Saturday 21 October 2017

Metatrader 5 Señales Comerciales

Plataforma de operaciones de MetaTrader 5

MetaTrader 5 es la plataforma de negociación diseñada para organizar servicios de corretaje en Forex, CFD, Futuros, así como mercados de acciones. Con esta plataforma, usted puede ofrecer a sus clientes el mejor terminal comercial y mejores servicios, permitiéndoles así ejecutar operaciones en varios mercados financieros y bolsas de valores en una sola cuenta.

Visite el sitio web oficial del producto para obtener más información sobre la MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform. En este sitio, también puede descargar la versión móvil del MetaTrader 5 para iPhone o Android. Si desea adquirir la plataforma de comercio de MetaTrader 5, llámenos, envíe una solicitud de correo electrónico o contacte a través de chat. Para obtener más detalles, consulte la página Contactos.

Copyright 2000 & 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Renuncia: MetaQuotes Software Corp. es una empresa de desarrollo de software y no ofrece ningún tipo de servicios de inversión o corretaje en los mercados financieros.

Clasificaciones de MetaTrader Trading Signals

Alpari Limited, Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown VC0100, San Vicente y las Granadinas, West Indies, está registrada bajo el número de registro 20389 IBC 2012 por el Registro de Empresas Comerciales Internacionales, registrado por la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros de San Vicente y las Granadinas.

Alpari Limited, 60 Market Square, Ciudad de Belice, Belice, está registrada bajo el número de registro 137.509, autorizado por la Comisión de Servicios Financieros Internacionales de Belice, número de licencia IFSC / 60/301 / TS / 16.

Alpari Research & Analysis Limited, 209 Tower Bridge Business Center, 46-48 East Smithfield, Londres, Reino Unido, E1W 1AW (investigación financiera y análisis para las empresas Alpari).

Alpari fue una de las empresas involucradas en la formación de CRFIN (el Centro de Regulación de Instrumentos Financieros y Tecnologías de OTC).

Alpari es miembro de la Comisión Financiera. Una organización internacional dedicada a la resolución de disputas dentro de la industria de servicios financieros en el mercado Forex.

Descargo de Riesgo. Antes de empezar a operar, debe comprender completamente los riesgos relacionados con el mercado de divisas y el comercio de margen, y debe ser consciente de su nivel de experiencia.

© 1998-2017 Alpari Limited

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FX al por menor

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© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Señales comerciales que llegan a MetaTrader5

MetaTrader Signals - gran herramienta para el comercio social

Trading Signals para MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 es un poderoso servicio de comercio social que permite a los comerciantes conectarse a los proveedores de señal y copiar todas sus operaciones comerciales.

¿Notó un gran comerciante? Impresionado por el desempeño comercial de alguien? ¿Quieres comerciar con los mismos resultados? Nada podría ser más fácil. Suscríbase a la señal de su elección y las operaciones se copiarán sin su participación - un buen funcionamiento está garantizado por un mecanismo que funciona bien en la plataforma de negociación.

El servicio es claro y transparente y puede incluso ser utilizado por los comerciantes que tienen la experiencia mínima de comercio. Aquí no necesitará desarrollar robots comerciales complejos o seleccionar el indicador técnico adecuado. Usted simplemente elige a un comerciante de éxito para ser su proveedor de señales y suscribirse a su señal. El resto será atendido por la plataforma de negociación.

No hay contratos a firmar con el proveedor de señal de su elección o un corredor. No hay documentación ni control manual. Todas las operaciones se realizan automáticamente. Todo lo que necesitas es una cuenta de y la plataforma de comercio de MetaTrader y toma solamente un tecleo para suscribir. Eso es. El proceso de suscripción toma sólo unos minutos y puede optar por suscribirse durante una semana o un mes.

Ventajas de las señales comerciales:

Es una solución sencilla y preparada. Usted puede suscribirse a una señal en unos pocos clics, mientras que el resto está siendo realizado por la plataforma de negociación automáticamente.

Precios asequibles y flexibles. Puede suscribirse a las señales. Con precios a partir de tan poco como un par de dólares. Además, un montón de señales se ofrecen de forma gratuita.

Protección contra señales fraudulentas. Todos los posibles proveedores de señales son cuidadosamente seleccionados y seleccionados en función de su desempeño durante el período de calificación y sólo se les permite ofrecer sus señales en caso de éxito durante el período de calificación.

Comprar una señal es fácil. PayPal, WebMoney o una transferencia desde su tarjeta bancaria - elige el método de pago que más le convenga. Sólo toma un par de minutos para conectarse a una señal de pago.

Confidencialidad para los suscriptores de señal. Los proveedores de señales no tienen información sobre la identidad de sus suscriptores y no tienen acceso a los datos personales o cuentas comerciales de los suscriptores.

¡Suscríbete y mira cómo tu éxito crece!

Elija la señal correcta

Comercio Forex Trading

MQL5 Forex con ejecución automática de MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Con tantos proveedores de señales Forex por ahí en Internet, los comerciantes de divisas y los inversores pueden tener dificultades para hacer su propia investigación para encontrar el mejor servicio de señal de Forex que es el más rentable. Una de las preguntas más frecuentes es: ¿Dónde se puede encontrar las mejores señales de Forex que no son caros?

Este artículo responderá a esta pregunta;

MetaQuotes Software Corp. La compañía propietaria de MetaTrader 4 Software tiene un servicio de señal de Forex en su sitio web (y en su MT4, haga clic en "CTRL + T" teclas de teclado, busque un número rojo en su MetaTrader Software, Donde puede copiar las transacciones proporcionadas por los expertos. La mejor parte es que utilizando MT4 y MT5 las señales de comercio de divisas se ejecutan automáticamente una vez que se generan y no son caros, que cuestan sólo $ 20 a $ 30 dólares por mes.

Mire a los comerciantes Top de divisas a continuación, todas las cuentas reales, las curvas de crecimiento se ilustran - por lo que puede tener la pregunta ¿por qué los que son rentables vender su señal? Para contestarle el abastecedor clasificado superior de la señal de la divisa como demostrado abajo tiene 4.539 suscriptores que cargan $ 20 dólares por mes que es $ 90.780 dólares de beneficio adicional por mes. Así que el beneficio extra para los proveedores de señal de Forex, mientras que copia sus transacciones y obtener beneficios en su cuenta. Las transacciones se copian automáticamente en su cuenta usando MQL5 TET, Token de ejecución confiable. Ni siquiera necesita estar conectado a su MetaTrader 4. Una vez que se suscriba, deje la ejecución en el sistema TET, sólo tendrá que iniciar sesión en su plataforma de comercio de divisas para supervisar el progreso. El procedimiento para configurar su comercio con proveedores de señales de Forex se explica a continuación.

Dónde encontrar estas señales FX en su plataforma MetaTrader 4

Los principiantes se inscriben y empiezan a seguir a expertos copiando sus señales de Forex en vivo, las transacciones se copian y ejecutan automáticamente en su cuenta de trading a través de MQL5 TET, Token de ejecución de confianza; Una vez que el experto abre o cierra un comercio y no hay necesidad de la ejecución manual de su parte.

Los expertos se inscriben y configuran su servicio de señales de divisas en vivo a través de plataformas MT4 y MT5, otros copian y siguen su estrategia y obtienen ganancias adicionales de ellos, así como por sí mismos.

Proveedor de señales de Forex que los comerciantes pueden suscribirse a MQL5 Forex Signal Service

Selección de las señales de comercio de Forex - Lista de las mejores señales de comercio clasificado

Elegir la mejor señal de Forex de los muchos

Para elegir las mejores señales de Forex o las señales de Forex más precisas, en primer lugar ir a la página www. que tiene una lista de todos los proveedores de señales de comercio de Forex.

Encontrar una clasificación de los principales proveedores de señales de comercio de Forex, estas son cuentas supervisadas que proporcionan estadísticas detalladas, así como el historial de transacciones de la rentabilidad de un servicio en particular.

Hay dos tipos diferentes de servicios de las señales del comercio de la divisa a elegir de, éstos son:

Principales MetaTrader 4

Principales MetaTrader 5

El que usted elija dependerá de cuál de la plataforma anterior que está utilizando, elija un proveedor de acuerdo con el que está utilizando.

Una vez que haya decidido en qué señal de comercio de Forex para elegir, hay otros tres parámetros que puede utilizar para ayudar a decidir cuál es el mejor:

Porcentaje de beneficio / mes

El porcentaje de ganancias por mes muestra la señal de comercio de Forex más rentable entre los mejores. Cuanto mayor sea el porcentaje de beneficios, más rentable será.

Este es el número total de semanas negociadas. Cuanto más larga sea la duración, mejor será la estrategia.

Número de Suscriptores

Es posible que desee basar su selección de señales de comercio de divisas basado en la decisión de otros o probar uno nuevo que tiene menos suscriptores, pero tiene un alto porcentaje de beneficio.

Top Ranking de las señales de Forex en línea - Revisión de las señales de comercio

Gráfico de los mejores clasificados - Basado en; Porcentaje de beneficio / mes, duración en semanas y número después de cada estrategia

Cómo suscribirse a las señales FX

Para suscribirse a cualquier señal de cualquier proveedor de señal de Forex, todo un comerciante requiere es tener la cantidad necesaria de créditos para comenzar a copiar un proveedor de señal de Forex en particular. El crédito es la moneda utilizada. Para obtener créditos todo lo que uno tiene que hacer es registrarse y hacer un pago y el pago se convertirá en créditos. Estos créditos se utilizan para pagar.

1 Crédito es igual a $ 1 dólar, Por ejemplo en la captura de pantalla a continuación 20 y 35 créditos son necesarios para suscribirse a las señales de comercio de Forex en vivo que se muestra a continuación. Una vez que tenga esta cantidad requerida de créditos, puede unirse a los demás.

Créditos necesarios para suscribirse a una señal de comercio de Forex

Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

Únete a 500.000 comerciantes, comienza a negociar con un broker de baja expansión: Más información sobre los spreads tan bajos como cero

Conexión de proveedores de señales a su plataforma

Una vez que se haya registrado, todo lo que tiene que hacer es elegir un proveedor de señales de Forex, conectarse a su servicio y todos los oficios generados por los expertos se ejecutan automáticamente en tiempo real en su cuenta de comercio, tan simple como eso. No hay necesidad de ejecutar manualmente transacciones o alertas de configuración como una alerta sms, las ofertas generadas son en directo y ejecutadas automáticamente por el sistema automatizado MQL5 de señales de Forex.

Todos los proveedores de señales comerciales se proyectan de mes a mes y sólo los rentables son permitidos por el sistema para configurar una suscripción. Aquellos que no son rentables son filtrados por el sistema y éstos no pasan la proyección y no pueden establecer suscripciones dentro del sistema.

3 cosas necesarias para comenzar:

Registrar una cuenta MQL5

Especifique su agente: la lista de intermediarios disponibles se proporciona al iniciar sesión.

Número de cuenta en el servidor de Brokers (no se requiere contraseña).

La siguiente tabla muestra un ejemplo con detalles de número de transacciones, número de ganancias de pips, número de copias, balance de cuenta y gráfico de ganancias.

Lista de opciones disponibles de los proveedores de señales de Forex de "Caja de herramientas"

Después de cumplir con los requisitos de arriba 3, el entonces se conectará a MetaTrader 4 donde obtendrá una lista de todos los proveedores como se muestra arriba. Uno puede entonces seleccionar cualquiera de esta lista.

Complete este proceso rellenando los detalles en el siguiente formulario que aparecerá.

Procedimiento para configurar señales de Forex Trading en vivo

Después de rellenar los detalles anteriores, se establecerá ahora la opción "Habilitar la suscripción en tiempo real" marcando esta opción. Esto permitirá que el comercio en tiempo real comience a ejecutarse. Uno también está obligado a comprobar el "Acuerdo sobre las condiciones de uso". Estas dos opciones se muestran a continuación.

Para ir a la ventana de abajo, vaya a "Herramientas", junto a "Archivo, Ver" en la esquina superior izquierda del MetaTrader 4 Software. Haga clic en Herramientas & gt; & gt; Haga clic en Opciones, aparecerá la ventana que aparece a continuación, seleccione la pestaña "Señales" y marque la configuración que se muestra a continuación.

Configuración en tiempo real - cómo configurar estas señales de mercado Forex Market

Después de llenar los detalles anteriores, la configuración estará completa y las señales comenzarán a ejecutarse al hacer clic en el botón "Aceptar".

Para obtener más información sobre cómo suscribirse a las señales y dónde encontrar más información sobre un proveedor de señales si está interesado en las señales diarias de Forex o las señales de comercio de divisas de Forex, lea estos dos artículos:

¿Por qué elegir el servicio MQL5 Forex Signals?

Parámetros de alta seguridad - Los proveedores trabajan en modo de prueba durante un mes y sólo los que pasan esta prueba se les permite configurar las suscripciones. Uno también puede elegir entre aquellos que tienen muchas semanas de registro rentable.

No es necesario mantener en línea su plataforma Forex 24-7 - El sistema de software de señales de transacción de Token de Ejecución Confiable (TET) copia automáticamente todas las operaciones, incluso si su plataforma no se inicia.

Suscripción Easy Forex Signal - Seleccione entre los muchos proveedores con una tarifa mensual fija. Todas las transacciones se ejecutan automáticamente.

Los expertos pueden acceder a un gran mercado de suscriptores potenciales que utilizan el MT4 y MT5, ya que pueden acceder a este servicio directamente desde su MetaTrader 4 Software.

Mínimo retraso en la ejecución de la señal de negociación - con Trusted Execution Token (TET) ejecución de modelos de ejecución se ejecutan automáticamente y no hay retraso en la ejecución.

Free Forex señales de comercio, así como las señales de pago - Para aquellos que buscan señales de libre Forex o libre de señales de comercio de Forex en vivo, algunas señales de Forex se proporcionan de forma gratuita y están disponibles para los comerciantes a suscribirse. Para saber qué señal es una señal libre de la divisa - éstos son los marcados "LIBRE".

Cómo convertirse en un proveedor de servicios de Forex

Si usted es un experto que es rentable, regístrese en el sitio web y convertirse en un vendedor de señales y acceder a un gran mercado de suscriptores potenciales una vez que pase la prueba de prueba de 1 mes para la rentabilidad.

Para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo convertirse en un vendedor, lea las instrucciones en los artículos / 591

Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

Únete a 500,000 Comerciantes, Comercio con un Agente Regulado con Spreads tan Bajo como Cero: Lea el Artículo "Regulated Broker"

MetaTrader 5

La nueva plataforma MetaTrader 5

Después de años de desarrollo, la esperada plataforma MetaTrader 5 está disponible. Según Metaquotes, MT5 no es sólo & # 8217; La nueva versión de MT4 & # 8211; Es una plataforma completamente nueva con nuevas características. Sin embargo, ya que MT4 fue un éxito, fueron muy cuidadosos para mejorar la plataforma por un lado y por otro mantener lo que funciona mejor para el usuario.

Aquí están las características principales de MetaTrader 5:

Negociación con un clic

Todos los tipos de órdenes están disponibles, incluyendo las órdenes de mercado, pendientes y paradas

Nuevo tipo de orden: stop limit order

Visualización de la profundidad del mercado

Posibilidades gratuitas de gráficos profesionales

No hay tecnología Dealing Desk

Pueden combinarse posiciones abiertas

Escalado permitido

Más indicadores (80+) y herramientas

Compatibilidad EA y potente entorno de pruebas EA

Plataforma multilingüe

Gestión de Riesgos a través de alertas comerciales automatizadas y reportes de señales

Terminal cliente MT5

La plataforma de comercio MetaTrader 5 es probablemente la mejor y más moderna plataforma comercial disponible. Realmente le proporciona todas las herramientas que necesita para obtener ganancias sólidas en el mercado Forex, CFD o de materias primas.

Utilice su ventaja de poder descargar ahora y utilizar MT5 de forma gratuita.

Promoción actual

Noticias de la compañía

Opiniones de los usuarios

Soporte instantáneo 24/5


Recientemente MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 usuario recibió la oportunidad de convertirse en un proveedor de señales y obtener ganancias adicionales. Ahora, puede mostrar su éxito comercial en su sitio web, blog o página de red social utilizando los nuevos widgets.

Los beneficios del uso de widgets son obvios: aumentan la popularidad de los Proveedores de Señales, establecen su reputación como comerciantes exitosos y atraen nuevos Suscriptores. Todos los operadores que colocan widgets en otros sitios web pueden disfrutar de estos beneficios. Ahora, la información sobre proveedores exitosos se puede encontrar no sólo en los terminales comerciales y en, sino también en cualquier recurso web.

Cómo colocar un widget de señal de comercio?

La sección de Señales de Comercio del sitio web ahora tiene la nueva página llamada Widgets. Aquí puede encontrar todas las herramientas necesarias para colocar un widget para mostrar cualquier señal disponible en su sitio web.

MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 widgets de señales comerciales son una solución sencilla y segura para organizar una promoción adicional de su señal comercial. ¡Coloca un widget en tu sitio web, blog o página de redes sociales para ser más popular y atraer a más suscriptores!

Únase a nosotros - descargar MetaTrader 4!

Copyright 2000-2017, MQL5 Ltd.

FX al por menor

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© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Metaquotes introduce señales comerciales a MetaTrader 4

MQL5 Signals ofrece plataformas de comercio MetaTrader4 y MetaTrader5

Señales de comercio de divisas se han convertido en una forma muy popular para los comerciantes en todos los niveles de habilidad para recibir ideas de comercio de otros comerciantes más experimentados. Muchos comerciantes también han llegado a apreciar las habilidades de comercio de espejos, que les permiten copiar automáticamente operaciones de otro comerciante en su plataforma de negociación. Sin embargo, hasta hace poco estas formas de negociación eran difíciles, si no imposibles de ejecutar utilizando las plataformas MetaTrader 4 y 5, ya que MetaQuotes Software Corp., el desarrollador de las plataformas MetaTrader, no permitía integrar software de terceros a su calidad Plataformas de negociación. Esta limitación se ha resuelto, sin embargo, con el lanzamiento de Trading Signals para MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5, un servicio desarrollado totalmente por MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Primero disponible para la plataforma MetaTrader 5 en un paquete llamado MQL5 Signals. El servicio de la señal de la divisa de la compañía ahora está también disponible para los usuarios de MetaTrader 4. MQL5 Signals ha sido desarrollado para todos los tipos de operaciones comerciales y es una gran herramienta para proporcionar asistencia a los comerciantes que no tienen suficiente confianza en sí mismos o familiaridad con la venta o la compra de monedas por su cuenta, o para aquellos que simplemente no tienen tiempo para El comercio tanto como les gustaría, pero todavía están deseosos de beneficiarse de las oportunidades de mercado.

El uso de MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals es simple y rápidamente captado por todos los usuarios, incluyendo aquellos con muy poca experiencia comercial. No hay necesidad de preocuparse por la selección de ajustes poco claros o sobre la comprensión de acuerdos y formularios confusos. Con MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals no hay control manual; Todo está totalmente automatizado en la máxima medida posible para que los comerciantes pueden ver y aprender de otras personas de comercio, mientras que los oficios copiados directamente en su cuenta.

MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5

MQL5 Signals consiste en una lista de todos los proveedores de señales MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 disponibles. La lista se actualiza automáticamente en el terminal del cliente. Esta red de la nube consiste en servidores de señal múltiples por todo el mundo que están situados cerca de los servidores del corredor con el fin de poner en práctica las plataformas de MetaTrader 4 y 5. Además de las ventajas para los comerciantes, el servicio MQL5 Signals también es beneficioso para aquellos interesados ​​en vender sus señales. Pro comerciantes pueden registrarse para enviar sus señales en la copiadora, y luego los comerciantes suscribirse al proveedor de señales de su elección y el proveedor de señales recibe una cuota de suscripción mensual fija de todos sus clientes directamente desde el sistema. Para hacer la venta y compra de señales comerciales aún más simple, hay una selección de diferentes sistemas de pago.

1. MQL5 Signals es un servicio simple y sin comisiones. La creación de una suscripción implica sólo unos pocos clics. Para el comerciante, un trato se copia automáticamente sin la intervención del comerciante y no hay ninguna comisión involucrada en cualquier trato. Para los proveedores de señales, se tarda menos de un minuto para agregar una señal a la base y establecer una cuota de suscripción. Tampoco hay honorarios por los spreads crecientes que resultarían de los acuerdos frecuentes.

2. Las señales MQL5 proporcionan una alta seguridad para todos sus participantes. Los proveedores de señales son cuidadosamente seleccionados y deben trabajar en un modo de prueba durante un mes. Si pasan la prueba, pueden ofrecer sus señales en

3. Las suscripciones de señales se pueden comprar fácilmente. Un comerciante que está interesado en una señal particular que está disponible para una suscripción pagada es capaz de suscribirse a ella sin ningún tipo de molestia. Hay muchos sistemas de pago compatibles con que simplifican el proceso, incluyendo WebMoney, PayPal o una tarjeta bancaria.

4. Beneficios de suscripción - No hay acuerdos entre los suscriptores y los proveedores son necesarios. Los proveedores de señales ponen sus productos a la venta y cada suscriptor elige el más adecuado. Todos los procesos se realizan estrictamente dentro del sistema evitando cualquier tipo de papeleo.

5. MQL5 Signals proporciona acceso a los mercados financieros más grandes. Todos los operadores que utilizan la plataforma de negociación en su cuenta pueden elegir y suscribirse rápidamente a cualquier señal disponible en sus terminales.

6. Hay un retraso mínimo en la ejecución de los acuerdos y no es necesario mantener en línea su terminal. Todas las ofertas se copian automáticamente aunque no se inicie el terminal. Si el suscriptor y el proveedor se encuentran en el mismo servidor y el modo Token de ejecución confiable (TET) está activado, la ejecución de ofertas se fija directamente en el servidor comercial y no hay retrasos.

7. MQL5 Signals ofrece una completa transparencia del historial comercial. Además, la compañía no sabe nada acerca de sus suscriptores, a excepción de su importe.

8. MQL5 Signals cobra precios muy razonables, con una tarifa de suscripción fija y la posibilidad de devolver la cuota mensual de suscripción en caso de desacuerdo con un proveedor de señales.

9. No hay conflicto de intereses entre MQL5 Signals y otros participantes. El interés de la compañía es limitado en un 20% de comisión por suscripción. Proveedores de señales

Los seguidores de las señales de MetaTrader no necesitan estar preocupados por la validez de las señales proporcionadas. Aunque no hace falta decir que no todas las señales serán un ganador, hay procesos rigurosos para garantizar que los comerciantes no se aprovechan de su autoridad como proveedores de señales. Por ejemplo, un proveedor de señal puede crear sólo una señal para una cuenta de negociación. Todas las señales pagadas deben pasar un período de prueba de un mes, durante el cual se comprueba su cumplimiento con una serie de requisitos. Al pasar con éxito, el proveedor tendrá acceso a todo el mercado de los usuarios de MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 y recibirá acceso directo a sus suscriptores potenciales.

El equipo de DailyForex. com está compuesto por analistas e investigadores de todo el mundo que ven el mercado durante todo el día para ofrecerle perspectivas únicas y análisis útiles que pueden ayudar a mejorar su comercio de divisas.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

¿Cuán beneficioso son MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 señales a los proveedores?

MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals es un servicio de comercio social, que ya es popular entre miles de inversores y comerciantes activos.

Cada uno de los 7 millones de comerciantes puede suscribirse a las señales de los proveedores exitosos, lo que puede resultar en beneficios adicionales.

Es imposible encontrar un mercado más amplio de suscriptores potenciales en Forex hoy en día.

Cualquier comerciante puede convertirse en un proveedor de señales. Es realmente muy simple.

El servicio está construido de tal manera que el trabajo automatizado de proveedores de señales simplifica el proceso en la mejor medida posible.

En primer lugar, el servicio contiene servidores de señal MetaTrader especiales, que obtienen información sobre las transacciones del comerciante y distribuyen señales comerciales a todos sus suscriptores con un mínimo de retraso. Así, las operaciones comerciales se copian automáticamente sin la participación de un proveedor de señales.

En segundo lugar, los proveedores de señales tienen que especificar sólo tres parámetros para publicar sus señales y obtener acceso al gran mercado de suscriptores: servidor de corretaje, número de cuenta y contraseña del inversor. No se requieren datos adicionales para una señal.

En tercer lugar, la aceptación de suscripción y pago también son muy simples y no requieren la intervención del proveedor de señales. El servicio interactúa con los clientes por su cuenta, lo que les permite suscribirse a una señal en un par de clics.

Los pagos se transfieren a proveedores de señales (menos el 20% de la comisión MetaQuotes) a través del sistema de pago Lo único que los proveedores de señales tienen que hacer es retirar los honorarios de suscripción recibidos a través de PayPal o Webmoney.

Tómese un poco de tiempo y publique sus señales para tener acceso a 7 millones de clientes potenciales.

Es fácil y rentable.

Cómo convertirse en un proveedor de señales en MetaTrader?

Es muy fácil convertirse en un proveedor de señales para MetaTrader.

En primer lugar, necesita una cuenta válida en sitio web. Si no tiene uno, el registro tardará menos de un minuto.

A continuación, debe llenar una solicitud para recibir un estado de vendedor y aprender las reglas del servicio. Después de que todos los datos se examinan manualmente y su aplicación está aprobada, usted será capaz de publicar sus señales comerciales.

No toma mucho tiempo publicar una señal en el servicio.

Simplemente especifique el servidor del corredor, el número de cuenta comercial y la contraseña del inversor. Estos datos permitirán que el servicio se conecte a la cuenta del comerciante en modo de sólo lectura y transmita los acuerdos a todos los suscriptores. Las señales se entregan a través de la red de nube resiliente del servicio.

Se compone de múltiples servidores de señal en todo el mundo, que se encuentran cerca de los servidores de los corredores a fin de reducir los retrasos de la red. Como se mencionó anteriormente, toda la infraestructura ya ha sido creada.

Todos los proveedores de señales tienen que hacer es el comercio rentable.

Las señales pueden ser pagadas y gratuitas. Los proveedores pueden establecer un precio para su señal en cualquier momento. Pero debe tenerse en cuenta que una señal de pago sólo está disponible para los clientes después de un mes después de haber sido publicada en el servicio.

Se trata de un período de prueba destinado a proteger a los suscriptores de señales aparentemente no rentables. Para completar el período de prueba con éxito, la señal debe realizar por lo menos cinco operaciones sin retirada de la cuenta comercial superior al 70%.

Tenga en cuenta que la publicación de señales gratuitas no requiere pasar un período de prueba y recibir un estado de vendedor. In this case, the service will be used as a common tool for monitoring the accounts available for subscription.

So, after publication, trading signals are automatically published in Signals section of and displayed in traders' terminals.

From now on, any trader can subscribe to them in a couple of clicks. Subscription fee can be paid in any convenient manner via the payment system implemented in web site. Signals providers also use this system to withdraw earned funds using WebMoney or PayPal.

Commission of 20% per each sold subscription is charged for the use of Signals service and access to the entire community of MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 traders.

There are no hidden fees and no commission from the traded volume of the deals performed while following the signals. Thus, signals providers receive fixed monthly fees from all their subscribers with no extra effort.

All statistics and history of payments for signals are available via provider's personal area on web site. You can edit description of your signal, send news to your customers and communicate with them.

Customers are automatically notified of all news and updates.

Moreover, you can set sending notifications to your mobile phone. Thus, the customers always stay tuned to all things concerning their subscriptions, while signals providers receive feedback from their subscribers.

Finally, we should point out the main thing - the work of providers with their signals is organized to the maximum possible extent. They can publish their trading signals and broadcast it to all MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 users with no extra effort.

Subscription, broadcasting the signals and following them are completely automated. As a result, traders can receive considerable extra profit without any distraction from their usual day-to-day trading activity.

Publish your signals and start making additional profit right now.

MetaTrader 5 Now Features Trading Signals

LIMASSOL, Cyprus. October 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

Today, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has announced that their MetaTrader 5 trading platform now features built-in Trading Signals. Traders are given the opportunity to automatically copy trades of other traders.

Simplicity and promptness in using the service are the distinct advantages of the MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals. A successful trader can easily become a signals provider to earn extra profit, while any other trader can subscribe to his signals in just a few clicks. In addition, trading accounts of the signals provider and his subscriber can be with different brokers that use MetaTrader 5 .

To launch this service, the developers have made some changes to the MetaTrader 5 architecture by adding a new component - a cloud Signal Server. It is designed to monitor the account of the signals provider and transmit the trading signals directly to trading terminals of the subscribers.

All that the signals provider needs to do to start using the service is to register on http://www. (the MetaQuotes website) and specify his trading account details. The MetaTrader 5 Signal Server closely coupled with this website will afterwards begin to monitor the account in real time and send its signals to the subscribers.

Traders willing to make use of the trading signals are also required to register on the website and deposit some money in their accounts. Having specified your account details in the MetaTrader 5 trading terminal, you can then immediately subscribe to trading signals of any provider. There is a standard functionality that allows you to automatically copy all provider's trades in your account.

The only requirement for the automatic mirroring of trading operations is to ensure that the subscriber's MetaTrader 5 trading terminal is on. The extended version of the trading signals that is already underway will however not even require this.

Due to the introduction of the trading signals, the trader's workplace, the MetaTrader 5 trading terminal has undergone some changes, too. Thus, it now features trading signals display where any trader can find detailed information on the efficiency and earning power of any given provider. With just a couple more clicks, you can subscribe and start receiving trading signals from the signals provider.

Trading signals are available in the MetaTrader 5 trading terminal starting with build 702. The terminal is distributed free of charge.

About MetaQuotes Software Corp.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a world-renowned professional developer of software for the financial markets. MetaTrader trading platforms are currently used by over 500 brokers and banks worldwide. http://www. metaquotes. net

About MetaTrader 5

Officially released on June 1, 2010. the platform features distributed architecture for higher reliability, robustness and potential for easy scalability. The platform has powerful functionality and supports such innovative technologies as mobile and algorithmic trading. http://www.

SOURCE MetaQuotes Software Corp.

The MetaTrader 5 trading platform

The MetaTrader 5 platform is used by millions of market participants for trading on Forex and stock markets. The trading platform is becoming more and more popular as it is available to traders with different skills.

MetaTrader 5 includes all necessary tools: technical analysis, automated trading strategies, and an opportunity to trade currencies, options, futures, and shares on different financial markets using only one trading account.

The trading platform contains all necessary functions for trading:

of currency and stock prices with various analytical instruments among which technical indicators and graphical objects are.

Help in implementation of different trading strategies due to a large number of orders and modes of their execution.

An access to the history of trading operations that makes it possible to estimate the profitability of a strategy.

A trader may create an expert advisor for automated trading and analysis on the basis of the MQL5 program language.

There is a mobile version of MT5 for those who don’t have access to their computers all the time. The mobile version makes it possible to open and close positions from any spot with the Internet connection.

We offer you to download the MetaTrader 5 trading platform and evaluate a wide range of its possibilities.

MetaTrader for your device

In 2010, the latest version of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform was presented. The new platform better fits in the “all inclusive” type comprising all the required functions for a contemporary trader. Intuitively understandable trading process, technical analysis of quote stream, automated systems etc. have become the calling card of MetaTrader 5 . Moreover, the fresh version of the platform can work with Forex instruments, options, futures, and shares.

The trading platform allows making professional analysis. There are 79 analytical tools in the program for analyzing the currency quotes and shares inclusive of the technical indicators and graphical objects. 21 time frames are available for all instruments starting from one-minute to monthly; up to 100 charts can be opened in MetaTrader 5 simultaneously.

In brief, a trader has all possible analytical instruments for efficient work.

The advantages of MetaTrader 5 trading platform:

allows trade on Forex and working with futures, CFD, stocks, and options;

offers 5 types of orders;

maintains confidentiality of the trades conducted;

provides an unlimited number of charts;

supports 21 time frames;

gives a wide range of technical indicators and linear instruments;

offers expert advisors, user indicators, and script;

has system and trading events’ signals;

timely news update;

multilingual user interface;

electronic mail service;

printing charts;

4 scale modes;

language MQL5.

A new version of MQL - MetaQuotes Language 5 is used in the platform. MQL5 has a faster speed of orders execution as compared to MQL4, which will give a possibility to use more complex experts and to process a greater volume of information.

More than 200 brokerage companies and banks all over the world use the MetaTrader platform in their work. MetaTrder’s popularity increases with every year making it universal software product meant for the majority of financial markets and also for the user regardless of their experience, professional level, and location.

The Forex market experts are already using this trading platform. Besides, the institutional brokers, notable for their conservatism, also apply it for trading which shows their confidence in the product and its high characteristics.

Recently a number of brokerage companies located in the USA started using a new trading platform, MetaTrader. r.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. is one of the leading companies specializing in the software development for the financial markets. The major activity of MetaQuotes Software Corp. is the development and adoption of the information-trading systems for brokerage service’s on Forex, СFD, and futures markets.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. is the world's recognized leader in a quantity of adopted information-trading systems.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. uses the latest achievements in the field of software developing for creation the information-trading complexes. great failure-resistance, economic efficiency, productivity, and convenience - are the integral requirements of the company’s products.

MetaTrader 4 / MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals is a service allowing traders to copy trading operations of a Signals Provider. Our goal was to develop the new massively used service protecting Subscribers and relieving them of unnecessary costs.

What Is So Special About Our Service?

Our goal was to develop the new massively used service protecting Subscribers and relieving them of unnecessary costs:

Full focus on the protection of Subscribers.

Very simple process of buying and selling trading signals.

Advanced and secure payment system (PayPal, WebMoney, bank cards).

Full transparency of trading history.

Very reasonable prices, as there is only a fixed subscription fee and the ability to return the current month subscription fee in case of a disagreement with a Signals Provider.

No conflict of interest between our company and other participants. Our interest is limited by 20% of commission for subscription.

No need to sign paper contracts and arrange complex interactions between brokers and Signals Providers.

No commissions for deals, no increasing spreads and, as a result, no attempts by Signals Providers to obtain more profit performing frequent deals.

No personal data on Subscribers is collected, there is no access to their accounts and balances, as the password is not required.

Signals Providers know nothing about their Subscribers, except their amount.

Work with any MetaTrader-broker, including regulated-ones.

Each deal performed via the service is reliable, as it is provided with a unique digital signature when passing the execution queue. That protects against possible fraud and modifications.

hello, I need a script or ea on mt4. and I do not know where to ask for it. can you please help me?

hello, I need a script or ea on mt4. and I do not know where to ask for it. can you please help me?

I really appreciate it that you make this possible.

there are 2 serious issues that will cause money loss by your users, which is too bad.

As you state "Full focus on the protection of Subscribers", please resolve the 2 signal trading issues, that I mentioned in post https://forum.

These 2 issues combined cause "random" opening of trades and sometimes too large lotsizes.

I have encountered these issues and lost money because of it. Please help us so this extra risk for the users is eliminated.

if you want more information (like journal logs), just let me know. I will do what I can in order to solve this.

I subscribed to a signal 'Mixed trade EA MT' and yesterday the signal became inactive on my account, closing all my positions - I thought the provider turned it off, but its profile is still visible and what's more, I can't subsribe again to this signal. Please, explain the problem.

MetaTrader 4

Просто самая удобная торговая платформа для рынка Форекс

MetaTrader 4 — это торговая платформа для Форекса, анализа финансовых рынков и использования торговых советников. Мобильный трейдинг. Торговые Сигналы и Маркет — все это тоже MetaTrader 4, и все это пригодится вам при работе на рынке Форекс.

Миллионы трейдеров с самыми разными потребностями выбирают MetaTrader 4, чтобы совершать торговые операции на рынке. Независимо от уровня подготовки платформа предлагает трейдерам самые широкие возможности: продвинутый технический анализ, гибкую торговую систему, алгоритмический трейдинг и торговых советников, а также приложения для мобильного трейдинга.

Торговые сигналы и Маркет являются дополнительными сервисами и расширяют функционал MetaTrader 4 до новых горизонтов. Сигналы позволяют автоматически копировать сделки других трейдеров, а в Маркете можно купить торговых роботов и технические индикаторы.

Скачайте MetaTrader 4 и получите самые широкие возможности для торговли на Форекс


Предупреждение: MetaQuotes Software Corp. занимается разработкой программного обеспечения и не предоставляет никаких инвестиционных или брокерских услуг на финансовых рынках.

Trading Signals

Trade MQ Signals With FX Choice

Trading Signals for MetaTrader powered by MetaQuotes – is a unique service allowing traders to copy trades of trusted Signal Provider

Powerful Signal Service built right into your FX Choice MT4 platform

No third party software to install

Designed for those new to FOREX. No trading experience needed

Signals work well along side of other EAs or your own manual trading strategy.

Expert signals are copied to your mt4 platform automatically without trader’s intervention.

Potentially begin making money your first day with no knowledge of the Forex Market

Growing base of reliable signal providers

How To Sign Up To Trading Signals

Register a profile on

Deposit funds (necessary if you decide to use fee-based signals)

Go here and Open live or demo trading account with FX Choice.

Open your Metatrader 4 platform, go toTools menu, select Options and put in your account login and password under Community tab

Select a suitable signal in the trading terminal or website and subscribe to it. The moment of subscription will be set as a start date and duration will be set for one month

Once you have subscribed to a signal provider, you will be asked to specify the parameters for selected signal provider. Especifique las entradas y haga clic en Aceptar. You are all set now.

From now on, all trades made by the selected Signals Provider will be automatically copied to your account.

Important Information:

It should also be considered that a trading account can be subscribed to only one signal provider at a time, while profile may have several subscriptions for different accounts.

Subscribers for fee-based signals pay a flat-fee once a month or a week depending on their preferences and receive trading signals for this period. No other fees or charges are involved. purse is used to subscribe for fee-based signals. You can top up your purse via PayPal, WebMoney or bank cards.

One of the distinguishing features of the new service is that Providers and Subscribers do not need to have their accounts on the same trading server. However the best execution speed can only be achieved if both are on the same server.

Utilization of sophisticated cloud architecture minimizes the time lag between execution on the Provider’s and Subscriber’s accounts.

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The Amka Metatrader 5 trading system uses just one trading indicator to buy and sell currency pairs on the MT5 platform. This system is really easy to trade and delivers accurate trading signals for both buy and sell trades. It’s an ideal system for both beginners and seasoned traders alike.

Used MT5 indicators: amka. mq5 (default settings) Preferred time frame(s): 5 minutes and higher Recommended trading sessions: London and US for charts below the 15 min. 24/7 trading for charts above the 30 min. Pairs: majors + currency crosses

Example: GBP/USD 60 Minute Chart

The trading chart above shows how easy it is to trade with this MT5 system. All trading is done by following just one easy to read TA indicator. Buy at the free green dot, sell at the first red dot. 5 Signals: 4 wins and one open trade.

Trading System Rules

Amka draws first green dot (market bullish)

==> Initiate buy position. Place stop-loss slightly below the most recent support level.

Take profit: Take your profit at risk-to-reward 1:2 or higher. Alternatively, adjust your stop-loss up (trail up) below the most recent support level until you’re stopped out, or close the trade at an opposite trading signal (sell trade).

Amka draws first red dot (market bearish)

==> Initiate sell position. Place stop-loss slightly above the most recent resistance level.

Take profit: Take your profit at risk-to-reward 1:2 or higher. Alternatively, adjust your stop-loss down (trail down) above the most recent resistance level until you’re stopped out, or close the trade at an opposite trading signal (buy trade).

Amka Metatrader 5 Trading System. 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Related Posts:

We are pleased to announce that MetaTrader 5 now features Trading Signals, thus giving a powerful tool to investors and managers. While you are following the trades of a successful trader, the terminal will be automatically reproducing them in your account!

The MetaTrader 5 terminal is continuously evolving as new functions and options are added. And Trading Signals represent yet another important feature offered to traders. The standard function allowing to automatically copy trades of another trader is now available to all MetaTrader 5 users. This is a ready-made simpler solution for those who are used to investing in others or managing someone else's funds.

The use of the Trading Signals in MetaTrader 5 is made as simple as possible. In addition, the paperwork required to document relations between investor and manager is eliminated altogether and all risks are minimized. There are virtually no settings as such and signals from your signals supplier are handled automatically.

It takes only four simple steps to start using the MetaTrader 5 trading signals. These steps are described in the article "Trading Signals in MetaTrader 5: A Better Alternative to PAMM Accounts!"

How to Get Forex Trading Signals?

One of the hottest and most popular online income strategy is Forex trading. However how one does in the trading and how successful it proves to be for a certain individual depends on a number of factors. For successful trading effective Forex trading signals are the key.

In common terms Forex signals are simple indications or suggestions about currencies and rates which keep traders abreast of all the FX market trends. These alert traders about market trends beforehand which will allow them to sell or invest when the outcome will be the most profitable. Forex Market Trends Forex market trends keep changing rapidly. In fact it is one with no particular structure. Having the right knowledge with a collection of facts and reports will enable traders to invest or sell Forex successfully and maximize their profits without concerns. Forex trading signals help traders keep abreast with all the important trends and developments occurring in the market. These services offer real time information about what’s trending in the market and what is the best way traders can make investments or sell out Forex.

However, Forex traders haven’t been able to consent on either technical or fundamental analysis prove to be more successful and reliable when it comes to earning from the market. Although human analysts can generate reports and suggestions based on their studies of the market however a number of debates, forums and expert opinion found online, focus on technical analysis being more reliable for novices or home traders who want to indulge in successful trading rather than divulge on the complexities of economics and international affairs affecting the Forex trading market. System generated Forex signals are considered to be more reliable by traders. Consequently, a number of brokers and Forex trading agencies provide traders with signal services to help them earn the maximum monetary benefits from their trades.

There are a number of technical software can be used to keep abreast of the trends in the Forex Market. One of them is MetaTrader Signals service . MetaTrader Signals is one of the best novice or veteran traders can use to make Forex trading simpler. Because it is necessary that one knows about the market trends throughout the day, a reliable signal service provider is necessary. This is because one cannot stick to a computer screen all day. Having a MetaTrader account can make it easy by providing information about all the trends and ups and downs in the market throughout the day. Therefore MetaTrader Signals service can help individual traders to trade successfully and also allow for automated trading services providing reliable Forex signal services. MetaTrader Signals offer automated reports and analysis for whatever is trending in the Forex market.

MetaTrader 5 Platform MetaTrader 5 platform is one such platform that uses the MQL5 programming language. It helps traders monitor trades, follow any signal providers and then copy their collection of trades. Individual traders can target a certain trader, monitor the trades and then reproduce all of his activities. It is a simple service that only calls for you to target a provider, connect to his signal and make all his trades, yours. Using MQL5 signals service there is simply no chance that you might copy a novice trader or someone who is just what you don’t need. Because all signal providers are screened for their credibility there is no chance that an inexperienced trader will be added to your subscription. A trader with unreliable trade reports will automatically be screened from your list of subscriptions. Thus, this makes you content as far as losing your profits is considered.

Even if you are new to Forex trading, MQL5 signals service will provide you with the easiest of trading services. Using these signals, you can easily work on MetaTrader 5 platform providing you with easy and comprehensible services for trading. This is because it offers simple techniques to set up and get going with your trading account. There aren’t any confusing settings that you might have to select to set up your trading account. There isn’t something that needs manual consideration as everything it offers is fully automated.

If you want to set up an account or sell your signals, the MQL5 signals can be your best choice. It is simple and you can subscribe to the signal providers you like using this service. It supports a number of payment systems and that is why the sale and purchase of all trading signals become simple and least hectic.

A Ready-Made Solution MQL5 is a ready-made solution to all your trading needs. Just a few clicks and you can be done with your subscription. Moreover you can also copy deals without the intervention from the targeted traders. Within a minute you can add a signal to your database and get started with your subscription fee without chaos. The best thing is that there isn’t any commission involved and you don’t have to stay online always to monitor the market trends.


Important: This page is part of archived content and may be outdated.

Important Note: MT5 is still in beta testing and is currently not offered to customers at trading-point. com

After the achievement and success of the MetaTrader 4, a latest version version has been released under the name MetaTrader 5 (MT5). The MT5 Forex trading software which was previously being tested as a beta version is comparable to the older version with its usual but brilliant flexibility and easy use of its features while the design and interface remain very similar. The new, modified interface of MetaTrader is now easier and quicker to function.

A trader that has several accounts can now navigate through the windows with faster movement and can handle and organize work with almost no delay or hassle. Handling two accounts in which you may perform scalp and the other trade is increasingly swift and at high speed when moving through the two categories and when reacting to any new market events. MetaTrader will undoubtedly impress any Multiple graph of the Forex price action can be simultaneously presented on the MetaTrader 5 interface. There is also a single large panel where you are able to trade your pair smoothly and easily. MT4 provided some buttons and icons at the top of the panel and are unfortunately not facilitated in MT5 due to the change.

Additions to the Metatrader 5

Another addition to MetaTrader 5 is the huge amount of new indicators. Contrasting from MT4, MT5 separates Forex indicators into four distinct groups. The four indicators are assembled into ‘Trend’, ‘Volumes’, ‘Oscillators’ and ‘Bill Williams’. Traders also have the option of a fifth category where they are able to store developed or imported items. This extra feature added to MetaTrader is ideal for traders wishing to act faster and easier whilst assembling their indicators. New trend developments of indicators include the Adaptive MA, the Fractual Adaptive MA, the Double and Triple Exponential Moving Averages and the Variable Index Dynamic Average.

The Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) differs from a simple EMA. It is a complex tool with less delay and with immense accuracy. It sends its signals by grabbing the n-period EMA of an EMA. The Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) is said to have an even lesser delay then the DEMA. It also measures the EMA of the n-period of the initial price EMA. Moving averages are used in a way that their more familiar and exponential moving averages are used in trend analysis.

To filter out market noise, MetaTrader 5 has introduced the new oscillator called the Triple Exponential Average. The TRIX feature attributes a Triple Exponential Moving Average, oscillating about a centreline at 0. The Bill Williams category for indicators includes the new Market Facilitation Index. Signals are emitted based on the interaction among the indicator itself plus price and volume. Out of the seven new indicators introduced through MetaTrader 5, the five new trend indicators are the most central. The addition of the Double - and Triple Exponential Moving Averages is the most appealing part of the MetaTrader collection due to the major changes of controlling and analyzing risk and trade.

Metatrader 5 Scripts

MetaTrader 5 now includes an advance trading script along with an impressive Expert Advisor for traders who favor auto-trading. The MT5 trading script has been adapted with a feature that can perceive previous faults and errors and the language is now structured in a more condensed, user-friendly, trouble-free form. A comprehensive analysis of the technical scheme tested is offered by enabling the pre-made chart – in chart form through the Expert Advisor.

As mentioned above, there are many advantages of the MetaTrader and not anything to criticize. The developers continued to feature the benefits of the previous platform and have kept the order in its simple form. On the whole, MT5 is similar to MT4, there is merely an improved context with a more arranged lay out. Modifications were made for traders using the platform to achieve greater efficiency and better results during their trading activities. A factor of MetaTrader 5 that can persuade us to work with a broker that offers this software is their very impressive new range of indicators. Both TRIX and TEMA indicators guarantee no failure and potential clarity during any Forex trading activities.

Market action through the use of these indicators is far more specific and targeted than it had been. The TRIX oscillator overcomes many of oscillators’ previous weaknesses, taking traders to the next generation. Traditional disadvantages of oscillators such as their weakness to whipsaws and lag are now forgotten and improved to be more secure and fast. Evidently, refinement and renovations have been done to the script and the Expert Advisor offering fewer troubles with creating automated strategies which is an area that MetaTrader previously lacked preciseness. To conclude, it is obvious that MetaTrader 5 is a considerable useful and efficient trading solution for Forex traders.

Recently MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 user received an opportunity to become a Signals Provider and earn additional profit. Now, you can display your trading success on your web site, blog or social network page using the new widgets.

The benefits of using widgets are obvious: they increase the Signals Providers’ popularity, establish their reputation as successful traders, as well as attract new Subscribers. All traders placing widgets on other web sites can enjoy these benefits. Now, information about successful Providers can be found not only in the trading terminals and on but also on any web resources. Read more: http://www.

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MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms apart from their principal function of sending orders to a broker have a multitude of other features. In particular, the platforms support Trading Signals service which promotes trades’ copying in real time.

Trading signals, as a rule, represent an updated information about currency operations. Any trader with the help of his trading platform can broadcast information about his trading results in public monitoring list and on the official website of the platform developer (http://www. ). Everyone out of the hundreds of other traders worldwide can subscribe to any deal he considers successful.

Trading Signals service enables traders to subscribe to any signals and automatically copy them to their accounts online. Meanwhile, you will have to pay a commission to Forex Signal Providers for their services. However, it concerns only those signals that are rendered on a fee paid basis. Every provider can determine the commission amount individually and specify it in the signals information. Internal payment system of http://www. website automatically withdraws the required commission from the trader’s account, complied with the terms of subscription, and credits it to the provider’s account.

To use Trading Signals system:

download MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 to your computer or get an updated version of the platform;

register with developer’s official website as a provider or subscriber;

choose Community in Options section and specify your account data;

open Signals in Tools section.

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Risk disclosure: Forex trading portal informs you that the website’s content is publicly available. The administrators and holders of the web resource do not warrant the accuracy of the information and shall not be liable for any damage directly or indirectly related to the content of the website. It should be borne in mind that trading on Forex carries a high level of risk. Before deciding to trade on the Forex market, you should carefully consider losses that you may incur when trading online. You should remember that prices for stocks, indexes, currencies, and futures on the MT5 official website may differ from real-time values. If you have decided to start earning money on Forex, having weighed the pros and cons, you can find a wide range of useful information including charts, quotes of financial instruments, trading signals, and tutorials on the web portal. Improve your trading efficiency with information acquired from

Forex signals for automated trading with Metatrader

MetaTrader 4 / MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals is a service allowing traders to copy trading operations of a Signals Provider.

Some traders do not have enough time for active trading, others do not possess enough self-confidence or knowledge to work in the market.

Trading signals make traders’ money work much better than independent trading activity.

How to Choose a Signal

The service provides a huge number of signals for subscription. The rating system of MQL5 website helps the trader to choose the most appropriate signal provider for a specific trading style.


To help users choose the best signals, MQL5 web site compiles a rating of signals based on various criteria. Top ranked signals show up first in the list and vice versa low rated signals are located in the bottom of the list or even hidden to protect subscribers from poor-quality strategies.

Selection of Signals with the Best Conditions

The showcase of signals provides a special function for selecting signals with the most suitable conditions for copying.

Users just need to specify the name of the server, on which their trading account is open.

The system will pick up signals with the best matching settings of trading instruments and with the lowest slippage.

At the right side of this page we have selected the best performing signals providers based on performance, number of active weeks, number of subscribers and maximum drawdown.

Warnings on the signal page

When selecting a signal, make sure to carefully analyze the entire complex of trade reports and in particular to pay attention to the warnings that are displayed on the signals page.

Features of MetaTrader 4 / MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals

A single trading account can be managed by the signals of only one Provider at a time. We have deliberately banned using several signals on a single account to protect traders from unexpected losses.

Please note that even though a trading account can be subscribed to only one signal, account may have several subscriptions for different accounts, which means that a trader may have several accounts opened at different brokers and managed by different signals. All these subscriptions may be registered and paid up from a single

Payment for trading signals is quite simple and transparent: subscribers pay a fixed sum monthly or weekly and receive trading signals for this period.

The payment methods are PayPal, WebMoney or bank cards. When buying a subscription to a signal, the funds are transferred from the Subscriber’s account to the Provider’s account, where they remain blocked for the subscription period. Only at the end of the period are the funds unblocked for the Provider’s account.

In case of any valid claims, the funds for the current period will be returned to the Subscriber.

Providers and Subscribers do not need to have their accounts on the same trade server.

Delays between executions of trading operations on the Provider’s and Subscriber’s accounts are minimized thanks to the cloud architecture of the signal servers located all over the world. Having said that, it must be noted that the highest quality of execution will be achieved if a Provider and a Subscriber work on the same server.

What Is So Special About MQL5 Service?

MQL5 main goal is to protect Subscribers and relieve them of unnecessary costs:

Full focus on the protection of Subscribers.

Very simple process of buying and selling trading signals.

Advanced and secure MQL5 community payment system (PayPal, WebMoney, bank cards).

Full transparency of trading history.

Very reasonable prices, as there is only a fixed subscription fee and the ability to return the current month subscription fee in case of a disagreement with a Signals Provider.

No conflict of interest between MQL5 company and the other participants.

No need to sign paper contracts and arrange complex interactions between brokers and Signals Providers.

No commissions for deals, no increasing spreads and, as a result, no attempts by Signals Providers to obtain more profit performing frequent deals.

No personal data on Subscribers is collected, no access to their accounts and balances, as the password is not required.

Signals Providers do not receive any information about their Subscribers, except for their amount.

Work with any MetaTrader-broker, including regulated-ones.

Each deal performed via the service is reliable, as it is provided with a unique digital signature when passing the execution queue. All this protects against possible fraud and modifications.

How It Works?

To implement the MetaTrader 4 / MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals service, we have developed a resilient cloud network consisting of multiple Signal Servers all over the world located near broker servers to reduce network latency. web site contains publicly available list of MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 signals, which is automatically updated in the client terminals.

Traders need only two things to subscribe to a signal: account; no need to specify a real name, a nickname is sufficient.

Trade account: you don’t have to specify its number and password.

These are all necessary things required to subscribe to the Provider’s signal: select a signal, click “Copy Trades”, and you’ll be offered to open the MetaTrader platform to proceed with subscription.

Signals Providers need to provide more personal data and pass a probationary period as generating signals for other traders imposes some responsibility on Providers. To ensure Subscriber’s protection, Signals Providers should specify the following personal details: first and last names, address, contact phones and scanned copy of a passport or an equivalent document. This information, which is not disclosed to any third parties, may be necessary in case of any disagreements between a Subscriber and a Provider.

When publishing a new signal, Providers should specify:

Trading terminal type: MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5

Broker’s trading server name

Number of the account that will transfer the signals

Investor password. This password allows to connect to a trader’s account in READ ONLY mode and view the current trading operations, as well as their history. This password is enough for “scanning” the current trading operations for performance evaluation. At the same time, this password does not allow managing a trading account and performing trade operations.

If a signal is not free, the Provider should pass moderation and register as a Seller providing actual personal details.

Once all stages have been accomplished, the signal can be transferred by the Provider and accepted by Subscribers:

On the Provider’s side, a trader or an Expert Advisor performs trading operations in his/her own terminal.

This information is sent to the broker’s trading server where the Signals Provider is served.

MetaTrader Signal Server connects to the Provider’s broker using specified Investor password and receives all trading operations in real time.

The Subscriber’s terminal is constantly connected to the necessary MetaTrader Signal Server, receiving all trading operations instantly.

The Subscriber’s terminal performs a trading operation on its broker’s server.

Signals Providers and Subscribers operate without the knowledge of the broker negotiating directly between each other. Both participants can be served by completely different brokers.

Subscriber accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics cannot guarantee any profitability in the future.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. does not interfere with relations between Subscribers and Signals Providers. Our company only provides the necessary infrastructure for arranging the interaction between all the participants.

Best Metatrader Signals for Automated Trading

Important notice

Past results are not indicative of futures results. Forex, options, futures, CFD and derivatives in general involve a high amount of risk and are not suitable for all investors; in the trading of binary options you may incur in the loss of the entire capital invested. Do no trade forex, futures, CFD, options, binary options and/or derivatives without understanding the nature of this trading, these financial assets, the risk involved in trading derivatives and without asserting your trading education, experience, competence and risk adversion.



Forex Trading Signals

What are trading signals?

A trading signal is a sign, or alert, which lets you know it’s a good time to buy or sell a security.

When you use software to automate these signals, you’re able to take a lot of guesswork and emotion out of your trading decisions. That means you’re able to better focus on your overall trading strategy

Because trading signals tell you when trading opportunities are arising or disappearing, they can be a very valuable tool for traders.

What does it cost?

With MXT, you’ll get FREE access to a large number of trading signals through the MT4 platform. Many external or third party signal providers will charge a fee for using their signal software.

How do I use signals with MT4?

When you use trading signals with MT4, what you’re doing is requesting the software to monitor the trades of other successful traders then having your own terminal copy what the target trader is doing.

All signals available through the MT4 platform have been thoroughly tested before being pre-approved by the platform’s developers. This means all the signals available to you through MT4 are credible and secure, helping protect you from signals that might lead you towards a loss.

Using the MT4 platform, adding signals to your account is easy. With just a few clicks, you can expedite your trading experience.

How do I get started?

Before you can access trading signals, you will need an MT4 trading account. This can be a Demo or Live account – both are free to open with MXT.

Once you have a demo or live account, use our free guide to walk through the process step by step. It’s easy to understand, and 100% free.

MXT Global Pty Ltd ACN 157 768 566 AFSL 428901. Trading derivatives and forex carries a high level of risk to your capital and should only be traded with money you can afford to lose. Ensure you read our FSG, PDS and Terms & Conditions, and seek independent advice, to fully understand the risks, before deciding to enter into any transactions with MXT Global. The general information on this website is not directed at residents in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would contravene local law or regulation.

The information in this website is of a general nature only and may contain advice that is not based on your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Accordingly you should consider how appropriate the advice (if any) is to those objectives, financial situation and needs, before acting on the advice.

The information in this site has been prepared in accordance with Australian law for the supply of goods and services. This notice and the information in this site and all matters relating to either are governed by and are to be construed according to the laws applicable in the State of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia (Australian law). The information may not satisfy the laws of any other country. It is not directed at people in any other country and should not be relied on by people in any country other than Australia. The information in this site is current at the date of publication but may be subject to change. Please ensure you read the full terms of use of this website, available by visiting the web page http://www. mxtglobal. com/terms-of-use/.

Please be advised, the services and products offered by MXT Global Pty Ltd are not being offered within the United States and are not offered to US residents or citizens. MXT Global Pty Ltd is not registered with any US regulator including the National Futures Association (NFA) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Trading Signals for MetaTrader 4 & MetaTrader 5

Forex signals are the alerts a trader receives to make an informed decision on whether to buy or sell a currency pair. A forex trader depends on various signals to diversify his trading by following the trades of other traders who have exceptional track record. Choosing a reliable forex signal service provider is very important. If you rely on an unreliable provider, they can manipulate the results and make false statements that will increase the risk of your trades.

You can obtain forex signals from specialist forex signals providers. Many brokers also provide signals to their premium or V. I.P accounts. Some of them provide this service for free (mostly brokers do so) while others charge an average of $5-10 or higher every day. Providers offer you forex signals through SMS, emails, performance trackers and online alerts when you visit their website.

There are thousands of forex signals providers. But what distinguishes these five from others is reliability, quality and affordability.

1- Bull’s Eye Trading Signals

Bull’s Eye provides real time forex signals. It speed and accuracy helps you identify winning trades before a big move. Bull’s Eye helps you deciding when to go short, when to buy and when to exit your profitable trades, and do all these while minimizing your risk. Bull’s Eye uses technical trading methodology in combination with an order-entry execution strategy.

2- ForexSocialSignals. com

Run by ITM Financial, ForexSocialSignals. com assures a 70% chance of making profitable trades. It has an automated system that ensures that traders receive reliable forex signals immediately after they are available. ForexSocialSignals is said to offer the best level of service and there is no cost if you subscribe to receive signals through email alerts.

3- ZuluTrade

ZuluTrade is one of the biggest forex signals provider with monthly trading turnover of nearly $3 billion. It doesn’t hold money or execute trades. You can link ZuluTrade to your existing brokerage account, then it will provide signals on currency pair that you can trade automatically. This Athens, Greece-based forex signals provider is registered with CFTC as well as NFA.

4- Trading Signals and Social Trading for MetaTrader

It offers set and forget kind of trading signals. You just have to place entry, stop loss and take profit orders. Forex Profits Club claims to make at least 33 pips per month for its traders. There is no guesswork involved, and you won’t have to conduct your own research and analysis because Forex Profits Club is there to tell you exactly what to do and when to do.

5- 4xSignal. com

4xSignals offers free trial period to its new customers. It gives signals with a stop loss, and guarantees that the stop loss won’t exceed 200 pips per currency pair. Since it uses neither Scalping nor Martingale, there are greater chances of making profits using 4xSignals.

MetaTrader 5 provides ample opportunities for a variety of actions in the financial markets: trading, analysis (technical analysis, fundamental analysis), the creation and launch of trading robots, trading strategies testing, developing your own technical indicators and scripts. This versatility is designed to provide the user with a full arsenal of tools for comfortable trading activity in any financial market.

MetaTrader 5 is not only a trading platform, but a whole range of comfortable work on the most preferred financial market. The greatest opportunities, rich functionality, accessible interface, a simple and clear logic of trade – it all works on the stock market and Forex. Use MetaTrader 5 in your binary options trading in order to have access to the broad trade opportunities, charts, technical analysis of quotes, the latest news from the financial markets and algorithm trading.

Downloading the MT5 Software

It is necessary to download the mt5setup. exe installer and launch it. Terminal setup is a web installer, it means that most of the distribution will be downloaded during the installation from the web. The installer terminal determines the operating system and installs the appropriate version of the terminal.

In the first step of installation, the user should read the description of the program, as well as a warning about the rights protection. If you want to read the full text of the license agreement, you must click License Agreement button. If you agree to the terms of the agreement in absentia, press Next button.

After clicking Next on the first stage of the installation or at the stage of reading the agreement, background downloading of the terminal distribution will begin from one of the developer servers. In order to download, select the closest server to the user. To complete the installation process, click Finish. Then you can start to launch the terminal.

Trading Indicators in MetaTrader5

Technical indicator – is the most important tool in technical analysis. It works automatically and identifies different patterns in the price dynamics of shares, currencies, and other financial instruments. With this information, you can make an assumption about the future movement of prices and adjust your trading strategy accordingly.

Moving Average and Stochastic Oscillator on MetaTrader 5 Chart

A wide variety of technical indicators has been developed. The most famous and popular of them are inbuilt into MetaTrader 5 and any trader can use them in his trading strategy. For convenience, they are all united in groups: trend indicators, oscillators. volume indicators and tools of Bill Williams. Read more about these tools in our Binary Options Academy

Set of MetaTrader 5 indicators

Most technical indicators have a variety of settings that allow you to adapt the instrument for specific tasks. Both analytical parameters and settings that are responsible for the appearance of the indicator are control amenable. For example, you can change the period of the moving average. as well as change the color, thickness and line type of indicator.

Moving Average settings window

Indicators in the terminal can be located either on the price chart and also in special panes with its scale values. Thus, it is possible to apply some other indicators. In general, MetaTrader 5 offers traders a serious tool for high-grade intelligence. However, the most sophisticated traders can use additional technical indicators, which are written in MQL5.

Strategy Tester

Trading strategy tester has built in order to check the quality of written algorithm. This powerful tool allows you before running an advisor in trading, to determine its efficiency and to choose the best input parameters.

Input Parameters on ExpertMACD 1.00

All work of trading strategy tester based on the history of currencies and equities quotations. During testing, expert advisor enumerates accumulated quotes and analyze them one by one. Robot makes virtual trading transactions in accordance with laid down in a trading algorithm. This allows you to simulate trading strategies and assess the dynamics of quotes, as if it traded in the past.

MetaTrader 5 Built-In Experts

MetaTrader 5 strategy tester offers multiple testing modes. They allow you to select the optimum ratio of speed/quality test to meet the needs of the trader. One of the indisputable advantages of the strategy rester is the representation of trade advisors test results. It’s not just only numbers – how much did the algorithm earn during testing. It is also a mass of statistical performance indicators: the percentage of profit and loss, the number of successful and unsuccessful transactions, the risk factor, the expectation of winning and more.

MetaTrader5 for Mac

Apple’s products are very popular. MetaQuotes Software Corp. is closely following the development of computer technology and has already released a special mobile application for iOS-devices – MetaTrader 5 for iPhone.

For installation MetaTrader 5 in Mac OS, we recommend you to use open source development PlayOnMac. PlayOnMac software is based on Wine, which allows to easily install Windows-based applications in the Mac OS.

To install PlayOnMac, open the official website of the product, go to the Downloads section and click the link to download the latest version. After a system reboot, restart PlayOnMac from the installation file in Downloads folder. You will once again welcomed by the window of the first run. At this time, the installer to offer to install the fonts of MS Windows, as required for proper operation.

To install MT5, download the package from the official website of MetaTrader5. Go to Download and click on Download Free button. When the download completed, run the installation file. It will automatically open using PlayOnMac. This will launch the installation process of the terminal, go through all its stages.

Alerts in MetaTrader5

The binary options trading strategy can be made more flexible and mobile, and the response to significant events – faster. To do this, it is possible to use Alerts in MetaTrader 5 trading platform. Set an alarm to alert the occurrence event, you can stop worrying – favorable trading time will not be missed. No need to spend hours on end sitting near the monitor and watch the convulsive movement of currencies and stock quotes – at the right time trading platform itself will alert you with an audible signal or by e-mail.

Alert Editor Window

In addition, you can launch special programs and applications that will alert you of the trade event occurrence. For example, you can organize e-mail notifications from MetaTrader 5 to your mobile phone as SMS. So wherever you are, you will always be aware of the latest developments in the financial markets. Never miss a good opportunity with our Binary Options Economic Calendar.

Suppose the current price quotes stocks hit specified level – a trading signal triggered immediately. News release that affect the movement of currency quotes – and you’re notified. Alerts in the MetaTrader 5 – is the fastest notification of important events in your trading!

Algorithm Trading with MetaTrader5

Management of trading account with the help of a computer program called automated or algorithmic trading. Such programs can both analyze prices of financial instruments, as well as directly trade Forex and stock markets. In fact, the programs of automated trading – are trading robots, which completely replace the trader.

MetaTrader 5 trading platform includes a whole development environment and use MQL5 IDE automated trading programs. It includes all the necessary components to create, test, debug optimize and trading robots execute.

Own specialized editor MetaEditor used to write commercial software. It was created specifically for MQL5 language and can compile the source code of the programs in the trading robots, scripts, libraries and custom indicators. MetaEditor built-in debugger allows you to find errors at the stage of MQL5-programs development.

After compiling MQL5-program appears in the MetaTrader 5 trading platform, where it can be run. Technical indicators can be immediately imposed on the chart and analyze the dynamics of the financial instrument. Expert Advisors provides an opportunity to start trading immediately, but it is recommended to test them in the strategy tester.

MetaTrader 5 vs MetaTrader 4

The external interface of MetaTrader 5 is almost not changed, it is, of course, is only a positive. The names of menus and icons remained the same – it is familiar, easy and convenient. You do not have to feel uncomfortable, as in the case of software products when they are changed globally.

Many traders after the appearance of the MetaTrader 5 terminal pointed out that it does not visually changed significantly compared to the MetaTrader 4. During its development all the convenience and benefits have been preserved that always distinguishes Metaquotes Software Corp. terminals from other trading software. Therefore, the transition to the new platform does not cause any problems for the traders and brokers, although there are some differences in the architecture of the two trading platforms.

We can find a large number of timeframes in MetaTrader 5: M2, M3, M4, M6, M10, M12, M20, H2, H3, H6, H8, H12. Perhaps now it is not likely to work with some other timeframe, except that is the desire to obtain a configured timeframe. Another nice new feature is the introduction of position control using the mouse. This change has long suggested itself. It partially implemented in a variety of programmers applications, and it was not exactly a trivial manner.

Wide Selection of Timeframes in MetaTrader 5

Economic calendar appeared in the interface, it is very convenient, and now you don’t need to go to different sites and search for time-significant events anymore. Finally, MetaTrader 5 has the opportunity to enter into a position in one click: opening of the Trading tab in Market Watch window can activate a single mouse click to make the deal. Perhaps these are the basic and main pleasant interface changes. Now quotes history is stored only in M1 timeframe, the rest of timeframes are calculated from M1.

MT5 Trading Platform will Now Feature Signals

ForexNewsNow – MetaQuotes Software Corp, the venture that is the creator of the renowned MetaTrader 5 online trading platform has just recently announced that it had developed a new signal trading feature. The new feature will from now on be a built-in element of the popular MetaTrader 5 trading platform.

MetaTrader 5 Adds Trading Signals Feature

Mirror trading and signal trading is becoming increasingly popular. The concept that newcomers but even experts are given the opportunity to copy the actions of highly successful traders has already attracted a lot of following. So far mirror trading was only possible using various third party services.

From now on this will be possible using the popular MetaTrader 5 platform. MetaTrader 5 is the most advanced online trading platform and is being used by most of the brokers available on the market. The new Trading Signals feature will allow traders to automatically mirror the trades of very successful traders, so called signal providers.

In order to allow MetaTrader 5 to support this service, MetaQuotes Software Corp has introduced a new cloud Signal Server. This will monitor the accounts of signal providers and will send their trading signals to subscribers of the service in real time.

How to Use the New Trading Signals Service?

Very successful traders are given the opportunity to become so-called signal providers. The accounts of signal providers will be monitored by the Cloud Signal Sever and the actions taken by these people will be transmitted to subscribers. Signal providers will receive extra revenue on their successful trades.

In order for signal providers to begin using this service they will have to register on the MetaQuotes-owned www. website. Here they will have to submit their account details so that the Signal Server will be able to follow them.

Traders who wish to profit from this service and receive live feeds of trades executed by signal providers will also have to register on this website. Traders are also required to deposit some money in their accounts. After this they will have to specify their account details in the MetaTrader 5 terminal in order to be able to begin following various signal providers.

In order to allow MetaTrader 5 to execute mirror trading operations, traders will have to remember to keep their MetaTrader 5 terminal on. MetaQuotes has indicated that the upcoming version of the service will not require keeping the terminal open.

The new service has also resulted in an upgrade of the regular MetaTrader 5 terminal. The platform now features a new trading signals display that will allow traders to find info about the earning power and efficiency of the available signal providers.

About MetaQuotes and MetaTrader 5

MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a major online trading technology developer. The venture has developed the world-famous MetaTrader online trading platform series that are at this moment being used by more than 500 individual online brokers and banks.

The MetaTrader 5 is the newest addition to the company’s portfolio. The platform was officially introduced on June 1st 2010 and since then it has been adopted by a multitude of brokers and banks. The MT 5 is regarded as the most advanced online trading platform on the market.

RISK WARNING: Trading in any off-exchange forex market may have potential rewards, but also brings with it potential risks. Existe una considerable exposición al riesgo en cualquier transacción financiera fuera de la bolsa, incluyendo pero no limitado a apalancamiento, solvencia, protección regulatoria limitada y volatilidad del mercado que puede afectar sustancialmente el precio o la liquidez de un activo financiero. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los riesgos y estar dispuestos a aceptarlos con el fin de comercio de divisas. Forexnewsnow. com is an informational resource designed to provide forex broker reviews. top forex brokers information and forex reviews but does not take any responsibility and/or liability for any financial investing of any sort that was initiated and/or carried out based upon or using information from forexnewsnow. com and/or its affiliates. Antes de decidir participar en el mercado forex fuera de la bolsa, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Forexnewsnow. com is owned by Prescience, LLC, a for-profit organization that earns revenues from the advertising displayed on Forexnewsnow. com and related websites.

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MetaTrader 5 for PC

Register for MT5

Your capital is at risk. Usted puede perder más de lo que invierte.

Trade directly with liquidity providers using ECN technology and STP. Equipped with every single tool a trader might need, this trading platform is sure to win you over. With its range of extra features, you can analyze the market and trade in the style that you want, no matter what kind of trader you are.

Some of the exciting features are:

Advanced Automated Trading system — Expert Advisors

Technical and Fundamental Analysis — Over 79 analytical tools

Customizable timeframes


All order types available

'Fill or Kill'

'Immediate or Cancel'

Trading Signals


Level II Data

Multi-currency/language support

Available on mobile


Download the platform and follow the quick, simple steps to proceed with installation.

When installation is complete, launch the application.

Select ‘File' from the menu, then ‘Login' and enter the MetaTrader login details that were emailed to you to access your trading account.

Select which server you want from the drop-down menu.

What are Trading Signals?

Trading signals are recommendations received from a third party. MT5 allows you to connect to any signals provider and replicate their trades. Choose a trader whose trading strategy you like and simply connect to his signal. All providers are carefully monitored so that only experienced traders are allowed to become providers.

What is Level II Data?

With Level II Data you can take a more in-depth look at the market by viewing the best bid and ask prices; you can actually see the highest bid and the lowest ask available for every market maker taking part in a specific security.


Once you have installed this application you may be asked to provide some personal information in order to proceed.

System Requirements

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Trading Forex and CFDs involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital. Usted no debe invertir más de lo que puede permitirse perder y debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados. Los productos de apalancamiento comercial pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Antes de operar, tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia, objetivos de inversión y busque asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario. It is the responsibility of the Client to ascertain whether he/ she is permitted to use the services of ForexTime Limited based on the legal requirements in his/ her country of residence. Please read FXTM’s full Risk Disclosure .

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MetaTrader 5 Now Features Trading Signals

Dit is een origineel bericht van PR Newswire

LIMASSOL, Cyprus, October 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

Today, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has announced that their MetaTrader 5 trading platform now features built-in Trading Signals [http://www. ]. Traders are given the opportunity to automatically copy trades of other traders.

Simplicity and promptness in using the service are the distinct advantages of the MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals. A successful trader can easily become a signals provider to earn extra profit, while any other trader can subscribe to his signals in just a few clicks. In addition, trading accounts of the signals provider and his subscriber can be with different brokers that use MetaTrader 5 [http://www. ].

To launch this service, the developers have made some changes to the MetaTrader 5 architecture by adding a new component - a cloud Signal Server. It is designed to monitor the account of the signals provider and transmit the trading signals directly to trading terminals of the subscribers.

All that the signals provider needs to do to start using the service is to register on http://www. (the MetaQuotes website) and specify his trading account details. The MetaTrader 5 Signal Server closely coupled with this website will afterwards begin to monitor the account in real time and send its signals to the subscribers.

Traders willing to make use of the trading signals are also required to register on the website and deposit some money in their accounts. Having specified your account details in the MetaTrader 5 trading terminal, you can then immediately subscribe to trading signals of any provider. There is a standard functionality that allows you to automatically copy all provider's trades in your account.

The only requirement for the automatic mirroring of trading operations is to ensure that the subscriber's MetaTrader 5 trading terminal is on. The extended version of the trading signals that is already underway will however not even require this.

Due to the introduction of the trading signals, the trader's workplace, the MetaTrader 5 trading terminal has undergone some changes, too. Thus, it now features trading signals display where any trader can find detailed information on the efficiency and earning power of any given provider. With just a couple more clicks, you can subscribe and start receiving trading signals from the signals provider.

Trading signals are available in the MetaTrader 5 trading terminal starting with build 702. The terminal is distributed free of charge.

About MetaQuotes Software Corp.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. is a world-renowned professional developer of software for the financial markets. MetaTrader trading platforms are currently used by over 500 brokers and banks worldwide. http://www. metaquotes. net

About MetaTrader 5

Officially released on June 1, 2010, the platform features distributed architecture for higher reliability, robustness and potential for easy scalability. The platform has powerful functionality and supports such innovative technologies as mobile and algorithmic trading. http://www.

MetaQuotes Software Corp.

CONTACT: Press Service of MetaQuotes Software Corp. Phone: +357 25875134, press@metaquotes. net

MetaTrader 5

MetaTrader 5 is a new trading platform designed by MetaQuotes, it is not just a new version of the popular trading platform MetaTrader 4 but rather are completely new trading platform. MetaTrader 5 was designed to allow traders access to more markets and more features previously not available on MetaTrader 4.

MQL5 Wizard for easy creation of EAs

Level 2 Depth of Market

5 order types and 4 types: Market Execution, Instant Execution, Request and Exchange Execution

2 new pending order types: Buy Stop Limit and Sell Stop Limit

21 timeframe for different time periods trading

38 built-in technical indicators, 39 graphical objects and a number of MQL5 indicators

17 ways to display custom indicators

Aggregation of open positions

MT5 vs. MT4

Trade stocks, futures and options in addition to forex

View level II prices (market depth)

Ability to aggregate open positions

2 new pending order types: Buy Stop Limit and Sell Stop Limit

Simple and Easy to learn MetaQuotes Programming language (MQL5)

38 inbuilt indicators

39 graphical objects

21 timeframes

17 ways of displaying custom indicators

MQL5 vs. MQL4

Object-oriented programming base

Syntax similar to that of C++ programming language

Improved debugging tools

Advanced inbuilt events management

Forex Trading | by ForexCycle. com | Thursday, 04 April 2017 14:19 UTC

The MetaTrader Signals service is solely developed for all kind of trading purposes and to help the subscriber trade with ease. People not having enough self confidence or knowledge to carry on with the selling or purchasing of trades are highly benefited with this service.

Why MQL4 and MQL5 trading service?

There are few special features that add to the good impression of this imperative service. They are as follows:

Simple and commission free service - The simple operation and the no commission scheme has led the service leave a mark in the good book of the subscriber. The austerity of the service has made it user friendly in nature thus making it more appealing to use.

Security and high accessibility - Security is a huge advantageous point when it comes to MetaTrader. All the participants are made to pass through a test mode before their signals are offered on the MetaTrader. Moreover large array of trading signals are open to all the MetaTrader users. They can choose within them and perform their activities.

Signal subscriptions and their payment - The relationship between the subscriber and the purchaser is maintained at a very friendly level. No complications are involved regarding the selling and purchasing system and it is solely online dependent. In case of payment this service provides multiple payment systems which makes the subscribers purchase with ultimate ease.

Convenient mode - A continuous online terminal mode is not necessary for this service. The Trusted Execution Token method soon to be launched will make it convenient for the deals to get copied.

How the Trading service works?

The consists of a list of all the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 available which is automatically updated in the terminal of the clients. A cloud network has been created consisting of multiple Signal Servers in order to implement these MetaTrader 4 and 5.

Three essential points should be kept in mind by a trader or a subscriber while dealing with this service. The primary and foremost one is to remember to open a valid account. The terminal provided to each user is there core area of operation. The next step involved in this procedure is the stipulation or the specification of a broker by an individual trader. Respective companies matching with the choice will be listed accordingly. Specification or the supply of the appropriate account number in the broker’s account is very necessary also.

The providers who sell their signals have a different procedure altogether. The terms and conditions of his are much more strictly handled. The signal name, Broker’s trading server name, type of the trading terminal, the account number and the Investor password is to be mentioned prior to the initialization of the service. The subscription price stipulation is also an imperative factor. Other than these various identification proofs are also needed from the provider’s end in order to create a backup in case of any disputes between the provider and the subscriber.

Recommended Forex Trading Platforms

MQL5 Wizard - Trading Signals of Candlestick Patterns + Stochastic - expert for MetaTrader 5


With MQL5 Wizard, traders now can automatically generate Expert Advisor's code based on trading signals' classes, positions tracking and money management. Along with trading signals' classes of the Standard Library, you can develop and test your own trading systems. To do this, just write a module of trading signals.

The book "The Strategies of the Best Traders in the World" (in Russian) describes indicators and trading strategies for the technical analysis involving MetaStock software package. Along with the conventional trading signals, the book deals with the ones based on the combined use of reversal candlestick patterns with confirmations of Stochastic, CCI, MFI and RSI.

Using "reversal" candlestick patterns together with oscillator signals allows reducing the number of false signals and increasing the trading system's efficiency.

In previous publications, we have considered trading signals based on candlestick patterns with confirmation of Stochastic:

3 Black Crows/3 White Soldiers

Dark Cloud Cover/Piercing Line

Bullish Engulfing/Bearish Engulfing

Bullish Harami/Bearish Harami

Hammer/Hanging Man

Bullish/Bearish Meeting Lines

Morning/Evening Stars

In this description, we will consider the results of the combined use of all these models together with Stochastic indicator signals.

1. Bullish and Bearish Candlestick Models and Their Detection

CandlePattern class also has the functions for detecting the forming of some of bullish and bearish candlestick patterns (except from Hammer/Hanging Man combination).

The forming of a bearish candlestick pattern is checked by CheckPatternAllBullish() function:

The forming of a bullish candlestick pattern is checked by CheckPatternAllBearish() function:

2. Trading Signals Combined with Stochastic Indicator

Opening a long/short position is performed when one of the bullish/bearish models is formed and there is a confirmation from theStochastic oscillator. %D signal line value should be above or below the appropriate critical level (30 and 70).

An exit signal is formed in two cases:

When an opposite candlestick pattern is formed (a bearish one for a long position and a bullish one for a short position).

According to the subsequent behavior of %D. If %D reaches the level that is opposite to the market (80 in case of a long and 20 in case of a short position) or if %D does not confirm the reversal signal and reaches 20 in case of a long position and 80 in case of a short one.

Checking the market entry and exit conditions is performed in the following methods:

int CCP_Stoch::LongCondition() - checking conditions for opening a long position (m_pattern_0) and closing a short one (m_pattern_1);

int CCP_Stoch::ShortCondition() - checking conditions for opening a short position (m_pattern_0) and closing a long one (m_pattern_1).

2.1. Opening a Long Position and Closing a Short One

The signal for opening a long position is forming a bullish candlestick combination and fulfilling StochSignal(1)<30 condition (the value of Stochastic indicator's signal line at the last completed bar is less than 30):

The signal for closing a short position is forming one of the bullish candlestick patterns or the case when the indicator line crosses the 20-level Stochastic line (upwards) or the 80-level one (upwards).

2.2. Opening a Short Position and Closing a Long One

The signal for opening a short position is forming one of the bearish candlestick patterns and fulfilling StochSignal(1)>70 condition (the value of Stochastic indicator's signal line at the last completed bar exceeds 70):

The signal for closing a long position is forming one of the bearish candlestick patterns or the case when the indicator line crosses the 80-level Stochastic line (downwards) or the 20-level one (downwards).

2.3. Creating an Expert Advisor Based on Trading Signals of "Candlestick Patterns+Stochastic" Reversal Pattern Using MQL5 Wizard

CCP_Stoch class is not included to the Standard Library of trading signals. Therefore, download ccp_stoch. mqh file (attached) and save it to \terminal_folder\Include\Expert\Signal\MySignals directory to use it. candlepatterns. mqh file should be copied to the same directory as ccp_stoch. mqh. After that, relaunch MetaEditor to be able to use the file in MQL5 Wizard.

To create a trading robot following this strategy via MQL5 Wizard, select " Signals based on Candlestick Patterns+Stochastic " signal type at the second step:

Higo. 1. Selecting "Signals based on Candlestick Patterns+Stochastic" trading signals generator in MQL5 Wizard

At the subsequent steps, specify the necessary trailing stop type and money management system. The Expert Advisor's code is generated automatically. Now, it should be compiled to be ready to start testing.

2.4. Testing Results

Results of the Expert Advisor Testing on historical data (EURUSD H1, testing period: 1.1.2000-02.02.2011, PeriodK=33, PeriodD=37, PeriodSlow=30, MA_period=25).

This Expert Advisor uses the module for trading the fixed volume of 0.1 lot (Trading Fixed Lot). Trailing stop is not used (Trailing not used).

Higo. 2. Results of testing the Expert Advisor based on "Signals based on Candlestick Patterns+Stochastic" trading signals generator

The best set of trading system parameters can be found using the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester.

The code of the Expert Advisor created by MQL5 Wizard is attached in expert_cp_stoch. mq5 file.

How to start trading

Trading Signals on MT4

Everybody wants to learn from the best, and copying what they do is often the most effective way of doing this. Now you can do the same, copying the strategies of winning traders, by using MT4's trading signal functionality with MahiFX.

Simply select the signal you wish to follow, after viewing the trading history, analytics and ratings from other subscribers, and MT4 will automatically reproduce the trades into your account. Each trade features a digital signature that prevents the trade from being copied incorrectly. It couldn't be easier, all you need is a terminal connected to the Internet.

The really exciting bit for MahiFX customers is not only do you get to piggyback on a winning trade, you also get the huge benefit of doing that trade on our incredibly tight spreads.

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MetaTrader 5 Forex Trading Platform Review

The MetaTrader 5 ( MT 5 ) Forex Trading Platform is a perfectly equipped trader’s working tool that allows trading on the Stocks and FX markets.

It provides the necessary tools to analyze price dynamics and use the automated trading programs (Expert Advisors).

The platform represents the all-in-one concept and combines everything you need to trade in the financial markets .

Trading, market analysis and automated trading are integral parts of the Forex trading software .

It enables traders to work not only with Forex market, but also trade Commodities. Options, Futures and Stock Markets .

The MetaTrader 5 Forex trading platform offers numerous impressive analytical features: 82 various tools including graphic objects and technical indicators allow traders to analyze stock and currency prices.

There are 21 time frames available for each market security and the possibility to open up to 100 charts at a time.

MetaTrader 5 ( MT 5 ) Trading Platform with its rich analytical arsenal is now available to traders.

Furthermore, analytical resources of the Forex trading platform are not limited to the built-in market indicators.

Traders are welcome to use the free of charge Code Base or to create their own technical indicator using the new MQL5 development environment.

With the high-performance MQL5 programming language you can create Expert Advisors (trading robots) based on numerous calculations and implement almost any trading strategy.

This means that traders can use complex calculations to obtain the most accurate market analysis and forecast.

MetaTrader 5 Forex software contains all the trading functions a trader will ever need.

The trading platform supports four types of order execution: Instant, Request, Market and Exchange execution.

All types of orders are available, including market, pending and stop orders.

With such a diversity of order types and available execution modes, traders can implement any trading strategy for successful work on the financial markets.

The terminal provides all the necessary tools needed to ensure full-fledged and flexible trading activities.

The powerful trading arsenal is available with a click of the mouse like:

trade operations, alerts, technical analysis. fundamental analysis, automated trading programs,

the latest development environment MQL5, the multi-currency strategy tester,

MQL5 Market, trading signals and a lot of other useful tools.

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Mobile trading with the MetaTrader 5 for Android is an exciting possibility to trade in the Forex and Stock markets using smartphones and tablet PC’s powered by Android .

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The MetaTrader 5 for Android, like the mobile trading platform for mac or iPhone. is absolutely free of charge.

MetaTrader 5 ( MT 5 ) Download

Trading currencies by MetaTrader 5 or MT5 platform is completely free of charge for Traders,

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Extra information to MT5 platform after download it to start currency trading.

MetaTrader 5

Trading Online, Stock Brokers

youtradeFX offers you the next level of trading - the MetaTrader5.

The MetaTrader5 holds all the features you are accustomed to when using the MT4 with an added bonus: you can now trade in several financial markets from a single account - including Stocks, commodities, CFDs, indices, futures and Forex. Support for each financial tool is customized for its specific market and necessities.

The MT5 online platform enables you to manage your accounts, process trades, get real time market news and prices and execute your trades instantaneously without human intervention. In addition, the MT5 can create and retain copies of all information in the platform, as such allowing you to keep records of all you transactions. With MT5 you can execute any type of trading account, whether it be day trading or swing trading online.

The MetaTrader5 is designed to fit all traders, regardless of their trading levels. You receive powerful analytical and trading online tools as well as a top of the line security system that ensures your information's safety. The MetaTrader5 offers you technical and fundamental analysis, the ability to execute all types of orders and a flexible trading system as well as automated trading and custom indicators. The MT5 uses the MQL5 language which offers you the ability to create your own expert advisors (automatic trading account), using one of the many existing indicators available or even produce your personally customized indicator.

In short, the MetaTrader5 offers everything a modern trader may need and even more for day trading & swing trading strategies. With the help of MetaTrader5 & the support of the best Forex & Stock brokers available you can increase your portfolio's profits.

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MetaTrader 5 Review - MT5 Trading Software Review

Updated: April 11, 2017 at 4:52 AM

MetaTrader 5 is the latest version of the acclaimed and popular forex MetaTrader trading software. It was released recently in a beta version and we did not want to miss the chance to examine the exciting new forex platform in our own MT5 review. On the whole, the design and the interface remain similar to the previous version - a great choice, since the flexibility and ease of use are the main features that have made MetaTrader 4 so popular.


If you have multiple accounts, it is easier than ever to manage them with MT5, since the new accounts window in the "Navigator" allows movement between accounts quickly and easily, enabling the employment of different strategies in different accounts with almost no delay or trouble. If you choose to create two accounts in which you carry trade, and scalp, for example, it has never been easier to switch between the two categories to respond to sudden market events. Active traders will no doubt love this feature, but even investors committed to the long-term will be pleased to admit the time saved by the new addition.

The interface is focused on the main window where you can simultaneously display multiple graphs of the forex price action, or focus on a single large panel to trade your favorite pair with great ease. Some of the buttons and icons found on top of the panel in MT4 are not enabled by default in MT5, but as the software moves out of beta, this feature will be implemented once again.


The greatest new additions are the large number of new indicators added to the already significant technical analysis collection of MetaTrader 4. Unlike in the previous version, MetaTrader 5 divides forex indicators into the four groups of "Trend", "Oscillators", "Volumes", and "Bill Williams" indicators categories. A fifth category of custom indicators is also available where traders can store imported or developed items. The new indicator group system is suitable for the classification of the larger number of analytical tools - it makes access easier and faster.

New trend indicators are, among moverages, the Fractal Adaptive MA, the Adaptive MA, the Double and Triple Exponential Moving Averages, and the Variable Index Dynamic Average.

Of these, the double exponential moving average (DEMA) is an advanced tool with lesser lag and greater accuracy than a simple EMA, and emits its signals by taking the n-period EMA of an EMA, hence the double MA name. Similarly a TEMA, or Triple Exponential Moving Average calculates the EMA of the n-period EMA of the raw price EMA, and is thought to suffer from even less lag than the double exponential moving average DEMA. All the moving averages are used in the manner that their more common simple and exponential moving averages are employed in trend analysis.

Among oscillators the new addition is the Triple Exponential Average. TRIX features a Triple Exponential Moving Average, and oscillates around a centerline at 0. Efficient filtering out of market noise is the greatest advantage of this indicator.

Finally, the new category of "Bill Williams" indicators has the new Market Facilitation Index added. This tool emits signals on the basis of the interaction between volume, price and the indicator itself.

The total number of new indicators is seven. Among these, five new trend indicators clearly possess the greatest emphasis. The Double - and Triple Exponential Moving Averages, and their derivatives are the most exciting new additions to the MetaTrader toolbox, promising revolutionary changes to the way risk is analyzed and traded.

Advanced Features

For those who prefer auto-trading, MT5 comes with an advanced trading script, and a powerful expert advisor. The MT5 script is as strong as ever, and this new version sees previous bugs and errors adressed, and the language improved and condensed into a more efficient and user-friendly form. The Expert Advisor now enables the pre-made chart-in-chart style, which enables more in-depth analysis of the technical strategy being tested.


There are very few things to be criticized in the MT5 release. All the advantages and great features of the MT4 platform are still here, with everything placed in a better context and a more orderly outlay in order to achieve greater efficiency. It is especially refreshing to see that the developers have chosen to avoid the impulse to innovate in the name of innovation, and have kept the orderly and simple form of MT4 intact.

On the indicators front, we are most impressed by the TRIX and TEMA indicators. Both of them enable an incredible degree of clarity to potential trades, and make the evaluation of market action far more concrete and objective than what it was before. TRIX is a great oscillator that takes advantage of the clarity of TEMA to take us to the next generation of oscillators, in the process overcoming many of the traditional weaknesses of oscillators, namely lag, and susceptibility to whipsaws. There is no question that the highlight of this new release is the powerful indicator pack which in itself justifies a move to a broker offering an MT5 trading experience.

The script and the expert advisor feature few improvements, but a good deal of refinement and retouching seems to have gone into the works as the forex software was on the development block. This means that we will have fewer problem with execution and creation of automated strategies - an area where MetaTrader always had the edge.

In sum, in MT5 you have an already supremely effective trading solution outdoing itself to higher highs. It is as simple and as powerful as ever, but since it is still in the beta stage, there is a good chance that the final product will be an even better version of the original. Don`t hesitate to test it for yourself. If you have never tried MT4, you will regret what you have missed over the years, and if you are already a fan of MetaTrader software, you will find that the developer have not failed to excel in what they do so well once again.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.

Best Forex tradings platforms for online trading from LiteForex

Platforms for online trading at Forex market from the LiteForex company

Download MT4

MetaTrader 4 is a popular analytical trading platform intended for working on the Forex market and stock/precious metals/ futures markets. LiteForex’s clients can download the MetaTrader-4 trading terminal and its mobile applications for PDA, iPhone®, iPad™ or Android in this section.

Download MT5

MetaTrader 5 is a new version of the popular trading platform that possesses increased functionality and an enlarged set of tools. The section provides not only the distribution kit of the MT5 platform for a desktop computer, but also the MT5 mobile application for iPhone®

LiteForex presents to you an advanced trading platform Metatrader 4 WebTerminal based on HTML5. You do not need to download this trading platform; however, it will enable you to perform one-click trading.

WebTerminal has intuitive interface; it is adaptable, which will allow you to trade in any browser, using any operating system.

To profit from fluctuations of currency rates, it takes one only to have a computer and Internet connection. And, of course, to open an account with a broker and to be possessed of certain skills to carry out transactions.

If there aren’t enough skills but there is a desire for making money at Forex, MetaTrader trading systems can be applied. An automated Forex trading software represents a special program which makes transactions independently on the account where it’s installed. Once installed into a trading platform, the program can adequately operate.

Having installed an automated Forex trading software, you can achieve maximum trading results. You’ll also have a unique opportunity to earn money at Forex without your trading assistance. Now you only have to decide, what to do in your free time and how to spend the money you’ve earned.

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MetaTrader Mobile is an advanced trading platform for mobile devices with various operational systems, including Android. It’s intended for active traders willing to use all the opportunities of the Forex market.

Trading Software review

According to numerous ratings and detailed reviews of existing trading platforms, MetaTrader trading platform confidently keeps the title of the best Forex software .

Online Trading Software

MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, platforms with enlarged functional capabilities, provide traders with price charts, Forex news. a Forex calendar. Forex analyses and other tools for successful online work on financial markets.

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МТ4 and МТ5 platforms are perfectly suitable for professional and successful intraday trading, thanks to their powerful function set and online provision of necessary Forex news .

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MetaTrader is a reliable and multifunctional software for currency trading. A powerful tool for working on Forex, MetaTrader has got large capabilities for examining and analysing price charts. A new version of MetaTrader 5 provides simultaneous trading from several Forex accounts.

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Liteforex Investments Limited: Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands MH96960 Financial services provided by LiteForex Investments Limited. Copyright © 2005-2017 LiteForex. com

Trading Platforms

At ForexTime (FXTM), we like to make sure our clients are spoiled for choice. We offer the industry's leading forex trading platforms MT4 and MT5 directly on your PC, MAC, mobile or tablet so that you can trade at your convenience whenever and wherever you like.

The state-of-the-art technology of the MetaTrader combined with ForexTime (FXTM)'s unparalleled trading services revamp the trading experience you've known so far.

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Access to all major trading instruments

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Las transacciones de tarjetas se procesan a través de FT Global Services Ltd, Reg. No. HE 335426 y domicilio registrado en Tassou Papadopoulou 6, Flat / office 22, Ag. Dometios, 2373, Nicosia, Cyprus, a wholly owned subsidiary of FT Global Ltd.

Trading Forex and CFDs involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital. Usted no debe invertir más de lo que puede permitirse perder y debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados. Los productos de apalancamiento comercial pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Antes de operar, tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia, objetivos de inversión y busque asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario. It is the responsibility of the Client to ascertain whether he/ she is permitted to use the services of FT Global Limited based on the legal requirements in his/ her country of residence. Please read FXTM’s full Risk Disclosure .

FT Global Limited does not provide services to residents of the USA, Belize, Japan, British Columbia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and the countries of the European Economic Area.

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The developer of trading software MetaQuotes Software Corp. is set to launch its new edition of the trading platform – MetaTrader 5 by the beginning of 2010. The new version of the trading platform will be characterized by reliability and execution speed improvement combined with considerable extension of functionality. Public testing of new MT5 platform started out in October 2009. The estimated testing period is expected to be 5-6 months and it will be effected stage-by-stage, according to the MetaQuotes. The Clients of Forex Ltd will definitely have an opportunity to work with a new trading platform after its official release. The information concerning any changes will be published at Company News page .


MetaTrader 5 has many new features as compared to its predecessor, MT4. MetaTrader 5 will offer much wider range of trading possibilities, such as high speed of order execution and advanced built-in reports on all trading activities. MT5 is featured by MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester allowing programmers to test a newly programmed EA on historical data before using it in live trading.


MT5 trading platform will allow to process traders` transactions in various financial markets including Forex currency market. CFD. futures and stock market. The trading platform has also combined an innovation of the Depth of Market to the Market Watch Window. This tool is required for successful work in the stock markets.


The new trading terminal implies profound difference between such notions as "order", "position" and "trade".

Order is the command to a broker to buy or sell a financial instrument. Two major types of orders are market and pending.

Trade is an actual fact of buying or selling a financial instrument. A Sell trade is executed at the current Bid price and a Buy transaction is performed at the Ask price. A trade is done resulting from market order execution or pending order activation.

Position is an aggregate state of trades on a certain financial instrument, a market obligation. An order becomes a trade when all its parameters are correct and it has been executed in the market.


Four types of trade operation execution will be supported in MetaTrader 5 terminal: Market, Request, Instant and Exchange. The new execution type "Exchange" is designed to process trade operations with stock exchange tools.


In order to provide convenient and quick analysis of trading activity advanced reports will be included into the MT5 trading terminal allowing to track initial and final deposit values as well as the number of other indicators, Z-score, GHPR, Profit Factor and others.


Wide range of analytical tools is included into MetaTrader 5 trading software. These tools are as follows:

21 timeframes;

39 graphical objects;

38 technical indicators;

4 scaling modes;

17 styles of displaying of Client indicators;

improved strategy tester.


New MetaQuotes Language 5 will provide wider opportunities and it will be easier to learn. This new MQL5 language will provide faster execution speed as compared to MQL4. it will allow to involve more sophisticated experts and it will process more information. MetaTrader 5 will be featured by slide show indicator, placing custom background pictures behind the chart with an option to rotate them. Creating favorite theme background will allow to relax during trading sessions. MQL5 will also provide a TradePad, an indicator helping add a panel with different custom mini charts and trade buttons which is very useful for quick overview of the market situation.


This is a “tape like” MACD. The difference between the MACD and the signal line is plotted as a tape instead of plotting two separate lines. You can customize the MACD variables and the colors.

MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence / Divergence and measures the difference between two Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs). Read more about it here: Color MACD for Metatrader 5

The most popular formula for the MACD indicator are the 26-day and 12-day Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs).

Wave Analysis EUR/USD Outlook EUR/USD – 1.4822 As euro has fallen after the early strong rebound from this week’s low at 1.4626 to 1.4910, consolidation with downside bias is seen for at least a correction to 1.4770/80 and then towards 1.4734/39, however, break is and needed for resumption of the decline from last week’s 14-month high at 1.5064 for re-test of 1.4626 later. above1.4910 would bring marginal gain towards 1.4928 but only breach of 1.5064 would confirm medium term uptrend from 1.2329 (’08 low) has resumed, 1.5200. To recap our bullish count on euro as follows: the major correction with (A):1.6040-1.3882, (B):1.4867 and (C) has ended at 1.2329. The rise from there to 1.4720 is treated as (1) of (I) with (2) being contained at 1.2457, current rally is wave (3), subdivided into 1:1.2457-1.3739; 2:1.2885 and 3 is in progress. Recent series of higher lows and higher highs suggests further gain towards 1.5285/03 (previous daily support levels, and ow res) is seen but above there is and needed for eventual re-test of above mentioned record high of 1.6040. Only a breach of 1.4480 would signal wave 3 top is made, bring correction in wave 4 to 1.4177 and then towards 1.4007.

Wave Analysis Outlook GBP/USD – 1.6580 Despite cable’s strong rebound from October’s 4-1/2 month low of 1.5708 to 1.6694, subsequent selloff to 1.6251 on active cross selling in GBP after the release of worse-than-expected U. K. GDP data signals further choppy trading inside the established range of 1.5708-1.7044 would continue. Below 1.6240 brings weakness to 1.5920 but breach of 1.5708 and needed to yield stronger correction of entire rise from 1.3500 to 1.5690 and possibly towards 1.5272 (50% r). Our preferred count is that the wave iv from 1.3500 is labelled as A: 1.3500- 1.4986, B: 1.3655 and wave C remains in progress. To re-cap, the [C] wave from 1.3682 ended at 2.1162 and major correction is under way with A-leg: 2.1162- 1.9337, B-leg has ended at 2.0162 in July (short c-leg) and C-leg is an impulsive move with 1: 1.7445, 2: 1.8672, wave 3 is labelled as i: 2.0162-1.1.7445. ii: 1.8672 and iii: 1.3500 and wave iv from there has either ended at 1.7044 or would extend to 1.7157 before prospect of a wave v decline later. On the upside, above 1.6694 would indicate the correction from 1.7044 has ended at 1.5708 and breach of 1.6742 would confirm medium term rise from 1.3500 has resumed, 1.7044.

Wave Analysis USD/JPY Outlook – 90.38 Despite early selloff to 89.18, USD strong rebound from there suggests further choppy trading above last month’s low at 88.01 is seen with upside bias and above 90.71 would extend to 91.20/30 but a breach of previous resistance at 91.63 is and needed to signal another leg of upmove from 88.01 is under way for a re-test of 92.33 and then towards 93.31. Only below pivotal support at 88.83 would indicate the correction from 88.01 has ended and bring resumption of (E) leg decline from this year’s high of 101.45 (April ’09) for re-test of 87.10 (Jan ’09 low). Our bearish count indicates that 2nd C wave from 124.14 remains in progress and is possibly unfolding as a diagonal triangle with (A): 95.77, (B): 110.67, (C): 87.10, (D) has possibly ended at 101.45 and (E) leg decline is under way. Looking at the bigger picture, the wave [B] from 147.64 (1998 top) is a double-three sub-divided into 1st A-B-C: 147.64-101.25, X: 135.20 and the 2nd A-B - C is unfolding as follows: 2nd A: 101.67, 2nd B: 124.14 and 2nd C-leg from 124.14 extends to 85.00 but 82.30 (equality projection of 124.56-95.77 from 110.67) would hold.

Wave Analysis USD/CHF – 1.0170 Despite USD rebound after early fall to fresh 09′ low of 1.0033 last week, as long as 1.0454 resistance holds, downside bias remains for medium term downtrend from 1.2298 (Nov ’08) to resume and bring weakness towards 1.0011 where a daily close below there would extend wave (3) of V (see below) towards ’08 record low at 0.9630. On the upside, above 1.0454 would bring stronger retracement to 1.0529 (previous sup) and later towards 1.0590 but 1.0700/08 resistance area would remain intact. We are treating the fall from 1.2298 as wave (3), sub-divided into 1: 1.2298-1.0370, 2: 1.1969 and wave 3 itself is still unfolding and would head to aforesaid downside obj. To re-cap, the LT downtrend from 1.8310 is labelled as: I: 1.8310-1.5900, II: 1.8222, 3 of III: 1.2140, 4 of III: 1.3230 and 5 of III ended at 1.1285 in 2004 and wave IV has indeed ended at 1.3286 (Nov ’05). The wave (1) of V has ended at 0.9630 and wave (2) of V is sub-divided as follows: a: 0.9630-1.0625, b: 1.1011 and c: 1.2298. Wave (3) of V is and ow under way with 1st leg of this move: 1.2298-1.0370, 2nd leg has ended at 1.1969 and decline from there would bring eventual re-test of ’08 record low at 0.9630.

MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence / Divergence and measures the difference between two Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs). It is a very popular technical analysis indicator that is widely used in many forex trading strategies because it provides reliable signals of trend changes The most popular formula for the “standard” MACD is the difference between a security’s 26-day and 12-day Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs).

Color MACD for Metatrader 5 is much better than the standart one because you can customize the histogram colors.

Download (Indicator was originally posted here )

Wave Analysis EUR/USD Outlook: EUR/USD – 1.4762. As euro’s decline from last week’s 14-month high at 1.5064 has resumed, suggesting downside bias remains for retracement of upmove to 1.4620/30 and 1.4550/60 but daily support at 1.4480 should hold from here, yield rebound. above1.4860 would bring gain towards 1.4928 but break there is and needed to signal correction is over and bring resumption of medium term uptrend from 1.2329 (’08 low) for re-test of 1.5049 1st, break extends to 1.5200/10 later. To recap our bullish count on euro as follows: the major correction with (A):1.6040-1.3882, (B):1.4867 and (C) has ended at 1.2329. The rise from there to 1.4720 is treated as (1) of (I) with (2) being contained at 1.2457, current rally is wave (3), subdivided into 1:1.2457-1.3739; 2:1.2885 and 3 is in progress. Recent series of higher lows and higher highs suggests further gain towards 1.5285/03 (prev. daily support levels, and ow res) is seen but above there is and needed for eventual re-test of above mentioned record high of 1.6040. Only a breach of 1.4480 would signal wave 3 top is made, bring correction in wave 4 to 1.4177 and then towards 1.4007… LARGER DEGREE WAVE COUNT: Major [A][B][C] wave from 1.4577 (Sep 92) ended at 0.8228 (2000) and an impulsive wave is labelled as (I):0.8228-0.9505, (II):0.8350, (III):1.3670 (1: 0.9335, 2:0.8563, 3:1.2930, 4:1.1760 and 5:1.3670) (IV):1.1640 and (V):1.6040. Major correction has ended at 1.2329 and another impulsive upmove in (I) is in force… Wave Analysis GBP/USD Outlook: GBP/USD – 1.6320. Despite cable’s strong rebound from October’s 4-1/2 month low of 1.5708 to 1.6694, subsequent selloff to 1.6251 on active cross selling in GBP after the release of worse-than-expected U. K. GDP data signals further choppy trading inside the established range of 1.5708-1.7044 would continue. Below 1.6240 brings weakness to 1.5920 but breach of 1.5708 and needed to yield stronger correction of entire rise from 1.3500 to 1.5690 and possibly twds 1.5272 (50% r). Our preferred count is that the wave iv from 1.3500 is labeled as A: 1.3500- 1.4986, B: 1.3655 and wave C remains in progress. To re-cap, the [C] wave from 1.3682 ended at 2.1162 and major correction is under way with A-leg: 2.1162- 1.9337, B-leg has ended at 2.0162 in July (short c-leg) and C-leg is an impulsive move with 1: 1.7445, 2: 1.8672, wave 3 is labelled as i: 2.0162-1.1.7445. ii: 1.8672 and iii: 1.3500 and wave iv from there has either ended at 1.7044 or would extend to 1.7157 before prospect of a wave v decline later. On the upside, above 1.6694 would indicate the correction from 1.7044 has ended at 1.5708 and breach of 1.6742 would confirm medium term rise from 1.3500 has resumed, 1.7044. LARGER DEGREE WAVE COUNT Despite cable’s anticipated uptrend to 26-year high of 2.1162, the subsequent sharp selloff suggests the wave [C] from 1.3682 has ended at 2.1162 and major correction of upmove from 1.3045 is in progress and below 1.3500 would extend to 1.3150/60 but reckon support at 1.3045 should contain downside…

Wave Analysis USD/JPY Outlook: USD/JPY – 90.05. Despite early selloff to 89.18, yesterdays strong rebound fmt here suggests further choppy trading above last month’s low at 88.01 is seen with upside bias and above 90.71 would extend to 91.20/30 but breach of 91.63 is and needed to signal another leg of upmove from 88.01 is under way for re-test of 92.33 and then towards 93.31. Only below pivotal support at 88.83 would indicate the correction from 88.01 has ended and bring resumption of (E) leg decline from this year’s high of 101.45 (April ’09) for re-test of 87.10 (Jan ’09 low). Our bearish count indicates that 2nd C wave from 124.14 remains in progress and is possibly unfolding as a diagonal triangle with (A): 95.77, (B): 110.67, (C): 87.10, (D) has possibly ended at 101.45 and (E) leg decline is under way. Looking at the bigger picture, the wave [B] from 147.64 (1998 top) is a double-three sub-divided into 1st A-B-C: 147.64-101.25, X: 135.20 and the 2nd A-B - C is unfolding as follows: 2nd A: 101.67, 2nd B: 124.14 and 2nd C-leg from 124.14 extends to 85.00 but 82.30 (equality proj. of 124.56-95.77 from 110.67) would hold. LARGER DEGREE WAVE COUNT [A][B][C] major correction is unfolding from 79.75 low with [A] leg ended at 147.64 and the complex wave [B] should be limited to 85.00 and yield another strong rebound in wave [C]. A daily close above 110.67 would suggest low is possibly made at 87.10 but above 114.66 and needed to confirm. Below 82.30 aborts, 79.75 again

Wave Analysis USD/CHF Outlook: USD/CHF – 1.0318. Despite USD rebound after early fall to fresh 09′ low of 1.0033 last week, as long as 1.0454 resistance holds, downside bias remains for medium term downtrend from 1.2298 (Nov ’08) to resume and bring weakness towards 1.0011 where a daily close below there would extend wave (3) of V (see below) twds ’08 record low at 0.9630. On the upside, above 1.0454 would bring stronger retracement to 1.0529 (prev. sup) and later towards 1.0590 but 1.0700/08 resistance area would remain intact. We are treating the fall from 1.2298 as wave (3), sub-divided into 1: 1.2298-1.0370, 2: 1.1969 and wave 3 itself is still unfolding and would head to aforesaid downside obj. To re-cap, the LT downtrend from 1.8310 is labeled as: I: 1.8310-1.5900, II: 1.8222, 3 of III: 1.2140, 4 of III: 1.3230 and 5 of III ended at 1.1285 in 2004 and wave IV has indeed ended at 1.3286 (Nov ’05). The wave (1) of V has ended at 0.9630 and wave (2) of V is sub-divided as follows: a: 0.9630-1.0625, b: 1.1011 and c: 1.2298. Wave (3) of V is and ow under way with 1st leg of this move: 1.2298-1.0370, 2nd leg has ended at 1.1969 and decline from there would bring eventual re-test of ’08 record low at 0.9630. LARGER DEGREE WAVE COUNT The sell-off from 1.8310 signals wave (IV) from 1.1105 has ended with (A): 1.5468, (B):1.2750 and (C):1.8310 and impulsive wave (V) is unfolding with wave III ending earlier this year at 0.9630 (not at 1.1285) and wave IV correction is under way but 1.3286 (prev. 4th of one lesser degree) should cap upside and yield wave V…

Medium Term EUR/USD Outlook – 1.4752 Despite last month’s expected resumption of medium term up-move, subsequent retreat from 1.5064 suggests a temporary top is made and weakness towards 1.4480 is likely, break would confirm uptrend from 1.2329 has ended and yield stronger retrace. to 1.4230. Only above 1.4968 would yield one more rise but ‘loss of momentum’ should prevent strong gain and reckon 1.5300/10 would cap upside, bring possible reversal in Dec.

Medium Term GBP/USD Outlook – 1.6470 Although cable’s strong retreat from 1.7044 confirms medium term rise from 09′ low at 1.3500 has made a top, subsequent sharp rebound from 1.5708 suggests ‘choppy’ trading is in store and above 1.6605 would risk re-test of 1.6694, break, 1.6850/60 before down. On the downside, below 1.6251 would revive bearishness for weakness to 1.6000, a daily close there would encourage for a re-test of 1.5708 later.

Medium Term USD/JPY Outlook – 89.93 Dollars retreat from 92.33 suggests recovery from 88.01 has possibly ended there and below said support would confirm medium term downtrend has finally resumed, yield re-test of 09′ low at 87.10, break would extend subsequent weakness to 85.70/80. Only a rise above 92.33 would ‘prolong’ choppy trading above 88.01 and risk stronger retracement of medium term erratic fall from 101.45 to 94.70/80 before prospect of a retreat.

Medium Term USD/CHF Outlook – 1.0231 Despite last month’s resumption of medium term decline to 1.0033, subsequent rebound suggests a temporary low is possibly in place and above 1.0360 would bring a long-overdue correction to 1.0453 but break and needed to yield stronger gain to 1.0700/10. Below 1.0033 would risk one more fall, however, ‘loss of momentum’ should keep USD above 0.9860/70 before prospect of a strong rebound.

Medium Term AUD/USD Outlook – 0.9043 Aud’s strong retreat from 0.9330 suggests medium term up-move has possibly made a temporary top there and a daily close below 0.8860 would add credence to this view, bring correction to 0.8567 but oversold condition should keep price above support at 0.8239. On the upside, only above 0.8182 signals pullback from aforesaid top has ended and risks re-test of 0.9330 but ‘loss of momentum’ should cap AUD/USD below 0.9630/35.

Medium Term NZD/USD Outlook – 0.7215 Nzd’s sell-off from 0.7635 strongly suggests medium term rise from 0.4895 has made a top and consolidation with downside bias remains for correction to 0.7078 buy oversold condition should keep price above 0.6685. Only above 0.7496 would risk re-test of 0.7635.

Medium Term USD/CAD Outlook – 1.08111 Usd’s rally from 1.0207 suggests medium term fall from 1.3066 has made a low there and consolidation with upside bias remains for a correction towards 1.1126 but overbought condition should cap price at 1.1300. Only below 1.0591 defers and risks 1.0370/80.

Medium Term GBP/JPY Outlook – 148.00 Despite sterling’s rebound from 139.74 to 153.23, as top has been formed earlier at 163.06, further consolidation is seen with downside bias and break of said support would yield retrace. to 135.70/80. Only above 160.00 brings re-test of 163.06.

Medium Term EUR/JPY Outlook – 132.80 As euro has fallen sharply from 138.49, suggesting choppy trading inside broad range of 127.00-139.26 would continue and only breach of said support would indicate the rise from ’09 low 112.08 is possibly over, extend weakness to 125.60/70. On the upside, above 134.60/70 would bring rebound towards 136.00 but reckon aforesaid resistance at 138.49 would hold on 1st testing, yield retreat later.

Medium Term EUR/GBP Outlook – 0.8983 As euro has fallen sharply after last month’s rally to 0.9413, suggesting a correction of the rise from 0.8400 (June ’09) is under way and weakness to 0.8830/40 and possibly 0.8705 is seen but said support should hold on 1st testing. Above 0.9060/70 would indicate temporary low is made instead, yield a rebound to 0.9130/40 and then towards 0.9240 but aforesaid top at 0.9413 should remain intact.

Medium Term EUR/CHF Outlook – 1.5104 Although euro has fallen after being capped well below 1.5240, a breach of 1.5073 is and needed for re-test of the lower range of 1.5006-1.5448 and break there would extend weakness to 1.4940/50 and later 1.4900. above1.5240 would prolong choppy trading and yield a rebound to 1.5300/10 but resistance at 1.5382 should hold on 1st testing.


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I’ve received several comments from human traders asking how I am able to run back tests using expert advisors on the MT4 platform. It has come to my attention that newbie traders could appreciate a quick how-to on using the FOREXSTAY LIGHT EA Tester feature of MT4 so I decided to write a quick guide to help y’all get started.

First open the Strategy Tester panel by clicking on View then selecting Strategy Tester.

A panel should magically appear on the bottom part of your MT4 platform. Choose the EA you installed from the Expert Advisor choices.

Set the currency pair you want to run the back tests on and the appropriate period by clicking on the menu beside Symbol and Period. Specify the back testing period by setting your preferred dates and making sure the Use Date box is checked.

In this example, I’m running the back tests using GBP/USD’s 15-minute time frame from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. To ensure better modeling quality, select the Every Tick option for the model and select 10 for the spread.

You have to make sure that your price history data is complete to avoid mismatched chart errors on your trading log or have a modeling quality that’s lower than 90%. To do this, head over to the History Center under Tools or simply hit F2 on your keyboard.

From the pop-up window, double-click the currency pair you’ll be running the back tests on and check if the time frame you selected is included in the database. If not, select the time frame and click the download button below.

It is recommended that you include the 1-minute tick data for more accurate back test results, but this might take a lot of space in your hard drive and based on this robot’s experience, it could lead some programs to crash. Don’t say you haven’t been warned!

Once the history data is complete, you are finally ready to run the back test. Just hit the Start button on the right-hand side of the panel and let the number-crunching commence!

After a few seconds or minutes (depending on your back testing period and the speed of your processor), you can be able to view the results through the Graph or Results tab at the bottom of the Strategy Tester panel. As I always mention though, make sure you take these numbers with a grain of salt as past performance is not always indicative of future results.

I hope this basic tutorial makes forex robots a little less intimidating for newbies out there!

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Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Please refer to our full RISK-WARNING


Any person, who is planning to enter currency trading, within the forex market must be equipped with a reliable trading platform. Buscar la asistencia de una plataforma de renombre como Metatrader puede permitir a los comerciantes para el comercio de los mercados reales a través de un corredor automatizado, así como tener todos los gráficos, herramientas y gráficos a su disposición. La plataforma de negociación de Metatrader es bien sabido para su colección ancha de indicadores libres de la divisa. Estos indicadores son creados por los operadores de Forex con la intención de ayudar a otros comerciantes para hacer su vida fácil. Estos indicadores proporcionan un gran número de soluciones para los comerciantes a participar en sus actividades comerciales con una mente libre de problemas.

Forex Indicators

Forex indicators are defined as charting patterns that forex traders search for in order to predict the future trends in the market. Un montón de patrones de gráficos están ahí y pueden proporcionar consejos útiles a los comerciantes en cuanto a dónde van los movimientos futuros. Mercado de divisas puede ser considerado como uno de los mercados más volátiles que se pueden ver en el mundo actual. El valor de las monedas cambia cada segundo y todos los comerciantes de divisas se aconseja tener varios indicadores libres para predecir las tendencias futuras. Ellos ayudarán a un comerciante a tener una mejor idea de cuándo sentarse hasta que otra mejor señal viene en su camino.

Best Trading Platform

Engaging in your trading activities within the Metatrader trading platform makes a lot of sense since there is a huge collection of Metatrader indicators available. Todos estos indicadores se pueden agregar a la plataforma de una manera conveniente. El uso de un indicador único para el comercio de monedas puede conducir a problemas. No se puede predecir el futuro de las monedas. Por lo tanto, es recomendada por los expertos para cargar múltiples indicadores forex a la plataforma Metatrader y mantenerse alejado de problemas. Al cargar varios indicadores en el mismo gráfico, puede tener un excelente vistazo a las tendencias futuras. Entonces usted puede permanecer lejos de todas las tendencias descendentes y seguir el camino del éxito. Dado que estos indicadores se ofrecen gratuitamente, puede cargar múltiples indicadores tanto como desee. Todas las personas que se dedican a las actividades de comercio de divisas debe seleccionar la mejor plataforma de comercio de divisas disponibles a fin de evitar problemas y obtener beneficios de una manera conveniente. Fuera de las plataformas de forex disponibles, Metatrader ocupa un lugar destacado. Es una plataforma de software que es independiente del corredor de la divisa. Esta plataforma independiente de comercio de divisas fue desarrollada por MetaQuotes Company en 2002. Ha mantenido una excelente reputación en los últimos años debido a sus características únicas e interesantes. Los intermediarios que utilizan la plataforma Metatrader tienen sus propias versiones de paquetes, pero el back-end de la aplicación es administrado por MetaQuotes. La plataforma de trading de Metatrader es bien conocida por su capacidad para ejecutar robots, capacidad para realizar una amplia gama de análisis técnicos y para asesores expertos.

Metatrader Indicators

Metatrader trading platform is being used by hundreds of brokers all over the world. La seguridad mejorada y la tecnología avanzada ofrecida por Metatrader ha impresionado a estos corredores. Esto proporcionará la oportunidad para los comerciantes de divisas para abrir y cerrar posiciones de divisas sin preocuparse por la estabilidad de su plataforma. La plataforma de trading de Metatrader ofrece una variedad de beneficios y ventajas para sus clientes. La interfaz de esta plataforma es extremadamente fácil de usar e incluso los operadores de Forex inexpertos pueden participar en sus actividades comerciales en el mercado volátil con comodidad. Dado que se trata de una plataforma internacional, es compatible con varios idiomas para la comodidad de los comerciantes. Las herramientas avanzadas de comunicación pueden ayudar a los corredores a comunicarse con sus operadores en tiempo real. Estas herramientas eliminarán la necesidad de hilos de correo electrónico complicados que dan origen a varias complicaciones.

Metatrader For Forex Market

Along with the user friendly trading features, Metatrader trading platform has introduced advanced charting capabilities for the traders. Esto proporcionará la oportunidad para los comerciantes de divisas para analizar sus aspectos técnicos del mercado de divisas vigente. A diferencia de otras plataformas de comercio de divisas, Metatrader ofrece a los comerciantes acceso a asesores expertos. Pueden utilizar estos asesores expertos para automatizar todas las actividades comerciales y personalizarlos de acuerdo a sus necesidades y requerimientos. Esta plataforma es relativamente baja en recursos, lo que significa que puede ejecutarlo en su propio ordenador personal sin ningún problema. Esto permitirá a los comerciantes a reaccionar rápidamente y aplicar las solicitudes en un corto período de tiempo. Las personas que usan Metatrader pueden ver información de la cuenta, como saldo de cuenta, información de contraseña, detalles de acceso y historial de transacciones a través de la interfaz de la plataforma real. You don't need to worry about hacks or attacks because they have very high security implementations. La plataforma de negociación es flexible y soporta una variedad de monedas. Fuera de todo, las características del arreglo para requisitos particulares pueden hacer su vida fácil y darle la oportunidad de centrarse más en comercios de la divisa. La plataforma de trading forex Metatrader se ha convertido en un estándar de mercado, así como cualquier comerciante de divisas puede ir por ella sin ninguna duda. Las personas que participan en las actividades de comercio de divisas debe buscar una gran plataforma comercial como Metatrader debido a la excelente colección de indicadores libres que tiene. Esto asegurará sus ocasiones de conseguir acertado como comerciante de la divisa. Esta plataforma también tiene varias características únicas e interesantes que lo convierten en una opción perfecta para cualquier trader forex. Por lo tanto, el gasto de tiempo y dinero en tal plataforma será una gran inversión realizada hacia su futuro.

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Rimantas Petrauskas is the author, a Forex trader, programmer, entrepreneur, father and a husband. Él ha estado creando software para el comercio de divisas y la entrega de señales desde 2009, y ha creado cientos de robots comerciales para sus clientes. Él cree firmemente que con una actitud mental positiva podemos alcanzar cualquier meta.


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Exención de responsabilidad de los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos - La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

La compra, venta o asesoramiento con respecto a una moneda sólo puede ser realizada por un corredor / distribuidor autorizado. Neither us, nor our affiliates or associates involved in the production and maintenance of these products or this site, is a registered Broker/Dealer or Investment Advisor in any State or Federally-sanctioned jurisdiction. Se anima a todos los compradores de productos referenciados en este sitio a consultar con un representante autorizado de su elección con respecto a cualquier estrategia comercial o de comercio en particular. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Entender claramente esto: La información contenida en este producto no es una invitación para operar ninguna inversión específica. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es tu decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras y personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs & circunstancias. Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests & could lead to losses of capital.


Торгівельна платформа

Торгівельні платформи MetaTrader дозволяють проводити різні розрахунки, здійснювати купівлю або продаж активів і валют в режимі реального часу. Торгуючи при допомозі терміналів МТ5 або MT4, ви завжди будете в курсі стану вашого особового рахунку, а також зможете отримувати повідомлення про угоди, відкриття позицій, величину прибутку і збитків.

Цілодобове обслуговування сім днів на тиждень

Висока швидкість проведення торгівельних операцій

Невисокі вимоги до швидкості зв'язку та ресурсів системи

Можливість роботи через мобільні пристрої

Великий вибір торгівельних інструментів для торгівлі

Вбудований онлайн-магазин готових торгівельних радників, індикаторів і скриптів

Можливість отримання торгівельних звітів

Функціональні особливості MetaTrader4 і MetaTrader5

Незважаючи на ширший спектр торгівельних можливостей платформи п'ятого покоління, більшість трейдерів воліють працювати в торгівельному терміналі MT4, який має всі можливості, достатні для повноцінного трейдингу.

8 таймфреймів

Великий набір інструментів для технічного аналізу

Стрічка економічних новин в режимі онлайн

Можливість автоматичної торгівлі

Можливість локування позицій

Широкий вибір безкоштовних індикаторів і радників

Створення власних індикаторів, радників (MQL4)

Безпечне 128-бітове шифрування

Торгівля в один клік


Торгівельна платформа MetaTrader 5 є найпопулярнішою безкоштовною програмою для онлайн-трейдингу. МТ5 - це сучасний торгівельний термінал, в якому ви знайдете весь функціонал попередньої версії MT4, доповнений великою кількістю корисних технологічних нововведень.

21 таймфрейм в противагу 8 в МТ4

Доступ до «склянки цін» (Level II Pricing) і специфікацій контрактів

MQL5 — нове покоління мови програмування торгівельних радників та індикаторів

Автоматичне формування архіву котирувань

Розширений набір технічних інструментів

У вікні Order з'явилося нове поле Fill Policy (політика виконання)

Можливість виставляти Buy Stop Limit і Sell stop limit, що дозволяють працювати на подвійне відбиття, не вдаючись до допомоги радників

Можливість встановлювати термін закінчення відкладеного ордера

Вбудований онлайн-магазин готових торгівельних радників, індикаторів і скриптів

Завантажте MetaTrader на свій пристрій:

MetaTrader - торгівельна платформа, перевірена часом

Для завантаження ви також можете скористатися QR-кодом

Для завантаження ви також можете скористатися QR-кодом

Системні вимоги: Windows XP SP2 та вище

Завантажити Windows MetaTrader 4

Системні вимоги: iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, iPod touch, iPad, iOS 4.0 та вище, 3G/WiFi

Завантажити IPhone, IPad MetaTrader 4

Системні вимоги: смартфон або планшет з touchscreen, Android 2.1 та вище, 3G/WiF

Завантажити Android MetaTrader 4

Системні вимоги: Windows XP SP2 та вище

Завантажити Windows MetaTrader 5

Signalator Automated Trading Signals

To make any profits with any forex trading signal, the first thing you have to do is at least to execute signals properly and on time. It's hardly possible you are ready to devote to the trading process your full working day. In most cases, the clients use the forex trading as an additional source of income and do not have enough time to execute signals themselves. Moreover, it may take excessive time to receive a signal, to open a trading platform and to enter all the required options.

Signalator offers 100% automated trading signals. What exactly it means? We will take care of the full trading process. You will have to do virtually nothing to make profits with our signals. The only thing you have to do only once is to install the autotrader directly on your trading platform and leave it running. However, if you do not want to do it yourself or you do not have any suitable computer for it, we will install everything on our VPS server and we will be looking after your account.

Please note: all trading decisions are made solely by human professional traders and the automation is used for execution purposes only. We do not use any trading robots or automated trading systems.

Signalator Automated Trading Benefits

100% Automated trading for you. Your account is growing while you are sleeping, working or resting.

Instant, reliable automated execution of all alerts: Open signals, SL / TP levels updates, Close signals.

Professional traders alerts executed for you round the clock wherever you are whatever you do.

Open, Close and Update trades

Manage lot sizes from personal page. Use fixed size or % of deposit.

Provides detailed trade information for analysis purposes (alert id, position id)

Define slippage amount to prevent adverse opening

Requirements and Description

Signalator autotrader is an EA (expert advisor) designed by Signalator IT team and is suitable for any FX broker metatrader account (either MT4 or MT5). The only thing the autotrader is supposed to do is to collect trade details from Signalator website and to pass it to your trading platform for execution. If you do not have any metatrader account, contact your broker to find out whether it can offer this type of an account for you. Metatrader is widely used trading platform and most brokers offer it. If you are sure you don't have the metatrader account but you still want to have trades executed automatically, we can offer you two options: manual trades execution by company traders for an additional fee or the managed account services.

Requirements for Signalator autotrader: 1) Any metatrader account 2) Platform installed on a device running and online 24*7

How can I use automated trading?

There are two ways to install the autotrader: you can do it yourself in 3-5 minutes or we can install your trading platform with autotraders on our server. If you would like to install it on your own, please refer to the Installation Instructions. The detailed installation instruction is available.

If you would like us to install both the trading platform and the autotraders on Signalator server, please contact us and provide the following details: a) the broker name ( e. g. FX Broker 1 ) b) the link for a platform installation c) login to your account d) password to your account e) trading server name ( e. g. Live-Euro-001 ). Please note: these details are used for the installation purposes only and are deleted once the installation is complete. Your funds will remain secure as the money can be withdrawn to the account holder's account only.

Questions and Answers

Q. Is it safe to use the Signalator autotrader? A. Yes, it is. The Signalator autotrader is the trades execution software. This software only automates the process of trades placing in to your account. All trades are created by Signalator traders and autotrader simply uses details to put them in your account.

Q. What are the benefits of the automated trading? A. The main obvious benefit and the reason to use automated trading is your time. With an automated trading it is not required to spend any of your time on a trading process. All trades will be executed for you at any time. Trades will be executing whatever you do: sleep, work or rest. You won't miss a single trade and your account will be growing.

Q. Do I need to have my PC working 24/7? A. The trading platform is required to be running during the trading hours (Monday 5:00 - Friday 20:00). You may use your PC, your VPS or Signalator free VPS. With Signalator VPS server you are offered a 100% automated trading.

Q. Is it possible to have all trades automated? A. Signalator offers 100% automation for any metatrader account. It means you do not have to do anything at all. Everything will be made automatic.

Q. I don't have a metatrader account, is it still possible to automate my trading? A. Yes, for an additional fee Signalator trades will be executing trades on your account. So you don't do anything at all.

Q. Can I use the Signalator autotrader on a demo account? A. Yes, you can use Signalator autotrader with both a real and a demo account.

Q. Will I be receiving Email / SMS alerts if I use an automated trading? A. If you would like to receive SMS / Email alerts in addition to your automated trading, there are no problems at all. Signals will be sent to you the way you prefer.

Q. What are the side effects of an automated trading, if any? A. We are constantly improving automated trading software to make it secure and reliable. However, anything may happen (unexpected open, open without SL level placed, no opening at all, etc.)

Signalator® Limited Registered in England and Wales, no:6219867; 53 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L19ER, UK. Copyright Signalator® 2000-2017 ©. Copyright and the intellectual property rights to the format and content of this site are reserved and are proprietary to Signalator Ltd. unless otherwise indicated. No material from this site may be copied, reproduced or redistributed in any manner without the prior written permission of Signalator Ltd. The trademarks and logos used and displayed on this site are registered and unregistered trademarks and logos of Signalator Ltd. and other and may not be used in any manner without the express written approval of the trademark and logo owner.



All Forex Ltd Clients operate on financial markets using the MetaTrader 4 Forex Ltd trading platform - the exclusive product of MetaQuotes Software Corp. a leading developer of online market trading systems and information-analysis platforms. MetaTrader 4 Forex Ltd has a convenient, intuitively understandable interface that allows You to view Your operations and account balance and use graphical methods of technical analysis to create Your own trading strategies.

Main advantages of MetaTrader 4 Forex Ltd:

wide range of financial instruments (Forex, Futures, CFD);

trading from charts and one click position opening;

perfectly user - friendly interface with multilingual support;

high security of operations (128 bit encoding is used);

full set of technical analysis tools is provided;

automated trading by Expert Advisors;

online financial market news;

built in Help - the comprehensive trading terminal userguide;

unlimited number of charts can be plotted at various time intervals;

internal email service.

MetaTrader 4 Forex Ltd is a first-rate solution for trading in financial markets featuring 24 hour support, flexible, customizable viewings and technical analysis tools intended for both beginners and professional experienced traders. The platform supports 21 currency pairs with free multiple chart types that can be produced based on the latest changes in the most important economic indicators.


Speculative trading with currencies and CFDs carries a high degree of risk to capital. You may loss the whole deposit for short run. You should not start up trading with real money if you do not have a possibility to loose it. Before depositing funds consider carefully your financial knowledge and appetite for risk.

Additional Forex Trading Signals:

MetaTrader: Visit www. to select from many third-party trading signals that connect directly to your GCI MetaTrader4 account

ActTrader: Go to the “FXApps” tab in your ActTrader software and click the “FXApps” button. Then follow the registration instructions to connect any Indicator, Signal, or Trading Strategy with your ActTrader account.

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MetaTrader 4 Platform for PC

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2017 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. The company has steadily been working since 2006 serving its customers in 12 languages of 60 countries over the world, in full accordance with international standards of brokerage services.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets does not provide services for United States residents.

Why IFC Markets?

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Artical forex mt4 signal indicator

Some traders think that their intuition is the reason for their superior performance. Actually, it is an outcome pop put when qualitative research and decent psychology focuses on your decision making capability. This ultimately gives qualitative results which reveal different experiences of each trader. Its all about how consciously or sub consciously you prevent yourself from the influences of the emotions on the trading decisions. Role played by emotions is somewhat relative to perception and judgment. And after several research findings, you not only get unique way to predict the market but you also get aware of the fact that there is vast difference between intuition and impulse. Before moving forward let me ask you a question. Should money be the only objective for a trader? According to me, answer should be a big no. Now you must be scratching your head that why is it so? Dejame explicar. Dont you earn knowledge? Dont you learn how to tackle the situation, how to have control over your emotions or actions! Getting motivated by money is not enough, motivation towards work is the necessary fuel needed to push us through the tough times and to pull us forward towards someth.

Automate Your Forex Trading

Enter your trading strategy and generate Expert Advisor for Forex currency trading. Create Scripts to help you trade. Professional Edition generates both *.ex4/*.ex5 and source code *.mq4/*.mq5 files.

Since most Forex trading strategies contain common elements: opening positions, closing positions, trailing stops, signals, etc. generator creates Expert Advisor, Script or Custom Indicator with those common components for trading Forex markets. Press Generate menu and your EA, Script or Custom Indicator is ready.

Test your ideas before you hire someone to program Expert Advisor, Script or Custom Indicator for you.

Forex Generator

Full support for MetaTrader 4. Limited experimental MetaTrader 5 support.

No programming required for most setups.

Create both Expert Advisors (EA), Custom Indicators and trading Scripts.

Setup order opening signals via build-in or custom indicators.

Import your own or custom third party indicators.

Set order execution: take profit, stop loss, trailing stop, etc.

Limit opening of new orders to specific days of the week.

Set hours when Expert Advisor should open new orders.

Limit Expert Advisor to work only when spreads are less than set value.

Setup second order with different take profit, stop loss, etc. Mainly used for break-even trading scenarios.

Option to close orders if opposite signal has been received.

Martingale and Semi-Martingale risk management.

Include your own custom code into the diagram.

Forex Generator Block Editor

This is free companion add-on product for Forex Generator.

Create your own building blocks and use them in Forex Generator.

Build your own library of advanced blocks.

Free Upgrades

If you get current version 6.x all upgrades for any upcoming version 6.x will be free.

Forex Generator Screenshots

Forex Trade Copier 2 – the best tool for copying orders in MetaTrader 4.

Who can use this MT4 copier?

Forex Copier is a solution for individual traders or account managers who need to execute trade signals from external sources or who need to manage several MetaTrader 4 accounts at the same time. We do not offer you “yet another holy grail EA”, we just offer a simple and reliable tool which copies orders from one MT4 to one or more other MT4s.

So, if you have a good source of Forex signals and want to execute these signals on your platform, you want to send signals to your clients, or you just want to manage several accounts, then our MetaTrader copier is what you are looking for.

The program is also helpful for people who know the source of “bad signals” and want to get some profit with the help of reverse copying .

Key features of Forex Trade Copier:

Any broker support

Any account type support

Simple to install and use


Custom lot/risk management

Filtering orders

Adjusting copied orders by user’s criteria

Reverse Copying

Lifetime license, no monthly/yearly payments

Lifetime support

Multiple Source support

Multiple Receiver support

Copying via Internet (in Forex Remote Copier )

Many other features: see full list here

What our customers say?

Metatrader 4 Forex Indicators

Comprehensive collection of free trading indicators for Metatrader 4. Install Metatraders 4 indicators in the following directory on your computer: C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators (installation tutorial ). Then open the Metatrader 4 platform > insert > indicators > custom (MT4 custom indicators list). Open a free Metatrader 4 demo account here .

Metatrader4 Indicators File Repository:

What's included in the download file? 390 Metatrader 4 indicators in one download file (zip format). See the most popular MT4 trading indicators below. Click the name to view picture + description.

All Pivot Points Indicator

Pin Bar Indicator

Trend Strength Indicator

FX Forecast Indicator

Buy & Sell Forex Trend Indicator

Forex Sessions Indicator

Brokers Spread Trading Indicator

Bar Trend Signal Indicator

TSR Big Trend Signal Indicator

ASCTrend Signal Indicator

Candlestick Pattern Recognition Indicator

Simple Moving Average Crossover Indicator

Automated Pivot Point Indicator

Automated Trendlines Indicator

Stochastic Buy & Sell Indicator

Slope Signal Line Indicator

Two Moving Averages Signal Indicator

2 Signal Line MACD Indicator

Semafor High-Low Period Indicator

Better Murray Math MM Levels Indicator

3D Oscillator Signals

3 Line Break Indicator

4HrTrader Signal Indicator

Adaptive Stochastic Indicator

Automated Trend Lines Indicator

ADX Crossover Signals Indicator

Multiple Timeframe ADX Indicator

Multiple Commodity Channel Index (CCI) Indicator

Multiple Relative Strength Index (RSI) Indicator

All Woodies CCI Indicator

Arrows & Curves Signal Indicator

ATR Channels Volatility Indicator

B-Clock Time Indicator

5 Day High-Low Breakout Indicator

Trend Line Breakout Indicator

Divergence Trading Indicator

CCI Histogram Trading Indicator

Chaikin Volatility Indicator

EMA Crossover Signal Indicator

EMA Angle Signal Indicator

Forex Trend Champion Indicator

Fractals Trend Indicator

Osma Divergence Indicator

Forex Forecaster Indicator

High Low Timeframer Indicator

Forex Trend Bar Indicator

Smoothed Heikin-Ashi Indicator

Daily Price Range Indicator

HL Trend Signal Indicator

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator

Inside Bar Indicator

Laquerre RSI Indicator

5 Month High-Low Breakout Indicator

Super Trend Indicator

Multi Moving Averages Indicator

Multi Trend Signal Indicator

Candlestick Patterns Indicator

Fibonacci Retracement Indicator

Schaff Trend Cycle Indicator

3 Color MACD Indicator

Support & Resistance Indicator

MT5 brokers | MetaTrader 5 brokers

MT5 ECN brokers — still not many choices in 2012

Closer to the end of 2012, the MT5 platform introduction is still going quite slow. Several large Forex brokers have stopped offering MT5 for "demoing" and closed their MT5 promo pages. While the dominant majority of Forex brokers are still in the Demo testing stage.

Only a few Forex brokers this year finally switched to Live MT5, which is a great start, as Forex traders have been waiting for live MT5 platforms for a while. Yet, the broker choice with MT5 platforms today is not very high. Nevertheless, we believe this should be the right step to a better and faster MT5 introduction in the future!

MT5 ECN brokers — what do we have in 2017?

Update: March 27, 2017 The last stats are as follows:

2 brokers moved to MT5 live

5 brokers stopped offering MT5 platform (either Demo or Live)

2 brokers who used to offer MT5 went out of business

As we can see by 2017, the list of MT5 brokers still isn't growing as fast as one would expect. The transition of old MT4 users to MT5 proved to be slow. Will the new investors give preference to MT5? Time will show.

Early 2017 update:

IronFX - no longer offers MT5 live. VantageFX - stopped offering MT5 live.

MetaTrader Trading Platform : Complex Online Trading Software

MetaTrader 5, commonly known as MT5 trading platform, is a software / electronic trading and technical analysis platform, widely used for online Fo rex business speculative traders. It is also used for futur es trading and CFD as well. MT5 and its predecessors called MT4, MT3 and so on, are developed by MetaQuotes Software Corporation.

MetaTrader client terminal comprises of a built-in editor and a compiler with access to user contributed articles, free library of software and online help. MT5 architecture based on a proprietary scripting language, MQL5, which enables traders to develop custom indicators, expert Advisors, and scripts. One of the main reasons of MetaTrader's popularity is its support for algorithmic tr ading.

Yahoo hosts over 12,000 members group devoted design and development of free open source software for MetaTrader platform. IT is also important to mention that a number of brokerage firms have also included the Metatrader platform as an option, alternative to their own trading software. Whereas, in the third dimension, third party developers have developed software bridges, enabling Metatrader integration with other financial programs, though many brokers opted MT5 as a stand alone complete solution for their market trading.

MetaTrader 5 is a complete cyclic platform that includes all elements needed to perform brokerage services independent of any third party software requirements. The complete MetaTrader 5 package includes the components, discussed below:-

* MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal. The client terminal provided free by brokerages for real and demo online trading accounts. MT5 client terminal provides trade operations, charts and techn ical analysis in real time. It's C-like programming language allows users to program trading strategies, signals and indicators by themselves. Moreover, up to 83 basic indicators are included, each of them can be tailored further to meet individual requirements.

* MetaTrader 5 Mobile. By using MT5 mobile, trader controls a trading account via his mobile devices such as mobile p hone or lap top.

* MetaTrader 5 WWW. By using MT5 web-access services, trader do not necessarily require trading platform to be downloaded on his device. All trading can be carried out directly from the browser.

* MetaTrader 5 (Access, Trade, History, Backup) Servers. MetaTrader 5 has a distributed system architecture, in which different functions are segregated or distributed between different servers. This allows enhanced performance of the software system by designating each task to a different server, independent in handling that particular task. This also enables to include additional servers to the platform any time to increase its overall performance or to reduce load on its individual modules. The scalability of system is a perfect solution to growth problem, which tightly control the platform and preserve the quality of service. Another advantage of this architecture is its high resistance to hacking attacks. Access server authenticate login access and the Trade server executes trading actions. Besides that history servers keeps all the records of trading for refer ence and analysis. Whereas, all the data of these three servers backed up at Backup server as part of disaster recovery plan.

* MetaTrader 5 Administrator. MT5 Admin is designed to remotely manage the server settings.

MetaTrader 5 is designed to arrange brokerage services in Forex, Futures, CFD, as well as equity markets. With this platform, clients have best client terminal and better services, thus enabling them to execute trades in several financial markets and stock exchanges with single account.

MT5 platform is focused on margin trading and designed as a platform for equity markets as well as Forex, Futures and CFD trading. In short, MetaTrader 5 is one of the best online trading platforms for providing brokerage services.

The most flexible Trade Copier on the market!

We offer a Trade Copier service for Forex and CFD Traders

Duplikium is a service provider for Asset Managers . Signal Providers or Private Traders .

We offer a Trade Copier (a. k.a PAMM) to replicate, duplicate or copy Forex and CFD transactions between accounts. No more account hosting is required on your PC/server. Everything is embedded in our cloud.

Our technology is useful especially if you need to replicate, duplicate or copy strategies (EA) that run in a main account (called Master) to several other accounts (called Slaves).

With our solution, you are totally free to use your existing accounts whatever your broker is. We do not ask you to open new accounts with brokers of our choice.

The main characteristic of the Duplikium Trade Copier is its flexibility:

Multi-broker . this is unique! (Metatrader 4, Metatrader 5, cTrader, FXCM, LMax, FIX API) (coming soon: InteractiveBrokers)

Multi-currency of accounts (USD, EUR, JPY, CHF. )

Risk management (risk factor) by account or by group

Partial close supported for all brokers

You keep a total flexibility for manually closing or opening positions on Slave accounts

FREE INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIPTION Free and forever. No limitations. Open a Live account with Pepperstone

FREE and FOREVER with 1 Master and 1 Slave accounts. You just have to register to our FREE Trader Copier offer!

In addition, benefit from an ultra-low latency solution to manage your clients' accounts or to send signals to your clients. High-frequency trading strategies are welcome.

Our innovative solution is working in the cloud. It is very easy to setup!

Our goal is to supply you THE solution that you need for your trading activity.

Do not waste your time anymore by executing the trades on your clients' accounts, but let's save time for your core activity to generate powerful trades or signals.

MT5, our new Master +

We are the first Cloud Trade Copier to be able to copy trades from MT5! Copy Trades From MT5 to … Read More

cTrader is onboard +

Our Team is very proud to connect the long awaited cTrader platform (Spotware) to our Duplikium Trade Copier. Copy Trade … Read More

New Features. +

​​​​COPY YOUR STOPLOSS AND TAKEPROFIT Apply your Master's StopLoss and TakeProfit to your Slave(s):​ Available for MT4. Initial Master's TakeProfit … Read More

Happy New Year +

The Duplikium's Team wishes you a Happy New Year and a successful trading activity! This new year will be synonym of … Read More

Three new features +

Three new features to discover with Duplikiumhttp://www. duplikium. com/index. php/features/characteristicsADVANCED SYMBOL MAPPINGS: a very innovative feature that we are proud to present you … Read More


How This Program Works:

MT4 Trade Copier executes trades on the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY, GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY

You can use any lot size and you control the leverage

You can set the trade copier to only execute one trade at a time (protecting your capital)

You can specify the maximum stop loss used on all trades

You can execute your own trades in the same account at the same time

You can turn off the trade copier any time you want

You don't need a minimum trading account balance (works with ay size trading account)

Maximum stop loss used is no more than 55 pips (stop loss used on every trade)

Make adjustements to the lot size and leverage as your account grows

Receive email updates on all trades and trade activity

Works with any broker that offers the MT4 platform (you don't have to change brokers)

Works on both demo and live trading accounts

Live Technical Support Included! We can help you install the trade copier onto your mt4 platform

Additional Currency Pairs I trade:USD/CAD, AUD/CHF, GBP/AUD, EUR/AUD, EUR/NZD, GBP/CHF, AUD/JPY, NZD/JPY, GBP/CAD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, CAP/JPY, EUR/CAD, EUR/CHF, EUR/GBP. Please keep in mind that even though we might be looking for an opportunity looking at these additional pairs, I wont be trading them all every day or at the same time.

INSTANT ACCESS Once You Complete Your Purchase: Please Note - You will directed immediately to the members page to download your trade copier service.

You will have instructional videos on the members page to show you how to set up and operate the trade copier service

You will receive live customer support Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm eastern time (New York time) on the members page

THIS IS NOT A MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. Your credit/debit card will be charged only ONE TIME (NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS). You never pay again and there is no monthly payments or subscription fees

If you sign up to use this service before the expiration on the timer above you will have lifetime membership to use this service and you only have to make one payment and you will never have to make any monthly payments.

***By using this service you agree and accept that you understand how to use proper leverage and we will not be held responsible for the leverage you use or the results.

I was literally going to quit forex trading. I thought everything was a scam, but I decided to try one last time with your service. Glad I did! Been using the signals since the first of 2017 and just like your promise, "No Losing Months"

Private Forex Trader

When I first started using your service it wasn't automated but I am very grateful that you changed that. I don't miss any trades now and my performance is what you get. Thanks again - luv the automated signals!

Private Forex Trader

So far this week you guys have placed all winning trades, thanks for that

Private Forex Trader

Your nightly trade plans have been surprisingly accurate. I have actually made money with your service and better than other signal services I have used in the past. ¡Gracias!

Private Forex Trader

This service is just as valuable as any other tool for the professional trader but the real value is in your trade copier program. priceless!

Private Forex Trader

I'm still in school (college) and I have started a small trading club using your signals. you guys are awesome! Keep up the good work, no losers so far

Private Forex Trader


Important: This page is part of archived content and may be outdated.

Before we introduce the forex platform which we offer to our traders it is important to explain that the tool often described as forex platform or forex terminal is what is used in retail forex trading as the bridge between the retail trader like yourself to the foreign exchange market through an interface which is provided by trading-point. com.

The Metatrader Client Terminal for PCs is designed for analyzing the current market trends and conducting trade operations on the financial markets. Metatrader 4 is a class-leading software project and it opens up great opportunities for flexible management of trading activities. The Metatrader is world known for its usability its effectiveness and its customization features which allow the user to adapt it to a number of software programs that perform robot trading. The MT4 has built in indicators which allow you to analyze the market while the MQL4 network enables traders to use automated trading strategies. The built-in technical indicators allow you to analyze securities quotes, whilst the MQL4 network enables the development and usage of automated trading strategies.

Metatrader (MT4) Installation

Download the MT4 – Click Here

After installation is over or when launching the program for the first time, you will see the login window.

Use the username and password you have received in your welcome email after opening a demo or real account to login.

MT4 Platform Features

Complete technical analysis package: 50+ in-built indicators and charting tools

Ability to create various custom indicators, different time periods (from minutes to months)

Secure trade sessions: Clients are equipped with a unique username and password

Online news

Multi-language program interface

History database management and real time data import/export facility

Signals of system and trading actions

Internal mailing system

Streaming prices in up to 200 lots (20 million)

Mobile Trading: MetaTrader 4 Mobile for PDA’s and suitable mobile phones

Built-in help guides for MetaTrader 4 and MetaQuotes Language 4

Automated trading – Program your own strategies using the Expert Advisor

PC with Microsoft Windows 98 SE2 operating system or higher;

Intel Celeron based processor, with a frequency of 1.7 GHz or higher;

Screen resolution of 1024×768 pixels or higher;

256 Mb of RAM or more;

50 Mb of free drive space.

Click on the links below to download the user guides

To be able to open, view and print the account documentation and forms, you need to install Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer.

Usage of the Metatrader MT4 Platform

Although the Metatrader platforms are used by business entities the major audience which uses the particular platform is private traders which trade currencies and commodities for clearly speculative reasons due to its extremely user friendly characteristics which allow forex trading to be made easy even for rookies or traders that do not have major knowledge of computers or the internet. The software is offered at a number of retail forex brokers and can be downloaded 100% free, it will be often found under the name forex terminal or trading terminal.

The (Metatrader) MT4 terminal offers a built in editor and compiler with full access to the free library of software that comes together with package called the Metatrader 4, these add – on features or plugins as they are also called allow the user to add features to his trading experience based on his needs, his experience or his trading pattern. The Metatrader uses a Metaquotes in house developed scripting language called MQL4 and enables traders to build their own advisors which will release them indicators and forex signals based on the criteria they will set.

Why the Metatrader Forex Platform

As the internet has evolved in becoming the most widespread means of conducting business, communication, entertainment, information and recreation forex has developed hand in hand with a clear diversification from paper trading to the more advanced electronic trading which has therefore evolved the introduction of the forex platform concept.

The Metatrader MT4 forex platform which is the most widespread trading terminal used in forex trading is the leading forex platform of the world and it offers flexible trading regardless if you trade from home, from the office or while on the go.

Trading Point feels the MT4 platform maximizes forex trading services with a platform we feel is the right match to all audiences and all levels of trading due to its multi latitude features and its wide acceptance by developers and online communities which share forex plugins, added on benefits and software program which are fully compatible to the MT4 in difference to other less popular platforms. It is worth noting that only at Yahoo there is a registered 12,000 members which share notes and tools for the Metatrader making the overall functionality of the platform itself move beyond its initial offerings. The Metatrader client terminal operates flawlessly on Microsoft Windows based operating systems including Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and 98; additionally the platform will function normally with Linux operating systems.

Forex Trading Platform(s)

During the introduction of the world wide web several banking institutions introduced in house developed forex platforms out of which some are still available online today and are used as the main feature forex platform at some sites. During their introduction most forex trading platforms lacked one common characteristic which was that of research and development and the lack of being able to keep up with user expectations and the growing audience of retail forex traders.

It is only fair to say that a banking institution or an investment bank cannot keep its finger on the pulse of each and every aspect of trading as no institution can be an expert at all which is why the term outsourcing has emerged in modern business practice and applies for forex trading platforms.

That said we should note that in early 2000 the second more professional and dedicated form of forex trading platforms made their appearance. These trading platforms are the form that have survived today due to specialization which has consequently lead to many institutions to either adopt third party trading software or either merge with software providers to share knowledge and develop forex trading platforms further.

The Metatrader forex trading platform will enable the retail trader like yourself to have full control of your operations with world leading technology in reporting and trading forex. With the Metatrader, forex is made easy, efficient and above all accurate.

Main Feature of Speedpro MT5 to MT4 Trade Copier

Speedpro MT 5 to MT 4 Trade Copier was updated many times by adding advanced features at each time. Currently available features include:

Copy trades from a Meta Trader 5 terminal up to five different Meta Trader 4 terminals in the same PC or even more.

Copy trades from many Meta Trader 5 terminals to single Meta trader 4 terminals in the same PC.

You can also reverse trade if it is necessary (i. e Buy in MT 5=> Sell in MT 4 and Sell in MT 5 => Buy in MT 4)

The trade copier will not disturb your manual trades and other trades by other expert advisors in your Meta Trader 4 terminal. Therefore you can combine other expert advisors with this trade copier. You can even mix MT 5 and MT 4 signal subscription into your live Meta Trader 4 terminal.

The Trade Copier has the automatic scaling function of your Meta Trader 4 lot size by comparing the balance between your MT 5 and MT 4 terminal. However you can also control your lot size by using simple multiplier.

You can hide specific currency pairs in your MT 5 terminal and you can skip these currency pairs from copying to your MT 4 terminal.

You can copy positions from your MT 5 terminal to MT 4 terminal regardless of the different suffix in different brokers.

Using the custom user mapping function, you can walk around with unmatched currency pairs or commodity symbols between brokers. For example, you can make the trade copier to copy the trade of “Gold” in MT 5 terminal to “XAUUSD” in MT 4 terminal. You can do the same for Silver too.

You can trade all the Forex, Gold and Silver symbols without any problem. Less supportive but you might also able to trade other index and futures too.

Possible connection mode between your MetaTrader 5 and MetaTrader 4 using Speedpro MT5 to MT4 Trade Copier

1. You can connect single Meta Trader 5 terminal to single Meta Trader 4 terminals (One to One).

2. You can connect each Meta Trader 5 terminal up to 5 different Meta Trader 4 terminals (One to Five).

3. You can connect single Meta Trader 5 terminal to single Meta Trader 4 terminals and you can repeat this for many times for other MT5 and MT4 terminals (Multiple of One to One).

4. You can connect many Meta Trader 5 terminals to single Meta Trader 4 terminal (Many to one)

5. You can connect many Meta Trader 5 terminals to many Meta Trader 4 terminals (Many to Many)

6. Also you can mix and match Meta Trader 4 and 5 signals into your single Meta Trader 4 terminals and you can execute orders with your favourite Meta Trader 4 brokers.

Quick 1 minute Installation Guide for Speedpro MT5 to MT4 Trade Copier

You need following two files:

SenderMT5_EA. ex5 (Sender EA for your Meta Trader 5 terminal) – EA to send signal of your trade positions from your MT5 platform. (Note that the file name maybe slightly different to yours.)

ReceiverMT4_EA. ex4 (Receiver EA for your Meta Trader 4 terminal) – EA to receive the signals from your MT5 platform. (Note that the file name might be slightly different to yours.)

The installation steps can be surmarized into following five steps.

Move SenderMT5_EA. ex5 to your MT 5 Expert Advisor Folder and also move ReceiverMT4_EA. ex4 to your MT4 Expert Advisor Folder.

Attach SenderMT5_EA. ex5 to any MT5 chart and copy and paste terminal path (Note that the terminal path normally looks like “C:\Users\. \MQL4\Files”) to the EA input variable setting in your MT5 terminal.

Open MT4 terminal and attach ReceiverMT4_EA. ex4 file to any MT4 chart.

Now the Trade Copier should start to work. If it is demo account, then open test trades manually on your MT5 terminal and see how they are copied to your MT4 terminal. (Note during weekend, you can't test Trade Copier as the market is closed.)

Start to subscribe MT5 signal or start to run MT5 expert Advisor on your MT5 Terminal. (Note to run MT5 expert advisor, you need to open another chart on your MT5 terminal.)

How to get the Live Account Version of Speedpro MT5 to MT4 Trade Copier

Getting the unlimited License for your live account is straight forward. To get unlimited License for live account, just drop us email on FinancialEngineerPro21@gmail. com. The current selling price of Speedpro MT5 to MT4 Trade Copier is 150 US dollar and we receive the payment using PayPal. When you make the payment, you need to quote us your full name, your country and PayPal reference number in English for the paper work purpose. That is it. After we process your details and payment, we will send you the live account version.

For further information on Speedpro MT5 to MT4 Trade Copier, please read our step by step guide on the manual below.

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WiseMan indicator shows candles of the forex trend changing. Blue sign indicates on the bearish (sell) trend, red (buy)- bullish.

Awesome oscillator is used for calculating of WiseMan forex indictor. Awesome Oscillator is a technical indicator created by Bill Wiliams. It measures moving power of the market (momentum) on the last 34 bars in comparison with momentum on the last five bars.

We a fulltime fx traders team with seven years experience and forex strategy/systems and forex indicators developer . This offer is for a powerfull indicator what is designed for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform.

What are you waiting for?

Choose PayPal for up to $2000 buyer protection

Starting with 01 September 2017 new tool is available:

SignalCopyMySQL+HR offer same copy capabilities as SignalCopyMySQL+ but wit Heartbeat and Reporting capabilities.

All master and slave accounts will send a heartbeat at predefined intervals and are monitored by control panel which will alert by mail if one account is offline or back online.

Also will alert when an account is about to expire or is already expired, both to admin and user.

Master and slave accounts can upload their account history and can compare trades.

Slave EA will upload account info (server, balance, equity, currenxy, etc.)

Slave EA will upload trades log (Open, Close or Modify orders) as well as errors.

Because trends are made of a number of price swings, momentum plays an important role is assessing trend strength. Therefore, it is very important know when a trend is scaling down. Less momentum does not always create a reversal, but it does signal that something has been evolving, understanding that the trend may consolidate or reverse.

Price momentum means the direction and magnitude of price. Comparing price swings helps traders gain understanding of price momentum. FX5 MACD Divergence V1.0 we’ll check out the best way to evaluate price momentum and show you what divergence in momentum can let you know about the direction of the trend.

FX5 MACD Divergence V1.0 Mq4 (2.0 KiB, 468 downloads)

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Register for our FREE weekly newsletter. Receive MT4 Indicators News, MT4 Expert Advisors Test, Insightful Analysis.

Our MT4 - FIX API Trading Software allows traders to: 1. Get quotes from a broker via FIX API protocol and generate MT4 charts (standard and nonstandard) based on these quotes ; 2. A pply standard and custom MQL4 indicators on the charts generated from FIX API market data; 3. Apply MT4 Expert Advisors on the charts (standard and nonstandard) generated from FIX API market data and trade directly with a broker via FIX API trading sessions; 4. Trade manually from MT4 with a broker via FIX API trading sessions ; 5. Trade manually from our tool (special window for news traders) with a broker via FIX API trading sessions ;

6. Get Level II volumes to MT4 for for subsequent analysis .

You can use Market orders and Limit FOK and IOC orders as well

If your broker is not in our list, we can add connection to this broker for reasonable extra fee.

Discount 40% $2195

License for 2 PC or VPS / unlimited MT4 terminal on each PC/VPS

Alternative payment method

Instant Forex Market Updates - Trade Copier Performance

December Trade Copier Performance +917 Pips

I wanted to send you a copy of my trading account/performance record with you during the first five days of using your trade copier.

I have used other signal services and all of them have failed, but I am so glad that I decided to use your service. As you can see on my performance I have earned 130 pips in five days with your trade copier.

I was using a pretty conservative approach, only using about 1% but like you said, in the beginning I should start off small until I'm comfortable with the results and then increase the leverage I'm using with your trade copier.

I just want to say that I'm grateful for the time you put in to making me and your subscribers money and if it wasn't for you, I think I probably would stop trading because I was having a hell of a time trying to do it on my own.

Thank you again

- CJ. Private Forex Trader (USA)

i recently joined your trade copier service.

i was a little hesitate to join because i've been

burned several times before by other services that

promised me results but could not preform!

i don't have alot of money and my family was very disappointed​

each and everytime i would close each month with big losses!

i got to the point where i had to hide this from my wife.

i was very stressed out and couldn't sleep.

thankfully i came across your service.

so far i've been very happy with your service.

you seem to be an honest hard working man.

i'm most impressed with ability to recover

your losses almost right away.

just as you promise on your website.

losses are inevitable in the forex market

but earning it all back plus having a profitable

month each month i've used your service is

thank you very much from my entire family.

we are very grateful and look forward to more

profitable months with your service!

- Stan. m, Private Forex Trader (USA)

The trade copier allows you complete control of your trading account. You can set the parameters to determine how many lots you want the program to trade and how much leverage you want to use of your account on each trade.

This subscriber set the leverage pretty conservative on his first week and the trade copier filled 5 trades into his account.

I actually executed 11 trades on that week and all were winning trades but you can see from the picture above he earned over 200 pips and over $2,500 in cash! (he is using standard lots) this was an awesome week for him! Felicitaciones

(I've been providing trading services since 2007 and these results are from students back in 2017)

Disclaimer The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell nor should it be considered investment advice. You are responsible for your own trading decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results, as returns may vary according to market conditions. Trading in foreign exchange is speculative and may involve the loss of principal; therefore, assets placed in any type of forex account should be risk capital funds that if lost will not significantly affect one's personal financial well being. This is not a solicitation to invest, and you should carefully consider the suitability of your financial situation prior to making any investment or entering into any transaction. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objective, level of experience and risk appetite. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading and seek advice from an independent financial adviser if you have any doubts. By Federal Mandate, Foreign Currency Traders Must Read This First: Before deciding to trade real money in the Retail Forex market, you should carefully consider whether this is the right choice for you. Things to consider are your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose, i. e. don't trade forex with money you need to survive. Existe una considerable exposición al riesgo en cualquier transacción de divisas fuera de la bolsa, incluyendo pero no limitado a apalancamiento, solvencia, protección regulatoria limitada y volatilidad del mercado que pueden afectar sustancialmente el precio o la liquidez de una divisa o par de divisas. Furthermore, the leveraged nature of forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. Esto puede funcionar en su contra, así como para usted. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and be required to deposit additional funds to maintain your position. Si no cumple con los requisitos de margen, su posición puede ser liquidada y usted será responsable de las pérdidas resultantes. To manage exposure, employ risk-reducing strategies such as 'stop-loss' or 'limit' orders. Limitation of Liability: You understand and agree that under no circumstances will Joseph/ 4x trading coach/ bestforextradecopier. com, it's owners, staff, or members be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special or exemplary damages for any use of this site or any linked contents, even if we are advised of the possibility of such damages. Your only remedy is to discontinue use of this site. You waive the rights of lawsuit for any damage happened in our site. Information on any/all subjects and matters on this site is subject to change at any time. Joseph/ 4x trading coach/ bestforextradecopier. com does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by it's owner's, staff, or members. Joseph/ 4x trading coach, it's owners and staff do not provide trade information and advice.


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5 Minute Trading Review

About 5 Minute Trading Forex Signals Service

If you subscribe to this particular service, then you will start receiving Forex signals on a daily basis. The developers produce these alerts by assessing the prevalent market conditions and then creating projections predicting the future directional price movements of currency pairs. You can subsequently utilize this information to identify quality entry opportunities possessing optimum profit potential.

Although this company aims to generate daily signals, they omit doing so on those days when major fundamental news has been scheduled for release because of the ensuing high levels of volatility that can be generated. Instead, they prefer to wait until such erratic conditions have calmed down and price has settled into its preferred direction.

5minutetrading supplies signals containing comprehensive operational information including entry values, directional bias, take-profit and stop-loss details, etc. You will be also able to locate this key information within the members’ trading room on the developer’s website. In each session, you can anticipate receiving alerts for at least two new entry opportunities. Presently, this service focuses on the following currency pairs, which are the EUR/JPY, EUR/USD, USD/CAD and USD/JPY.

Fixed Time Forex Signals

This feature is one of the primary attractions of 5MinuteTrading. Essentially, you will know precisely at what times during the day you can expect the signals to be supplied. As such, you will be able to plan your day better without constantly waiting for new entry opportunities to evolve.

This company supports two sessions with the first occurring at 23.00pm EST and the second at 02.00am EST. At both these times, the provider will sent you a maximum of 4 Forex signals identifying new trading opportunities which will have a high success potential. Consequently, you will be able to execute new positions at these known times during each trading day. You will no longer have to spend hours glued to your computer waiting for such opportunities to unfold. Another benefit of fixed-time Forex signals is that they will help you develop your self-control so that you will not over-trade by diving into the market in an undisciplined fashion.

Accurate Forex Signals

The promoters of 5MinuteTrading specifically stress the quality and accuracy of their product by explicitly advising that these vital features make the difference between losing and winning. As such, the alerts provide exact details of operation leaving no room for misinterpretation. Basically, you will know precisely which currency pair to trade; which direction to select as well as the size of the supporting stop-losses and profit-targets.

This information is clearly stated within the signals in order to prevent users making mistakes and recording sizeable losses as a consequence. As such, the quality of this data is so high that traders do not need any prior experience or skill at trading Forex in order to record consistent profits. They just need to know how to activate a position using the details contained within the signals.

You must note that 5minuteTrading does not provide any trading copying software which you can install on a MetaTrader 4 platform. This means that you will have to manually perform the task of implementing new positions based on the data provided by the signals. However, once you have mastered this relatively simple task, you will then be in a position to readily repeat this process on a daily basis.

The signals are created by first making a professional evaluation of the prevailing market conditions and then applying well-tested trading strategies to identify quality entry opportunities. This information is then fully verified by utilizing a number of customized tools and procedures so that you can have full confidence in their quality.

Set and Forget Forex Signals

This is another important attribute of this signal service. Basically, the designers have developed techniques to counter the complexities of Forex trading so that it is not so stressful to trade.

As such, the signals have been constructed in such a way that once you activate new position at either of the two defined session times, you can then forget about them completely. The only action that you will need to do is to close all active trades at 14.00 EST. The developers are so confident in this process they claim, that by just performing these simple minimum actions, you will be able to watch your account grow on a daily basis as the 5MinuteTrading is easy to use; reduces stress and involves minor attention.

Reliable Forex Signals

The promoters of this service also claim that they create the most trustworthy signals in this business sector today. Specifically, they are attempting to provide their subscribers with the optimum opportunity to register lucrative returns on a consistent basis. Extensive testing has demonstrated that 5MinuteTrading. com has recorded a consistent reward-to-risk ratio of 2:1 ensuring that clients will only ever be subjected to risks that are half of their anticipated returns.

The developers of this service explicitly boast that it exhibits a reward-to-risk ratio of 2:1. This would, indeed, be an impressive feature if it could be confirmed. This is because such a result would greatly enhance the ability of the 5MinuteTrading to create streams of worthwhile profits consistently. To confirm the accuracy of this statement, a series of specially designed tests were undertaken and the forthcoming results are detailed in the ensuing table.

Our aim now was to devise a methodology that could indicate whether this signal service possesses the functionality to create real money profits. This objective was accomplished by determining the following key performance parameters based on the average values shown above.

1. Win-to-loss ratio = 49%

2. Reward-to-Risk ratio = 0.60

These parameter values advise that the 5MinuteTrading will generate a loss of $1.08 for each $1 placed at risk over the long haul.

An internet search did not reveal any enlightening user remarks capable of ratifying this product or not.

A 2 week trial period is offered at a cost of $9. The monthly subscript fee subsequently increases to $85.

The performance parameters listed above do not create any sense of confidence in this signal service as they will generate losses over any specified period of time. The feature that is particularly disturbing is that the reward-to-risk ratio fails badly to comply with the 2:1 figure claimed in the promotional literature.

Consequently, you are advised to exert caution if you are still considering purchasing this product. You can adopt such an approach by sticking with our own advised sequence of simple actions which will assist you in comparing the performance of this signal service with those of other similar products.

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Copyright Risk warning: Trading in financial instruments carries a high level of risk to your capital with the possibility of losing more than your initial investment. La negociación de instrumentos financieros puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores y sólo está dirigida a personas mayores de 18 años. Asegúrese de tener plena conciencia de los riesgos involucrados y, en caso necesario, de obtener asesoramiento financiero independiente. También debe leer nuestros materiales de aprendizaje y advertencias de riesgo.

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Обучающее видео по работе c терминалом MetaTrader 5

На цій сторінці представлені відеоролики, призначені для навчання торгівлі за допомогою сучасного фінансового програмного забезпечення - терміналу Meta Trader 5.

Meta Trader 5 - п'ята версія найпопулярнішої серед трейдерів усього світу програми інтернет-трейдингу на ринках Forex, CFD і Ф'ючерсів, а також на біржових ринках.

Ці відеоматеріали допоможуть Вам освоїти основні принципи торгівлі в терміналі MetaTrader 5, який по праву вважається одним із кращих інструментів для організації торгівлі на фінансових ринках.

За допомогою навчальних уроків Ви пройдете весь шлях починаючого трейдера: від установки торгівельної платформи MetaTrader 5 до використання різних інструментів терміналу та здійснення торгівельних операцій.

Навчальний урок дозволить Вам з легкістю встановити торгівельну платформу MetaTrader 5 на Вашому персональному комп'ютері. Крім того, це перший відео-урок, з якого Ви зможете розпочати свою історію на міжнародному валютному ринку Forex.

За допомогою цього уроку Ви зможете отримати більше інформації про налаштування параметрів торгівельної платформи. Також цей відеоролик дозволить Вам налаштувати роботу торгівельного терміналу MetaTrader 5 під Ваші звички та стиль торгівлі.

Навчальний урок присвячений роботі з вікном «Навігатор», яке дозволяє швидко отримати доступ до різних можливостей торгівельного терміналу MetaTrader 5. Використання вікна «Навігатор» полегшить та спростить Ваш трейдинг, забезпечивши швидкий доступ до всіх вкладок.

Інструменти: Торгівля та Історія

За допомогою цього навчального уроку Ви зможете отримати більше інформації про вкладки «Торгівля» та «Історія» багатофункціонального вікна «Інструменти». «Інструменти» - вікно, що містить кілька вкладок найрізноманітніших напрямків та призначення, використання якого дозволить Вам в режимі реального часу стежити за ситуацією на ринку, а також переглядати історію торгів про трейдинг та ринку в цілому.

Відеоматеріал, представлений на цьому уроці, присвячений графічним інструментам та їх ефективному використанню в торгівельному терміналі MetaTrader5. Торгівельний термінал MetaTrader5 пропонує використовувати як добре відомі графічні інструменти, так і зовсім нові. Це відео розповість про плюси і мінуси їх використання в трейдингу.

Налаштування робочого простору

Цей навчальний урок навчить Вас правильному налаштуванню робочого простору в торгівельному терміналі MetaTrader5. Завдяки цьому ролику Ви зможете максимально зручно та просто влаштувати робочий простір і тим самим покращити свою торгівлю на валютному ринку Форекс.

MetaTrader 4

IC Markets offers its clients the opportunity to trade on the award-winning MetaTrader 4 platform. It is undoubtedly the world’s most popular trading platform for forex traders due to its ease of use, feature rich environment and automated trading ability.

It has grown from a trading platform to a global community where trader’s demands are met by technology provider’s innovations. IC Markets has partnerships with many of these technology providers and is proud to offer you the next generation MetaTrader 4 platform, designed to take your trading to the next level.

IC Markets standard and True ECN account operate on the MetaTrader 4 trading platform.

Why is IC Markets MetaTrader 4 Platform Different?

True ECN Connectivity

IC Markets is able to offer market leading pricing and trading conditions through the MT4 platform by providing clients with True ECN Connectivity.

True ECN Connectivity allows you to trade on institutional grade liquidity from the world’s leading investment banks, hedge funds and dark pool liquidity execution venues. Executable Streaming Prices (ESP) are sent from IC Markets liquidity providers to our ECN environment where clients can trade with no dealing desk, price manipulation or re-quotes. Due to the diverse liquidity mix comprising of up to 50 different liquidity providers at any one time, IC Markets is the metatrader 4 forex broker of choice for high volume traders, scalpers and robots who demand the tightest spreads and best execution.

Spreads from 0.0 Pips

IC Markets expert advisors boasts some of the tightest spreads of all foreign exchange brokers globally. Spreads start at 0.0 pips on the MetaTrader 4 platform with the average on EURUSD being 0.1 pips 24/5. As per our expert advisors this is currently the tightest average EURUSD spread globally.

Our diverse liquidity mix from up to 50 different liquidity providers means that our experts or advisors are always able to source liquidity for our clients and keep our spreads tight, especially during high volatility times such as news announcements.

Level II Pricing – Market Depth

Depth of market shows the full range of executable prices coming directly from liquidity providers. Depth of market offers complete transparency of the liquidity of each currency pair by showing the available volumes for each price level at any given time. High liquidity, asynchronous spot prices and low latency guarantee the tightest possible spreads.

One Click Trading

IC Market’s One Click Trade Manager Software considerably enhances MetaTrader 4. Traders can buy or sell with a single click, execute complex pre-defined order templates with two clicks and manage trades in ways not previously possible on MetaTrader 4. The software offers fast and worry-free trade execution and management.

Ultra Fast Order Execution

The IC Markets MetaTrader 4 server is located in the Equinix NY4 data centre in New York. The NY4 data centre referred to as a financial ecosystem is home to over 600 buy and sell side firms, exchanges, trading venues, market data and service providers. This server is cross connected to our ECN to ensure ultra low latency and the fast execution of your trades.

The IC Markets MetaTrader 4 trade server has latency of less than 1 milli second to major VPS providers either collocated in the NY4 data centre or through dedicated lines to nearby data centres.

This low latency environment is ideal for automated and High Frequency Trading and scalping.

No Restrictions on Trading – Scalping Allowed

IC Markets MetaTrader 4 platform has no restrictions on trading. Our team of expert edvisors have some of the best trading conditions for scalping and high frequency trading globally, allowing traders to place orders between the spread as there is no minimum order distance and a freeze level of 0. This means orders including stop loss orders can be placed as close to the market price as you like.

Traders can also hedge positions as there is no first in first out (FIFO) rule with IC Markets. Traders do not pay margin on hedged trades and enjoy the benefits of margin netting.

64 Currencies & Metals + 15 CFDs

Trade 15 major equity indices including the FTSE 100 and Dow Jones Index 24 hours a day with a spread of 1 point. With S&P/ASX 200 spreads from 0.5 points.

Leverage up to 1:500

Accounts go up to 1:500 leverage on the IC Markets MT4 platform. Traders can use higher leverage to suit their trading style and get the best out of their manual and automated trading strategies.

All Major Account Currencies Supported

Open an account in one of 8 supported base currencies including: USD, AUD, EUR, GBP, SGD, NZD, JPY, CHF.

Flexible Funding and Withdrawal Options

Once you’ve opened your IC Markets MT4 account you can fund using one of our 8 funding options including: Credit/Debit card, Moneybookers, local bank transfer (transferring to a bank in your country), wire transfer, Webmoney, Bpay, broker to broker transfer and branch deposits.

Market leading spreads and low commissions

NY4 Hosted MT4 server

Leverage up to 1:500

Micro lot trading – Minimum lot size of 0.01

Flexible funding and withdrawing options

Trade against the market with no deal desk intervention

Save money every time you trade with our low costs

Enjoy the fastest ultra low latency execution possible

Chose a leverage to suit your strategy and trading style

Have greater control over your risk with micro lots

Move money in and out of your trading account with ease.

Risk Warning: Trading Derivatives carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with money you can afford to lose. Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary. A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) can be obtained either from this website or on request from our offices and should be considered before entering into a transaction with us. True ECN accounts offer spreads from 0.0 pips with a commission charge of AUD $3.50 per 100k traded. Standard account offer spreads from 1 pips with no additional commission charges. Spreads on CFD indices start at 0.4 points. The information on this site is not directed at residents in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. International Capital Markets holds an Australian financial services licence (AFSL) to carry on a financial services business in Australia, limited to the financial services covered by its AFSL. International Capital Markets Pty Ltd. ACN 123 289 109. AFSL No. 335692.

© 2017 International Capital Markets Pty Ltd | Todos los derechos reservados.


Sunbird FX offers its clients the easiest, most user friendly support and platforms by providing the best tools available to trade from anywhere, anytime with a variety of mobile devices. From Robots that trade for you, our exclusive Auto Copy system that lets the pros do the work for you, award-winning customer support and one-on-one training, Sunbird FX’s priority is to assist you in becoming the most successful trader you can to be.

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Derechos de autor

Forex and CFDs are leveraged products, incur a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Due to its speculative nature, forex trading may not be suitable for all investors. Only investors, who understand the economic and leg al risks associated with trading, are willing to assume such risks, and who have sufficient funds to bear losses which may exceed margin or deposits, should proceed to open an account with SunbirdFX. Antes de decidir negociar, asegúrese de comprender los riesgos involucrados y tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

*Forex/CFD trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.

Spring Empire Solutions Ltd, 35-37 Ludgate Hill, London, England, EC4M 7 JN. Spring Strategies Ltd, C&H Towers, corner of Great Marlborough and Great George St. Roseau, 00152, Commonwealth of Dominica.

Disclosure of Risk - Trading and the execution of financial transactions similar to those described and/or resulting from this agreement, with or without the use of high financial leverage, is speculative trading of high risk. You must carefully and seriously consider if this type of financial activity suits your needs, your financial resources and personal circumstances. As the risk of losing some, or all, of the invested funds in a relatively short period of time is high, it is recommended that you use only funds which you have earmarked for speculative, high risk financial transactions. In particular, be aware of the following points: High financial leverage in the trading of currency, commodities and other financial assets, is created based on collateral of a low sum relative to the total transaction. The results of trading with high financial leverage are that a small change in market prices, within a short period of time, may cause substantial gain or loss, proportional to the size of the collateral, up to the total loss of the collateral sum in a very short period of time. The fluctuation of the rates in the currency markets, commodities and financial derivatives are often sharp without the ability to forecast the size or direction of the change or the time frame in which it occurs. This warning does not cover all the possible risks connected with this type of transactions described and/or result from this agreement.

FXDD Now Offers Metatrader 5

New York, NY (PRWEB) July 22, 2010

FXDD, a leading online Forex broker, is now offering the Metatrader 5 software trading platform for practice (demo) accounts. To sign-up for an FXDD Metatrader 5 practice account, please visit http://www. fxdd. com/metatrader5

Metatrader 5 is the latest version of the Forex trading platform produced by MetaQuotes Software Corp and includes enhancements such as:

Increased performance and reliability.

New MQL5 programming language for automated trading which, according to MetaQuotes, expands the options available to algorithmic traders and significantly increases the speed of signal processing.

More types of entry orders.

Displays entire market exposure in a combined view.

We are very excited to offer Metatrader 5,” says Tom O’Reilly, Senior Vice-President of FXDD “Going back to Metatrader 3, we have found that the Metatrader platform enjoys worldwide acceptance as the platform of choice among Forex traders. FXDD has established a record of stability and reliability with our Metatrader. Unlike many other firms, we don’t use third party software to connect Metatrader to interbank liquidity. As a result, I believe we have had better performance with fewer interruptions. We look forward to building upon the success of our Metatrader 4 platform with the launching of Metatrader 5”

FXDD Metatrader 5 version is available now for practice (demo) trading and will be available for live trading shortly.

FXDD, a registered Foreign Exchange Dealer and member of the National Futures Association, headquartered in New York City, is a leader in online Forex trading dedicated to providing superior customer service, powerful trading technology, and reliable streaming liquidity. FXDD proporciona servicios a comerciantes individuales e institucionales, fondos de cobertura, entidades comerciales, empresas de corretaje y gerentes de dinero en todo el mundo. FXDD offers 24-hour Forex trading by way of its trading platforms, which include: Metatrader. FXDDTrader, PowerTrader and FXDDAuto. The Company’s services currently provide competitive interbank pricing, no-interest accounts, and fully-automated execution. FXDD also provides 100:1 leverage as well as competitive bid-to-ask spreads (2-3-wide on most majors).

For a free demo, please visit http://www. fxdd. com. or call toll-free in the U. S. at 1.866.FOR. FXDD.

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Trade Forex Trading

Options Settings on Tools Menu in MetaTrader 4 Platform

The options button is used for a variety of many different tasks on the MetaTrader 4. The options button is listed within the tools menu in the MT4 as shown below. The Shortcut keys for this - Ctrl+O .

MetaTrader 4 Options Settings

These are shown below; the list of various buttons are displayed as tabs as displayed on the image below. As a trader to edit anything on this window just click on any of these buttons and then change the settings.


The server settings for MetaTrader 4 are shown below. A trader can edit from this tab, but most of the times it is not necessary as these options are automatically preset to the brokers’ server settings by the broker and there is no need to re-adjust them. However, just for tutorial purposes, the Server will show the server of your broker and if it is a Demo or a Real Server. The account login and password will also be displayed below and as a trader you can change the password from this window for demo accounts, however be careful if you are changing passwords make sure to remember them.

Other options are, enable proxy server, this is not required, Keep personal data at startup, this is checked by default, that way the platform will automatically remember your login and password so that you do not have to type them every time you login to your platform. Enable DDE server is not required, Enable news is checked and you can receive real time news to your MT4 on the News options, located in the Terminal window, ( Shortcut Ctrl+T ).


The following are marked on the Charts Options

Show Trade Levels - These lines will show levels where orders were placed, it will also show levels where pending orders are placed. This will also show the Take Profit and Stop Loss levels. These trade levels lines appear as red broken lines marking these trade levels.

If there is no open transaction, no level will be shown; if many trades have been placed, multiple lines will be displayed for these levels.

Use Alt key to drag trade levels is not a very suitable option to use, because if you place many orders you may change the wrong order, therefore it is best to leave this as it is and not change it (Probability of this one losing you money is there so leave as it is)

Show OHCL - Show Opening, High, Closing and Low Prices for every candlestick

Show Ask Line - Show the Bid Price, (no need for this)

Show period separators - a separator will draw a line where the daily chart starts and ends, for example if you trade with 5 minutes, 15 minute or 1 Hour Charts the period separator will draw a vertical line when the market closes for each trading day. (4 Hour separator is Weekly, for Daily and Weekly separator is Monthly).

Color Print - To print in color and not black white which is set by default, use this option and then the next time you print it will be a colored print and not black and white.

Save deleted charts to reopen - Save all charts that are deleted and these can be accessed later at any time within.

Max bars in History, Max bars in Chart - To save computer resources RAM, Processor Speed and Hard disk Space, these bars stored are limited to a specific number that is optimum, it is best to use the default number selected.

Show properties after creation - immediately display indicator/line tool settings after it is placed on chart to facilitate editing of their properties.

Select Object after creation - an indicator/line tool can be selected by double clicking on it once it is drawn, to facilitate editing of its properties.

Select object by single mouse click - select an indicator/line tool using single mouse click not by double click, double clicking will show properties window of indicator/line tool

Magnet Sensitivity - immediately plot a line tool to the nearest low or high that is within 10 pixels of the point selected. This allows for lines drawn to more or less be placed on the levels that they are intended without much editing by aligning these lines to the nearest high or low of price.

Takes 4 to 6 weeks to open an account, open early or fast track: Read The Article "Account Opening Procedure"

Join 500,000 Traders, Start Trading With a Low Spreads Broker: Learn More About Spreads as Low as Zero


These are the default used by the platform to determine what currency pair you buy and what amount you buy.

Symbol by Default – Automatically set to the open chart which you have open

Size by default – Automatically use the last lot size, or set every trade to be default 1 lot or 2 lots or 1 mini lot or 2 mini lots by select the default button and then selecting the number of lots from the drop don list next to this option.

Deviation – Set the allowed number of pips that can move away when executing an order for example 2 pips, or zero pips if you want to specify to place trades at the exact level where you click.

One Click trading – Place trades buy or sell with one click. (Do not use this option as it is prone to mistakes and no time to correct, this option can lose you money.)

Expert Advisors

Expert Advisors window is shown below:

The following options are used:

Enable Expert Advisors - Allow for expert advisor to be placed on chart for automated execution purposes

Disable experts when accounts have been changed - login to a different account deactivates Expert Advisors

Disable Experts when profile has been change - When you change profiles the Expert advisors setting for allowing trading in the new profile is deactivated until you allow and manually place an EA on this newly opened chart.

Allow Live Trading - Give Permission to EA to open trades on the live currency exchange market.

( Ask Manual Confirmation - no needs for this if you are using Expert Advisors, leave this one as it is shown without checking it.)

Allow DLL imports - Dynamic Link Libraries, which are external, unless required this should be left unchecked. (External means these libraries are referenced from an external source outside your computer, so be careful with this one)

Confirm DLL functions calls - Exercise manual permission for every function call, either allow it or disallow it depending on your trade parameters.

Allow External Experts imports - This is used to allow your Expert Advisor to reference some data from another EA that is in another place, away from your computer, (External means these EAs are referenced from an external source outside your computer, so be careful with this option)


To receive notification to your mobile phone from your MT4 software, use the notifications option shown below. Not that you require to have a registration ID, from Metaquotes to start receiving these notifications sent to your phone via text messages.

Check the option, Enable Push Notifications, put your ID, press test and you should get a test notification text message. You require to first register for this ID, to do so, use the following window on your MT4 and follow the instruction you will get from this Notification window .

Email Settings

Most traders may not require this, but if your one of those that require, the setting can be placed below.

Lets use this company, that owns this website, www. tradeforextrading. com. click and check the button labeled “Enable” the respective mail settings are shown below and the SMTP setting is “SMTP: Port 465”, Select and put these as shown below. Click test and check your inbox to confirm you receive the message.

Takes 4 to 6 weeks to open an account, open early or fast track: Read The Article "Account Opening Procedure"

Join 500,000 Traders, Start Trading With a Low Spreads Broker: Learn More About Spreads as Low as Zero


Events in MetaTrader 4 are notifications, either sound notification, an email or SMS alert. The notifications can be set for different events such as timeout, connect, disconnect, news, Expert Advisor, EA confirmation, price level alert and requote alert.

The various types of alert actions that can be set for any event can be selected by double clicking on event action, pressing the drop down arrow and then selecting the alert action that you want from the drop down list shown below.

MQL5 Community

The MQL5 community is a community where traders can find others and Exchange Expert Advisors and Forex Signals with each other. Traders have to register to this community and can then access services from their platform directly. To get details on how to access and register in this community, login to your MetaTrader 4 software and go to the window shown below and follow the instructions.

Signals – MQL5 Signals

The signal settings are provided by MQL5. MQL5 is the owner of MetaTrader Software. The Signals service allows traders to adjust the following:

Signal - First Subscribe to a signal

Agree to Terms - Agree to the terms of using the signal service

Enable Real time signal subscription - allow real time transmission of trading signals to your platform.

Use Trusted Execution Token(TET) - Trusted execution token means you do not have to open your MetaTrader 4 on your computer to have signals executed, Trusted Execution Token will allow signals to be executed even if your MT4 is not started on your computer.

Copy Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels - Copy these levels from the signal provider automatically.

Use no more than - Option for money management, set an amount of 10% for aggressive traders and 5% for non aggressive traders, that way you limit your risk capital in your account.

Stop if equity is less than - Set a percent to calculate this level for example if your equity is $10,000 then use 70%, that is $7,000 and set this amount; if the signal makes a loss up to this point the signal execution is stopped.

Deviation/Slippage - you can set a value like 2 so as to give some flexibility in case of slippage of a few pips here and there when executing trades with your broker, especially if your broker is one of those that requotes you. (Get an STP Broker with No-Requotes Policy to guarantee execution of your trades and avoid these slippages).

Takes 4 to 6 weeks to open an account, open early or fast track: Read The Article "Account Opening Procedure"

Join 500,000 Traders, Trade with a Regulated Broker with Spreads as Low as Zero: Read The Article "Regulated Broker"

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ECB is currently focused to improve Inflation data at every cost and has launched QE to support it as well, as oil prices are gone up. Second big challenge is to come to solution of Greek debt. Report in May showed stability in inflation figures, mainly due to oil prices.

Daily Trading Outlook of EURUSD GBPUSD USDJPY Sentiment Status; During Wednesday’s NY session we saw USD sentiment turn negative partly on the back of poor US Non-Manufacturing PMI which showed the lowest since April 2017. ECB President Mario Draghi reinforced the ECB ‘s commitment to its QE program and said the recovery is on track.

Daily Trading Outlook of EURUSD GBPUSD USDJPY EURUSD Daily – Update Fundamental Status; The USD is still and remains the strongest currency in the longer run. The recent CPI data has reaffirmed USD strength amid speculation of a rate hike by September. NFP will be vitally important to determine impact on the Forex markets

EURUSD Daily – Update Fundamental Analyses Please look at the economic data of Euro Zone (Figure 1), Consumer Price Index is of major focus to European Central Bank and It has been a big challenge to control falling index as shown in Figure 2. At last the figures have been changed from negative to positive. (Updated – EURUSD & USDJPY Outlook added) GBPUSD Weekly Analyses – Update Fundamental Analyses; Inflation data report in May showed improvement in inflation figures that is primary target of BOE, as figures came positive after a long time, so there developed an expectation that Sterling is recovering

Fibonacci is used by most of the Big Institutes, Hedge Funds & Banks. You will Learn How to Trade Fibonacci Retracement Levels and using Fibonacci ratios in trading. The ratios arise from the following number series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144… This series of numbers is derived by starting with 0 followed by 1 and then adding 0 + 1 to get 1, the third number.

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Introduction to pin bars In this section you will learn what the pin bar is and How to Trade PinBar. Looking at below figure, we can see what a completed PinBar looks like. See these PinBars are telling you about where the price is going. We want a nice long nose when we see a PinBar. We trade

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How To Trade The Parabolic SAR in MT4

By Shaun Overton on Jul 14, 2017 08:33:58 GMT

Hi, this is Shaun Overton with ForexNews. com and OneStepRemoved. com. In this 3 minute video, I’m going to introduce you to the Parabolic SAR indicator for MetaTrader 4. If you don’t already have a demo account, you can follow along for free with an OANDA account by clicking the link below this video.

The Parabolic SAR is far and away the most popular indicator that doesn’t use lines on the chart. It’s used by range traders and trend traders alike, although it’s widely used by trend traders. The indicator provides long term opportunities by spotting entry and exit signals.

The Parabolic SAR starts with a dot underneath the price. The longer that the dot remains underneath the price, the dots move exponentially races to catch up with the individual bar lows formed in the market.

If the Parabolic SAR started only 5 bars ago, the rate of change between the dots is very small. But as you get 20-30 bars into an opportunity, as you see here, the space between each successive dot increases rapidly. It’s like the PSAR is saying this trend has got to end soon. It’s waiting for the final bit of confirmation to flip direction.

The dots on this chart are either above the price or below the price. When they start below the price, the moment that they flip is when this low touches the dot formed on the last bar. At the precise moment when the bar’s low touches the PSAR value on the last bar, the dot flips.

The dot is now above the price. That is a valid sell signal. The sell signals work in the opposite way to the long signals. You’re waiting for a bar high to touch the dot and create a new buy signal.

The indicator gives you an always in the market reading, either long or short. All of the signals alternate purely back and forth between buy and sell signals.

The way to use this in a trending strategy is as basic as the indicator. Buy when the dot flips below the price. Sell when the dot flips above the price.

The best Parabolic SAR strategy that I’ve seen historically is the GBPJPY H4 chart. That currency pair is prone enough to trends to generate signals with substantial volatility. But, the four hour time frame is short enough that it’s able to exit trades, both good ones and bad ones, in relatively short order.

You do give up substantial ranges on profitable trend trades by waiting for the dots to catch up. There’s not much that can be done about that except by playing with the PSAR acceleration values. You can do that by left clicking on the chart and choosing indicators, then Parabolic SAR. The inputs window shows the step and acceleration, which you can play with to suit your trading style.

Click the link below the video if you’d like to try the Parabolic SAR and need a free demo account for MetaTrader. That will take you straight to OANDA’s site where you can get one immediately.

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Important Notice.

We can supply custom-made, fine-tuned robots as well as signals for live Forex trading with practically any Forex Broker in the world. If you maintain live Forex trading account with MB Trading, Institutional Liquidity, Alpari, FXCM, AxiTrader-USA or AxiTrader-Australia, we can have your robot ready within 24-48hrs - as we already possess ready programming parameters for robots to be used with these Brokers. Please first contact us before you place order for any robot or signals. To see how our robots trade a live Forex account, please go to: http://www.

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Risk Management: Use a maximum risk exposure of 7.5% (of Account Free Margin) per position at 1:50 maximum leverage; this is the default figure used in our robot. If your account leverage is more than 1:50, please use following equation to determine maximum risk exposure: 50/Your Account Leverage * 7.5%. For example, if your account leverage is 1:100, you should use the risk exposure value: 50/100 * 7.5% = 3.75%.

Signal Subscription / Connection / Delivery: Option #1: You can subscribe here on our website at US$10/month/pair and get connection/delivery via Twitter (for manual usage) or via EA (Expert Advisor) bridge for automatic execution on your trading account. To subscribe via our website, please use the Perfect Money payment button or Payment Instructions Request form below. We shall commence delivery of signals within three business days from payment date. Ongoing support is available for each order. Option #2: You can subscribe via MT4 trading terminal at US$20/month/pair. Please look for applicable signal name on MT4 trading terminal. You will have immediate signal connection on MT4 trading terminal.

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If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

EURJPY Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see backtest performance screenshot, please click here . + To download detailed backtest report from July 2017 till January 2017, please click here . + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

AUDUSD Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see backtest performance screenshot, please click here . + To download detailed backtest report from July 2017 till January 2017, please click here . + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

GBPJPY Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

EURUSD Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

USDCHF Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see backtest performance screenshot, please click here . + To download detailed backtest report from July 2017 till January 2017, please click here . + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

USDJPY Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see backtest performance screenshot, please click here . + To download detailed backtest report from July 2017 till January 2017, please click here . + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

GBPUSD Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see backtest performance screenshot, please click here . + To download detailed backtest report from July 2017 till January 2017, please click here . + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

USDCAD Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see backtest performance screenshot, please click here . + To download detailed backtest report from July 2017 till January 2017, please click here . + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

EURAUD Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see backtest performance screenshot, please click here . + To download detailed backtest report from July 2017 till January 2017, please click here . + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

EURCHF Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

EURGBP Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account.

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

GBPCHF Automatic Trading Signals Important Notice. Signal currently unavailable on MT4/5 terminal. Please first contact us if you need this signal. Subscription Fee: US$10.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$20.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

Twelve Majors Automatic Trading Signals Subscription Fee: US$50.00/month with subscription/payment from our website. Subscription Fee: US$100.00/month with subscription/payment on MT4 terminal. + The signals are fully customized for trading a real Forex account. + To see real-time signal performance and/or subscribe via MT4 terminal, please click here .

If you cannot pay with Perfect Money, please see other payment options below.

Attention. Payment Options:

Payment with Perfect Money: + Please note that you should first set up and fund your account with Perfect Money before you can automatically pay for your order with Perfect Money. + If you do not already have an account with Perfect Money and would like to set up one now, please click here . + To view Perfect Money Terms of Use, please click here . + You can fund your Perfect Money account using PAYEERВ® global instant currency exchange service through which you can make instant currency exchange and payment using your credit or debit card (VISA, MasterCard, Maestro) as well as by e-currency (many options), international wire transfer, SEPA payment, etc. Please click on below PAYEERВ® banner to proceed.

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D. Harris (for EForexsignaling. com)

MT4 Tips and Tricks: Making MetaTrader 4 Trading and Analysis Easier

Despite the release of MetaTrader 5, many of us still use MetaTrader 4 (MT4)… and will likely continue to do so for some time as many brokers are slow to switch over the new platform. Having used MetaTrader 4 for a number of years I still continue to learn new ways to use the software, making it easier trade and analyze markets. Here are some of the most beneficial, and less-well-known, MT4 tips and tricks I have found over the last few years.

Navigating Charts – MT4 Tips and Tricks

-Roll your mouse wheel up or down to move forward or back in time.

& # 8211; Page Up or Page Down keys will advance the entire screen forward or back in time.

-Hit End to move to the most recent price bar on your chart.

& # 8211; F12 to move forward in time one bar at time while looking at historical data (useful for strategy development and learning to read the market).

-Place your cursor on the vertical scale (price) and if you click you can move up and down, compressing or expanding the price data shown (good for seeing a target or price outside the current range of the chart).

-Place you cursor on the horizontal scale (time) and if you click you can move left or right, zooming in or zooming out the chart (similar to click the + or – buttons or keys).

-Double click on the chart to revert to the original scale if you you have made either of the two alterations above.

-Go directly to a specific time to date by hitting Enter and then inputting the date in the following format: DD. MM. YY (day month year) followed by HH. MM (hour minute) if you want a specific time of that day.

Measure Distances – MT4 Tips and Tricks

Ever wondering how long (pips or bars) the last wave of a trend was, or how many pips to where you want to put a stop or profit target? Or how many bars there are in each trend cycle?

There is a “ruler” function in MetaTrader 4 trading software which allows you to easily measure one point on a chart to another. A very handy MT4 Tip indeed.

-Click your mousewheel to bring up the crosshairs (no mousewheel, hit Ctrl-F to bring up the crosshairs). Then hold down the left mouse button from a particular point and drag the cursor to another point to measure the distance.

The MT4 ruler appears and provides three pieces of data along with it.

The first piece of data is the number of bars between the origin and second price point.

The next number tells you how many pips from the first point to the second. Since most brokers offer fractional pip pricing a reading of 61 means 6.1 pips. 125 means 12.5.

The next number is the price your cursor is currently at.

Here is a sample screenshot of the MT4 ruler:

MT4 Ruler Function

The chart above is a GBPUSD daily chart, showing the ruler extends 16 bars to the right of the origin; the end point of the ruler is 732.3 pips from the origin and end point of the ruler is located at 1.61568.

Drawing Tools – MT4 Tips and Tricks

-Select a trendline then hold down the Ctrl + left-click on a line to create a parallel line. Useful for drawing channels.

-Duplicate any object by selecting it and then hitting Ctrl+left-click. This is very useful and can save time, as you don’t need to go into the menus to re-create certain drawing objects (such as Fibonacci Expansion). Often the duplicated object will appear right on top of the former object. Click on the object to move it and you will see there are now two.

-Double click on an object to edit its properties.

Add One Indicator to Another – MT4 Tips and Tricks

“Compounding” can be an awesome tool. Ever wanted to add a moving average to an RSI (potential trade signals)? Or Bollinger Bands to an ATR (can show when volatility is unsustainable or due for an increase)? This can be done, and you can add all sorts of indicators to one another.

Add your first indicator to your chart in the usual fashion. This is the indicator you want to add to. For example, if you want a moving average applied to an RSI, add the RSI first.

Next, open the Navigator window ( Ctrl-N).

Find the indicator you want to add to the other indicator from the Indicators drop down list. Then DRAG it onto the indicator on your chart.

A properties window automatically pops up. Change the following setting to Apply to: First Indicator’s Data. This will apply the moving average (or other indicator) to the RSI (or other indicator).

Add one indicator to another

The chart above shows the end result of adding a moving average (20) to a RSI (14) on a EURUSD daily chart.

HotKeys – MT4 Tips and Tricks

Below are the standard Hotkeys in MetaTrader 4. To add other hotkeys to indicators, scripts or experts go to the Navigator window (Ctrl-N) and right clicking on almost anything. A pop-up menu appears with the option to “Set hotkey”. Click this option and a list of available features you can apply hotkeys to will appear.

Here are the default hotkeys in MT4:

Left arrow — scroll left

Right arrow — scroll right

Up arrow — quickly scroll left, or scroll upwards if chart is scaled

Down arrow — quickly scroll right, or scroll downwards if chart is scaled

Numpad 5 — restores vertical scale to default.

Page Up — scroll a whole screen to the left

Page Down — scroll a whole screen to the right;

Home — move the chart to a starting point

End — move the chart to most recent point

“ – ” (minus sign) – zoom out

“ + ” (plus sign) – zoom in

Delete — delete all selected objects

Backspace — delete most recently added object

Enter — open the box to enter a specific time or date for viewing

Esc — close any dialog window

F1 — open the Userguide

F2 — open the History Center window

F3 — open the Global Variables”window

F4 — open MetaEditor

F5 — switch to the next profile

F6 — call the “Tester” dialog window for testing the expert attached to the chart window

F7 — call the properties dialog window of the expert attached to their chart window, in order to change its settings

F8 — call the chart setup dialog window, allowing basic chart parameters, colors, etc to be changed

F9 — call the “New Order” window, allowing the entry of market, limit, stop orders

F10 — open the “Popup prices” ventana

F11 — enable/disable full screen mode

F12 — scroll one bar to the left

Shift+F12 — scroll one bar to the right

Shift+F5 — switch to the previous profile

Alt+1 — display the chart as OHLC bars

Alt+2 — display the chart as OHLC candlesticks

Alt+3 — display the chart as a line

Alt+A — copy all test/optimization results onto the clipboard

Alt+W — call the chart management window

Alt+F4 — exit the program

Ctrl+A — arrange all indicator window heights by default

Ctrl+B — call the “Objects List” dialog window

Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert — copy to the clipboard

Ctrl+D — open/close the Data Window

Ctrl+E — enable/disable the attached expert advisor

Ctrl+F — switch to Crosshair mode

Ctrl+G — show/hide the vertical/horizontal grid

Ctrl+H — show/hide the OHLC line

Ctrl+I — call the Indicators List dialog window

Ctrl+L — show/hide volume data on the main chart

Ctrl+M — open/close the Market Watch window

Ctrl+N — open/close the Navigator window

Ctrl+O — open the Setup window

Ctrl+P — print the chart

Ctrl+R — open/close the “Tester” ventana

Ctrl+S — save the chart prices to file extensions: “CSV”, “PRN” or “HTM”

Ctrl+T — open/close the Terminal window

Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 — close the chart window that’s currently in focus

Ctrl+Y — show/hide date (period) separators

Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace — undo object deletions in the reverse order they occurred

Ctrl+F6 — switch to the next chart window

Ctrl+F9 — open the “Terminal — Trade” window and switch the focus into it, allowing trading operations to be entered via the keyboard.

MT4 Tips and Tricks – Comments and Questions

If you have any other MT4 Tips or Tricks please share them. If you have questions, leave a comment.

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