Long Term, Ladder Option y 60Seconds) en modo seguro. El soporte en directo se proporciona a los usuarios móviles las 24 horas del día. Manténgase en contacto con el administrador de cuentas o personal experimentado para saber más sobre esta plataforma de negociación.

Comparte esta revisión de Option. FM en social medias

Plataforma de negociación

Opción Mercados Financieros es su fuente única para el comercio más rápido y más seguro que ofrece Internet hoy en día. Nuestros expertos financieros y equipo de tecnologías avanzadas se enorgullecen de hacer que los mercados sean accesibles para clientes de todo el mundo.

La plataforma de operaciones de Option FM tiene una gama increíblemente diversa de activos y 3 modos comerciales diferentes, lo que permite a los clientes hacer predicciones a largo plazo ya corto plazo. Para todos los modos de negociación, no hay cargos de comisión cobrados por el comercio individual, al igual que no hay cargos cobrados por retiros o depósitos. Las características especiales de la plataforma incluyen el análisis interactivo, y vista de los candeleros.

Modos de Negociación

El modo clásico de comercio de opciones binarias incluye una receta para obtener altos beneficios en un tiempo relativamente corto. Usted elige el activo, el tiempo de vencimiento, cuánto desea invertir y si el precio del activo será mayor o menor una vez que expire la opción. Si su comercio es "in-the-money", al instante obtendrá un beneficio de alrededor del 70% al 80% sobre el dinero que invirtió.

Los operadores disfrutan del modo de opciones binarias porque es sencillo y sencillo de dominar. La revolución de las opciones binarias siempre se ha basado en ofrecer a los clientes transparencia y tecnologías de uso fácil. Este modo clásico es ideal para aquellos que apenas comienzan su carrera comercial, o aquellos que han estado siguiendo los mercados durante años.

Para aquellos que tienen visiones a largo plazo de hacia dónde se dirige el mercado, el modo a largo plazo es ideal. Los tiempos de expiración se ofrecen estirando hasta 9 meses desde el día en que se presiona el botón "Llamar" o "Poner". La diversificación de su cartera siempre es una buena idea, y es por eso que Options FM ofrece a los operadores opciones tanto a corto como a largo plazo.

Al colocar operaciones a largo plazo, es importante entender los diversos factores que pueden afectar el precio del activo que desea comerciar. El modo es simple, pero la experiencia necesaria para dominarlo requiere que los comerciantes se alejen de las noticias diarias y presten mucha atención a las tendencias macro.

El modo de los sesenta segundos es con mucho el comerciante más emocionante del modo tiene que elegir de. Al igual que los modos de opciones a largo plazo y binario, elige si el activo subirá o bajará en un período de tiempo determinado. Pero, en vez de tener que esperar una hora, un día, o un mes, los comerciantes pueden elegir expira que expiran cada 60 segundos.

Cuando se negocia con el modo de sesenta segundos, el resultado es inmediato. Cuando la opción expira, los comerciantes saben si su comercio es "en" o "fuera" del dinero. Los beneficios más rápidos son difíciles de encontrar.

Características especiales

1. Análisis Interactivo

A medida que se familiarice con la plataforma de negociación, se dará cuenta de que la plataforma reacciona a la colocación de su ratón. Al pasar el cursor sobre una tabla de precios, también se le informará de la fecha exacta, la hora y la tasa del activo que está negociando actualmente.

En vista de candlestick, cuando usted se cierne sobre el precio, usted también recibirá el marco de tiempo de cada vela, junto con más información sobre las sombras superiores e inferiores de la vela.

2. Vista de Candeleros

Los candeleros dan a los comerciantes una visión más amplia de lo que está sucediendo con el precio del activo que están negociando. Los candeleros verdes significan que el precio subió dentro de un intervalo de tiempo dado. Los candeleros rojos significan que el precio cayó dentro de un intervalo de tiempo dado.

En la parte superior izquierda de la vista de candelero, los comerciantes pueden alternar gráficos para ver a largo plazo ya corto plazo las perspectivas de movimiento de precios. Los comerciantes pueden dividir las velas en minutos, horas o días.

7 Opciones binarias

7 Opciones binarias

Option. fm

Reuters & # 8211; Noticias financieras

BRASILIA / SAO PAULO (Reuters) - La coalición gobernante de Brasil carece de los votos en el Senado para derrotar una solicitud de retirar a la presidenta de izquierda Dilma Rousseff si es aprobada por la Cámara de Diputados, un senador mayor En el partido más grande de la coalición dijo el domingo.

DHAKA (Reuters) - La policía de Bangladesh se reunió el domingo con un funcionario de la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) de los Estados Unidos en Dhaka para intentar localizar a los culpables en un intento de atraco cibernético de 951 millones de dólares del banco central del país.

20 de marzo (Reuters) - Las Indias Occidentales vencieron a Sri Lanka por siete wickets en su enfrentamiento Mundial Twenty20 Super 10 en el Estadio M Chinnaswamy en Bangalore el domingo.

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Roger Agnelli, el banquero brasileño que convirtió a Vale SA en el primer productor de mineral de hierro del mundo, murió el sábado en un accidente aéreo. Tenía 56 años.

NUEVA YORK (Reuters) - Una discreta decisión de la firma de capital privado Blackstone Group LP de vender tres estaciones de televisión podría predecir los rendimientos inciertos de algunas emisiones de televisión y reducir la demanda de servicios inalámbricos en la próxima subasta de espectro del gobierno estadounidense, Dicen los observadores de la industria.

NUEVA YORK, 18 mar (Reuters) - Los inversionistas estadounidenses estarán observando los mercados de divisas la próxima semana para obtener señales de que las recientes tendencias relacionadas con el debilitamiento del dólar y un fortalecimiento del mercado de valores continuarán.

* Candidatos presidenciales de Estados Unidos hostiles a Irán-Khamenei (Reformas con el discurso de Khamenei)

BRUSELAS (Reuters) - Los prestamistas europeos han logrado importantes avances en las conversaciones con Grecia sobre reformas fiscales y de pensiones que forman parte de un paquete de medidas que Atenas debe adoptar para obtener nuevos préstamos y alivio de la deuda, dijo el domingo un portavoz de la Comisión Europea.

CAIRO, 20 mar (Reuters) - El banco central de Egipto celebrará una subasta de divisas a la semana, los martes, cuando venderá 120 millones de dólares, dijeron los banqueros a Reuters el domingo.

CAIRO (Reuters) - La libra egipcia se debilitó en el mercado negro a pesar de los movimientos del banco central para cerrar la brecha entre la demanda y la oferta de dólares al inyectar la moneda estadounidense en el mercado, dijeron el domingo operadores bancarios y de divisas.

FMTrader Review: ¿Por qué negociar opciones binarias con FM Trader?

FMTrader suministra a los operadores binarios una amplia gama de herramientas educativas para tomar las mejores decisiones de inversión. En esta revisión de FMTrader hemos calificado los casi el máximo de puntos disponibles. Lo único que echamos de menos son las opciones de escalera y iFollow / SpotFollow, la opción binaria de comercio social.

FMTrader tiene una renovación de sitio web programada para principios de 2017 y esperamos que migren a SpotOption 2.0 plataforma de negociación que los tipos de opciones binarias que faltan. Es posible que desee comprobar su sitio web ahora para nuevas opciones: fmtrader. com (Actualización: opciones de escalera, iFollow y CFD Forex se agregan a los tipos de opción!

Tipos de opciones de FMTrader

Como comerciante no es necesario descargar ningún software en su computadora. La plataforma de negociación es 100% web. En la página principal, la plataforma amigable para el usuario es inmediatamente visible, lo que facilita el comercio en el mercado después de iniciar sesión.

FMTrader ofrece 8 tipos de opciones para el comercio. Este es un breve resumen:

Opciones binarias & # 8211; Los binarios comunes están disponibles para el comercio de materias primas, divisas (divisas), índices, acciones y pares. Puede elegir opciones de fin de día, pero también hay expiras de 3 semanas. Pagos de hasta el 85%.

Pares & # 8211; Bien conocido en el mundo de opciones binarias y excelente para los comerciantes más experimentados. ¿Sabe cuál de las acciones va a superar a la otra? Parejas comerciales opciones binarias como APPLE vs ALFABETO. Pagos de hasta el 80%.

One Touch & # 8211; Es usted muy bueno en el comercio de índice? Usted debe intentarlo con este tipo. Nasdag o Dow, si usted piensa que va a golpear un cierto valor (toque una vez!), Entonces podría endup con un 420% de ingresos en su inversión en los índices y hasta un 520% ​​en APPLE opciones binarias!

A corto plazo & # 8211; Poner un poco de emoción en su vida con las opciones a corto plazo. Eche un vistazo a sus candelabros japoneses y escoja una dirección. En menos de un minuto puedes ganar dinero (o perder :). Las opciones binarias a corto plazo están disponibles en 30 segundos, 60 segundos, 90 segundos, 120 segundos y 300 segundos. Pago hasta un 70%.

A largo plazo & # 8211; La opción a largo plazo da un plazo más largo antes de la expiración. En lugar de seleccionar segundos o minutos, con las opciones binarias a largo plazo se selecciona una fecha. Dependiendo del activo, las fechas van desde una semana hasta nueve meses.

Opciones de escalera & # 8211; El tipo de opción favorito de optiontradingpedia. com. Las opciones de escalera incluso ofrecen un pago del 1500% cuando su posición termina en el dinero. Pero como con la mayoría de las cosas, los pagos de alto potencial también significa un alto riesgo de perder la apuesta. ¿Es usted un comerciante profesional haciendo su tarea? Entonces esto podría ser su taza de té. Las opciones de escalera están disponibles en 5 marcos de tiempo diferentes: 15 minutos, 30 minutos, 45 minutos, 60 minutos y 75 minutos de su hora actual cuando se negocia. Tenemos un artículo especial dedicado al comercio de opciones de escalera.

FX / CFD & # 8211; Este tipo de opción es nuevo desde 2017 y también conocido como opción de Forex. & # 8216; FX & # 8217; Es una abreviatura de Forex, el mercado de divisas. CFD & # 8217; Es la abreviatura de contrato por diferencia, que también es ofrecido por netotrade, más un servicio de cfc de 550 y más especialistas en cfd. En la industria de opciones binarias FX CFD significa que usted ingresa una cantidad, por ejemplo $ 25 y pulsa el botón de llamada cuando piensa que el precio subirá en el par de divisas. Este tipo de opciones no tiene tiempo de expiración, usted puede decir cuándo cerrar la posición. Se liquida y usted pierde los $ 25 o gana la diferencia. Sin embargo, hay una ganancia de & # 8217; Función presente. Puede ingresar el beneficio que desea realizar y la posición sólo se cerrará si se alcanza esa cantidad o cuando se alcanza el nivel de pérdida de parada. Obtenga más información sobre la opción FX / CFD en nuestro artículo especial.

IFollow & # 8211; También conocido como SpotFollow, le permite copiar posiciones de otros comerciantes. Elija un operador, introduzca un período siguiente, elija una cantidad que desea invertir por operación y cuál es la cantidad límite. El sistema ahora hace el resto. ¿Emocionante? No, una forma pasiva de negociar.

FMTrader tiene algunas características especiales. Ofrecen a todos los comerciantes el & # 8216; Rollover & # 8216; función. Cuando usted está en el lado perdedor con una posición en particular, puede posponer la caducidad. No de forma gratuita: le costará un 30% extra de la inversión inicial en esa posición. Por otra parte, cuando la posición vence en el dinero después, usted recibe otro pago del 30%.

El & # 8216; Doble arriba & # 8216; Característica es otra que vemos sobre una base regular. Cuando usted va bien en el comercio, puede copiar la posición y abrir una nueva contra las mismas condiciones. Pero, para el entonces precio actual del activo. De esta manera usted puede inmediatamente, con un tecleo de un botón, apalancamiento en una posición fuerte.

FMTrader Razones para unirse

Hay hunderds de corredores de opción binaria, y FMTrader es sólo otro. ¿Qué los hace tan especiales que usted desea firmar para arriba con ellos?

FMTrader tiene una Academia de Comercio en la que le proporcionan algunas cosas que no puede ver con otros corredores. La academia de comercio de FMTrader tiene no menos de 4 secciones con:

Un curso de video con 7 videos para principiantes, 8 videos avanzados y 6 videos explicando su plataforma.

Un 50 (!) Página eBook temas importantes como la psicología del comerciante, consejos para el éxito comercial, las herramientas y técnicas importantes.

Una sección de vídeo a la carta con 4 videos sobre análisis de mercado, gestión financiera y psicología comercial.

El FMTrader Market Review en el que puede leer acerca de las últimas noticias financieras y el sentimiento del mercado.

FMTrader Activos para el comercio

Aquí hay algo especial que encontrar. FMTrader ofrecer a los comerciantes todas las opciones binarias disponibles para las empresas rusas! Puesto que Rusia es muy volátil, las opciones binarias rusas pueden ser un buen valor. Después de todo, la volatilidad es lo que necesitamos en el comercio de opciones binarias. Gazprom, USD / RUB, Petróleo (crudo ligero dulce) y RTS índice ruso puede invertirse en. Característica única.

FMTrader apoya todos los índices principales, y que incluye DAX, CAC, FTSE 100, pero también los índices en Turquía, Kuwait, India y Hong Kong y muchos más. Para encontrar una descripción general de los activos subyacentes compatibles, visite esta página: fmtrader. com/assetlist.

Tipos de cuenta de FMTrader

Cuando usted es un rodillo alto y desea abrir una cuenta con un corredor de opción binaria con unos pocos miles de dólares / euros, usted espera algunas características adicionales.

El monto mínimo para abrir una cuenta en (un acocunt regular) es $ 250. Cuando esté listo para depositar $ 1000 o más, entonces de repente obtendrá algunas golosinas. En la siguiente cuadrícula, obtendrá una visión general de las cuentas especiales.

Una vez más: puede abrir una cuenta regular en fmtrader. com con tan poco como $ 250.

FMTrader Review: Conclusión

La plataforma de negociación está disponible en árabe, inglés, ruso, turco e italiano. Reino Unido, Italia, Suecia, Rusia, Denemark, Turky, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica, Singapur, países árabes del GCC, Ucrania y Kazahstán. La lista de países de los que FMTrader acepta comerciantes no es tan larga.

¿Recomendaríamos este corredor de opciones binarias? Sí.

FMtrader ofrece una gama muy amplia de activos negociables y le da a un nuevo operador un bono del 100% en el primer depósito (su primer duplicador de dinero!). Todos los principales métodos de depósito son compatibles y FMtrader aún no está regulado por el Cysec en Chipre. FMTrader ha iniciado el proceso y espera ser aceptado por el Cysec en 2017.

Una visión general de las ventajas no mencionadas de la negociación con FMTrader

Un sistema fácil de usar & # 8211; Una plataforma totalmente funcional con un control de pantalla táctil intuitivo para ayudarle a administrar su cuenta fácilmente.

Operación suave y fácil & # 8211; Abrir y cerrar operaciones con ejecución instantánea.

Una historia comercial completa & # 8211; Incluyendo las opciones caducadas.

Completamente funcional ayuda y soporte.

Constante actualización de las últimas tendencias del mercado & # 8211; Gráficos en vivo y dinámicos para ayudarle a entender lo que está sucediendo en los mercados globales.

Un acceso completo a los tipos comerciales altamente rentables & # 8211; Incluyendo opciones exóticas, como One Touch y 60 segundos.

Lucrativos bonos de bienvenida para dar a nuestros nuevos clientes una ventaja significativa.

Una aplicación móvil avanzada.

Acerca de Forex

Las divisas, comúnmente conocido como "Forex" o "FX", es el intercambio de una moneda por otra en un intercambio acordado En el mercado de venta libre (OTC). Forex es el mercado más negociado del mundo, con una facturación media de más de US $ 4 billones por día. Para los comerciantes el mercado Forex es más emoción que la montaña rusa más alta y más rápida. ¿Está usted en?

Acerca de las opciones binarias

El comercio de opciones binarias es el último y más rentable instrumento financiero. En finanzas, una opción binaria es un tipo de opción en la que la recompensa puede tomar sólo dos posibles resultados, ya sea una cantidad fija monetaria de algún activo o nada en absoluto (en contraste con las opciones financieras ordinarias que suelen tener un espectro continuo de pago) . Los dos tipos principales de opciones binarias son la opción binaria de efectivo o nada y la opción binaria de activo o nada. Las opciones binarias son una forma sencilla de negociar fluctuaciones de precios en múltiples mercados globales, pero un comerciante necesita entender los riesgos y las recompensas de estos instrumentos a menudo mal entendidos.

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Una Opción Comprensiva. FM Broker Review

Publicado por admin el 1 de mayo de 2017

Option. FM, u Opción Mercados Financieros, es un corredor de opciones binarias líder fundada en 2017. A pesar de que son relativamente jóvenes, han superado definitivamente a algunos corredores veteranos ofreciendo servicios de corretaje seguros y confiables. Son propiedad de Options Financial Markets Ltd y sus oficinas principales están situadas en Hong Kong. Dentro de un corto espacio de tiempo, Option. FM ha conseguido ser la charla de la ciudad, ofreciendo las últimas tecnologías comerciales y una amplia gama de activos negociables.

Plataforma de Operación Option. FM

El comercio con Option. FM se logra en la popular e intuitiva plataforma de comercio SpotOption. Si usted es un operador de opciones binarias regulares, coincidirá conmigo cuando digo que las plataformas de negociación SpotOption son, con mucho, las mejores del mercado. Para el comercio, un comerciante no tiene que descargar software comercial adicional, ya que la plataforma de comercio está completamente incrustado en línea. La plataforma es muy fácil de usar y bien organizada haciendo el comercio simple. El corredor también ofrece el comercio en innovar plataforma móvil. The mobile platform is supported by Android and iOS operating systems and is available free of charge. When using the mobile platform, a trader has no learning curve as it functions just like the desktop platform.

Option. FM offers wide variety of tradable assets from which a trader can comfortably choose to trade. The assets are decisively categorized into four asset classes; Currencies, Commodities, Indices and Stocks. The assets are also tied to attractive trading options which include Long Term, 60 Seconds and Call/Put. The variety enables a trader to diversity their trading portfolio with ease.

In terms of making money, Option. FM offers high payouts for ‘in the money’ outcomes. For instance, a standard trade can attract a payout as high as 81%. They also offer their traders the option to minimize trading risks by protecting a fraction of their investment. A trader can start trading with as little as 5 dollars. In addition to high payouts, Option. FM offers huge trading bonuses once in a while. The bonuses can be as high as 100% and all details can be found on the broker’s website.

Educational Trading Tools

Option. FM takes traders’ education seriously. They offer a wide range of educational materials which vary in complexity. Some are suited for advanced traders while some are ideal for entry level traders. The materials offered include a platform introductory trading guide and a selection of articles on binary options trading.

Option. FM traders get to enjoy an efficient customer support that is available whenever it’s needed regardless of the time of day. To accommodate traders from different regions, their customer support is available round the clock for the whole week. The customer support can be contacted via live chat, phone support and emails. Talking of emails, they have two customer support email addresses, one for the normal trading support and the other one for software trading support. The only downside with their customer support is that it is available in English only. The Option. FM website is also currently available in English only.

Option. FM is an average performing broker whose popularity has been on an uptrend for the last few months. However, their education center lacks depth and hence it is ideal for professional traders only.


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Mensaje de navegación

Recently, FM Financial Traders seems to be one of the most sought-after binary options brokers. It based completely on web with a user-friendly interface. As a result of its freshness, there are not many information about this broker. Is it reliable or not? Let’s work it out!

FMTrader Review . Trading at FM Financial Trader

Binary options feature many attractive benefits including a wide range of expiry time points and no liquidity or execution issues. The controlled risk is also appealing – you know what you stand to lose right from the start. Investors who choose to trade binary options with FM Financial Trader will benefit from a special feature: even if your option expires out of the money. you get paid back 10% of the invested amount. The refund money is automatically added back to your account.

To trade, you simply choose the asset you want to trade. Click on “CALL” if you believe the asset price will rise by the expiry time, or “PUT” if you believe that the price will fall, then wait for the result.

FMTrader Review . Opening an Account

There is no registration fee or deposit required to open an account with FM Financial Trader. When you are ready to start trading, you can deposit money using. Your currency selection cannot be changed after registration. To get started, simply click on “Open Trading Account” on the home page, fill in the details and submit. You will get a welcome e-mail with a verification link shortly. After setting up your account you will then be able to access all your deposits, withdrawals and portfolio history in the My Account Section.

In order to deposit or withdraw money, you need to submit documentation including photo identification and proof of address to authenticate your account. Investors can make deposits using credit cards, debit cards and wire transfer. There is no fee withdraw funds via credit card, however there is a processing fee for withdrawals using bank transfer.

Types of Accounts

FM Financial Trader offers a few different types of accounts suitable for cautious traders just starting out and more experienced professionals. Investors can choose from the Standard Bronze Account, the Standard Silver Account, the Personal Gold Reserved Account and the VIP Diamond Account. All accounts include a sign-up bonus.

Regardless of which you choose, all accounts give you full access to the broker’s full range of tradable assets, which includes over 90 currencies, commodities, stocks and indices. You also have access to a suite of award-winning trading platforms such as the Option Builder, One Touch. 60 Seconds and the new Pro-Trader platform.

FMTrader Review. Bonuses

There are a variety of bonuses and one-time trading credits available including the ‘Refer a Friend’ bonus and bonuses for first-time traders. New investors are eligible to receive a ‘’New Trader 1st Deposit Bonus’ after you make the first deposit into your account. The level of bonus depends on the amount you deposit. Traders that accept a bonus must agree to meet the trade stipulations before withdrawing any funds.

Customer Support and Security

Investors have access to customer service from FM Financial Trader that is award-winning and available around the clock. There are a few options for accessing support: via e-mail at support@fmtrader. com. by calling one of the broker offices or you can chat live with a financial expert by pressing the Live Person button on top of the page. FM Financial Trader employs the most up to date and advanced technologies to ensure the safety and security of its investors.

FMTrader Video Review :

Mensaje de navegación

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Tagged with fm trader

Monday, December 23rd, 2017 by Michael Freeman

After posting the review on Vault Options, a binary options site with a shady side to it, I discovered a few troubling facts that I had to share with any traders who recently found the FMTrader or 777Binary sites. If you’ve been following my blog, you already know that scam sites tend to reincorporate under various names, in case of course they end up getting tons of negative reviews. The ability to advertise a completely new brand, yet with the same goal in mind, same crooked staff and business plan, they’re able to move on as if ‘nothing happened’ carrying on with the same practices, trained and ready to scam more traders.

Imagine owning a fake binary options site and within a few weeks or months, you end up getting many negative reviews and complaints on the brand you created, what would you do? The answer is very obvious. Reincorporate under different names! This is also why I always stress the importance of registering with one of the veteran brokers with an established reputation.

An established brand is here to stay and will avoid at all cost getting complaints on forums and various binary options related sites.

After doing a little bit of research on the new FMTrader Brand I discovered that it’s owned by the same company that’s behind 777Binary and Vault Options. which both are %100 scams! They operate without CySEC regulations and a CIF license and worst, they refuse withdrawals, freeze client’s funds and systematically avoid complaints. The only customer service you will get with these brands is when you decide to fund your account, in this case you can expect high-end customer service, phone calls from the most friendliest representatives and basically anything they can do to trap you! Once FMTrader got you, they will not stop until they get you to deposit more and eventually wipe out your account in creative ways.

FMTrader is a SCAM! aka 777Binary aka Vault Options

It turns out that reliable brokers tend to incorporate under one name, and they do everything they can to maintain a solid reputation. Acquiring full EU regulations, providing same-day withdrawals and building trust with their traders is at the center of their agenda, while scam brokers are only concerned with getting as much money from unsuspecting trader as they can.

My binary options channel on YouTube is visible to traders around the world and I get to correspond with traders on a daily basis. I love to hear good news from traders but in many cases I end up receiving a good amounts of emails from traders who fell victim to a scam site, and in many cases have lost high dollar amounts of $5,000 and more. For many traders $5,000 is equivalent to a year of hard work, only to eventually lose it to some scam site…

Trust me that I am not interested to ruin your experience with binary options. I personally feel very fortunate to have found it a few years back and even with the ‘dark side’ and all the scam brands that are out there, binary options can be an amazing experience and a highly profitable one! In my list of scam brokers you will find tips for how to identify potential scams and known scams that are operating without a CIF license and regulations. I beg you to avoid these brokers and if you don’t mind, please share your experience below and help deter other traders from falling victims to one of many scam sites that are terrorizing the industry.

I am not going to spend any of my precious time talking about FMTrader. com they’re really not worth my time. This article is the only few minutes of fame they’ll get from me. If you are looking for a reliable broker, visit the recommended brokers section on my blog. Stay with the Regulated and legit guys. Avoid new companies and if you are not sure, don’t underestimate the power of a quick Google search! You will be amazed with how much information you can find to assist you with making a smart choice.

$ 20 a $ 100 Corredores de depósito mínimo!

FM Trader Review

Revision completa

Recently, FM Financial Traders seems to be one of the most sought-after binary options brokers. It based completely on web with a user-friendly interface.

Trading at FM Financial Trader

Binary options feature many attractive benefits including a wide range of expiry time points and no liquidity or execution issues. The controlled risk is also appealing – you know what you stand to lose right from the start. Investors who choose to trade binary options with FM Financial Trader will benefit from a special feature: even if your option expires out of the money, you get paid back 10% of the invested amount. The refund money is automatically added back to your account.

To trade, you simply choose the asset you want to trade. Click on “CALL” if you believe the asset price will rise by the expiry time, or “PUT” if you believe that the price will fall, then wait for the result.

FMTrader Review . Opening an Account

There is no registration fee or deposit required to open an account with FM Financial Trader. When you are ready to start trading, you can deposit money using. Your currency selection cannot be changed after registration. To get started, simply click on “Open Trading Account” on the home page, fill in the details and submit. You will get a welcome e-mail with a verification link shortly. After setting up your account you will then be able to access all your deposits, withdrawals and portfolio history in the My Account Section.

In order to deposit or withdraw money, you need to submit documentation including photo identification and proof of address to authenticate your account. Investors can make deposits using credit cards, debit cards and wire transfer. There is no fee withdraw funds via credit card, however there is a processing fee for withdrawals using bank transfer.

Types of Accounts

FM Financial Trader offers a few different types of accounts suitable for cautious traders just starting out and more experienced professionals. Investors can choose from the Standard Bronze Account, the Standard Silver Account, the Personal Gold Reserved Account and the VIP Diamond Account. All accounts include a sign-up bonus.

Regardless of which you choose, all accounts give you full access to the broker’s full range of tradable assets, which includes over 90 currencies, commodities, stocks and indices. You also have access to a suite of award-winning trading platforms such as the Option Builder, One Touch, 60 Seconds and the new Pro-Trader platform.

FMTrader Review. Bonuses

There are a variety of bonuses and one-time trading credits available including the ‘Refer a Friend’ bonus and bonuses for first-time traders. New investors are eligible to receive a ‘’New Trader 1st Deposit Bonus’ after you make the first deposit into your account. The level of bonus depends on the amount you deposit. Traders that accept a bonus must agree to meet the trade stipulations before withdrawing any funds.

Customer Support and Security

Investors have access to customer service from FM Financial Trader that is award-winning and available around the clock. There are a few options for accessing support: via e-mail at support@fmtrader. com, by calling one of the broker offices or you can chat live with a financial expert by pressing the Live Person button on top of the page. FM Financial Trader employs the most up to date and advanced technologies to ensure the safety and security of its investors

Featured Brokers

FM Trader Review

Revision completa

Recently, FM Financial Traders seems to be one of the most sought-after binary options brokers. It based completely on web with a user-friendly interface.

Trading at FM Financial Trader

Binary options feature many attractive benefits including a wide range of expiry time points and no liquidity or execution issues. The controlled risk is also appealing – you know what you stand to lose right from the start. Investors who choose to trade binary options with FM Financial Trader will benefit from a special feature: even if your option expires out of the money, you get paid back 10% of the invested amount. The refund money is automatically added back to your account.

To trade, you simply choose the asset you want to trade. Click on “CALL” if you believe the asset price will rise by the expiry time, or “PUT” if you believe that the price will fall, then wait for the result.

FMTrader Review . Opening an Account

There is no registration fee or deposit required to open an account with FM Financial Trader. When you are ready to start trading, you can deposit money using. Your currency selection cannot be changed after registration. To get started, simply click on “Open Trading Account” on the home page, fill in the details and submit. You will get a welcome e-mail with a verification link shortly. After setting up your account you will then be able to access all your deposits, withdrawals and portfolio history in the My Account Section.

In order to deposit or withdraw money, you need to submit documentation including photo identification and proof of address to authenticate your account. Investors can make deposits using credit cards, debit cards and wire transfer. There is no fee withdraw funds via credit card, however there is a processing fee for withdrawals using bank transfer.

Types of Accounts

FM Financial Trader offers a few different types of accounts suitable for cautious traders just starting out and more experienced professionals. Investors can choose from the Standard Bronze Account, the Standard Silver Account, the Personal Gold Reserved Account and the VIP Diamond Account. All accounts include a sign-up bonus.

Regardless of which you choose, all accounts give you full access to the broker’s full range of tradable assets, which includes over 90 currencies, commodities, stocks and indices. You also have access to a suite of award-winning trading platforms such as the Option Builder, One Touch, 60 Seconds and the new Pro-Trader platform.

FMTrader Review. Bonuses

There are a variety of bonuses and one-time trading credits available including the ‘Refer a Friend’ bonus and bonuses for first-time traders. New investors are eligible to receive a ‘’New Trader 1st Deposit Bonus’ after you make the first deposit into your account. The level of bonus depends on the amount you deposit. Traders that accept a bonus must agree to meet the trade stipulations before withdrawing any funds.

Customer Support and Security

Investors have access to customer service from FM Financial Trader that is award-winning and available around the clock. There are a few options for accessing support: via e-mail at support@fmtrader. com, by calling one of the broker offices or you can chat live with a financial expert by pressing the Live Person button on top of the page. FM Financial Trader employs the most up to date and advanced technologies to ensure the safety and security of its investors


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OptionFM Review

Option. FM is a highly specialized binary options company that focuses in the latest available trading platforms. This trading brokerage offers a wide array of tradable assets. They have a team of analysts and brokers with extensive experience and expertise in the world of finance.

Why is Option. FM Bad?

Since Option. FM is like a new kid on the block when it comes to Binary Options Trading, many people consider this as not so good brokerage firm. But, being new in the industry does not automatically mean that Option. FM is a bad or unreliable broker and the reviews on this online trading broker are surely mostly positive.

Why is Option. FM Good?

When you check out the Option. FM website, what you will instantly notice is that it is professionally designed. That is one reason why this online broker is a good choice; you can easily tell that the concept has been thoroughly thought of. Another reason is that the homepage offers a concise explanation of what Binary Option is. This information is very useful, especially for those who have yet to try this kind of trading. You will also get a warning about Binary Options being a high-risk endeavor and this allows you to consider a lot of factors first before you start your trading experience. There is also a Live Chat option, which means that you can always get instant responses to your inquiries and this will eliminate any future confusion that you could have.

A Full Review of Option. FM

Option. FM is a Binary Options online trading broker that offers a wide range of assets for trading. If you want to start earning through Binary Options, this is one of the most recommended places to go. It is a fact that there are several other online traders out there that offer similar services and features, but what makes this broker exceptionally different is that it is dedicated in making sure of the success of each and every client.

Opening an account is always the first step when you are going to do some online transactions, and with Option. FM, the registration process is very easy. All you need to do is to fill up the Open Account form with the right details, and you are good to go to the next step. You should then deposit funds into your account so that you can start trading. The minimum deposit is $250, but most traders opt for the boutique category and thus they start at $1000 and up. If you have more finance resources than you can put at risk, you may also upgrade to a VIP account and start you trading success with a $25,000 minimum deposit. You can make a deposit by using your Credit or Debit card and through wire transfer. Within minutes after you finish the transfer you funds will be displayed on your account balance and this is what you will use for trading, which you can begin immediately if you wish so. Option. FM also offer 100 percent bonus for its traders upon making deposits. This allows traders to gain the great opportunities of doubling their account and enjoy high trading leverage at the start.

The trading platform being offered by Option. FM is easy-to-use and it comes with several highly advanced features. You can choose to trade through the standard platform or you can go for the 60-second platform if you feel a little more adventurous and you are targeting excitement and high profits. There is also the Ladder platform that allows traders to take total control of their risks and rewards and see the most likely outcomes.

Is Option. FM a Scam?

Basically, a scam means getting cheated out of your money, and Option. FM is not into that. The process is simple; you create an account, make a deposit, choose a platform and watch where the market goes. If you have chosen well, then you will earn and payout will be deposited into your account. If you get a bit unlucky, then no payout will go through, but that does not mean that you have been scammed. You just made a wrong decision, and that can be remedied next time if you will be a little more observant and once you have established the strategy that will work for you.

Option FM (OFM)

Option Financial Markets (OFM) has been around only about a year now so you can be forgiven if you haven’t yet heard of them. In that time though, they have definitely made an impact on the industry and have proved really popular with traders.

We’d even say that this boutique binary brokerage is one of the best firms that you can now choose to trade with. It offers a really superb and fun trading experience, primarily aimed at the young, tech-savvy trader. Don’t worry if you are new to trading - the firm started when a bunch of experts from different trading industries put their brains together to create an accessible and easy trading platform. And they believe that with their 1-on-1 support, they can help smart guys like you to achieve your financial goals.

Option Financial Markets (OFM) has been around only about a year now so you can be forgiven if you haven’t yet heard of them. In that time though, they have definitely made an impact on the industry and have proved really popular with traders. We’d even say that this boutique…

Option FM Review Summary

Trading Platform - 98%

Education Centre - 92%

Bonus - 96%

Deposit Options - 94%

Customer Support - 98%

96 %

Final Score

Option Financial Markets (OFM) has been around only about a year now so you can be forgiven if you haven’t yet heard of them.

Trading assets and profits

The OFM trading platform gives you 3 unique modes for investing in the various financial assets. The minimum investment amount you can place on an individual trade is just $1, great for any newbies and there is of course no upper limit. Their trading platform has a wide selection of about 180 assets to trade, spanning 4 assets classes - Foreign Exchange currency pairs, commodities, stocks, and also indices.

The 3 trading modes offered include:

Binary Options – The standard platform, easiest to use. Choose your asset, select the expiry time, and enter the amount of funds you want to invest. If you predict the price will go up, take a “call” option. If you predict it will go down, take a “put” option.

Potential returns are about 70%-80% profit of your invested trade amount and will be added to your account if your trade is “in-the-money.” This mode is simple and straightforward.

Sixty Seconds – Here you can trade options which expire after sixty seconds – great for quick returns, and exciting, allows traders to profit at the speed of light.

Long-Term – For those of you who have a long-term vision of what’s going on in the financial markets.


You can get a bonus of up to 100% when you make a deposit with OptionFM . This is one of the best ways to double your account. However, you must keep in mind that once you avail this offer, you will be required to make trades up to a certain volume before you can request a withdrawal. For more information on the bonus terms, you can visit their website.

Depósitos y Retiros

You’ll find that making a deposit into an OFM trading account is very simple. Deposits (minimum $250) are accepted by credit card, debit card, wire transfer and other online payment methods which you can ask about if relevant. Funds will appear in a trader’s account balance within just minutes of the transaction having been completed, which means you can start trading pretty much straight away. The firm is licensed and all transactions are securely conducted.

Customer support

Customer service is definitely central to the brand and one of the key reason’s they have enjoyed quick success this past year. They offer a personal touch, high in demand in this online industry. Agents are available to help you via skype, website live chat, or phone or email – just contact them with any questions or ask for a free platform walkthrough, and you can bank on a friendly response.

A Final Word

Option Financial Markets is really an excellent choice if you are looking to enjoy the perks and the profits of online trading. The firm excels in customer service, and educational resources, and is set to continue growing and expanding its assets and investment options. See what all the fuss is about and make sure you have fun trading.

Option Financial Markets (OFM) has been around only about a year now so you can be forgiven if you haven’t yet heard of them. In that time though, they have definitely made an impact on the industry and have proved really popular with traders. We’d even say that this boutique…

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FMTrader Overview

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Review Last Updated 2017-02-22 15:37:33

Editor’s Note – Why FMTrader doesn’t Suck in 50 words?

If a rose by another name smells as sweet, does a new broker with the same old name smell as bad as the original? I have to say that in this case no, absolutely not. After months of hard work it has come to our attention that FMTrader is a whole new broker, literally. Finally, bunch of legitimate businessmen who understand the long term nature of binary options brokering have re-furbished this broker who, like the Phoenix, is rising out of the ashes of the first. Regulation coming soon.

Why does FMTrader Suck in 50 Words?

This broker sucks because it’s the same old SpotOption based platform. We already said a lot about this platform, and 1 thing we cannot take from Spot is the large number of white labels, some of them are really vicious. So far all good with FMTrader, ofcourse we’ll keep monitoring.

FMTrader Review – Looking Forward to a Leading Company

FMTrader, the new improved one, is a SpotOption powered broker. FMTrader is owned and operated by Terapad services LTD, 6 Ioanni Stylianou, 2nd floor, Nicosia, Cyprus, which is a subsidiary of FM Marketing LTD incorporated in Belize with IFSC license number IFSC/60/372/TS/15. If anyone out there knows me at all they know I like SpotOption platform, if not the individual brokers. The platform is one of the most complete on the market and offers trading for just about any kind of preference. The asset list is very long and includes more than any one person can trade in a week. There are 12 major Forex pairs, 20 stocks, 7 commodities and 20 indices. While the Forex and stock trading is quite good, the commodities and indices are what I like. The commodities include oil, gold, silver, wheat coffee and sugar while the indices span the globe.

The asset list is supported by a full line of tradable options with expiry ranging from short term 60 second out to several months. Options include standard digital trading with calls and puts plus Pairs, One Touch, Ladder and iFollow Copy Trading. Digital trading is divided into Binary Options, Short Term and Long Term. Binary Options all have expiry sometime today, short term all have expiry ranging from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and the long term are all end of today, tomorrow or this week and range out to next week, end of the month and next month out to 6 months or more depending on the asset.

Pairs trading are the roots of binary options. These are options betting on which asset will perform better over a given time period, like a horse race between stocks. Some commonly traded pairs on this broker are Apple/Google and Gold/Silver. One touch options are usually only available over the weekend and can be used to predict large movements. Ladder Options are a more advanced form of binary, and pay a more advanced amount. They are bets on whether an asset will finish above or below a set strike price, you can choose near the money, in the money or out of the money strikes for different pay outs. ifollow is the SpotOption copy trading platform and is directly accessed through the trading room. It includes a leader board of traders to copy and a few settings for your account.

Is FMTrader a Scam?

FMTrader may be a familiar face but it is a whole new broker in terms of look, execution, service, integrity and straightforward business/trading practices. Trust me; we have been very careful with this one in the past. The old management really did some nasty stuff, and we’re right from first place to warn our readers against using this broker. On the other hand, the new management seems to be moving stuff forward. I really can’t tell why they’ve chosen to take over this brand, maybe the great marketing work done by the old management to establish the original name brand, but we sure hope they would finally remove the old stain. After monitoring many different forums and websites we have found very few complaints that amount to anything. And I’m only talking about the last year under the new management, because if you scroll back in time, you’ll see some nasty complaints. Thank god that’s over. FMTrader is in Final process of regulation, so when they meet the requirements, I hope we could make this broker fully approved.

FM Trader Complaints

There are some complaints (we are referring ONLY to the last 8-12 months under new management), but you have to dig through them to get the real picture. Some of them are old and have no bearing on the new broker, some are the usual traders having problems because they jumped into binary without learning what they needed to know, like reading the terms and conditions. Other than that there is not much there and you know if they were cheating or holding back on withdrawals the community would be screaming about it.

FM Trader Bonus

FMTrader offers a number of different bonus and reward programs. You will need to talk to your account representative to find out exactly what is available to you. Basically, there are sign on bonuses by account size as well as other promotions. The base trade volume is 40 times the bonus and must be met before making any withdrawals.

FM Trader Withdrawal

Withdrawals are easy with this broker. All you have to do, once you meet account verification requirements, is go to the withdrawal page and request one. Deposits and withdrawals can be made by credit card, wire transfer or Skrill. Withdrawals are free and are processed in under 3 days. Payout may take up to a week after that depending on method, Skrill being the fastest.

FM Trader Extra

This broker doesn’t really have anything “extra” when compared to others of this caliber but stands out next to lower quality ones. Two things that stand out now though are the Ladder Options and the iFollow copy trading which help elevate the platform to a whole new level.

FMTrader Ratings

Fácil de usar 18/20

This broker is very user friendly. Not only is it built on the ever popular SpotOption platform the new owners have gone out of their way to make support easy to get. Chat and phone supports are only a punch of a button away, but you probably won’t need it because everything you need is easy to find. The website is available in 6 languages.

Number of assets and expiry times 18/20

FM Trader offers traders 20 stocks, 12 currency pairs, 7 commodities and 21 indices as underlying assets. That’s not the most of any broker I have seen but a trader will definitely have enough assets to trade. The expiry times start from 60 seconds, half an hour, hourly and go as high as the end of the week, end of the month and end of the year. One Touch Options are available and so is an Option Builder tool.

Commissions, Support and Effective return 18/20

No commissions will be charged for opening an account and Credit Card withdrawals are free of charge; however a $25 fee will be paid for a wire transfer withdrawal. Their support is fast enough and pretty polite and available through chat and phone. The effective return for In the Money trades ranges between 65% and 85%. Out of the Money trades have a 10% refund that can be adjusted with the OptionBuilder.

Deposit, Payment and Bonus 18/20

Deposits can be completed through Credit Cards, wire transfer, Skrill or CashU and the same applies for withdrawals. Keep in mind that you will have to withdraw to the same Credit Card or CashU account you used for deposit. Minimum deposit is $250 and minimum withdrawal is $100. The bonus differs depending on the amount you deposit and their ongoing promotion at the time. Withdrawals are quick and easy, and reliable, unlike the original FM.

Website Extras 13/20

Nothing makes them stand out and all the features are standard, for a great SpotOption based broker. Expiries, Option Builder, Pro Trader, Rollover, Close Now, Ladders and iFollow features are all big plusses. We want more!

FM Trader Overall Ratings = 85/100

December 17, 2017 at 9:20 pm

I downloaded the app on my phone from a link in Facebook and registered with my registering-email just to see how it looks like and if I like it. Before I even sat down and looked at it I got a call (the next day) from their customer service. He started asking questions about how much money I want to make with it, how old I was and what my profession is. All okay, but not customer friendly; he kept interrupting me, kept pushing me to make a deposit even after telling him ‘no’ or ‘not yet’. He told me that if I wanted to swim, I have to jump in the water instead of doing a little bit of research/self-education first, which I personally disagree with, but that’s personal. Even after telling him several times that I wasn’t comfortable transferring $250 to a deposit/account (even though I could withdraw it immediately after opening the account) only because somebody calls me about an app that I randomly downloaded out if pure curiosity. I’ll be doing some more research about trading and FM trader before I “jump in the water”

January 22, 2017 at 6:44 am

Same thing happened to me yesterday. Downloaded the app, opened it and i got a call about an hour after. The lady (Maggie) asked me to make a $250 deposit as a startup. But I don’t have that kind of money just laying around waiting to be spent. I gave hermy card number and she tried to proceed with the payment and it didn’t go through. She kept pushing asking me for a second card number and I asked her what does she need it for and she said if I want to go through with the thing, I will need to give here my cards numbers. I told her it was pointless because there’s no money for that. She said she will call me back when I am ready then.

Next thing I know, i don’t have access anymore to the app… If that doesn’t qualify as a suspicious behaviour then I don’t know what it is. Plus I saw earlier on the app that I could register my credit card on it myself directly so what do I need to be called?

April 21, 2017 at 12:25 pm

I did the exact same thing, downloaded the app from facebook and received a call from FM Traders 30 minutes after I downloaded it. I also told them I need to do some research on FM Traders before depositing $250 and giving them my credit card details.

Have you found anything out or did you go through with the trading?

Has anyone else gone through with the payment and what are the results?

April 8, 2017 at 11:14 am

Hey Mark, We sincerely apologize for the negative and unpleasant experience you have had while trading with FMTrader’s trading platform. We assume full responsibility for all the malfunctions and mishaps you might have encountered. You may rest assure that everything possible is being done to solve the problem you have mentioned. Our Customer serves teams works day and night to improve the services we provide our traders. FMTrader has a new management that gives top priority to customer service. It is guided by four core principles: professionalism, fair trading, reliability and transparency. These principles are clearly reflected in FMTrader’s trading platform. On the one hand, it enables our traders a variety of investment channels and advanced trading strategies that include more than 200 assets available for investment and multiple trading programs such as 60 second and one touch options. On the other hand, it promises direct and accurate settlement of investor’s transactions and fast and secured money withdrawal mechanisms. FMTrader operates a world class customer service department. Our representatives are highly attentive and responsive to any query that may arise. They are available on the phone, email and one on one chat. If, after that, you still encounter any problem with your FMTrader account, you are more than welcome to contact directly our management by visiting our website and filing a complaint at fmtrader. com/contact-fmtrader-management. Best Regards, Paul Harris Head of Customer Service Division

September 8, 2017 at 1:32 pm

after reading your comment we want to let you know that this is not how Fmtrader

operates and we do recommend to our new customers to first do a liitel bit of

research and get the adjudication they need before “jump to the water”

i hope you will give fmtrader a second chance to adjudicate you before you take

your first step in the financial market

December 30, 2017 at 2:12 pm

i have the same experience also. even i told him that i’m not interested to open now. but he was tring to convinced me about an hour. he also asked me so many times to give credit card number. but i didnt give him. still i have confusion to open account. can i open account, if anybody know please guide me

January 24, 2017 at 6:44 am

it seems as if we have had similar experiences with FM trader. does anyone one know of somebody who has actually went all the way with this site…?

November 20, 2017 at 2:41 am

I put some money into an account and a training call was arranged. For various reasons that did not happen. However, when I spoke to Maggie recently I was advised that my account has a balance of zero. I asked how that came about as I had not had the training and had not done any trading. I was advised that I had signed up under another company who had been trading for me and lost my money. I have been offered a $ for $ top up by FMT if I put another $250 in the account and a new account will be established.

February 12, 2017 at 9:43 am

i have the same experience also. even i told him that i’m not interested to open now. but he was tring to convinced me about an hour. he also asked me so many times to give credit card number. but i didnt give him. still i have confusion to open account. can i open account, if anybody know please guide me

February 12, 2017 at 11:45 pm

I did open an account, never deposited the 250$, was called many times but didn’t answer. Finally answered and said I want nothing to do with them. I deleted app off my phone but nowhere on they’re site can you delete, close your account. I have to check with my credit card company to see if they have tried pulling money off it and if so I will tell my credit card company to stop any further transactions. As of right now there is no money in my fm trader account. I find it odd that you can open an account but can’t close it.

February 20, 2017 at 8:35 am

Sounds like I’ve had the exact same experience, except it was with http://www. B54.com instead of FM Trader, both companies are “Co Operated” by Hortense Holdings Limited. Both seem like they employ the same tactics. I was continuously called, spoke to a broker for about an hour after saying no I didn’t want to do their “speciality” training, I stupidly caved to agreeing to deposit $500 with them. I never opened any trades with them, asked that I pull out and the money be deposited back onto my credit card. Two weeks later two lots of $500 were taken from my account. Called B54, no response, my so called personal broker was unavailable every time. I asked for an explanation and for them to return my funds. No response. Two weeks later another two lots of $1000 were taken from my account. Had to call my bank to cancel my card. Finally spoke to one person from B54,who couldn’t tell me why money had been taken out. After a while I was locked out of logging into B54’s login page. Money gone – no contact from B54. Do not deal or hand over your credit card details to this company. http://www. B54.com = S** Hortense Holdings Limited and anything in any way shape of form associated to it = S***. Will take money from your account without your permission.

March 12, 2017 at 11:02 am

6 months ago I started trading with FMtrader, I can say that I am very happy that I decided to trade with them they offer a lot of useful tools that educated me on how to read the market. The fact that I am still a trader with them shows that they are legit.

Martin simon Says:

May 16, 2017 at 11:00 pm

Same thing happened to me, they were convinced well to took my money £250 and hold my account, i trunk then but they are asking my credit card details or driving licence or residential notary documents ie…

and they are given wrong post code and etc…

I don’t know what to do now to get back my money £250, also I thinking to go for inter pool and crime stopper and company house and citizen bureau, FCA…..

May 23, 2017 at 4:06 pm

Am I the only one trading with them. I have the same experience as you all, download the app i saw on facebook, open a demo account, couple of days later, someone called me, ask me if i want to open a real account, and ask me to deposit 2k (for gold account) and that i would get 500 dollar bonus, and i can only deposit in the currency that i chosen in the demo account (GBP), stupidly, i agreed to deposit GBP1,000 for a silver account and get a 250 bonus (in the process she keeps persuate me to go for the Gold account but i say i don’t have that much money and eventually she gave up and we settle with Silver). The next day, another guy named Ethan called me and says he’s my account manager and he will teach me how to trade, so we talks over the phone while he shows me how to trade on Skype (shared screen), but that only covers the basic of binary option, and the candle chart. After stumbling a few times and lost a few hundreds, I was going to give up and then this guy called Shawn rang me and say he’s going to teach me more, so I learned about studies such as “Bollinger bands, MACD, RSI”, and that when i started to get a hang of the trades, and for the past 3 months I went from 1675(after another 250 deposit and get 125 bonus) to 6054, a few days back, I made my second attempt (the first attempt was cancelled by my “account manager” after he said I didn”t do enough trade) of withdrawal of GBP500 from my account, and it has been approved, and 500 was pulled out from my account, and still waiting for it to arrive in my bank account, until then, I still skeptical…Hope this is going to end well, cause as you can see, I’d put in quite a lot (moneywise, and timewise), fingers crossed.

Jarrad Gordon Says:

June 18, 2017 at 5:58 pm

I deposited 10k AUD to my fmtrader account and start working with a broker, I’ve been trading for little bit over a month and now i have 47234 AUD in my account. still didn’t made a withdrawal yet.

after reading those comments i really hope that they are not true because i made a lot of money with fmtrader and i want to continue. now i submitted a 15k withdrawal hope it all goes well.

if someone that had bad experience can contact me and tell about it personally it will be very helpful.

Thanks, Jarran Gordon

July 19, 2017 at 4:59 am

I have recently started using FM Trader. I downloaded the app first and got the phone call within days telling me about the company and how things work, and asked what my intentions or goals were, and told me that if i deposit into the account and want to start trading then a broker will be in contact with me to teach me the ropes, so i deposited the minimum $250. I did my research and couldn’t find any solid evidence that this was a scam, only peoples opinions (everyone is sceptical about things like this unless they use it) but to my knowledge everything seemed legit. So once i got setup and started talking to my broker, who rings you at a time that suits you, i deposited an extra $2250 to build up my equity. The broker will also call you using skype, that way when they are teaching you how to use the trading platform, find reports and analyse charts, you can see their screen which makes it alot easier to understand. And because they call you on skype it doesn’t cost you anything. My broker calls me everyday to see how i’m going and also gives me some heads up on where good profits can be made. They will also teach you money management and work out a plan based on your budget and goals. I’ve been following the advice and have been making profits already, only small, but i spose you have to start with small steps. Some people wonder why would they want to help you make money, isn’t it better for you to lose money so they make more? Well for the broker that is assigned to you, they make commissions off your trades, so if you lose $2000, you won’t want to use them. But if your getting a good service and keep trading with them long term, it means they will keep getting commissions from your trades. So put simply, the more money you make – the more money they make. I must add this isn’t for everyone, it take’s time to learn and with experience you will build your knowledge. At first the graphs make no sense to someone who doesn’t know what their looking at, but they will teach you how to analyse charts and what the market is doing, it actually isn’t as bad as it seems. So to sum up – if your interested in doing this, don’t just jump in and start trading if you have no idea what your doing because it’s a sure way to lose your money. But if your willing to spend the time to learn it, it can have good rewards. Don’t expect to get rich quick, you need to look at this as long term, as with anything, it takes time to acquire the knowledge to start making more and more successful trades, just listen and follow your broker.

July 28, 2017 at 5:04 pm

Anyone had a successful withdraw yet, please advise?

August 1, 2017 at 9:01 am

The person assigned to you makes money on trading volume: wins AND losses. Because he won’t have a customer once your account is drained, he may be interested in your success but he is more interested in your turnover. However, the solution to a diminishing account is to encourage you to put more of your own capital in and to entice you to do so by offering all sorts of bonuses (which are locked in until you do trading volumes of more than $1M).

September 1, 2017 at 11:56 am

this company is BAD he stole my money in the same way and laying to every one that set in UK and the company in Israel in Ramat - Gan bursa . every one stop trading in this bad company. the VIP not “MIKE HIMLTON”. search on Facebook to find him

Donald Smith Says:

September 26, 2017 at 4:44 am

I have been attempting to receive my funds back from FMTrader for several months and it has been an interesting experience when they have wanted me to invest they called me incessantly and then when I wanted my funds returned they have been completely silent. This is NOT a trustworthy business – do not invest your funds if you ever want to see them again.

October 24, 2017 at 3:44 pm

I am not sure if I can say they are scammers but they definitely are unethical. The Account manager would call you to open an account promising risk free trades and bonus. From here on this gentleman will “elope”. You will handed over to a senior trader who will share his results with you and explain a strategy as if you are already a pro. With those half baked strategies you will win some and lose lot. The trader will ocassional give pointers and more than 75% of the time it will be late compared to when he takes trade and you end up losing. He may give you risk free trade but as a bonus which means you have to trade 40 times volume to be able to recover it. (in other words, that money is lost – based on your trade that you took because of his pointers). I think this is their strategy to make you lose money so you will be with them trying to recover your money and keep investing more. They do not share anything in written and their verbal session hardly makes sense. They show it on an old chart where they can show pattern – if you invest here, you earn 80%, etc. But in reality when its live and the charts are moving, it is not easy and you lose money. They hide important details for the reason that you lose money. I am dealing with an agent Shawn Wells and he is absolutely the worst person ever to deal with. I can sense that he has an agenda and that is to make you lose money with his incorrect strategies and either invest more or lose few 1000s dollar by the time you get your sanity back.

In just 1 month I have over 1000$ (thanks to his 4 wrong trades where I lose 500 each). he conveniently says – you are smal investor and he cannot spend much time with me and every conversation is as if he is doing a big favor. jeez!

There was also lie where risk free trade was told that it could be withdrawable and then once it was put back to my account it was labelled as bonus and followed the condition of 40 times trade which means I have lost the 2000$ and to get it back I will need to be very lucky to win or keep investing. its a blackhole. These guys are NOT trustworthy and almost follow unethical practices to lure new traders. They say 24×7 support but its far from true. even your designated senior trader wont respond to you on skype. Chat does not work when you need and the phone call gets forwarded to some drunk rude women who are eager to put the phone down. I was supposed to get a callback 2 weeks ago and havent recieved it yet. Stay away from them.

February 12, 2017 at 10:27 am

Same here, i was also forced into opening even though I didn’t know much about them. I didn’t, but I want to know if they are legit.

Paul harris Says:

September 20, 2017 at 3:27 pm

I also downloaded the application and got a phone call from one of their representatives. I, in contrast, had a very good experience. He was very polite and patient. He explained to me what the application offers and how I can use to trade and make money. We agreed he would call back in a couple of days which he did. He was really nice this guy. By the way, they really do have a cool application. It is so user-friendly and fun to trade with.

Teresa Gunn Says:

December 21, 2017 at 1:22 am

I have been trying to email your company and phone yiur company to discuss things and no one answers the phone or my emails don’t go through. Please contact me asap tonight would be great. im dealing with Nickalas Yani or Robert Green.

jarrad Gordon Says:

January 5, 2017 at 12:56 pm

Hi Guys, After almost 2 years of Trading i feel that i must wright anther post. its been crazy, ups and downs. the amount of stuff that i learned!!

i lost a few times and i made some crazy profit, from NFP to NFP and every report season you learn something new that can help you become a better trader but the best thing i learned is to never give up evan when things don’t look as good as you wish. i ow a big thank you to the fmtrader team. with a great some time they can be annoying with withdrawal i know but you we will always get your money.

so you probably what to know if i’m profitable or not. well ill keep this to myself, but i can tell you this . only a fighter in hart will become a trader.

January 22, 2017 at 6:42 pm

i have a different story but it is same as most of the Gents said, the same story for the several calls i received when i register. i was trying to deposit a certain amount but the lady Meggie checked my visa card and requested me several times to add more. finally she did not gave me any support during my trade and she refused to give me my bonus at all. she called me twice once when i deposit my first amount, and the other after i lost it. to add more deposit, and now she calling me again to deposit 15k US $ believe it or not. because there is another opportunity and to add me in VIP list and. y. To be fair also there was a good team working for last year, but unfortunately something happened to this Broker making them lose their credibility.

Overview of FMtrader Binary Options Broker

FM Trader is an innovative and trustworthy binary options broker that has a wide range of excellent features to enhance your trading experience!

FM Trader has become a well-respected binary options broker that provides traders with a powerful, user-friendly web-based trading platform. Despite rumors of an FMtrader scam, this binary options broker is fair, honest and responsible. The markets can be unpredictable and not every trade will finish in the money but FM Trader has created a platform to make it easy for traders to manage their investments and they even provide educational resources.

Forget the False Claims and Get the Facts

FM Trader is on the button when it comes to providing traders with an excellent trading environment to place their trades, learn more about binary options trading and generate a profit. While there is no guarantee that a trade will finish in the money, FM Trader has a variety of tools and resources allowing traders to learn as much as they can about the market so they can make educated trading decisions. The truth is that there is no guarantee when trading binary options or with any other type of investment but FM Trader makes it as easy as possible for you to be a profitable binary options trader. You will receive 10% back on your initial investment if your trade doesn’t finish in the money.

Get Started by Opening an Account

It is really easy to get started with FM Trader. First, you will need to open an account – there is no registration fee and you only need to provide some basic information about yourself. You will then receive an email verification link to confirm your account and after this you will be able to withdraw, deposit and manage your online trading account. When you want to withdraw or deposit funds, you need to provide proof of address and photo identification to verify your account. The available banking methods include wire transfer, Skrill and popular credit/debit cards.

Tipos de cuentas comerciales

There are several different trading account types available at this binary options broker including Standard Bronze, Standard Silver, Personal Gold Reserved and a VIP Diamond account. The available account types can accommodate new traders, experienced pros and everyone in between. Regardless of your account type, you will have access to all tradable assets including stocks, indices, commodities and currencies as well as several different platforms such as One Touch, Pro-Trader, Option Builder and 60 Seconds.

Available Trading Bonuses

FM Trader offers a Refer a Friend bonus – an unlimited bonus that is awarded when you invite a friend to trade at this binary options broker. To claim this bonus, you need to invite a friend to open an account at FM Trader. When that friend deposits a minimum of $250 into their trading account you and your friend will both receive a bonus. If your friend deposits between $250 and $999 you will receive 10% of the deposit amount and if your friend deposits $1,000 or more you will receive 20% of the deposit amount.

Topnotch Security and Support

Professional customer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through email, live chat and telephone. The trading platform is 100% secure and is protected with a variety of advanced security technologies to ensure that your information always remains safe.

Binary Option Robot Info Do Not Weep, Make Money While You Sleep!

PayDay FM is a brand new signal provider software, which have been available only a short period of time. It promises better accuracy than any other trading software currently on the market, quite remarkable promise since there is many other great new auto traders like Option Bot 2.0 which are pinpoint accurate. I decided to put this into a test and see if there is anything to back up those claims. Now only limited time, all our readers get instant free lifetime access to this robot. So even if you are not planning to use it, I strongly suggest to take advantage of this offer, it doesn’t cost you anything and you can benefit greatly if they decide to put price tag into it later. So register now for by clicking the button below.

What PayDay FM exactly is?

PayDay FM is not 100% automated application like binary option robot, it provides you trading signals which are based on numerous variables like market situation, what other traders are doing and analysis of professional investors. It is actually quite similar to Binary Stealth. You as an investor have the final decision whether to invest or not. This has it both, good and bad sides. Good side is that you are able to adjust your investment amounts in every trade exactly what you want. And also if you are sure that some signal is not gonna be profitable with high probability. Though, I only suggest you make these kind of assumptions if you are experienced investor. Otherwise you might do more harm than good.

Bad side is that you have to be present every time when signal comes, this is really not a big problem since most of us have internet connection in our mobile phones. But still, you can relax and forget it after initial adjustments, like you can with Binary Option Robot and Binary Hedge Fund. However, in the end it all depends on your personal preferences. If you want to just earn money binary option robot might be better option. But if you also want improve your skills as an investor PayDay FM might be a better option.

At the introduction video, male voice is claiming to make $86,745 a month on average

Introduction Video and First Impressions About PayDay FM

When you arrive first time at the site, video starts rolling with a male voice who is asking if I am a loser. Not quite typical start for a sales pitch at least, but i have to say that this definitely grabbed my attention. Next, this voice is telling me that he is earning on average $ 86,745 a month. I am always suspicious of such a claims, as should you. There are so many scam artist and fraudsters nowadays, whose sole purpose is to get money from people. And even best software providers make hugely exaggerated claims, because otherwise their realistic numbers would look so mild compared to what those scam artist are presenting.

You should never buy trading software before you are able to test it fully.

Real Message of The Video

However, there is a reason for the shocking start of the video. Its purpose is not to get you angry or depressed. On the contrary, its purpose is to guide you in the right direction and get you to take action instead of you browsing different hours and hours pages and looking for ways to get rich without ever actually doing anything. This is certainly one of the biggest reasons why software is available for free. Once you get it at no cost for your use, you should not have any excuse for why you do not dare to act and to do something concrete for your success. Other reason certainly is that the PayDay FM is so new application that it needs users and positive experiences, so that the word of it’s excellency starts to spread. Who would pay something for such a robot which has just come on the market and there is no real evidence of its effectiveness.

In the remainder of the video, the voice tell us a little more detail how binary options trading can help you to earn money while working at your computer and it also reveals why many will fail and some few will be successful and reach their goal of financial freedom. I recommend to take a look at this video by clicking the “Open Free Account” button from top or bottom. It gives you a great primer for why you should try PayDay FM software. But it does not talk much about software itself, so next I will go a little bit further and tell you more about features of this robot.

Trading platform is user-friendly and simple even for a novice trader.

PayDay FM | Most Important Features

Compatible with two trusted broker sites . Just like Binary Stealth, PayDay FM is compatible with Banc de Binary and Option FM. These two broker sites are among the most trusted on the industry. Banc de Binary is actually biggest binary option broker in the world, and Option FM has probably grown more than any other broker within last year, thanks to it’s excellent bonuses and stylish professional looking website. So these two are definitely good choices. Unfortunately neither of these sites accept US customers, so if you are from United States I recommend trying the real robot binary option robot or Binary Hedge Fund instead.

Excellent trading platform. PayDay FM trading platform is really stylish and easy to use. It is hard to believe that this is such a new application, since it looks like it has been developed for years. You can see directly courses of trading assets in live, the most recent economic events, your own trading portfolio, as well as the signals which are promised to be most accurate available. If you have something to ask, customer support is also easily accessible behind push of a button. I’ve seen a number of trading platforms which could cost up to hundreds of dollars per month, which are not as well developed.

One of the most accurate signal services on the market. PayDay FM promised the most accurate signals on the market. I had of course to test this claim. My final accuracy rate ended up to be just over 80%. This is at least very close to the top of the market, very similar figures to the binary options robot and Binary Stealth. When you take into account that the PayDay FM is clearly the newest application of these three and the accuracy of the signals will definitely get better in the future, I must say that the result are excellent. My test period was very short, so we should not make too big conclusions about it. I’ll still continue the tests and update the results as soon as I get something new.

Is PayDay FM a Scam?

PayDay FM is definitely not scam. I found one really important factor in my own precise investigation, which will proof almost for sure that this is of a reliable robot software. Their customer service is using the same address what the Option FM service uses. Therefore, with high probability, this software owner is the same person who owns the Option FM site. Option Fm is one of the largest and fastest-growing binary option broker site that is reliable and honest 100% sure. So you can invest completely safely with PayDay FM, without fear that you would get scammed.

Conclusion And Overall Rating

PayDay FM is one of the most accurate signal provider software I’ve tried. Every investor can certainly benefit greatly from it. It is almost mandatory for novice investors, otherwise you give too great head start for those who are using it. Although the signals hit rate is already excellent, I believe that it will get even better in the future. When you take into account all these excellent features which you will have access with the application, it would be silly not to use it. So redeem this excellent trading software completely free by clicking the button below and start invest more profitably.

References and Further Reading

Option. FM Review

Summary : This is a Binary Options Trading Site that offers advantages all round. It is new in the market having been founded in March of 2017.

This is a Binary Options Trading Site that offers advantages all round. Es nuevo en el mercado que se fundó en marzo de 2017. Se encuentra en Hong Kong, y ofrece apoyo en todo el mundo para que pueda llegar a sus clientes globales. In addition to using the popular SpotOption, it also has the its own software which is known as PayDay. This software focuses on providing traders with a range of trading signals that come from other Binary Options Traders, so that they are able to have an edge in the market.

This is a site that is intent on doing things differently in the Binary Options Trading market, so that the customers are able to benefit from all their investments, particularly those which are fast moving. That is why it is intent in leveraging the power that modern platforms have.

Option. FM Trading Platform

Deposits and Bonuses

To get started on Options. FM, you need to make a minimum deposit of $250, which will open a new account. No matter what account you open, or how much you deposit, you will be get a 100% bonus. Being global, there are a large number of payment processers through which you can make a deposit, and they include Yandex, AstroPay, Nordea, Qiwi, UnionPay, Moneta and Bolleto.

There are four different accounts that you can choose from when trading. The first is beginners which is known as the trial account and requires a minimum deposit of $250, followed by advanced traders which is known as the Boutique account that needs a minimum deposit of $1000. Then there are accounts for professionals the first of which is referred to as the Executive Account and it requires a deposit of at least $5000, and a something new in Binary Options Trading, the corporate account which is known as the Imperial Account and it needs a deposit that is worth $25,000.

The trial account has minimal features, and simply allows a trader to try their hand at different types pf trades. The Boutique account is currently the most popular one on this site, and it includes excellent benefits such as direct access to a broker, as well as comprehensive educational resources. It is also possible to get trading tips on email which help one when they start trading. With the Executive Account, bonuses become much more generous, and you even get a monthly financial magazine so that you can keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening in the markets. With the Imperial Account, it is possible to get investment insurance which protects the deposits that are made. In addition, one will get extensive bonuses and the very best market tips.

You will find all your favourite assets on this site falling into the four main Binary Options Trading categories. This means that there are commodities, currency pairs, market indices and stocks available. In addition, it is also possible to trade in Bitcoins on this site, which helps you to make a return on your investment, even when the market is volatile.

To get a feel of how these assets work and the return that is possible, you can choose to take advantage of the demo account that is provided by this site. Once you are familiar with the site, trading real money can also be low risk since the minimum amount that you are able to trade is $1.

Being a new site on the market, the customer service that is on offer is fantastic, and designed to help traders get excellent deals, even when their deposits are low. All the staff who offer support are highly trained in Binary Options Trading strategies and analysis, and they also have relevant experience so that they are able to give sound advice.

However, it is worth noting that you will only get access to this support when you are using the paid accounts, and not if you are simply using a trial account or demo. Instead of providing a FAQ section on the site, it is advised that you open an account by making the minimum deposit so that you get instant access to personnel through live chat as well as on the phone.

Open Free Account At Option. FM

FMTrader is a private investing firm specializing in binary options. We offer one of the world’s premier online binary options trading platforms.

The binary options market is becoming increasingly popular with investors throughout the world. Often when trading financial products, the potential return on investment (ROI) and risk involved to investors, can be uncleafr or difficult to calculate. Binary options offer a simple way for you to realise a high ROI, while being fully aware of the potential risks you are taking. You don’t need to be an investment genius or a professional stock trader.

Through FMTrader, you can achieve returns as high as 90% on standard binary option trades, and up to 550% when investing in One Touch options. Importantly, prior to commencing your trading activities, we make sure you clearly understand the investment risk involved in executing your options. You will always know how much you stand to gain, you will never be in danger of losing more than you are willing to risk.

At FMTrader, we offer an easy-to-use web-based trading platform, in depth and comprehensive training and 24/7 customer support.

Customize the Way You Trade

At FMTrader, we understand that every trader has different needs and goals. That’s why we offer a range of trading training and investment ideas.

We offer various trading accounts. From our Bronze Account, which offers you daily market reviews and access to our online trading materials; through to our Platinum Account, where you will be assigned a personal broker for extensive 1-on-1 consulting. We are certain you will find an FMTrader solution to fit your specific trading requirements.

There are no registration fees to open an account, and you only need to make a deposit once you wish to begin trading.

A Range of Financial Assets and Trading Methods

Many investors may prefer to trade in specific asset markets, we areonly too aware of this at FMTrader. Therefore, we offer you the ability to trade binary options in a variety of markets. These include forex, stocks, commodities, and even golbal market indices.

In addition to having access to a wide range of markets, FMTrader offers you a variety of trading methods through which you can place your investments. Standard binary option trading allows you to buy (call) or sell (put) an asset. Simply decide whether or not you think the currency, stock, commodity or index will go up or down before the expiry time, and invest accordingly. Additionally, you can define the structure of your options through our Option Builder. We also offer 60 Second options which expire exactly one minute from the moment you execute the trade.

The One Touch trading option is another investment method we offer at FMTrader. One Touch allows you to predetermine a price point for an asset, if the asset reaches or ‘touches’ this price at any stage before expiry, you will earn significant profit on your trade.

100% Web-Based Trading

Our online trading platform has a user-friendly interface which helps simplify your trading. Best of all, it is 100% Web-based, meaning no software downloads to your computer. Trading couldn’t be easier – just a few clicks are required to place each trade. Simply choose your asset from the drop-down lists, select an expiry date or time, decide if the asset price is likely to increase or decrease during that period, and enter your investment amount. Once your trade is active, you can monitor the asset’s progress on real-time charts, all the way through to expiry.

Managing your FMTrader account is straightforward. All of your deposit and withdrawal information is logged and easily accessible via the ‘My Account’ section of the website. Your trading history is also recorded in this section.

Secure Trading and Multiple Banking Options

FMTrader adheres to the strictest security protocols. Your personal information is encrypted with the most up-to-date technology ensuring that all of your financial information remains private and secure. Our transaction server is also secured using SSL technology.

We provide various options for depositing money into your trading account. Our system supports a range of credit and debit card deposits, including VISA, Mastercard and American Express. Alternatively, you can top up your trading account using Skrill (Moneybookers), which is a popular and secure e-wallet. Available in countries worldwide, Skrill allows for transactions in a range of currencies. If you prefer not to use online payment services, you also have the option of making wire transfers to your trading account.

We are also pleased to offer a free-of-charge withdrawal service, whenever you wish to withdraw profit from your trading account.

Comprehensive Training and Customer Support

Our training and support services at FMTrader are designed to help you make the best investment decisions possible. Through our free Trading Academy, video courses and eBook. This includes understanding the risks and returns of binary options trading, the global trading environment, and how to analyse markets and trends. FMTrader also provides you with daily market analysis to keep you abreast with the latest market news.

Our personal brokers are on hand for 1-on-1 consultations. They are eager to guide you, ensuring you have every chance of successfully achieving your investment goals. If you are having difficulty deciding which trading methos is best for you, or which asset market best suits your needs, take advantage of the services offered by our personal brokers.

Our customer service team is also available 24/7 to answer your questions via live chat, email support or local phone numbers. We are proud to offer customer support in a number of languages.

Our offices:

FM Financial Trader Review

FM Financial Trader has been in operation for over a year. They recently revamped their management and have already developed a reputation for a high level of customer service and training. They are headquartered in the UK and operate on the SpotOption platform. Trading features include 60 Second Options, High Yield Touch, Option Builder, Pair Options, Roll Over and Double Up.

FM Trader has a comprehensive trading academy replete with instructional videos and a free eBook. Customer service is available via Live Chat, Skype and Email. They offer toll free phone support in UK and US as well as local numbers in 13 countries.

They are also in the application process for a CySEC CIF license which will make them regulated throughout the EU.

New traders can receive a welcome bonus up to 100%.

FM Financial Trader Screen Shots

FMTrader Home Page

60 Segundo Opciones

FM Trader Pro Trade


Toda la información proporcionada en la Guía de Bonos de Opciones Binarias es la opinión del autor. Como tal Binary Options Bonus Guide no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño que pueda resultar de dicha información. Le sugerimos que consulte con el corredor con respecto a los términos y condiciones específicos de la bonificación.

Option FM Review

Option FM Review.

Option FM class themselves as a boutique binary options trading brokerage, offering the latest generation of trading platforms and the widest range of trading assets, so let’s see. They are a relatively new broker (formerly binary options world), and the system is backed by the SpotOption 2.0 platform which is regulated under CYSec. It visually looks good and is very user friendly with detailed colour charts, and multiple view settings on offer. The system allows you to place up or down trades on a wide selection of assets; if you correctly predict the correct direction in your chosen time frame then you win on that trade. The fact that the percentage of the trade is set in advance is invaluable, and this helps traders to understand exactly where they stand and therefore they are able to take control of their own financial decisions.

So to open a basic account at Option. FM you will need to deposit $250, but they do offer a new sign up bonus of $250 therefore doubling the funds in your new trading account. You will be asked to reach a certain trade volume for the bonus though, but for any level trader this is a great opportunity not to be missed. For the more serious trader out there who requires the full broker services with specialist account attention, they recommend you invest upwards of $1,000. For this they say you won’t be disappointed as Option. FM employs only highly experienced brokers and they give you a one-on-one service, and then provide you with trading signals similar to the Option XE system.

You do have the option of a large list of currencies to trade such as the EUR/USD, GBP/EUR, USD/JPY ect, also the Option. FM platform includes commodities, precious metals, stocks and indices (such as the FTSE or NASDAQ). Some of the features on offer are: short term, long terms and ladder options, you can also manage your positions with features like sell early or roll over. The minimum trade is only $5 for a short trade and $25 for a long trade. Their maximum pay-outs are up to 85%, which is a good level in the market. Option. FM offer a very high standard of 24/7 customer service, via live chat online, telephone or email and great follow on support in the form of training and education (eBooks).

So what’s our conclusion: Well If you want to make money trading online, but also want to enjoy it then Option. FM is for you. As a smaller “boutique” broker they want to work with you, unlike some of the very large corporate firms who may just want to work with your money. Their service is tailored and feels far more personal than elsewhere and this is pretty unique, you will trade more confident in knowing you have the support if you need it and this makes for a winning partnership in our eyes.

My Binary Bank’s Verdict: A winning set up “and you can take that to the bank”

Why not open an account up with Option. FM, click the link below.

Ontario Securities Commission warns against binary options broker Option. fm

Canadian financial regulator Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has issued a warning regarding binary options broker Option. fm. Option. fm is owned by B. O. Technologies Limited, also doing business as Option Financial Markets.

According to the OSC, Option. fm is not registered in Ontario, Canada to engage in the business of trading in securities, or advising anyone with respect to investing in, buying or selling securities.

To see the OSC warning click here .

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Option Financial Markets (Option. fm) - Option. fm – Barry Alanis

Jaak Viik 31/01/2017 at 02:58

I open account in Option. fm. I got my account manager in Option. fm - Barry Alanis ( barrya@option. fm). I put there account 10500 and there was 100% bonus from that (Executive Account).

But I never get this bonus.

My account manager told, that he insuranced my 2 deals ( [4.12.2017 8:46:51 | Muudetud - 8:46:56] Barry Alanis: Going to trading platform, then eur/usd expiry 21:00 $5975 call 2 times)

[4.12.2017 10:12:46] Jaak Viik: I will [4.12.2017 22:06:52] Jaak Viik: hi! eur/ usd is very weak right now [4.12.2017 23:32:30] Jaak Viik: I lost everyting. O [4.12.2017 23:33:30 | Muudetud - 23:34:01] Barry Alanis: No, relax [4.12.2017 23:33:44] Barry Alanis: Its in 2h from now [4.12.2017 23:33:55] Barry Alanis: Its not going by your time. [4.12.2017 23:34:33 | Muudetud - 23:34:45] Barry Alanis: And even if something will go wrong i did insurance by the bonus [4.12.2017 23:34:38] Barry Alanis: So relax [4.12.2017 23:34:49] Barry Alanis: [4.12.2017 23:34:55] Barry Alanis: All good I want now my money back! Please help me, I am almost bankrupt!

Option Financial Markets 14/01/2017 at 18:13

We were surprised to hear about your experience and we apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

We would like to provide you with an amicable solution to your complaint and therefore urge you write directly to our Customer Service at complaints@option. fm

A senior member of our department will be happy to contact you and work things out. Sincerely,

Option Financial Markets

Option Financial Markets 21/01/2017 at 17:08



Option. FM Bonuses

You can get a bonus of up to 100% when you make a deposit with OptionFM . This is one of the best ways to double your account. However, you must keep in mind that once you avail this offer, you will be required to make trades up to a certain volume before you can request a withdrawal. For more information on the bonus terms, you can visit their website.

Option. FM Review

OptionFM is one of the newest binary options brokers on the internet today. The company was founded in 2011 by financial and banking veterans. They offer over 90 assets that you can choose from and their payout rate is also quite high. Basically, you can get up to 85% returns. OptionFM platform is maintained by SpotOption 2.0. They have a visually appealing interface with multiple view settings and detailed color charts. Some of their features include Ladder options, short term and long term trades. The employees at OptionFM have vast analysis and trading experience and this gives traders a huge advantage. Although they are relatively new on the block, they provide a platform that can increase your profit opportunities and help you become better traders. They have one aim and that is to offer their traders a unique way of trading that will help them become successful.

Option. FM Trading Platform

Although the trading platform is easy to use, they incorporate a range of advanced features which are suitable for expert traders. They offer standard binary options trading offering as well as the 60 second platform. But, if you are looking to control your risks and find out the likelihood of making successful trades, then the Ladder option is the best choice for you.

There are different layouts that users can choose from. This helps them customize the platform based on their individual needs and preferences. A trader can choose different binary options types including high/low, long term, 60 seconds and ladder options. They make sure that they cover most of the trading styles which is a huge benefit to technical traders and also those who rely on dynamic trading and fundamental analysis. The different interfaces offer versatility and traders are provided with more binary options trading options.

The platform can be run from different devices and a trader also has access to mobile trading to enable trading on the go. This means that traders can access their accounts from anywhere. Another benefit of this is that if traders are instantly notified about specific market trends or signals, then they can react quickly and make profitable trades.

Option. FM Trading Assests

OptionFM allows you to trade a range of different assets. Although the exact index and number of assets available is not presented on their website, it is possible to trade a range of popular assets from all the different categories. Some major assets from the four main categories include:


Commodities – gold, platinum, silver, coffee, wheat, etc.

Indices – Straits Times, Dow Jones, Tel Aviv 25, Nikkei 225, Hang Seng, NASDAQ, Nifty, etc.

Stocks – Microsoft (USA), Apple, Rolls Royce (UK), Coca Cola (USA), British Petroleum, HSBC Holdings (UK), etc.

Option. FM Demo Account

A demo account is an important tool for learning about the trading platform and how to make successful trades. The chances of making huge losses increases significantly for beginner traders and this is the reason OptionFM gives beginners the opportunity to practice trading using a demo account first before they can start trading live. However, there are certain conditions of using a demo account. While it is not available for all membership levels, a trader must first open a real account and deposit the minimum amount required by the broker. Traders with an Imperial Account can request a demo account once they have made a deposit.

Option. FM Unique Features

In order to become better at trading, traders can make use of the educational materials that are offered for free by OptionFM . These materials are offered in the form of e-books, one-on-one training and webinars and they can be extremely useful in learning the basics of the trade and how to become successful traders.

Beginners can take advantage of the video tour which can help them become familiar with all the aspects of binary options trading. There is a Trader Tools section where there are video tutorials, economic calendars and free charts that contain information on major financial events.

Option. FM Support

A trader has access to OptionFM’s customer support service as well as brokerage assistance. There is a range of contact numbers that traders can make use of when trying to contact their customer service team. In addition, they have live chat so all your questions and queries can be addressed instantly. They don’t have an email support yet, but this could be added really soon.

Phone support is available for many different countries including Canada, France, South Africa, Germany, New Zealand, UK and Australia.

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Published on August 19th, 2017 | De John Kane

PayDay. FM

PayDay. FM new binary options software. Developers of the system claim that 5 minutes of your time has the power to change your life without costing you a single penny. The narrator of the video says he’s not here to take anything from us at all but give us something for free that’s going to benefit us for life.

Today I will be providing a review to inform the binary today readers about the software and what it has to offer the trading community.

PayDay. FM Review

The front page of the PayDay. FM webpage is very simple, there is a short video located inside the image of a laptop and an email subscription form. We can see in the background image of the Stealth bomber which seems to be the motivation for this product. The first few minutes of the video the narrator provides us with very little information. He just keeps on telling us that we have to watch the video even though we are watching the video. Considering this is a binary options software I find it odd in the video they show us a click bank screenshot which is an affiliate marketing platform that has nothing to do with binary trading.

Like most binary options products the developers of PayDay. FM claim that earning at least $150 each hour is not related to qualifications are skills. This sounds like a get rich quick type sentence to me. The video isn’t providing enough information so let’s see what the members area has to offer. We can see a trade results area that shows the software go from $250 to $133,000 in one month. The problem with these results as they don’t show the dates and times so we can’t verify if they are real or not. I tried entering my email to see if I had to pay money and it looks like we are required to sign up with a $500 trading account in order to gain access to the software.

I won’t be recommending PayDay. FM to the binary today readers. I don’t feel like this developers offering anything new and when I tried to sign up their system gave me nothing but troubles. Now is the time for you to leave your comments and questions. If you ever need help in the binary options market feel free to click Ask John at the top of the webpage and send me a personal email. Thanks for coming to binary today.

Sobre el Autor

John Kane Soy un operador de opciones binarias a tiempo completo. Pude dejar mi trabajo en los últimos 5 años y dedicarme al comercio completamente. Nunca pensé que mi pasatiempo y pasión ganarse la vida para mí, pero estoy agradecido cada día que tiene. Mi principal objetivo ahora es comunicarse con la comunidad binaria de comercio, contribuir a diferentes sitios web y aprender de otros comerciantes.

Exención de responsabilidad: Binary Today desea recordarle que el contenido contenido en este sitio web no es necesariamente en tiempo real ni preciso. Rendimiento pasado no garantiza el rendimiento futuro, lo anterior no es indicativo y es puramente para fines educativos solamente. Basándose en lo anterior para la inversión, el comercio o las apuestas en opciones binarias o Forex no se aconseja a menos que lo haga con el dinero virtual sólo.

Binary Today o cualquier persona involucrada con Binary Today no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la confianza en la información incluyendo revisiones, recomendaciones, gráficos, software, informes de ingresos y señales contenidas en este sitio web. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión posible.

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Mi método paso a paso para las ganancias de opciones binarias fácil. Mi nombre es John Kane y he juntado uno de mis fáciles métodos ganadores.

Este método sólo requiere un software y un corredor y se puede configurar en menos de 30 minutos.

Si un novato o un profesional de esta guía gratuita puede ayudarle a empezar a ganar con opciones binarias de inmediato.

Binary Today es un sitio de revisión de opciones binarias de vanguardia con el objetivo principal de proporcionar herramientas útiles e información sobre corredores, señales, estrategias y más. Esperamos desarrollar una gran comunidad de comerciantes exitosos y condenar a los vendedores que no son responsables de sus acciones o respetuoso con sus clientes.

Informes de ingresos

Con el fin de mantener la máxima transparencia ahora proporcionar un informe mensual sobre mis cifras de comercio:

Acerca de

Las opciones binarias que negocian son una afición de la vida larga dada vuelta para mí. Ahora mi enfoque es mantener la comunidad honesta. Soy un usuario ávido del software binario de las opciones así que entiendo cómo diagnosticar y proporcionar la penetración valiosa. Hay muchos deshonrosos desarrolladores de productos binarios en Internet, he hecho mi deber señalarle en la dirección de la victoria.


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Negociación de opciones binarias

Simple navigation and ease of use make FMTrader’s trading platform ideal for new users looking to trade on the global markets. With short trading times and high payouts, binary options offer a great way to earn from online trading. Trades with FMTrader can run for as little as 60 seconds, giving users the fastest possible results. Offering traders average payouts of up to 85% per trade, even those traders who are new to trading can make huge profits with FMTrader. Traders from around the world have started using binary options trading because of its simplicity. In order to earn a profit from a trade, the trader must make only one decision. Will the value of the asset they are trading on rise or fall by the end of the trading time? If the trader’s prediction is correct, then the trade is successful and they are awarded their profit. By having to make only one choice, traders no longer have to depend on years of experience in order to make money on the financial markets. No more talking to stock brokers and no need to follow confusing charts and market reports. Learning to place your trades on the platform takes only a few minutes using the easy steps listed below.

1. Start your trading

On FMTrader’s homepage. find the TRADE NOW tab to enter the trading area. This is where you will find the different trading instruments.

2. Select your desired trading instrument

FMTrader provides users with a number of exciting and profitable trading options on which to make trades. Traders can choose between One Touch, the Option Builder, 60 Seconds trading, as well as the Pro Trader. Each one of these options have distinct advantages for control of the trade as well as their profitability.

3. Choosing an asset

Trades on the FMTrader platform are made on a set of internationally traded assets. These assets which can be found on the Asset Index include commodities, currency pairs, indices, and stocks. The full list of assets can be seen in the Education section on the site.

4. Trading times

Unlike with traditional forms of trading and Forex where traders have to wait until the end of the day to receive their results, binary options provide users with fast results. Different trading instruments offer various expiration times to choose from. If you decide to put together your own custom option with the Option Builder, then now is the time to select how long you want the trade to last.

5. Pick a direction

This is the make or break step where the trader must decide which position they want to take on their trade. If the asset appears to be moving in an upwards direction, the the trader should make a CALL position. If it looks like the value of the asset will likely fall below the original strike point price, then the trader chooses PUT. It really is that easy.

6. Make your investment

Simply enter the investment amount that you wish to use for this trade. With one of the lowest minimum investment requirements in the industry, FMTrader makes it easy for new traders to enter the market. With an investment of only $25 needed per trade, new traders can get a feel for trading with minimal risk. If the trade is successful, then you will receive a return of your investment as well as a profit of up to 85%.

7. Make the trade

After you have finished going through the steps listed above, your trade is ready to begin. In order to finalize the trade, click on the APPLY button on the platform to set the trade in motion. You can follow the progress of your trade as it travels through the market on the graphs provided here on the platform.

&dupdo; FMTrader

Option. FM Review

Option. FM is a relatively new binary trading platform, allegedly staffed by brokers and analysts with a broad range of economic experiences. Like most fledgling companies, Option. FM offers customers some much desired features, while also leaving much to be desired. The platform is simple, and easy to use – but for experienced traders this might equate to pared down trading options.

Option. FM is a relatively new binary trading platform, allegedly staffed by brokers and analysts with a broad range of economic experiences. Like most fledgling companies, Option. FM offers customers some much desired features, while also leaving much to be desired. The platform is simple, and easy to use – but for experienced traders this might equate to pared down trading options. If you prefer something simple and straight forward, Option. FM is a platform you may consider. On the other hand, if you prefer the full cornucopia binary options has to offer, you may want to look somewhere else.

Scam Report

As stated above, Option. FM is a developing binary trading platform. Thus, the company has not been around long enough say whether or not it is a scam. We haven’t received any scam reports, but we have received complaints about the typical “slow withdrawals” that is more or less standard in the binary market.

Deposit Information

Option. FM requires a minimum deposit of 250 in your chosen currency, including USD, EUR, GBP, and more. Deposits may be made via convenient credit card, wire, or online payment options. However, withdrawing your money is less convenient, requiring extensive documentation to verify your identity before your funds are released via the same method of deposit. Withdrawal times typically take a minimum of seven business days, but sending your verification forms to Option. FM upon creating your account may shorten withdrawal times.

Bonus Information

Option. FM offers a 100% bonus upon deposit, with the caveat of bonus terms to be met before withdrawals can be made. While the bonus offering may be smaller than what is available at other binary platforms, it is mostly consistent with what one should expect. Higher deposits may be eligible for larger bonuses.

Trade Options and Payouts

Option. FM offers a pared down “boutique” platform – with four options – high/low, long term, 60 seconds, and ladder trading.

Larger binary brokers usually offer more options, but Option. FM’s fewer trading options might be offset by their high payouts of around 81%, but may go as low as 70% with some trading options.


Option. FM is an intentionally small, boutique broker, with few options, catering to people who are overwhelmed by more extensive options. However, most people don’t really need all the options they find on larger platforms. While deposits are easy, withdrawals are often delayed. Bonuses are a little below standard, but payouts are high.

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Option Financial Markets

July 28, 2017, by Chris Morton

Option. FM is the latest binary options trading platform for novice and professional traders. It offers a plethora of different trading assets. Its financial analysts and brokers have thorough insight about the tricks of the trade with respect to hedge funds, stock brokerages, Forex, binary options, and investment analysis.

Option. FM works with the client, keeping his demands in context. It provides a superior service as compared to its contemporaries. The team works personally, but gives a professional touch. Option. FM opens up a world of financial freedom and wealthy prospects. The brokers are right on their speed dials ready to make a trade for their clients/advise them about it.

On the downside, the binary trading platform doesn’t have a demo account. It works with a real-time account on a professional level. There are various kinds of accounts at Option. FM trading portal. Incluyen:

Trial account

Boutique account

Executive account

Imperial account

It even walks through the ins and outs of binary trading.

Option. FM deposits and Withdrawals Terms

The initial Option. FM account opens up after depositing $250. However, for advanced services and facilitation, further investment of $1,000 is required to attain more financial traction. As the case is with this business, the more cash is invested, the more chances exist for maximizing cash returns. Option. FM has hired top-notch professional brokers working with traders on a one-to-one basis. Their job is to provide binary signals at trader’s disposal.

For depositing money into the trading account, the following methods are used:

Credit card/debit card

Bank wire

Online wallets

The processing will work in the similar manner as well. The depositing and withdrawing method is very easy. Moreover, there are no upfront fees for depositing and withdrawing money from Option. FM.

The transaction is safeguarded with Secure Socket Layer technology, making sure that personal information remains intact. It protects the user data and financial records as well. Only the most advanced processes are used for this purpose and an airtight encryption system is implemented in place.

Why Option. FM is a Scam

Option. FM has been operating in the binary trading market for 8 months now. It is new in the business and definitely a shiny platform. The traders at Option. FM are very unfair and may employ unprofessional tactics during trading hours for winning trades. Moreover, they become extremely offensive when their rules aren’t followed which are illegal at times as well. These rogue traders employ devious tactics to win trades and misbehave with novice traders.

Strangely though, Option. FM doesn’t have single review to its name on the internet. Surely, after using its services for almost a year now, binary option traders enthusiastically cover every binary options trading platform from top-to-bottom. On the contrary, this Option. FM seems to have no review or even negative feedback to begin with. It feels very suspicious and more so, other platforms have shown behavior as well.


As evidence against Option. FM is very strong and substantial, it’s plausible to consider Option. FM a fraudulent enterprise having no recorded trading history on the internet.

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FM Trader Review

Fm Trader were previously owned by a company called Hortense Holdings Ltd and were based in Gibraltor. However since mid 2017 they were bought by Broad Media Ltd and have been under new management since then and now operate out of London instead of Gibraltor. Prior to 2017 their reputation was something to be desired but since then they have made some drastic changes and one of the main areas of change is customer support. Here at Binary Options Trend Indicator we thought we would have a closer look into ho good a broker they are now.

Since changing owners they have changed the platform they use and they are now using the extemely popular SpotOption which is extremely popular with people who are new to the world of binary options. After having quite an in depth look at the platform we can´t see any drawbacks about it.

the SpotOption still offers a number of unique forms of trading of which the three main ones are Roll Over, Double Up and Close now. These just in the names are quite self explanitary.

Some of the trade types you can make with FM Trader are as follows

60 Second Options – which is fast paced trading over a minute expiry time

Classic Binaries – which is where you can decide the expiry time we recommend 15 minutes

One Touch Options – this is where you set a predetermined level over a certain period of time

Option Builder – this is where the trader decides on the expiry time and the risk level and the rewards are paid accordingly. We wouldnt really recommend this option unless you know exactly what you are doing

Pair Trading – This is where the trader is required to face off two assets of the same class and see which one performs the better. This way of trading is very useful if you can understand and read the markets.

So how do you go about opening an account with FM Trader? well they have a choice of 4 different trading accounts all of which are slightly different.

Bronze Trading Account – This type of account is best for beginners and the lowest minimum deposit is $250 and by opening this kind of account they will give you a 20% signup bonus but be sure to read the small print regarding the signup bonus with any broker

Silver Trading Account – With the silver account you will get a weekly porftolio analysis and one hour of one to one trading. There are other companys that offer this facility and are not linked to brokers. If you want info regarding this then please sendus an e. mail. With the silver account you are also entitled to a 30% bonus

Gold Trading Account – This account also offers the weekly analysis and 2 hours of 1 to 1 training. You are also offered a generous 40% signup bonus.

Platinum Trading Account – This account offers twice weekly portfolio analysis and 3 hours of 1 to 1 training. The starting bonus is 40% like the Gold Account but depending on how much you put in we believe it can go as high as 100%

Payout Ratios – The payout that FM Trader currently offer is one of the highest in binary options and currently stands at 85% If your trade loses you are entitled to a 10% rebate which is a nice little touch.

Their Asset Index isn´t the biggest and they cover around 60 assets which include all the popular ones. It maybe be worth opening more than one account if you are going to open an account with FM Trader to increase your chances of successful trades.

They offer customer support in several languages. Mainly English, Arabic, French, Italian, Russian and Turkish.

At the time of writing this FM Trader were going through the paces of being licensed by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CYSEC) so they should be a very trusted broker.

So all in all FM Trader look like quite a contender in the Binary Options Market and we would certainly recommend them. Ok they do need to extend their portfolio and we had a problem with their problem always displaying in Italian but that could be our or googles fault. Who knows

We certainly recommend taking a look at them. CLICK HERE

Feel free to e. mail us any queries or leave a comment below.

Regards The Binary Options Trend Indicator Team

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Tagged with Option FM

Option FM is one of the top-notch brokers in the trading industry. This platform offers about 90 assets to the traders that include the commodities, stocks, indices and currencies. This binary broker utilizes the SpotOption technology. This platform has loads of options for the users that include Long-term, short-term and ladder option. Option FM has exclusive features for the trader that includes Rollover, Double up and Sell Early.

Basic Features of Option FM Broker

The following is some useful information about Option FM.

Option FM – Receive up to 100 percent Bonus on Deposit

The following are the different accounts and the incentives offered by Option FM.

Trial account: If you are a new trader then the perfect selection for you would be the trial account. This account would require you to make a deposit of €250+. You can get access to daily market analysis through this account.

Boutique account: This account type is quite popular amongst traders. You would need a deposit of about €1000+ to get access to this account. Once you make your deposit, you can expect a 100 percent deposit bonus. This account offers one to one trading sessions, weekly performance review, trading e-book, customer support, daily market analysis and trading webinars. You would also get exclusive training for risk management.

Executive account: This account type works well for professionals. You have to make a deposit of about €10,000+ for this account. This account also offers a 100 percent deposit bonus. There are additional perks as well that include daily market review, trading webinars, trading e-book, weekly performance review, one to one trading sessions, risk management training and exclusive customer support. You would also have direct access to the broker. Trading signals can also be received through e-mail, chat or mobile phone. You would also be able to get a free subscription to the financial magazine. You would be receiving a personal call before the occurrence of any major market events.

VIP account: This platform requires you to make a deposit of €50,000+. There are additional incentives that you can obtain that include daily market review, trading webinars, weekly performance review, trading e-book, risk management training, one to one trading sessions, and exclusive customer support. You would also have direct access to the broker. Trading signals can also be received through e-mail mobile phone or chat, You would also be able to get a free subscription to the financial magazine. You would be receiving a personal call before the occurrence of any major market events. Apart from this user can also access to VIP education program for traders.

Option FM Limited Investment - Reward and Bonus Policy

There are certain terms and conditions that need to be followed for withdrawing the bonus so you would have to comply with the terms.

Sign up with Option FM today.

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FMTrades Review – FMTrades Rating Score – 41/50

FMTrades is a newcomer to the binary options market and is 100% web-based. Binary options on their website are commonly referred to as fixed return options or digital option. Please note that these all have the same meaning. There isn’t so much information available on the Internet about this broker, because it is so new and it hasn’t become big yet. For a successful trade you will receive between 65-75% and for an unsuccessful trade at least 10% payout. FMTrades state on their website that you can trade 7 days a week and 24 hours a day with rewarding financial assets.

Measuring how user-friendly FMTrades is, one can say it is 75% user-friendly. It is obvious by looking at the site that the owners have made the best attempt possible to cater to all traders. Here and there, there are glitches. As a whole the website is decently laid out with enough features for any new binary options trader to get started. An even better homepage would lift the broker’s reputation. Appearance is everything, and time is on the side of this rooky binary options broker.

Assets & Expiry Times 8.5/10

FMTrades allows you to pick from 19 shares, 10 currencies, 4 commodities and 19 indexes. This all adds up to 52 underling assets. A good number of assets for such a new binary options broker.

The expiry times available are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, end of day – not a bad choice, but wider time frames would be better.

Commissions, Customer Service & Return Rates 8/10

Trading binary options with FMTrades is free of charge, giving you a simple trading journey. There is no info on the site available about fees for withdrawals.

The FMTrades customer service team can be contacted through email, live chat and phone. With the information we did find out about them, we found out they are very helpful. The call back option is very useful too.

The return rates at FMTrades are good for such a new broker and are up to 75% for winning trades and 10% for losing trades. Maybe they will improve in the coming months.

Deposit Options, Languages & Bonuses 7/10

You can deposit with FMTrades via Credit Card and Wire Transfer. Word has hit that the payment system at FMTrades is very secure.

FMTrades is available in 4 languages: English, Russian, French and Arabic. Ok, but not enough.

There is a special trading bonus at FMTrades, but these are only available to see once you open an account. Also, earn a free additional trade for every ten trades which you make over the FMTrades platform.

Additional Features 10/10

When it comes to additional features we will give FMTrades full marks. The 4 Steps to Trading Success is the most simple but useful feature on the homepage. Each trade can be followed through a graph throughout the trading process. In addition, you can sign up for free market reports.

The Trade, Profit and Enjoy links on the homepage provide a decent introduction of trading binary options and trading in general at FMTrades. Register for a free Learning guide and view the underlying assets in detail under the Asset Index link.

The Glossary has the most important terms to understand what binary options trading is all about. Other important information resources are available under the following: Learn More, How to Trade, A Simpler Way to Trade, The World of Trading, How to Trade, Our Advantages and the Reuters news feed.

&dupdo; 2010 – 2011, Binary Options Review. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Published on August 20th, 2017 | De John Kane

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Published on August 19th, 2017 | De John Kane

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Published on August 19th, 2017 | De John Kane

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Published on August 18th, 2017 | De John Kane

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Published on August 17th, 2017 | De John Kane

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Published on August 17th, 2017 | De John Kane

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Published on August 17th, 2017 | De John Kane

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Publicado el 14 de agosto de 2017 | De John Kane

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Published on August 12th, 2017 | De John Kane

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The Easy Way to Trade on the Global Financial Markets

 Binary options offer traders from around the world a new way to earn large profits on the financial markets quickly and easily. Trading binary options is ideal for both new and experienced traders because it demands making only one simple decision. Will the asset that is being traded go up or down in value? Binary options can be traded from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. This makes binary options ideal for those looking to earn an extra income from home. A successful trade can earn a profit of up to 85% in only 60 seconds. 

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With binary options, a low level of investment is needed to start the trading. A trader can place a minimum position of only $25. Since binary options traders are not actually buying the asset that they are trading on, placing a trade comes with significantly lower risk than in traditional investment trading. As the value of both the invested amount and the potential profit are known ahead of time, binary options offer a more secure form of trading. This helps to remove some of the uncertainty from trading on the financial markets. Also, when trading in binary options. traders risk only the amount invested in that specific trade. The balance of their capital is not put at risk.

FMTrader Broker Review

FMTrader is now one of the fastest growing digital option brokers. FMTrader has been around since 2012.

A few things traders should know about the binary options broker FMTrader.

When we reviewed the FMTrader website we saw that they are using the SpotOption trading platform. In November, they will be releasing an update to their trading platform which will bring more options to trade, plus integrated trading signals, and they will have the iFollow trading feature which gives you the ability to follow other traders.

They currently offer traders, 60 second options along with pairs trading, bitcoin binary options, one touch & option builder (where your select the expiration time).

Returns start at 70% for the typical binary options and go up depending on the asset class and the time frame of the option. Their EUR/USD binary options offer a 75% return.

FMTrader is owned by Broad Media Limited. They are located at Watergardens 6, Suite 24, in Gibraltar.

Their phone numbers are: United Kingdom: +44 80 0170 0149 and Australia +61 28 015 2320. Traders from Canada can call: 647-955-3808. Their support email address is: [email protected]

Their trading platform is available in English, Italiano, العربية, Türkçe, Français, & Русский.

As an established broker, traders can utilize their mobile trading apps for Android & iTunes, see here .

While comparing and reviewing brokers, the first thing a trader should check for is an update to date and accurate review. There are many binary option brokers to choose from but only a handful that are actually active and serious about traders. FMTrader is a serious broker who caters to serious traders.

They are one of the few binary option brokers that have applied for a license from CySEC. Their application is currently pending and they hope to receive the license shortly. Having a license from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission will enable FMTrader to offer legal and regulated binary option trading to the entire Europe. This will also ensure they continue maintaining a good and clean reputation.

FMTrader does not allow traders from the United States . Traders from the United States should visit the most popular brokers page to find a broker.

Click here to start trading binary options with FMTrader.

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